Tyler Ji-Min Lee

Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (26)
Tyler Ji-Min Lee


Someone else's success can be to your advantage.

NAME: Tyler Ji-Min Lee
Tyler: From an English surname meaning "tiler of roofs".
Ji-Min: From Sino-Korean 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (ji) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 旼 (min) meaning "gentle, affable"
Lee: Korean form of LI (1), from Sino-Korean 李 (i).
HOMETOWN: Christchurch New Zealand
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: May 29 2036
NATIONALITY: Korean, Citizen of New Zealand
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

ZODIAC SIGN:Gemini. Being a Gemini born on May 29th, you love to communicate. Regardless of the volume of which you speak, you make sure everything you say is thoughtful and articulate. Being able to interact with those around you excites and energizes you. Your abilities rarely go unnoticed or unappreciated, as you notice certain people that openly seek your company. What others call whit or being clever, you call natural.
ELEMENT:Air. Mercury's paired element is air and it is from this element that many of your qualities are influenced. Your relationship with air is of its light, less forceful qualities. A gentle breeze or mild wind is never forceful, but more stimulating. Your mind is often stimulated by a light gust of curiosity or sociality. Embrace these qualities of air to enrich your life, but be weary of the fact that a failure to do so may result in the lethargic and aloof qualities of stagnant air.
PLANET: Mercury. Mercury is the ruling planet of the Gemini sign and because you are born in the first Decan, or part of the sign, you are doubly influenced by Mercury. As the planet of mentality, Mercury enhances your ability to communicate with a clearness of mind and rational. Your special combination of planetary influences gives you the most ingenious sense of humor of all the Gemini Decans. You have a special gift for entertaining others, which makes you quite likable. If you had one downfall, it would be your tendency to demand perfection in all that you do. While there is nothing wrong with wanting the best for yourself and those around you, it is important to stay realistic in your expectations. In love, find a partner that appreciates your quick mind and helps you to take things less seriously, as this will bring you the most happiness.

OCCUPATION: Gringotts Worker
EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
FAVORITE CLASS: Defence Against the Dark Arts
WAND: Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
Wood: Aspen is a renowned duelling wood, having a great history within the art and exceptional skill for charms.
Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.


PLAY BY: Do Kyungsoo
HAIR: Black and straight.
EYES: Brown.
BUILD: Average for his age, athletic build.
STYLE: Tyler tends to wear what everyone else is wearing, always just the right brand and right color to blend in perfectly.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Tyler doesn't often smile sincerely.

PERSONALITY: Calculating and thoughtful, Tyler knows that the best way to get the upper hand in a situation is to have the most information about it. He tends to watch people and observe before doing anything himself. He's always been taught to try to blend in, and he's been doing this at school since as long as he can remember. Tyler is very aware of social structures within a school, and tends to try to attach himself to a popular (or likely to be popular) person to be their friend. For now he has attached himself to his roommate Blake Irons, and hopes to become a close friend to him. He's an athletic boy and can be very charming, but he can be mean as well. When he feels like he has the upper hand in a conversation he doesn't shy away from sharing his thoughts, though he tends to avoid doing so with people he feels are 'above' him socially. He's not above bullying someone, but only when it is deemed 'acceptable' by the people around him. He can charm adults fairly easily, and is used to getting away with a lot because of it.


Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

Dedicated Strong-willed Direct and Honest Loyal, Patient and Reliable Enjoy Creating Order Excellent Organizers

Inflexible and Stubborn Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations Judgmental ? Too Focused on Social Status Difficult to Relax Difficulty Expressing Emotion

