Birthday Werewolf

Surviving players:
[li]Teagan Maxwell</LI>
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Evelyn Manning
<LI>[li]Professor Patricia Styx[/li][/ol]

Remaining roles:

2 Villagers

1 Werewolf

(I'm 90% sure this is all right but I'm on mobile so I couldn't go back and double check sorry :S)
Time to claim roles?

Pat claimed spell caster
I'm a villager
Alex claimed villager too
Does anyone else claim villager?

At this point I vote to lynch Teagan Maxwell because I'm pretty sure she only voted for Maia to try to look innocent
Looks like Jesse wanted to vote for Teagan, too.

I'm the last villager (or the Diseased, but I'm not sure if they tell you that you're Diseased so I could be that), so I vote for Teagan Maxwell :)

-only turns up in the last phase to be useful-
This is what I'm talking about. Bandwagon is a bad idea and I just did that but what did I get? Everyone got suspicious of me. I'm a villager, I already claimed that on Monday. The only person who hasn't claimed a roll is Jaime who's very absent on this game now. So, for that, I vote to lynch Evelyn Manning but who cares, you know. An innocent villager will be killed tonight in less than an hour and a half.
With so many among them lost, having suffered weeks and weeks of farewelling dear friends by the wolves hands and by their own, the village was beyond ready for this ordeal to end. Looking back on the past with new eyes, they felt sure in their convictions. The watch for suspicious behaviour led them to Teagan Maxwell's door, the final Werewolf putting up a frantic fight as she, too, was dragged to the gallows.

They had lost so many, friends and loved ones, but at last the village was truly free and safe.

The anniversary celebrations felt like they came from another life, a time of joy before all this darkness, but what better time than this to rejoyce? Picking up discarded party hats and re-hanging fallen streamers, the remaining villagers gathered in the town square to eat and drink and be merry, to raise glasses to lost friends and look forward to a safe future at last.


Thank you all for playing this special Birthday round of Werewolf!

Samuel PhillipsDire Wolf
Teagan MaxwellWerewolf
James AdamsWerewolf
Sara MoonWerewolf
Professor Justin CliffetonSorceress
Professor Cyndi KingsleySeer
Geovanna VoltBodyguard
James CadeMayor
Professor Patricia StyxSpellcaster
Evelyn ManningDiseased
Stefan ArcherHunter
Professor Katherine AlicastellVillager/Ghost
Professor Monty PendletonVillager/Dire Wolf's Favoured
Chyou Jin HowardVillager
Amber Chou WilsonVillager
Charlotte OwensVillager
Aurora NightVillager
Professor Wren LouiseVillager
Professor Kalif StyxVillager
[th colspan="2"]Roles[/th]

WOW, this was a lot of fun to run! BOY those ties early on were stressful though :lol: Thanks so much for letting me run, I had a blast, and I hope asides from a little initial confusion the new roles were easy to understand. I'm especially happy with the Spellcaster, even though their abilities were only used a few times I was really hoping it would wind up both funny and frustrating and I feel like it was a complete success :D

I'm also really happy with how this version of the Ghost turned out. I included it because I always feel awful for the first person out, who doesn't get to play at all, and initially I was worried it was such a small role that whoever got it would just ditch out of the game anyway (which would be fair enough) but I think Jesse played it really well.
A couple of early thoughts I had on how I would tweak it in future were to either give them the name of one person on the other team to try and guide the village to (keeping in mind the chance that they could be the spellcaster and thus working for the wolves) or allowing one full word per day, but I think it worked out really well as is, and I don't think either of those tweaks would actually be necessary. (Curious to hear your thoughts Jesse!)

I took roles direct from the set of the card game I have (tweaked Spellcaster and Ghost a little to work on a forum but the rest were completely intact) and there were a couple of other fun ones I considered but decided not to include (The Witch role in my copy of the game has the power one night per game to either revive one dead player OR just instantly kill one player of their choice, which I think could be really nifty) so I already have plenty of fun ideas if I ever run again :lol:

Thanks again for playing, this went really well and was a ton of fun! If anyone has any thoughts about the roles/how the game went down I'd really love to hear them! Thanks everyone :hug:
I had a lot of fun being the Ghost, it was fantastic being able to participate post-death, even with only a letter a day. xD
At first I was like "well damn it's going to take me like five day phases to spell out a name.", but I think I got the hang of getting what I wanted across pretty quickly.
The tweaks do sound cool, particularly with getting the name of an opposing team member, but it works really well as it is. It's an enjoyable challenge :p
And I love that you used roles from the card set :wub:

I gave you wolves one job & you messed it up :glare:

Good job Villagers! Until next time :r
Every time I chicken out of signing up for this game and just watch the game progress, I get so frustrated not being able to give my input xD But it was entertaining!

