Student Plots Y36

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Zennon Baros

healer; figuring things out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
May 3rd, 2034
I don't know why I'm doing this especially since I have been replying to everyone else PDs but leggo.

Zennon Baros, Slytherin Prefect
Zennon certainly has a lot coming up in his life at the moment. He's going to have a hard time adjusting to his new normal and now he's going to have to get to a point where he can even stand to look himself in the mirror without blaming himself for really dumb stuff. Of course, none of the problems in his life are his fault, but he'll definitely need his friends around him to get through it all.
Needs: Zennon pretty much has all the friends I really see him having, but I'm game for roleplays where he loses his sh!t with people. He's been trying to be more open with people, but it's taken him like six years of friendship to do that and now that he's got almost zero patience for anyone, I could see him snapping at people at the drop of a hat. Slytherin beware, he might be docking points, you never know!
Eutropia Vetrov, Lazy Hufflepuff
Ro never much cared for his education enough to work on his grades and now he has to pay for that by having almost no plans in his life for anything beyond Graduation. It took him so long to even come to the conclusion that he was a horrible boyfriend to even try and sort that mess out so he's still trying to be a better person. He's not sure how successful he is, but he's giving it a go.
Needs: Ro needs a lot of things. He's excessively shy and isn't great with people or like anything that isn't sticking his face into a book. The worst part is they aren't even school books, they're all just his interest so they're no help to his education at all, which is probably part of the problem. Friends, enemies, whatever ya'll got, let me know!
Rowan Baros, Depressed Gryffindor
Rowan, like Zennon obviously, has had a very difficult break. She's not going to be seen outside of the dorms much, if at all for the majority of the first semester, so most plots with her will take place during the second semester, unless it's something that further drives her first semester blues. She doesn't have a lot of friends so she may or may not be missed, it's really hard to tell if her classmates would notice her absence since she never really spent a lot of time with them, though I would soon like to change that - hence this! She pretty much going to fail all of her classes from the first sem too, so, I dunno if that help with anything at all! People that are friends with her brother or Elsie are welcome to approach her too, she may not take it well but willing to look!
Needs: Basically any plots. She tends to get along more with guys than with girls, but I'm open for dorm mate bonding as she's never really spoken to any of her dormmates beyond a hello and these girls are likely the ones who'd notice her absence more than others since they'll never see her in her dorm. Basically just roleplays for Rowan! I need to develop her a bit more outside of Elio! I don't have a lot of future plans with her either, though she's romantically tied to Elio and it would not likely allow her to pursue any relationships of that nature.
Chrysander Kaster, Confused Hufflepuff
Chrys is on a journey of discovery... more or less. This year after he broke things off with his boyfriend Onyx, whom he thought he loved, he realised that he didn't seem to have those kinds of feelings. He's not sure if it's just because they're all so young and inexperienced or not, but he's hella confused about it and it upsets him since he always assumed he knew himself very well. He's on the path to discovering that he's actually Aromantic and learning to accept and understand that will be a bit of a journey for him, so he's out here basically experimenting with anyone who's willing to learn more about himself. He's also feeling guilty about a lot of what he did in the past, both to his friends and just to others and is trying to accept the hand he has been dealt
Needs: Anyone who wants things really, friends, partners, mentors and mentees, people he's had flings with in the past as that was part of why he broke up with Onyx! I'm not really all that picky with plots for Chrys, he has a lot of things going on and there are many different reasons people might like or dislike him. He's been called out in HM and he was noticed when he duelled with Elio because it ended rather unexpectedly. Well, he wasn't surprised by the outcome, but probably more other people were.
Tiziano Edogawa, Carefree Hufflepuff
Tizi is a bit more annoyed with people than I thought he would be. Unfortunately, he takes after his stepfather more than I hoped he would. He doesn't like to be touched and will take peoples things without asking, though this is not stealing in his mind. If your character is missing something, it's likely in Tizi's stash, particularly his roommates! Let me know if you want him to have taken something from you! He loves Quidditch and wants to be a professional Quidditch player one day and looks up to them a lot. It would be really easy for people to get on his bad side though he wouldn't necessarily do it on purpose, he sometimes doesn't realise how he comes across and doesn't always like how others come across either.
Needs: Honestly everything, he doesn't have any plots. Though he does have a heck of a lot of family, who would likely get involved in things. Romance is a bit off yet, but happy to make future plans! (No preference) He wouldn't be picky with partners
Rai Mckenna, Cold-blooded Slytherin