HISTORY: Tyler is an only child of two wealthy magical parents. They moved to New Zealand when he was very young, and Tyler has no memories of living in Korea before that time. He also grew up using his English name and thinks of it as his own name. Growing up, his parents encouraged him to fit in with his classmates. Tyler attended a very posh school where the population was mostly white, so blending in wasn't easy for him. His charm and adaptable personality made it easy for him to make individual friends, though, and at an early age he realized that if he made the right friends, he would fit in by default. In a new group of kids, he tends to seek out whoever seems to be the most confident and popular and tries to befriend that person. He always wears the exact right clothes and knows exactly what is cool and what isn't, and isn't afraid to let others know when they're doing it wrong (as long as those others aren't more well-liked than him). He grew up in New Zealand, and while he is aware of his Korean roots he doesn't feel as close to it as his parents do.
LIKES: Winning, sports, hanging out with friends, being the center of attention
DISLIKES: Standing out, having to do things he doesn't want to
GOALS: Tyler's goal is to be popular and well liked at Hogwarts, as he sees this as an achievement.
FEARS: Tyler is afraid of being an outcast and ending up alone.
STRENGTHS: Smart, funny, charming, knows how to manipulate people.
WEAKNESSES: Tends to think the worst of others, has a hard time making genuine connections.
MIRROR OF ERISED: Himself as the most popular boy in school, head boy and Quidditch captain to boot.



- Link -

Name: Ji-hu Lee
Relation: Father
Age: 37 (2012)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Gringotts worker
Name: Min-seo Lee
Relation: Mother
Age: 36 (2013)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation: Arithmancist














Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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First Year


"My first year was pretty cool. Hogwarts wasn't that different from my previous schools, not when you really look at the students, but that only made it easier to fit in. I'm glad I could make Blake my friend, and I'm even more glad I could get rid of that annoying Jasper. In a few years, Blake and I will rule the school."

Tyler came to Hogwarts with a mission: befriend someone who is likely to be popular. He quickly found someone in his roommate Blake Irons, who liked sports and was similar to Tyler in many ways. Tyler also met a few other first years, but didn't get along with all of them. Anyone he didn't consider cool he felt like he could make fun of, and he did so without pause. He managed to make Jasper Night take the blame for something he and Blake had planned together with the boy, achieving two goals in one go. Blake now trusts him, and Jasper doesn't like Blake anymore. Tyler is fairly proud of this achievement.

Tyler hadn't been sure what to expect from Hogwarts, but it didn't entirely surprise him either. It was a bit strange to go to school in a literal castle, but it was also kind of cool. He did thing it could have been nice if it had been upgraded a little bit over the past few centuries, but he wasn't going to complain about it. Not out loud, anyway. He had considered trying to find some people to befriend on the train ride, but it had felt a little early. He didn't know enough about his classmates yet to figure out who to align himself with, and he had never been bad at entertaining himself. He had read through some of his course books for the year, so he could at least appear to professors to have an interest in learning their subjects. He knew making a good impression on teachers was an important part of school life, at least in his experience. When he had been done with that, he had simply read a novel until the train had arrived at Hogwarts.

He kept his hands behind his back as he walked into the great hall with his fellow first years, glancing around at the other kids. There were a lot of them, and he was glad they would be sorted in four different houses. At least he would only be sharing living spaces with a few of them, which would make it easier to establish himself in some small way. The sorting hat's song wasn't great, but he had the feeling it would be stuck in his head for a while. He sighed softly and waited for his name to be called, glad not to be too far in the back of the alphabet. When it was called, he stepped forward calmly and took a seat. He didn't really have a preference for a house, but he hoped it would be a place where he could both fit in and thrive.

"Your calculating nature will serve you best in...Slytherin!"

The Key to SuccessBuying his wandOllivander's Wand Shop
A Necessary StepWith Norton GillespieFlourish and Blott's
Two Steps AheadWith Jasper Night and Blake IronsSlytherin First Years Boys Dorm
A Marvellous Place to be LostWith Deepa Pillai and Seren DipityThe Trophy Room
Awkward and New TimesWith Mordred CavanaughThe Student Lounge
Sunshine and rainbows!With Sierra WoodlockThe Courtyard
Not the SameWith Bada YeongThe Student Lounge
Brotherhood PJ PartyWith Jasper Night, Blake Irons, Etienne Villiers,
And various others.
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Christmas BrosYule Ball
With Blake Irons and Sierra Woodlock
Great Hall
Snacking aroundWith Theodore Snow IISlytherin House Table
First time receiving a rose?Receiving a Rose
With Artemis Pourroulis
The Great Lawn
The Heart of a SnakeWith Blake Irons, Jasper Night, and Professor Misha HadenThe First Floor Corridor
Repeated MistakesWith Blake Irons, Lars van Houten, and Elliot BriarThe Great Lawn