If I recall correctly I think Phoebe had not been online prior to Cyndi's death so she hadn't been doing her job. I knew the Bodyguard was Phoebe as soon as the bodyguard actually saved someone the same night she had finally come online lol

Also, Jesse did you spell out YMCA to prove that you were a Villager? :lol:
The first Y was me being like "why did you do this D:" and then with nothing to go on I continued it from there until something came up. Though I was really suss on Anna by the time I reached the A so I tried to double it as finishing the phrase while giving it Samuels shopkeeper colour and hoped people got what I was saying xD
Bethany Zanders said:
If I recall correctly I think Phoebe had not been online prior to Cyndi's death so she hadn't been doing her job. I knew the Bodyguard was Phoebe as soon as the bodyguard actually saved someone the same night she had finally come online lol
She was one of the first people I Saw, so I knew I had to push to keep her from being lynched. Doing it without outing myself was quite the dilemma. xD Not that it helped me! She came back the day I was outed and didn't save me! :(

Spellcaster was easily my favorite part. :cool:
Tying equaling no death was my least favorite bit. I like the drama of forcing the village's hand, I suppose. :p
Spellcaster was definitely one of the best parts of the game, for sure =))
Wow, this game was pretty entertaining :p The gifs just kept on giving (gifing? :r ) throughout the game so that was definitely something good! As a wolf, I'm still undecided on whether tying the votes is a good thing in this game - we saved our own skin a few times, but we could also have won had we got enough village lynchings.

To be honest, I was quite surprised more people didn't pick up on Jesse earlier. Perhaps it was just my superior wolf knowledge meaning it all made sense to me, but the whole 'colour and first letter' thing made it kind of obvious I though?

Cyndi: I thought you played the seer really well. As a wolf I had no idea until Zach came along and told us all (and thanks Zach for being active enough to get your message across before being lynched!).

Sorry Zach :r I do wonder whether one of us should have remained less active because people like KR and Kaye survived until the end (or at least, Kaye would have had we not eaten her :r ).
What a game :woot: I'm sorry to Kathy and Cyndi for being so completely wrong about you guys at the start xD I totally get how it made me really suspicious but I'm glad we managed to turn it around.

I really liked the ghost role, and while I think it would be fun to have the ghost actually know something, Jesse's way of making the letter a certain color does quickly make it clear what he means. This might mean that the ghost only needs to post once to make it clear what they know . Though, I suppose the ghost could be a bad guy which is interesting...

The gifs were fun, I was almost sad I wasn't silenced :p
Ooofa doofa this is gonna be a monster reply and I apologise in advance!
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
I had a lot of fun being the Ghost, it was fantastic being able to participate post-death, even with only a letter a day. xD
At first I was like "well damn it's going to take me like five day phases to spell out a name.", but I think I got the hang of getting what I wanted across pretty quickly.
The tweaks do sound cool, particularly with getting the name of an opposing team member, but it works really well as it is. It's an enjoyable challenge :p
And I love that you used roles from the card set :wub:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was worried the role would be boring, but you did really really well with it!