Rai is not the kind of person who cares about other people. He has allies, not friends, and he knows how to use people for his own advantage, or rather, he will slowly learn to be able to do that. He's not particularly interested in school and prefers the company of people he trusts, but outwardly he seems like a genuinely nice person even if he is plotting your downfall inside his head. In saying this, he looks for weaknesses to exploit, but often will have to be held back from going too far by his brother Riku. He often picks on Roxas for the heck of it because why not. Keeping him in check is a bit of a full time job but his brothers are used to having to do that for him so it's not too much of a hassle for them when it's something that they already know a lot about doing.
Needs: Friends, he can later exploit and people who maybe don't trust him or think he's hiding something (he is) also if you want someone to break you heart, or someone's heart later down the line, Rai is your guy. No sexual Preference, he would date anyone who he happens to take a liking to.
Roxas Mckenna, Omega Hufflepuff
Roxas and his triplet brothers, Rai and Riku, act very much like a wolf pack when they are together and poor Roxas is the runt of the litter, the Omega, if you will. He's the one that has to break up any of the arguments and often finds himself the brunt of their ire if they're frustrated and angry. They'd never let anyone else hurt him, but they seem him as weak and different and would prefer that he "stay in his lane" so to speak. Due to this, Roxas is often the one left to hold the bag as it were and he is usually forced into doing all of their homework and other tasks instead of them. He would be only too happy to help his friends with homework and other necessary stuff too.
Needs: Friends, honestly. Everything, there's a lot going on in his life he'll need support for too. He's gay and he already knows it though he's not interested in dating at the minute, happy to discuss for future. He does have a final though, but I'm open to him dating beforehand. His brother would also likely not approve just FYI
Mary Lou Prindeou, Unsure Hufflepuff
Mary Lou is very unsure of herself at the moment and she is trying to be more of a sense of who she is. She's having a bit of a tough time really discovering herself since she was forced to leave her home and the only family she ever knew. She is trying to explore who she is when it comes to her magic, but so far she's been having a pretty harrowing experience with everything. Her biological family sent her away and her Aunt and Uncle basically ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist so the only semblance of human connection she has is with the friends she's made at Hogwarts. She doesn't tend to give out information that she's being bullied though some people could probably see it and try to help.
Needs: She has a few friends, but I would love her to have more people in her life who can support her when the time comes for her to stand up to her Aunt and Uncle. I don't really know about romance for Mary Lou yet, but let me know if you have any ideas.
Caleb Bennett, Sarcastic Orphan
Caleb is an orphan who was only adopted two years ago by the wonderful Bennett's. He's grateful for that and he really loves his new family, but he's not terribly good at expressing himself. He uses sarcasm liberally as it was a coping mechanism for him growing up in the foster care system. He believes strongly in taking people at their word, even when he finds them difficult to trust because he doesn't want to be one of those people who doesn't trust anyone. He wants to believe people are inherently good, even when some of the are not.
Needs: Everything, Caleb is brand new and has nothing planned yet beyond his family so please do let me know for him!
Nora Blythe, Bitter Animal Lover
Nora's mum is a famous author and this has given her a massive chip on her shoulder. Whenever she meets anyone new, one of the first things she gets asked is about her famous mother and she often feels like no-one cares about her feelings on the matter. She's not largely into books and is actually mildly dyslexic, which can make things really hard for her. She feels like this makes her inadequate to truly be a part of the family as the rest of her siblings love books and their mother's work especially and so Nora often feels like the odd one out. She loves animals more than people and sees them as her calling.
Needs: Everythinnnngg - nothing planned for her yet really!
Jemima Kaster, Awkward Veela
Jemima is Chrysander's little sister. As the youngest, she's very much the baby of the family and both of her older brothers, will frequently pick her up and cart her around like a doll. She's very studious generally as she has her heart set on joining many of her family members in the Aurors Department and knows she needs to keep her grades up. She does enjoy games though and is easily distracted despite herself. She doesn't actually enjoy studying, which is why she does it all the time because she frequently finds herself distracted by one sibling or another.
Needs: Jemima is a character I've had since before she was born, but I've never roleplayer her, so she needs all
Hadley Orel, Sceptical Logic
Hadley is a muggleborn with a twin and an older sister attending Hogwarts with her. She's very science-focused so the fact that magic exists is a bit hard for her to fathom most of the time. She's really optimistic though and can't wait to learn more about it and try to see how much of it could potentially be explained or achieved through scientific methods. She would go out of her way to help someone in need but is all about the reward and likes to think doing a good deed for someone will bring that back around and someone will do a good deed for her. This means she can often get caught up in the moment because she's thinking about how best to help someone and then just goes for it without necessarily thinking it through.
Needs: Hadley doesn't have much, so I'm open to anything with her. She does potentially have a final, but that's not really until she's an adult so I'm all for school romances and such since her romantic future is well away yet!