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year History of MagicA
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year TransfigurationA
1st Year AstronomyA
1st Year HerbologyA
1st Year FlyingE
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.3 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 167
First Year Photos:

Second Year


"My second year was alright. It was good not to be the youngest anymore, and I think Blake and I grew closer as friends. Mordred was annoying, but he was just jealous. I'm already a bit sick of Quidditch, though. But I can't let Blake know that. I just wish there were more sports at Hogwarts."

Tyler started off his second year by Blake's side. Over the course of the year he started to have a rivalry with one of their roommates, Mordred Cavanaugh. Mordred is on the Slytherin Quidditch team along with Blake, something which makes Tyler feel a bit excluded. He's grown a bit meaner this year too, lashing out to a few people including Lily Lockwood. Tyler's slight infatuation with Sierra Woodlock has turned into a full on crush by the end of his second year. He even sent her a pink rose, though without a note. He doesn't like it when other boys talk to her, but hasn't had the nerve to tell her he likes her yet. Nor does he want to tell anyone else that he has a crush as of now.
SearchingWith Sierra Woodlock and Lars van HoutenThe Second Floor Corridor
It's Something to DoWith Chloe Chan The Courtyard
Not a great first impressionWith Artemis Pourroulis The Hogwarts Garden
Y33 Brotherhood Welcome PartyWith Blake Irons,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Short but Sweet (Party!)With Odette Madison, Blake Irons,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
A Temporary TruceWith Elliot BriarThe Library
Y33 Wheelbarrow Race: The Race!With Blake Irons,
And various others
The Great Lawn
What's Your Deal?With Mordred CavanaughSlytherin Common Room
Y33 Dueling Match #17Duelling Tournament
With Nell Wright and Sierra Woodlock
The Duelling Chamber
I'm SorryWith Lily Lockwood and Emily HastingsThe Courtyard
Friendly RoseReceiving a rose
With Mark Ross
The Dungeons
Brotherhood Lego Party Y33With Blake Irons, Mordred Cavanaugh,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Put To The TestWith Blake Irons and Lars van HoutenThe Third Floor Corridor

Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsA
2nd Year History of MagicA
2nd Year CharmsA
2nd Year TransfigurationA
2nd Year AstronomyA
2nd Year HerbologyA
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point AverageGrade Point Average for this year: 4.1 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 190

Second Year Photos:

