Birthday Werewolf

I had already explained why I voted for Kathy. I didn't read back and already stated my role. It would be a loss to get rid of another villager.
Though my participation has been minimal at best. Can't blame work this time but gaming. So it actually wouldn't be a huge loss...

My vote will be withheld until I can go back and read thoroughly on who stands out the most.
Good job Bodyguard xD

Right now my suspicions lead towards another who voted to lynch me before I'd even logged online cause she 'didn't know who it was' :r

You know I'm not a Wolf given I just helped to lynch the last one, but I think it could be Charlotte Owen. She too seems to be laying very low :shifty:
Ainsley Lynch said:
Spirits had never been lower and fears had never been higher in the once-cheerful village. Having lost far too many of their own, doors were locked and windows bolted long before the wolves took to the streets under the light of the moon. Creeping through the town, they had to resort to breaking a window to chase their prey.

Unfortunately for Charlotte Owens, the sound of glass shattering woke her up much too late.

The rest of the townsfolk awoke early the next morning with dread in their hearts, terrified to discover who they had lost this night. It wasn't long before they realised the face that was missing, Charlotte, a well known and much beloved Villager lost to the wolves. Grim resolve in their eyes, the townsfolk knew what they had to do. The wolves had to be stopped.

<COLOR color="#000">

You have 24 hours to decide who, if anyone, to lynch.

Laying so low, she's underground :p
Amber Chou Wilson said:
Ainsley Lynch said:
Spirits had never been lower and fears had never been higher in the once-cheerful village. Having lost far too many of their own, doors were locked and windows bolted long before the wolves took to the streets under the light of the moon. Creeping through the town, they had to resort to breaking a window to chase their prey.

Unfortunately for Charlotte Owens, the sound of glass shattering woke her up much too late.

The rest of the townsfolk awoke early the next morning with dread in their hearts, terrified to discover who they had lost this night. It wasn't long before they realised the face that was missing, Charlotte, a well known and much beloved Villager lost to the wolves. Grim resolve in their eyes, the townsfolk knew what they had to do. The wolves had to be stopped.

<COLOR color="#000">

You have 24 hours to decide who, if anyone, to lynch.

Laying so low, she's underground :p

Omg xD my bad

In that case I vote for no one yet :r

-hides in shame-
xD it happens! I'm glad I'm not the only one who missed things
Once again, HNZing from bed ? I've been somewhat inactive the last two days; I had two ten hour shifts but I'll read back through today and reply later after work
Thank you bodyguard :hug:

That's funny :r I'm suspicious of Daphne for being suspicious of literally everyone. My theory is that you're a wolf, and one of those three names you gave (Kaitlyn, Alex, and Maia) is a wolf that you're including in your suspicions so that if you die, they'll still be safe.

I don't suspect Kaitlyn; she was the second person to vote to lynch Anna that day, and included the pretty rational point that Cyndi was probably trying to protect herself by voting for Anna but not outing herself as the seer - til Zach came along. She could have been sacrificing Anna to make herself look innocent, but she had no real reason to do that at that point in time. Anna also was the first person to randomly vote for Kaitlyn on one of the earlier days, and again, though they could just have been trying to clear suspicion, it seems waay to early to start bothering to do that.

Alex voted for Daphne yesterday, so I think that's probably why you included her in your list - not to mention how strange a reason this is for suspecting somebody:
Daphne said:
What especially comes to mind is Alex saying Jesse was likely the seer before being a ghost because 'he always gets important roles', despite the fact that this is totally random.
Maia has always been a hmmh one for me. She voted for Kathy and Zach, but not for Anna; in fact, she was lying very low that day and didn't bother to comment much at all. She's theorised throughout the game, tried to sway attention, etc. but never once pointed an accusatory finger, which is a little toooo diplomatic in my opinion :r

Right now I vote to lynch Amber Chou Wilson, unless anybody has other leads!!

Edit: Amazing, I wrote this entire post without realising there was a page 11 =))
I've just been naming things that stood out to me, and confusing people about the ghost's role and the odds that their one letter posts actually mean anything sounds like something wolves could be doing to cause confusion. I know it's a bit far-fetched but that's just how I looked at it.

I named three (sort of four) people I'm suspicious of, and there are three more wolves (if I counted correctly), so it's not an outlandish number I think?
Isn't it true that Jesse gets the important roles? I've only given my insight of what I've observe the past games. Just like Sally have always been a Villager. And I'm with Claire on this, maybe Daph's getting everyone who voted for her :glare:
Claire voted for me first last time if I remember correctly and I don't suspect her, I included Alex because re-reading the thread made me feel suspicious of her. No other reason.

I'm actually going to withdraw my vote for Daphne, for now. Maybe I'm being rash :erm:

On the other hand, I'm clueless as to who else it could be. Everybody's behaviour can look suspicious in one way or another :cry:
I don't think it's Daphne. Knowing her I think if she were a Wolf she would go quiet rather than attract more attention with her logic, unless of course it's a double bluff ;)

What reasons do we have to not suspect James Adams?
[li]Professor Justin Cliffeton - SORCERESS</LI>
[li]Geo Volt
[li]Teagan Maxwell
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Chyou Jin Howard - VILLAGER
[li]Stefan Archer - HUNTER
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]James Cade - MAYOR
[li]Charlotte Owens- VILLAGER
[li]Aurora Night- VILLAGER
[li]Samuel Phillips - DIRE WOLF
[li]Professor Katherine Alicastell - GHOST (maybe another role too?)
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]James Adams
[li]Evelyn Manning
[li]Professor Patricia Styx
[li]Professor Cyndi Kingsley - SEER
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
<LI>[li]Sara Moon[/li][/ol]

Phoebe: not sure. Anna was trying to steer us towards the quieter people (she told us we ought to be suspecting them in one of her posts), which would lead me to believe that either all the wolves are people who have at least spoken a couple of times or who are actively participating, or that maybe only one of the wolves is being quiet.