Reid Porter, Emotional Musician
Reid is super into music, it's his life and he will turn to it at any opportunity. He uses it to express himself as he's not very good with words but can easily write a song or a melody to better express how he is feeling. He's generally pretty quiet and reserved and he doesn't often like to be in large crowds of people because he grew up in a small family with very little people around him. He prefers not to really talk about himself because he's not great at opening with strangers, but will often talk to his close friends. He prefers to get to know someone over time rather than having an info dump and he's a pretty easy going kind of kid. He has trouble getting lost in the moment sometimes and will simply pull out his guitar or his notebook to use the inspiration to write something since this was the type of thing he bonded over with his family.
Needs: Reid needs just about everything, as he doesn't have much of anything yet. Have at!
Eretria Shannara, Loyal Florist
Eretria's one interesting quality (according to herself) is her proficiency with the language of flowers. She speaks four languages and comes from a tiny little country in Europe, but her love and admiration for the language of flowers is the one thing she thinks of herself highly about. It's not that she puts herself down or anything of that nature, she just sees these things as normal as it's common within her family and she's never really spent much time outside of them. She doesn't have much of her own personality or opinions as she has always latched onto her best friend for that and finds it much easier just to coast along with her life doing as she's told and providing counsel when asked rather than going out on a limb and potentially upsetting anyone. She's a very agreeable person and wouldn't be hard to trick into or convince into doing things.
Needs: Anything! Plots and Rps!! She has one overarching plot but I would love for some subplots! Maybe people that don't understand the fact she's betrothed!
Saoirse Smith, Prejudiced Potioneer
I'm adding Saoirse but I don't have much for or about her. She's a pureblood supremacist from an old and bad family and doesn't actually want to be at HNZ at all, only she was forced there to get away from a bitter feud her family got themselves involved in and she's too young to protect herself. She's pretty quiet and reserved, preferring to think rather than speak and forms opinions on people very quickly, which is then difficult to change. She doesn't give second chances or care all that much about people, though she cares very much about the opinions of her family and others she is close to. She likes to know who she's spending time with and probe for ways she might be able to gut them for potions ingredients later. Her family run a string of Potions stores and she will happily immerse herself into the practice for hours at a time.
Needs: People she can ignore as she's not really a bully but she would "put someone in their place" if they pissed her off enough, which she would probably do by utilising a weakness she'd picked up from them.
Cami Zephyr, Curious Mum-Friend
Elio and Aion's cousin is a nurturer by default and usually someone you could rely on to be the "mum friend" in any group she finds herself a part of. She likes her personal space and doesn't like to randomly be touched without knowing it was coming. She is a bit of a thrill-seeker though and doesn't shy away from having people try and get her to fo things, though she's by no means a pushover and will happily tell you exactly what she thinks of you if you hurt her or her friends. She's quick to jump to someone's defence if she knows them, even if she is in the wrong because she highly values that kind of loyalty and is eternally, painfully curious about the goings-on in people's lives around her, even if she doesn't believe in gossip. As far as she's concerned, it's not gossip if it's true.
Needs: Cami needs friends, enemies, "dad friends" the kind of people to complete her little familial inner circle or whatever. She's going to discover more family she never knew she had which will be a bit shocking for her so she could use a close friend too.
Land Zephyr, Enthusiastic Adventurer
So Land is very playful and his best friend is his dog Nova. He takes her everywhere and loves her to bits. He's very excitable and prone to making things explode, either accidentally or on purpose, no one is ever quite sure which. He would be the type to make friends easily as he has a wide range of interests in a wide variety of different things and finds it hard to really stick to one hobby. He likes to experiment and try different things to see which piques his curiosity and what actually stays with him. He's creative and loves to build things, but will also get bored and be the type of person to maliciously leave a lego right where someone would step on it. For this reason, his cousins try to keep him occupied so someone doesn't get too mad and try to hurt him. He loves adventure and would be the first to march into something without properly thinking it through.
Needs: Everything, sweetheart has nothing really, so I'm completely open for everything as he's also newly created. I have a feeling he would also drop friends as easily as he made them too!
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I don't have a lot to add to your ideas in my PD, which are great. But I could offer Diana for Zennon? I know we talked in the past about them probably getting along, but lately I've been getting the vibe she doesn't really like him that much because she's a bit protective/worried about Sapphire. I think she has it in her mind he might try something with her despite having a girlfriend. If he's going through a rough time next year, it might be easier for them to clash than anything else? But maybe they'll surprise us.