Third Year


"I'm glad the third year is over, it wasn't really that great. I made friends with Agnes, I guess, but for the most part it was bad. I can't believe both Lauren and Lily acted like that to me, they're hufflepuffs. But they'll know soon enough they messed with the wrong person. I'm starting to be frustrated with Sierra too, but I also still like her. I don't really get it myself."
Tyler got into a lot of different arguments during his third year, one of which was with Lauren Davenport and one with Lily Lockwood. Both made him feel humiliated, and he took action against Lily later as revenge. He spent more time with Blake, but made a new friend as well in Agnieszka Norgaard. Tyler is glad Blake has been gaining popularity and notoriety as a good seeker, but is starting to feel a little annoyed at being in the boy's shadow all the time. His crush on Sierra has developed more, but it frustrates him that she's not responding to any hints he gives her, and seems not to understand what Tyler considers the normal way of doing things. He was angry when he found out she hadn't only sent him a pink rose, but had sent all of her other friends a pink one as well. Confronting her about this didn't go so well, leaving Tyler more confused and frustrated.
Time keeps sailing byWith Agnieszka NorgaardObsidian Harbour
IrritationsWith Lauren Davenport and Agnieszka NorgaardAbandoned Classroom
HierarchyWith Baron Corelli, and Jasper NightSlytherin Third Years Boys Dorm
Girl Problems, Who's Got 'Em?With Blake IronsSlytherin Third Years Boys Dorm
A Bit of PaybackWith Lily Lockwood and Elliot BriarThe Dungeons
Brotherhood Welcome Meeting Y34With Kauri Tipene
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
InterestWith Emily HastingsSlytherin House Table
Red for the NightYule Ball
With Selene Le Fey and Tres Bear II
Great Hall
One Step, Then AnotherWith Sierra Woodlock and Jasper MichaelsThe Great Lawn
SNAKES!With Derek TahanaSlytherin Common Room
Grudgingly GratefulWith Agnieszka NorgaardSlytherin Common Room
For a FriendWith Elliot Briar and Sierra WoodlockThe First Floor Corridor
A Rose with a side of historyReceiving a Rose
With Selene Le Fey
The First Floor Corridor
Crush the SnakesReceiving a Rose
With Juniper Lee
Slytherin Common Room
A Puzzling RiddleValentine's Dance
With Sierra Woodlock
Great Hall
Shielded from ViewWith Agnieszka NorgaardSlytherin Common Room
Brotherhood Trivia Night!With Kauri Tipene, Blake Irons,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Blake Irons, Alistair Lancaster, Lysander Summers,
And various others
The Wild Patch

Third Year Marks
3rd Year PotionsA
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
3rd Year Muggle StudiesE
3rd Year History of MagicA
3rd Year AstronomyA
3rd Year CharmsA
Grade Point Average4.3 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 240

Third Year Photos:

Fourth Year


"My fourth year wasn't great, but I think I'm better for it. I don't need Blake weighing me down, and now I know Sierra was never worthy of me. I'll turn things around next year, and I'll show Blake he's nothing without me. Winning the duelling tournament was just the beginning."
Tyler's fourth year started peacefully enough. Blake set him up with Avaria Lockwood, a close friend of his girlfriend. Tyler went on a few dates with her, which he felt was good for his reputation. But Tyler truly kept liking Sierra, deep down, even if he didn't have the guts to tell her. This all changed when at the yule ball, he saw Sierra and Blake kissing. Tyler turned away from both his best friend and the girl he liked, feeling abandoned by both. His confrontation with Blake ended in a very confusing way, but at least he could give Sierra a piece of his mind. He found a new friend in Simon, and fully intends to take Blake's place in the hierarchy of Slytherin boys in their year.

Y35 Slytherin House MeetingWith ~Professor Kalif Styx, Blake Irons,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Feeling InvisibleWith Tres Bear IIThe Seventh Floor Corridor
A Little Bit ForcedWith Avaria LockwoodMadam Puddifoot's
Brotherhood Meeting: Snowball Fight!With Abian Hunter, Blake Irons,
And various others
Slytherin Third Years Boys Dorm
An Enjoyable EveningHalloween Feast
With Avaria Lockwood and Vader Hume
Great Hall
SDA Dueling PracticeWith Willow Cullen, Analei Louw, Elio Zephyr,
And various others
The Duelling Chamber
Not Quite RightWith Jasper Michaels and Agnieszka NorgaardLakefront
All That GlittersYule Ball
With Avaria Lockwood
Great Hall
Backwards to OneYule Ball
With Blake Irons, Sierra Woodlock, Alice Holland, and Avaria Lockwood
Great Hall
Stabbed in the BackWith Blake IronsSlytherin Fourth Years Boys Dorm
Stomped on My HeartWith Sierra WoodlockThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Getting Frustration OutWith Avaria LockwoodEntrance Hall
Earning My SpotWith Simon ThorneSlytherin Common Room
Summer Lakeside Party With Emilia Manning, Abian Hunter, Adorah Zumwalt,
And various others
The Lakefront
Friendship for a serpentReceiving a Rose
With Blaise Chevalier
The Dungeons
Waiting For a KnightValentine's Dance
With Molly Lamb
Great Hall
Y35 Duelling Match #21Duelling Tournament
With Aonghas Fergusson
The Duelling Chamber

