The Hunger Games - HNZ Edition (Round 3) 🏹

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Sully)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Welcome back to the third round of...

It's back you guys, so exciting!! Big thanks to Claire for letting me host this time around ♥

This is where worlds collide. Have you ever wondered how your character would fare in the Hunger Games arena? Would they do what you'd expect from them or act like you've never seen them do before? Would they use their brawn or their brains? And perhaps most importantly: do you think they'd have a shot at winning? Wonder no more! That's right kids, the Hunger Games have returned to HNZ and one of your students could be included!

In case you don't know what the Hunger Games are all about, here's a brief summary: once a year, twenty-four children are thrown into an enormous arena and forced to battle each other to the death. Of those twenty-four, only one may survive. It's a tragic and gruesome event - so naturally it's televised for the rich people's entertainment! How fun. 🥂

Here's how the game will work:

  • You may enter one student character currently attending HNZ to participate in the game. There will only be 24 slots available, so get in as soon as you can!
  • Once we have 24 participants, sign-ups will close, and a special Hunger Games generator will be used to randomly generate the story and the timeline spanning several days and nights, eventually ending with one victor.
  • The results will be turned into a short story, one chapter of which will be posted every twenty-four hours.
  • When the story ends, the victor will be crowned! This person will receive a special prize on the account of the student they signed up with.

So does that mean that once you've signed up you don't have to do anything? That's right! It's about the easiest game on the board and yet it's always so much fun. Even though you don't have to do anything, you're strongly encouraged to react to the story as it unfolds, whether you're taking part or not. Everyone's reactions are honestly what makes this game even more exciting! If you're curious about what happened last time you can check that out here (or if you want to relive the very first round of the HNZ Hunger Games (including Claire's fabulous art) that one can be found right here). :teehee:

Please be aware, this game/story has a violent nature to it. The entire thing is fictional, the timeline of events is randomly generated, and none of it should be taken seriously!

Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour ⚔️

  1. Zagreus Kohler

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
Lucas can't reclaim his victory but I'll still try :p

  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen

[B]Signups:[/B] [LIST=1] [*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] [*][color=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/color]  [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] 
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] 
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/color]  
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*] [/LIST]
continuing the colour alteration

  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson

[LIST=1] [*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] 
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] 
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/color]  
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/color]
[*] [/LIST]
I have now ruined the colors D:

  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero

[LIST=1] [*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] 
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] 
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/color]  
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*] [/LIST]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport

[LIST=1] [*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] [*][color=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/color]  [*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class][*][color=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/color][*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class][*] [class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR] 
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
Awhh yeah I can play this time :teehee:

  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR] 
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR] 
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR] 
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR] 
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class] 
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR] 
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class] 
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class] 
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class] 
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class] 
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
 [*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
 [*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
 [*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
 [*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
 [*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
 [*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw

[LIST=1][*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class]
Last edited by a moderator:
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR]
Last edited by a moderator:
adding Max for Steven!

  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke
  15. Max Goose

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR]
[*][class=gryffindor]Max Goose[/class]
[*] [/LIST]
Sign ups will close in 24 hours!! 👀
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke
  15. Max Goose
  16. Emmanuel Okoye

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR]
[*][class=gryffindor]Max Goose[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Emmanuel Okoye[/COLOR]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke
  15. Max Goose
  16. Emmanuel Okoye
  17. Avery Lancaster
[LIST=1][*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR][*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR][*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR][*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class][*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR][*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class][*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class][*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class][*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class][*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class][*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR][*][class=gryffindor]Max Goose[/class][*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Emmanuel Okoye[/COLOR][*][class=slytherin]Avery Lancaster[/class][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][/LIST]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke
  15. Max Goose
  16. Emmanuel Okoye
  17. Avery Lancaster
  18. Corn Seymour

[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR]
[*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class]
[*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR]
[*][class=gryffindor]Max Goose[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Emmanuel Okoye[/COLOR]
[*][class=slytherin]Avery Lancaster[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Corn Seymour[/COLOR]
  1. Zagreus Kohler
  2. Anisha Khatri
  3. Niamh Eriksen
  4. Genevieve Fuentes
  5. Aine Thompson
  6. Tempest Vero
  7. June Davenport
  8. Monday Weeks
  9. Rion Pendleton
  10. Weston Stirling
  11. River Hopkins-Vance
  12. Axel Zhefarovich II
  13. Ruby Maeve Louw
  14. Molly Burke
  15. Max Goose
  16. Emmanuel Okoye
  17. Avery Lancaster
  18. Corn Seymour
  19. Remy Forrester

[LIST=1][*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Zagreus Kohler[/COLOR][*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Anisha Khatri[/COLOR][*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Niamh Eriksen[/COLOR][*][class=gprefect]Genevieve Fuentes[/class][*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Aine Thompson [/COLOR][*][class=slytherin]Tempest Vero[/class][*][class=slytherin]June Davenport[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Monday Weeks[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Rion Pendleton[/class][*][class=rprefect]Weston Stirling[/class][*][class=slytherin]River Hopkins-Vance[/class][*][class=ravenclaw]Axel Zhefarovich II [/class][*][class=gryffindor]Ruby Maeve Louw[/class][*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Molly Burke[/COLOR][*][class=gryffindor]Max Goose[/class][*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Emmanuel Okoye[/COLOR][*][class=slytherin]Avery Lancaster[/class][*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Corn Seymour[/COLOR][*][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]Remy Forrester [/COLOR][*][*][*][*][*][/LIST]
Couple of hours left before sign ups close!
Sign ups are closed, the reaping has happened and here are our tributes!


Anisha Khatri
District 1
Status: Healthy

Max Goose
District 1
Status: Healthy

June Davenport
District 2
Status: Healthy

Weston Stirling
District 2
Status: Healthy

Tempest Vero
District 3
Status: Healthy

Axel Zhevarovich II
District 3
Status: Healthy

Genevieve Fuentes
District 4
Status: Healthy

Remy Forrester
District 4
Status: Healthy

Ruby Maeve Louw
District 5
Status: Healthy

Emmanuel Okoye
District 5
Status: Healthy

River Hopkins-Vance
District 6
Status: Healthy

Monday Weeks
District 6
Status: Healthy

Aine Thompson
District 7
Status: Healthy

Avery Lancaster
District 7
Status: Healthy

Molly Burke
District 8
Status: Healthy

Zagreus Kohler
District 8
Status: Healthy

Niamh Eriksen
District 9
Status: Healthy

Corn Seymour
District 9
Status: Healthy

Rion Pendleton
District 10
Status: Healthy

Any thoughts? I personally feel a little bad for Rion being on her own and Anisha and Max together makes me wish they'd cause utter chaos :teehee:
This may be blasphemous but I'm team Anisha and Max :r

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