I also have a potential idea for Jemima, though it depends on an app for me. We could talk about that off site a bit?
Teigs, so Ro and Noelle. They met through Maggie and would love to see them interact more. Noelle's best friends already graduated so it would be nicer if her hangs out with his classmates this time.
Arinna x Rowan had bonded somwhow over rose deliveries and it would be nice if Rowan would be quite surprised to know that Arinna is looking for her. Arinna has few friends wirh her usually in the library or with Jasper Michaels. As for your firsties, I have Hayzel and Stefan but I'll get back to you with them.

I don't have a lot to add to your ideas in my PD, which are great. But I could offer Diana for Zennon? I know we talked in the past about them probably getting along, but lately I've been getting the vibe she doesn't really like him that much because she's a bit protective/worried about Sapphire. I think she has it in her mind he might try something with her despite having a girlfriend. If he's going through a rough time next year, it might be easier for them to clash than anything else? But maybe they'll surprise us.

I also have a potential idea for Jemima, though it depends on an app for me. We could talk about that off-site a bit?
Honestly I was a little concerned no one would reply since I've replied to other people's ahaha so thank you! I figured this would help for anything I maybe didn't think of. And yeah, I like the idea of Zennon and Diana - especially since he's basically just figured out he's not into girls so her being protective over Sapphire like that will annoy him since she's been his friend forever and he's not interested in her life that + what he's going to be going though when he gets back to school as well, he's going to have an incredibly short fuse, I fear for Diana's house points!

I would love to hear more about your idea for Jemmy! She's a Kaster so she's automatically one of my faves!
Teigs, so Ro and Noelle. They met through Maggie and would love to see them interact more. Noelle's best friends already graduated so it would be nicer if her hangs out with his classmates this time.
Arinna x Rowan had bonded somwhow over rose deliveries and it would be nice if Rowan would be quite surprised to know that Arinna is looking for her. Arinna has few friends wirh her usually in the library or with Jasper Michaels. As for your firsties, I have Hayzel and Stefan but I'll get back to you with them.
I would love for Ro.2 (because I have two Ro's ahahaha) to hang out with his dormmates more tbh. He's incredibly shy and I could see him asking for advice about Maggie maybe now that he knows there's nothing between them!
Let me see if I have something to offer you as well!

Brayden x Zennon: Maybe these two can butt heads? Brayden can be a little bit... well, rude to say the least.

Aaren x Eutropia: Since he is trying to be a better person, Aaren's brashness and boldness might help him see what he is or is not doing right?

Natia x Rowan: Dorm bonding anyone?

Grace x Nora: I know we have some other firsties about to talk and stuff, but I think that Nora and Grace would be interesting friends!

Kirsten x Jemima: Not gonna lie, just suggesting these two because they are both part-veelas xD
You summoned me?

Zen and Sapph this upcoming year should be interesting. You know why.

I see Rowan and Chrys and lord I want them both but I have no idea how. Can Sapphire punch him? Probably not. Unless you want something with Onyx but idk.

Roxas and Tizi both need more with Lucas. Lucas is very soft and submissive, I know Tizi wouldn't but is Roxas in the 'Lucas cuddles me at night' group yet?

Also Mary Lou and Kia? They both hang out with Kalif, maybe that's common ground to get them talking?
Let me see if I have something to offer you as well!

Brayden x Zennon: Maybe these two can butt heads? Brayden can be a little bit... well, rude to say the least.

Aaren x Eutropia: Since he is trying to be a better person, Aaren's brashness and boldness might help him see what he is or is not doing right?

Natia x Rowan: Dorm bonding anyone?

Grace x Nora: I know we have some other firsties about to talk and stuff, but I think that Nora and Grace would be interesting friends!

Kirsten x Jemima: Not gonna lie, just suggesting these two because they are both part-veelas xD
After everything I gave you, I am genuinely impressed you managed =))

BraydenxZennon: Yes, please. They're dormmates and they've never spoken, although I assume they've said hi to each other over the years aha. Be prepared to lose points, because Zennon's gonna be pretty trigger happy with the points this year. Kalif might have to get involved oops lmao

AarenxEutropia: I would be willing to try! See what's up!

NatiaxRowan: I totally forgot they were in the same dorm omg. Yeah, she would notice Rowan was gone probably, so it might be good to have something, though we'll have to talk more about it for reasons.

GracexNora: Yes I think so. I would also be interested in GracexEretria as well, for reasons later down the road.

KierstenxJemima: I have no idea if they would get along but yessssss, keeeeeeen.
You summoned me?

Zen and Sapph this upcoming year should be interesting. You know why.

I see Rowan and Chrys and lord I want them both but I have no idea how. Can Sapphire punch him? Probably not. Unless you want something with Onyx but idk.

Roxas and Tizi both need more with Lucas. Lucas is very soft and submissive, I know Tizi wouldn't but is Roxas in the 'Lucas cuddles me at night' group yet?