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
4th Year Muggle StudiesA
4th Year History of MagicA
4th Year AstronomyA
4th Year CharmsA
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 177

Fourth Year Photos:
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Fifth Year


"After breaking off my friendship with Blake, things are looking up. I'm no longer in his shadow, and I think I'm doing better than ever. I managed to get decent grades, and I now hang out around people who don't talk about Quidditch all the time. I'm glad I have Simon, he's much better than Blake. I almost won the Duelling Tournament again, but unfortunately lost to Aonghas in the final round. It's not fair, but next year I'll win for sure."

Tyler's fifth year was a strange one, as he was no longer best friends with Blake Irons. The two parted ways, and Tyler replaced him as a friend with Simon Thorne, a fellow Slytherin in the year below. Tyler went on his first date this year with Bada Yeong, a Hufflepuff prefect he asked to the yule ball. It was alright, but Tyler didn't really like Bada that much. A girl who did catch his eye in a meaningful way was Emily Underwood. And while it took a luck potion for him to feel confident enough to ask her to the Valentine's Dance, the two had a fun time as each other's dates. During the duelling tournament, Tyler came face to face with Blake again and got punched by him after taunting him on the stage. He's eager to forget this, and to have everyone else forget it too. Tyler is looking forward to his sixth year, and hopes to get closer to Emily as well.
A Fresh StartWith Simon ThorneNew Zealand Express
Setting the StageWith Emily UnderwoodThe Library
Glinting JewelsWith Bada YeongEntrance Hall
Bad Start to the YearWith Agnieszka NorgaardThe First Floor Corridor
Taking AimHalloween Feast
With Aonghas Fergusson and Lauren Davenport
Great Hall
Y36 Brotherhood MeetingWith Abian Hunter,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Casual QuestionsWith Bada YeongThe Fifth Floor Corridor
The SolutionWith Emily UnderwoodThe Library
Detached PrinceYule Ball
With Bada Yeong
Great Hall
What Brings Us TogetherWith Salem LeeNew Zealand
Y36 Duelling Match #11Duelling Tournament
With Violet Fields
The Duelling Chamber
Y36 Duelling Match #19Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
Y36 Dueling Match #25Duelling Tournament
With Aonghas Fergusson
The Duelling Chamber
Gold and GrudgesReceiving a rose
With Emily Madison
The Dungeons
Lucky ChemistryValentine's Dance
With Emily Underwood
Great Hall
Brotherhood School Is Over Party | Y36 S2 MeetingWith Abian Hunter, Simon Thorne,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
SDA Event: End of Year Party and Award PresentationWith Willow Cullen, Analei Louw,
And various others
Student's Defence Association

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
5th Year Muggle StudiesA
5th Year History of MagicO
5th Year AstronomyE
5th Year CharmsA
Grade Point Average4.8 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 215

Fifth Year Photos:

Sixth Year


"Now that I officially have a girlfriend, things are just a lot better. Emily is great and I'm glad we went to the dances together. Besides that, this year wasn't all that eventful. I got to lead the SDA, but I have to do it with Sydney who is very annoying. I'm starting to feel like I just want to get away from this school already, graduation can't come soon enough. It was weird when Blake tried to apologize, but I just don't think I really get him anymore."

Tyler started his year by being named co-leader of the SDA, which he was happy about, despite his annoying fellow co-leader. He was very frustrated when he lost in the duelling tournament to Blake, which made him less inclined to forgive him when the other boy tried to apologize to him. Tyler has some complicated feelings about his former best friend, and has been completely baffled by the recent developments. He can't believe Blake would really like Lars, and has no idea what to make of the whole situation. But he doesn't need to understand Blake. He has new friends and a great girlfriend. Everything is great.

