BACK after 3 years!

Marcus Ross

OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care

@Jarica Ashley messaged me and said - "Deniss, you should come back to HNZ!!". I completely forgot about this amazing community but now re-reading all the old roleplays and... I miss this!

I don't know if someone will remember me, but it feels crazy to be back on here after quite a while (I'm looking at my main @Mark Ross and the last posts I'm seeing are from 2019 - 3 years ago!!). I've realized that this has been a community where I feel free, where I can not only let my creativity fly but also improve my knowledge of English (as I got a new job and I'm starting it in a few days - it will require a lot of communication in English, both written and spoken).

I don't know if someone remembers me, but my name is Deniss, I'm 23 years old (I'm not as young, wild & free as I was before - have to start living that adult life :/ :D). I recently re-read all HP books in Latvian (a lot of people don't know where Latvia is, for those who don't - it's near Russia). I consider myself amazing (well, my friends say that I am amazing, but who am I to judge? ;) :D).

I'm gonna try to have like 2 characters, for now, develop them and I can't wait to roleplay with all of the amazing people here! It really felt like the right choice to come back here and spend my free time here.

If you read this - hope you're having an amazing day! Never forget - live for today and nothing is impossible! :)

Hello Denis.
Welcome back. I can rememer you from a while ago but i cant remember which plots we had.
it is always good to get members come back. I hope that you enjoy it back here. and feel free to shoot a DM if you have any questions ot want to plot.
Welcome back! 🎉
Yaaayy welcome back Deniss!!! I’m glad you decided to return! And congratulations on your new job :party:
Welcome back :D

I think I do remember you but we never had the chance to RP, let's change this in the future!
Welcome back to HNZ! ^_^
Welcome back!! If you need plots, feel free to message, I have way too many characters =))
Ah Deniss! I definitely remember you and am thrilled you're back again, welcome back! :hug:
Woooo, thank you, everyone!! Really happy to be back and love to see how everyone is so welcoming and kind!!

Ah Deniss! I definitely remember you and am thrilled you're back again, welcome back! :hug:

Kris, not gonna lie, but when I saw that "Elliot Briar" is active, I immediately thought - "oh, wait, that's Kris!" :party:

So cool to see loads of old people I actually remember!! Glad to be back!! :woot:

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