Also Mary Lou and Kia? They both hang out with Kalif, maybe that's common ground to get them talking?
ZennxSapph: Yeah he's gonna need her. He's lost Leda, he's going through sh!t and so is she, maybe they'll take points off first years for the hell of it if they get emotional, who knows, anything is possible.

I would have offered Rowan to Ava buuuuuuut, yeah so looks like Chrys is it. Sapph can totally punch him if she wants, depending on WHEN it happened, he might even let her.

Roxas would probably be part of the Caspar snuggles me at night group. Tizi would probably tease everyone for it. IDK lmao
ZennxSapph: Yeah he's gonna need her. He's lost Leda, he's going through sh!t and so is she, maybe they'll take points off first years for the hell of it if they get emotional, who knows, anything is possible.

I would have offered Rowan to Ava buuuuuuut, yeah so looks like Chrys is it. Sapph can totally punch him if she wants, depending on WHEN it happened, he might even let her.

Roxas would probably be part of the Caspar snuggles me at night group. Tizi would probably tease everyone for it. IDK lmao

I honestly have no idea how she'll be this coming year.

Ava won't be there during school but maybe during brightstone or a break?

Roxas and Casper can cuddle, of course, maybe just talk about nothing. I'd like to have threads with him slipping into other beds in the middle of the night cuz the wind is too loud or something.

Tizi... maybe Casper can bring him little gifts? He still feels bad for upsetting him at the Halloween thing ages ago.
I would love for Ro.2 (because I have two Ro's ahahaha) to hang out with his dormmates more tbh. He's incredibly shy and I could see him asking for advice about Maggie maybe now that he knows there's nothing between them!
That would be great. Seems like ny Puff would hang out in the common room more now.

Any thoughts for Arinna x Rowan?
Hellooo Teigs!! How are you I just saw this! And wow, I have a few characters I can offer you, if you'd like haha

I think last IC year, we were planning to do something with Mary Lou and Alexander, but I don't think that happened, so maybe we can finally get the chance to do that this time around if you'd like? Alexander is still getting used to the magical world as well and himself, so i feel like it would be good to have a friend that is going through a similar type of thing with him - Let me know what you think

Alright, and now to the firsties. I can offer you both my firsties who are coming this year, Richard (Ricky) and Giselle. I think Giselle and your first year, Caleb may get along? She's also adopted and has some trust issues herself, she'll be slightly closed off when you first meet her though.

I can offer you Ricky as well to your first years, but im not sure who though. So many personalities! Ricky is a prankster, loves music and to bake, but is also blunt and honest. But its okay if there arent any characters suited, i guess you could say? I don't know lol

But anyways, let me know what you think!


I know you reacted with some firsties on my pd but I was just thinking that Mary Lou & Chloë might be fun as well. Chloë will basically befriend anyone that's nice so they will likely get along, but I also feel like she would almost immediately feel some sort of protective instinct regarding Mary Lou and would be v supportive of her.
I honestly have no idea how she'll be this coming year.

Ava won't be there during school but maybe during brightstone or a break?

Roxas and Casper can cuddle, of course, maybe just talk about nothing. I'd like to have threads with him slipping into other beds in the middle of the night cuz the wind is too loud or something.

Tizi... maybe Casper can bring him little gifts? He still feels bad for upsetting him at the Halloween thing ages ago.
Sapph/Zennon will sort themselves out so i dont think we need to worry about them too much tbh

Roxas and Caspar yeah, we can see what happens with them and same for Tizi and Cas, as I'm not sure about Tizi atm
That would be great. Seems like ny Puff would hang out in the common room more now.

Any thoughts for Arinna x Rowan?
Ro.2/Noelle: im looking forward to this, could be interesting

Rowan/Arinna: they had a good chat before, she'll be most MIA for the first half of the year, but did you have any ideas specifically, because I don't xD
Hellooo Teigs!! How are you I just saw this! And wow, I have a few characters I can offer you, if you'd like haha

I think last IC year, we were planning to do something with Mary Lou and Alexander, but I don't think that happened, so maybe we can finally get the chance to do that this time around if you'd like? Alexander is still getting used to the magical world as well and himself, so i feel like it would be good to have a friend that is going through a similar type of thing with him - Let me know what you think

Alright, and now to the firsties. I can offer you both my firsties who are coming this year, Richard (Ricky) and Giselle. I think Giselle and your first year, Caleb may get along? She's also adopted and has some trust issues herself, she'll be slightly closed off when you first meet her though.

I can offer you Ricky as well to your first years, but im not sure who though. So many personalities! Ricky is a prankster, loves music and to bake, but is also blunt and honest. But its okay if there arent any characters suited, i guess you could say? I don't know lol

But anyways, let me know what you think!