Similar, But Not the SameWith Blake Irons, Jenna Irons, and Salem LeeGladrag's Wizardwear
Hopeful JourneyWith Emily UnderwoodNew Zealand Express
Y37 SDA Exhibition DuelWith Sydney Townsend, Professor Lydia Drage,
And various others
The Duelling Chamber
What a ViewWith Aonghas FergussonThe Cliffs
Y37 Brotherhood Welcome MeetingWith Abian Hunter, Simon Thorne, Daintree Vaskevold,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
SDA Event Y37 | Spell DemonstrationsWith Sydney Townsend, Michael Newton,
And various others
Student's Defence Association
Building a ReputationWith Kia SorensStudent's Defence Association
CAC Y37 S1 - Christmas Cards and Yule Ball invitationsWith Emily Underwood,
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
The Start of Something NewYule Ball
With Emily Underwood
Great Hall
Skipping StonesWith Simon ThorneThe Lakefront
Like the Adults DoWith Emily UnderwoodConglomerated Arts Room
Y37 Duelling Match #21Duelling Tournament
With Nell Wright
The Duelling Chamber
Y37 Duelling Match #24Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
I Lost MyselfWith Blake IronsSlytherin Sixth Years Boys Dorm

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
6th Year Muggle StudiesE
6th Year History of MagicO
6th Year AstronomyE
6th Year ApparitionO
Grade Point Average5.4 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 195

Sixth Year Photos:

Seventh Year


"My final year was alright, but I was mostly ready for it to be over. It was nice to spend some time with Salem, I guess, but overall I felt like I was ready to graduate as soon as the year started. Running the SDA with Sydney was a nightmare, and it made me realize the whole club is kind of a joke anyway. I'm glad I'm not pursuing Duelling as a career option anymore. I know things ended weirdly with Blake, but they were never going to be fixed again anyway."
In Tyler's final year, the Slytherin felt fairly alone. He spent time with his girlfriend Emily and his cousin Salem, but for the most part he felt a little isolated from his classmates. He had the first conversation in years with Blake Irons, his former best friend, which didn't go all that well. They left on bad terms and Tyler thinks it's unlikely that they'll ever be friends again. He graduates Hogwarts with plans to follow his father's footsteps by working at Gringotts, abandoning his dream of becoming a professional duelist.

Makutu mall 30th BirthdayWith Salem Lee, Elara Chatelain,
And various others
Mākutu Mall
One Last TimeWith Lillian Lockwood and Elliot BriarNew Zealand Express
Swinging SpellsWith Salem LeeThe Great Lawn
Y38 Brotherhood Welcome Meeting!With Noel Waldgrave, Simon Thorne,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
SDA Event Y38 | Practice Your ReflexesWith Sydney Townsend,
And various others
Student's Defence Association
A Final Yuletide DanceYule Ball
With Emily Underwood and Salem Lee
Great Hall
Wandering WorriesWith Blake IronsThe Great Lawn
Musical RosesReceiving a Rose
With Michael Newton
The Great Lawn
Of Sparkling YellowReceiving a Rose
With Cyzarine Haden
The Great Lawn
Y38 S2 | Brotherhood Lake PartyWith Simon Thorne, Noel Waldgrave,
And various others
The Lakefront
Y38 Duelling Match #1With Indira Khatri and Salem LeeThe Duelling Chamber
Y38 Duelling Match #16Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
7th Year Muggle StudiesE
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year AstronomyE
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 165
Seventh Year Photos:
It had felt like this day would never come, but it was finally here. Tyler felt ready to graduate, he was eager to leave Hogwarts behind and start his real life as a full wizard. He was tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the ceremony to begin, glancing around at his classmates. He felt a bit of a strange feeling when he looked at Blake, startled to see him... happy. Tyler wondered if he should try to talk to him one last time, but then Professor Alicastell started to speak and Tyler put it from his mind.

He listened to both the speeches, finding neither particularly interesting. But he clapped politely after both Elliot and Selene were done. Then it was finally time for them to get their diploma. Tyler waited until it was his turn, then headed to the stage to accept it. He couldn't help smiling slightly as he heard Salem cheer for him, for once not embarrassed by his cousin. He'd miss her a bit. Then he returned to his seat near Emily, shooting her a quick smile.
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