Well, this is awkward.

Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
20 (21/9/2043)
Uh, hi! I don't know if anyone here remembers me but I was around an eternity ago (like, 10 years) and real life kinda happened (and by real life I mean I just kind of drifted away I haven't done anything with my life) and I kinda stopped hanging out around here.

And I guess I was reminded of the forum recently and was like oh, well, I could use a creative outlet and decided to kind of lurk and hopefully make a character, so here I am. To be honest, I was kind of ashamed of disappearing and was going to use an alias and pretend to be someone completely unrelated but that was a pretty stupid idea. So um...hello everyone. Hope to roleplay around the place soon.
👋 Hey Camilla!
Glad you didn't decide to pretend to be somebody else entirely, that would've been awkward and a bad idea indeed!
Welcome back! :D No need to be ashamed of disappearing: real life still comes first, and even when there aren't real life reasons sometimes other interests just take up time. Completely fair, and really great to see your name pop up again! :D

P.S: This is not awkward. :p
If this isn't awkward then how come I'm having anxiety based heart palpitations?

(It's the crippling mental health issues, that's why.)
That doesn't make it awkward in my books, but frightening! Which I get - I, for one, am glad you braved it and hope the anxiety chills as you settle back in. :pop:
Hey Camilla, welcome back! I wasn't around when you must have first joined, but from what I can tell you're definitely not the only person who's left and come back. Though I also distinctly remember being horribly anxious when I first joined up... (Something something crossover of creative people and anxiety something) Good thing everyone's so chill here since now I feel right at home :p 👏
Hi Camilla, welcome back! Don't worry about disappearing and returning - I took about four years off the site at one point, the community is all about welcoming people back with open arms :D Not to be cliche, but HNZ will always be there to welcome you home.

Look forward to seeing you around the site and hopefully RPing! If you ever wanna chat or plot feel free to send me a message ^_^
Violet Bellamy? 👀
Yeah, that one. She's long gone though, lol.
Oh wild, I was just reminded about you literally the other day while going through old threads! Welcome back!
:woot: CAMILLA :hug:
Welcome back it’s great to see you again. I am sure you are pretty familiar with things but send me a message if you want to plot or you have any questions.
Hi Camilla! Welcome back to HNZ! I'm Maria! I was indeed not here when you were, as I was quite young haha! But If you ever wanna chat or plot anything, I am happy to! I hope you enjoy it here too! hehe!
Welcome back! It's always nice to have people return
Camilllaa!!!! :hug: Welcome back, wow, it's awesome to see you! I've disappeared a number of times - totally understand the anxiety, but I'm super happy you decided to come back in spite of it. I hope we can RP some time!!
Hi Camilla, welcome back! I wasn't here when you were here before, but my name is Kaye, it's nice to meet you! If you'd ever like to RP or just chat, I'm always here and happy to make a new friend ^_^
Hey Camilla!
So good to see you back and starting fresh! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your time here. ^_^
Hi Camilla!

I've only been around for a couple year but welcome back! I hope to see you around and RP with your new student :)
Hi! Welcome back :) I'm Jess
Oh my gosh, Camilla! I am so happy to see you are back! Like others have said, don't be ashamed. :wub: Looking forward to seeing you around the site again! I have one firstie this year (Sefina Drage) if you would ever want to RP.

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