Am keen for Mary Lou and Alexander and we can say they know each other a bit already even if just by sort of knowing the face since it's been a year now ahaha

Giselle and Caleb sounds like a lot of fun, maybe they can chat about their shared background and bond over that?

Ricky sounds like he'd be an interesting friend for Land Zephyr or Hadley Orel!

I know you reacted with some firsties on my pd but I was just thinking that Mary Lou & Chloë might be fun as well. Chloë will basically befriend anyone that's nice so they will likely get along, but I also feel like she would almost immediately feel some sort of protective instinct regarding Mary Lou and would be v supportive of her.
I would love for Mary Lou to have an older female friend. She will definitely need one as she gets older! Keen!
Am keen for Mary Lou and Alexander and we can say they know each other a bit already even if just by sort of knowing the face since it's been a year now ahaha

Giselle and Caleb sounds like a lot of fun, maybe they can chat about their shared background and bond over that?

Ricky sounds like he'd be an interesting friend for Land Zephyr or Hadley Orel!

For Alexander and Mary Lou - yeah, we can defiantly do that haha, that would make a lot of sense.

For Giselle and Caleb - I think they would be a lot of fun too! Though Giselle might take a while to open up about her background, but I'm happy to see where it will go!

For Ricky and Land/Hadley - Oh, I'd totally be up for that, either one would be good for Ricky! We could always try both characters if you wanted? Otherwise, you can decide which character you'd think would be best suit.



I've got one firstie Giselle Rosenberg and omg so much firsties. I don't know which one to pick. So perhaps you have some things to match haha. Giselle has no patience and is very quickly mad at everything. She lost her mother on young age and finds it difficult to deal with that and is angry at the world. She is competetive and likes to play games. I either think she can be a bully to some or a friend to others. So whatever you need, if that makes any sense.

For Mary Lou I got my second year Gryffindor Christina Holmgaard. Christina can be a bit bossy sometimes, but she is not a bad person. I think she can be a friend for her. I would love for her to make more friends. Christina will also help her if she get's bullied, she hates bullies. She is a bit searching to who she is as well, she is trying to be like her sister and cousins. But on the other hand also trying to accept that she is different.
After everything I gave you, I am genuinely impressed you managed =))

BraydenxZennon: Yes, please. They're dormmates and they've never spoken, although I assume they've said hi to each other over the years aha. Be prepared to lose points, because Zennon's gonna be pretty trigger happy with the points this year. Kalif might have to get involved oops lmao

AarenxEutropia: I would be willing to try! See what's up!

NatiaxRowan: I totally forgot they were in the same dorm omg. Yeah, she would notice Rowan was gone probably, so it might be good to have something, though we'll have to talk more about it for reasons.

GracexNora: Yes I think so. I would also be interested in GracexEretria as well, for reasons later down the road.

KirstenxJemima: I have no idea if they would get along but yessssss, keeeeeeen.
Cause I am that good? XD

Brayden x Zennon: I can start this one, and Styx needs some more drama that doesn't involve a now second year. Man, this is going to be fun!

Aaren x Eutropia: If things don't work out, they can still be fabulous friends. She is a little...curse heavy. Words, not spells. Heads up on that.

Natia x Rowan: We can talk about it, but Natia might understand what she is going through. Similar but not exact. She is a great listener, even if she breaks things in class when she gets mad.

Grace x Nora: Ooo cannot wait! Grace needs as many people as she can get tbh. Especially now.

Kirsten x Jemima: Part-veela girls, unite! Once they are sorted, we can find a way for them to meet up. It would be awesome if they were in the same house but we will see!
For Alexander and Mary Lou - yeah, we can defiantly do that haha, that would make a lot of sense.

For Giselle and Caleb - I think they would be a lot of fun too! Though Giselle might take a while to open up about her background, but I'm happy to see where it will go!

For Ricky and Land/Hadley - Oh, I'd totally be up for that, either one would be good for Ricky! We could always try both characters if you wanted? Otherwise, you can decide which character you'd think would be best suit.

Alex&Mary Lou - we can look at something for this pair when the new year starts up. She's always baking food and things, so we can work out a bit more of what they might do when they run into each other. At this rate Mary Lou is going to feed the entire school, she'll be the muffin girl. "Do you know the muffin girl?" ahaha, love it.

Giselle&Caleb - Caleb isn't very chatty about his upbringing either, so that's alright. They can totally bond over other things, which we can slowly work out. They'll probably have an interesting friendship, Caleb is extremely sarcastic and really doesn't care about a lot of things, he's very apathetic, so I will be interested to see how he goes befriending someone! He's not great at expressing himself so he can often come across badly, but getting past that, he's a big marshmallow.