But I don't know
Okay, so back home now. My only explanation fro why I was lying low on the day that we got Anna, was because I was in work from 8am to 6pm, and when I got home I was wrecked, I posted a reply I'd written the night before and promptly fell asleep in front of the laptop, Mam woke me and sent me to bed.

To be honest, I'm quite at a loss as to who to vote for today. I know I'm on Daphne's list, but I don't see the point in the ghost if we don't at least try to figure out if they are trying to give us clues. that said, she makes a good point about Kaitlyn, and Annaleise voting for her, because it would make sense for a wolf to try and throw us off someone else's scent by voting for them. I also think it's odd to be still voting over 'who voted for you' ideas, because we're too far into the game for that to be a viable option. As such, I'm slightly suspicious of Geovanna Volt. I'm not too sure about the whole Anns steering us toward the quiet people thing; I think it makes sense, but I'm not sure whether it was a sort of opt-out idea? If she said "Go for the quiet people" I think maybe it was because people don't tend to vote for the quiet people, and she might be trying to protect people.
With that in mind, have Professor Wren Louise or Evelyn Manning posted at all in the past few days? I'm going to withhold my vote for now, I want to see what everybody else thinks before making up my mind.

Edited: because I had maaannny typos
Sara Moon said:
As such, I'm slightly suspicious of Geovanna Volt.
I just lynched a Wolf.. how is it me?
Wow, I clearly did not read back clearly enough xD

Sorry, I'm still tired x_x
Also with James, he didn't join the bandwagon for Lynching Samuel while we all had good reason to. Plus he mentioned he is going to be quiet from the game as he's busy (too coincidental?) Which makes him lie low (But not too low this time >>) I vote James Adams
James Adams said:
There seems to be a fair amount of bandwagoning going on here - I don't recall exactly who voted for who, but scrolling one post up shows that Pat comes along from nowhere and votes straight for Anna. Again, I'm not sure whether that's wolf bandwagoning or not, but it might be something to consider.
Hmm... James did say this on page 7 after Pat voted for Anna (also, can we take that as Pat not being a wolf? Maybe?)

And also, OK, so I take Daphne off my suspicion list for now, because I think Phoebe has a good point. I think she'd by lying waaay lower if she were a wolf =)) and besides, she did vote for Anna eventually. Could have been a sacrifice, but let's go with the idea that it's not, for now.
James is one of the people I have a bad feeling about, so I'm going along with Phoebe for now and voting for James
Teagan Maxwell said:
Isn't it true that Jesse gets the important roles? I've only given my insight of what I've observe the past games. Just like Sally have always been a Villager.
I used a random number generator to assign roles, previous games have no bearing whatsoever on this one. All roles were distributed entirely randomly.
Thinking over it, I do think the whole Anna voting for Kaitlyn thing is a bit suss since nobody else had (if I'm remembering correctly, and we know from my last post that I'm not good at that ?) If she we're trying by to save herself or set someone else up I don't think she'd have gone for someone nobody else had targeted really et. Also, Kaitlyns been active but not incredibly so, so she didn't fall into annas bracket of people to target. I vote to lynch professor Kalif Styx. And with that I'm off to bed! I'll see what's happened in the morning!
Sara Moon said:
Thinking over it, I do think the whole Anna voting for Kaitlyn thing is a bit suss since nobody else had (if I'm remembering correctly, and we know from my last post that I'm not good at that ?) If she we're trying by to save herself or set someone else up I don't think she'd have gone for someone nobody else had targeted really et. Also, Kaitlyns been active but not incredibly so, so she didn't fall into annas bracket of people to target. I vote to lynch professor Kalif Styx. And with that I'm off to bed! I'll see what's happened in the morning!
Why does Anna, a wolf, voting for Kaitlyn make Kaitlyn suspicious? I was saying that it makes Kaitlyn not-suspicious.

Alsoo, this seems a little like attempting to divert the attention away from James. :glare:

I vote to lynch James Adams
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
James Adams said:
There seems to be a fair amount of bandwagoning going on here - I don't recall exactly who voted for who, but scrolling one post up shows that Pat comes along from nowhere and votes straight for Anna. Again, I'm not sure whether that's wolf bandwagoning or not, but it might be something to consider.
Hmm... James did say this on page 7 after Pat voted for Anna (also, can we take that as Pat not being a wolf? Maybe?)
Perhaps you should notice the distinct lack of gif usage while I was off for a few days :r

Also I'm not sure who to vote for right now, I might come back to it
Geovanna Volt said:
Also with James, he didn't join the bandwagon for Lynching Samuel while we all had good reason to. Plus he mentioned he is going to be quiet from the game as he's busy (too coincidental?) Which makes him lie low (But not too low this time >>) I vote James Adams

I guess it's illegal to be busy now a days? I actually wanted to defend Phoebe the first time she was getting voted out because I know she's out on some vacation but now I'm actually suspecting her :glare: but then again there's still ten people in the game. And where the heck is Jaime? laying very low? even though she's always online? Maybe this time the people that are talkative are the werewolves. The ones that had been very defensive ... and for that I vote to lynch Amber Chou Wilson ...

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