And yesss, I love the card game a lot (I was able to get a deluxe set on the cheap shortly after the last time I played on here) and it was really fun to organise roles for such a large game :D
Bethany Zanders said:
Every time I chicken out of signing up for this game and just watch the game progress, I get so frustrated not being able to give my input xD But it was entertaining!
Ohhhh my god not being able to comment at all is TEN TIMES more frustrating when you actually know what's going on hahha... as soon as she was out Kathy bore the brunt of my Extreme Yelling. (Jasmine had been my Yell Friend until then but she wasn't following the game at all so I felt bad venting to her so much haha) You should definitely play next time though! It can be stressful, but it's also tons of fun, and if you don't feel up to commenting all the time there's no real pressure to :) I definitely definitely get the hesitance (I probably wouldn't have signed up last time I played if Daph wasn't playing too cause I'm shy as hell) but the game is really fun!
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Tying equaling no death was my least favorite bit. I like the drama of forcing the village's hand, I suppose. :p
I definitely feel this, and I'd probably go with Zach's random number generator suggestion if I was to run again. Though I do like the village having the option to lynch nobody, even if it adds to frustration levels :lol:
James Adams said:
To be honest, I was quite surprised more people didn't pick up on Jesse earlier. Perhaps it was just my superior wolf knowledge meaning it all made sense to me, but the whole 'colour and first letter' thing made it kind of obvious I though?
IDK haha even though I knew everyone's roles, it took me a few days to clue in to what he was doing (I don't think it clicked for me until someone mentioned in thread) but DANG it was clever.
Amber Chou Wilson said:
I really liked the ghost role, and while I think it would be fun to have the ghost actually know something, Jesse's way of making the letter a certain color does quickly make it clear what he means. This might mean that the ghost only needs to post once to make it clear what they know . Though, I suppose the ghost could be a bad guy which is interesting...
This was my main concern, and it's why I didn't give the ghost any extra info this go around. I think the best way to implement something like this would be if in addition to not knowing which team the ghost was on, players also didn't know whether or not the ghost got any extra information, otherwise I feel like it's a bit overpowered. Before Jesse thought of the coloured letter thing I was less hesitant because it'd take days to spell out a name, but having seen that tactic I definitely think keeping the players completely in the dark about the ghost's team and potential knowledge would be the best way to go. It'd be even more effective if there were more roles that were team wolf but unknown to the wolves like the Sorceress, but I didn't have any to hand.

Also, I'm really glad everyone liked the Spellcaster! The way it works in the card game is of course just that the affected person can't talk, but as soon as I thought of the gif angle I knew it could be really fun :D

ALSO boy ok I gotta let yall know about the stress I was under on day phases 2/3 cause it was a lot.... Zach caught Cyndi on night TWO, which I thought was pretty much it for the villagers, losing the seer that early with as many ties as were going on, but then he was silenced day two, so I fully expected he was going to try and turn the crowd that was already leaning against Cyndi onto her fully on day three, and by the worst luck Cyndi wound up silenced next and unable to defend herself. The first two days the village had come SO CLOSE to getting a wolf (James) right off the bat and veered away at the last second. I was really sure Cyndi was going down day 3, but the votes went off in a completely different direction :lol: It was Extremely stressful to witness from the outside haha. Zach's last minute reveal of Cyndi's role right before he was lynched made me laugh so dang hard, what a way to go out with style!
What a game indeed :woot: so much fun! And it's the first time I've lived to the end in a while... xD

I wasn't even remotely suspicious of James for ages. If the others hadn't voted for him, I don't think I would have caught on. Well played :p

And I feel a bit slow, now, but I never noticed the colours in Jesse's post!! :doh: But I was still paying attention to the letters :D

I really liked the spellcaster role, but I was surprised they weren't on the wolves' side. Maybe because it reminds me of the Blackmailer from Town of Salem, who is on the Mafia's side :D either way, it was frustrating and hilarious at the same time trying to get your point across in gifs =)) =))

Thanks so much for hosting, Rowan!! :party:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Bethany Zanders said:
If I recall correctly I think Phoebe had not been online prior to Cyndi's death so she hadn't been doing her job. I knew the Bodyguard was Phoebe as soon as the bodyguard actually saved someone the same night she had finally come online lol
She was one of the first people I Saw, so I knew I had to push to keep her from being lynched. Doing it without outing myself was quite the dilemma. xD Not that it helped me! She came back the day I was outed and didn't save me! :(

Spellcaster was easily my favorite part. :cool:
Tying equaling no death was my least favorite bit. I like the drama of forcing the village's hand, I suppose. :p
Hah xD Yes, I was on holiday for the first three nights so couldn't participate.. I managed to save Monty though on my return xD Too bad my second night I failed </3
I was so not into this game this time, but I survived what a good way to play :p
Go villagersss

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