I've got one firstie Giselle Rosenberg and omg so much firsties. I don't know which one to pick. So perhaps you have some things to match haha. Giselle has no patience and is very quickly mad at everything. She lost her mother on young age and finds it difficult to deal with that and is angry at the world. She is competetive and likes to play games. I either think she can be a bully to some or a friend to others. So whatever you need, if that makes any sense.

For Mary Lou I got my second year Gryffindor Christina Holmgaard. Christina can be a bit bossy sometimes, but she is not a bad person. I think she can be a friend for her. I would love for her to make more friends. Christina will also help her if she get's bullied, she hates bullies. She is a bit searching to who she is as well, she is trying to be like her sister and cousins. But on the other hand also trying to accept that she is different.
Giselle, honestly, sounds like she'd be someone Jemima and Nora could gel well with. Nora because she too is pretty angry at the world, though for different reasons to Giselle and Jemima is competitive though she tries to be studious and fails. As for the bullying, it's hard to say. I don't really know what kind of things she would be a bully about, so tell me a little more about what kind of bully you think she would make, do any of my characters seem like the kind of person she would bully? We can chat more about that when I have a bit more info because it's really hard to say at the minute.

Mary Lou and Christina sound like a great idea. She doesn't have a lot of Gryffindor friends (none really) so I would be totally keen for her to gain one! Mary Lou is okay with bossy, she can be a little bossy herself sometimes so they have that in common a little and they would likely know each other a bit from classes so we don't have to worry about an introductory thing either since those are the worst rps ever tbh, though its not as bad as when you reactivate a character whom you last role-played as a first year as a sudden seventh year who really should know all these people and have to work out whole backgrounds ahahaha yeah, Mary Lou and Christina, totes down!
Cause I am that good? XD

Brayden x Zennon: I can start this one, and Styx needs some more drama that doesn't involve a now second year. Man, this is going to be fun!

Aaren x Eutropia: If things don't work out, they can still be fabulous friends. She is a little...curse heavy. Words, not spells. Heads up on that.

Natia x Rowan: We can talk about it, but Natia might understand what she is going through. Similar but not exact. She is a great listener, even if she breaks things in class when she gets mad.

Grace x Nora: Ooo cannot wait! Grace needs as many people as she can get tbh. Especially now.

Kirsten x Jemima: Part-veela girls, unite! Once they are sorted, we can find a way for them to meet up. It would be awesome if they were in the same house but we will see!
Yeah you is good babes, you know you are ahaha

Brayden&Zennon - cool, looking forward to this, perhaps I we can do a rp with him talking to Styx after it too, might be why he chats to him about dropping out, thinks he can't handle school after a random run in with Brayden?

Aaren&Ro.2 - Ro doesn't swear really, so I want to see his reaction to someone who does, bet it's hilarious ahaha

Natia&Rowan: We definitely can talk more about this, unsure yet exactly what's going to happen so when the new term starts and I have more of an idea about her, we can see what happens.

Grace&Nora - Yes. Also, Grace and Zennon should probably chat, maybe about Rowan, maybe not, whatevs, but sibs.

Kirsten&Jemmy - yesssssss, it'll be soooo fun
Alex&Mary Lou - we can look at something for this pair when the new year starts up. She's always baking food and things, so we can work out a bit more of what they might do when they run into each other. At this rate Mary Lou is going to feed the entire school, she'll be the muffin girl. "Do you know the muffin girl?" ahaha, love it.

Giselle&Caleb - Caleb isn't very chatty about his upbringing either, so that's alright. They can totally bond over other things, which we can slowly work out. They'll probably have an interesting friendship, Caleb is extremely sarcastic and really doesn't care about a lot of things, he's very apathetic, so I will be interested to see how he goes befriending someone! He's not great at expressing himself so he can often come across badly, but getting past that, he's a big marshmallow.

Alex and Mary Lou - Yeah, I totally agree with that. Haha Alexander would be keen on the baked goods since he himself loves food. The Muffin girl has a nice ring to it lol

Giselle and Caleb - Okay, I can kinda see their friendship coming along lol I think they'd have an interesting dynamic! - Excited to see where it goes. I dont think Giselle would mind the sarcastic tones tbh, she'd probably be the same way to be honest, though she can be bossy sometimes, so we'll see how that goes lol. Giselle does have trust issues though and also isn't that great with showing her feelings. But she's got a kind-hearted spirit and is sweet - I find this intriguing, ngl lol
So, lemme compile a list here:
Brayden x Zennon
Aaren x Eutropia
Natia x Rowan: - on hold -
Grace x Nora:
Grace x Zennon
Kirsen x Jemima

So, who starts what? And what should be done later?
Alex and Mary Lou - Yeah, I totally agree with that. Haha Alexander would be keen on the baked goods since he himself loves food. The Muffin girl has a nice ring to it lol

Giselle and Caleb - Okay, I can kinda see their friendship coming along lol I think they'd have an interesting dynamic! - Excited to see where it goes. I dont think Giselle would mind the sarcastic tones tbh, she'd probably be the same way to be honest, though she can be bossy sometimes, so we'll see how that goes lol. Giselle does have trust issues though and also isn't that great with showing her feelings. But she's got a kind-hearted spirit and is sweet - I find this intriguing, ngl lol
We can start something for Alex and Mary Lou in the new year!

Maybe we could have Caleb and Giselle meet on the train? Might be a good way to get them talking?
So, lemme compile a list here:
Brayden x Zennon
Aaren x Eutropia
Natia x Rowan: - on hold -
Grace x Nora:
Grace x Zennon
Kirsen x Jemima

So, who starts what? And what should be done later?
Brayden and Zennon can be done when school starts back as they'd run into each other pretty quickly and everything will still be quite raw for Zennon. I can start that one if you want?

AarenxRo.2: -on hold-

NatiaxRowan: -on hold-

GracexNora: Can you start this one please, once we know what house Grace is in?

GracexZennon: Once she's been sorted I'll start this one too, maybe on the train?

KirstenxJemima: This one can be a bit later as well!
We can start something for Alex and Mary Lou in the new year!

Maybe we could have Caleb and Giselle meet on the train? Might be a good way to get them talking?

Sounds good! :D

Yeah, we can totally do that! Would you like to start it, or shall i?
Ok. As promised and totally not in order :p

aight so we’ve mentioned the McKenna bros and Thalia, mentioned it to Kaitlyn too. We need to do that hehe

Tiziano x Thalia: I’m not sure if they’d be friends or not but we can always throw them in a plot?

Mary Lou x Thalia: we rped them once, they could definitely be friends, ‘nuff said.

Artemis x Rowan: they’re roommates, and I totally didn’t forget to reply to that rp between them =)) But she can be there for her especially in the second semester!

Eutropia x Arielle: they can be friends! Arielle is super friendly and hates it if someone is upset so tries to cheer them up. She’s a triplet but one of them transferred out of hogwarts. She’s in need of friends as she’s very much neglected.

Emori x Zennon: a little bit of an odd idea, but Emori has been known to push people’s buttons. She’s in the same house and she wouldn’t be intimidated by him so it would be really funny if he caught her up to some mischief.

and boy do I have things to offer with Emori. She could convince people to go into the forest with her for example :lol:

Caleb/Eretria/Land/maybe Jemima: they could potentially be Emori’s friends. Of course, we don’t have to do them all at once as that would be a lot of work for you haha. Caleb especially though is someone Emori can relate to, having been in more foster homes than she wants to admit.

Saoirse/Hadley: I’m not sure about these two, especially Saoirse as her roommate. Emori has a fairly strong personality, so I see really anything happen with anyone. Whether she makes friends or enemies. It really depends.
Sounds good! :D

Yeah, we can totally do that! Would you like to start it, or shall i?
Could you start Caleb and Giselle and I'll start Mary Lou and Alex in the new year?
Ok. As promised and totally not in order :p

aight so we’ve mentioned the McKenna bros and Thalia, mentioned it to Kaitlyn too. We need to do that hehe

Tiziano x Thalia: I’m not sure if they’d be friends or not but we can always throw them in a plot?

Mary Lou x Thalia: we rped them once, they could definitely be friends, ‘nuff said.

Artemis x Rowan: they’re roommates, and I totally didn’t forget to reply to that rp between them =)) But she can be there for her especially in the second semester!

Eutropia x Arielle: they can be friends! Arielle is super friendly and hates it if someone is upset so tries to cheer them up. She’s a triplet but one of them transferred out of hogwarts. She’s in need of friends as she’s very much neglected.

Emori x Zennon: a little bit of an odd idea, but Emori has been known to push people’s buttons. She’s in the same house and she wouldn’t be intimidated by him so it would be really funny if he caught her up to some mischief.

and boy do I have things to offer with Emori. She could convince people to go into the forest with her for example :lol:

Caleb/Eretria/Land/maybe Jemima: they could potentially be Emori’s friends. Of course, we don’t have to do them all at once as that would be a lot of work for you haha. Caleb especially though is someone Emori can relate to, having been in more foster homes than she wants to admit.

Saoirse/Hadley: I’m not sure about these two, especially Saoirse as her roommate. Emori has a fairly strong personality, so I see really anything happen with anyone. Whether she makes friends or enemies. It really depends.
Aye, bet, you got there in the end that's what counts ahahaha
I've been on too much TIKTOK someone help me please

Mckenna's&Thalia: Yes, we need to get to this, I dropped the ball on this with them last year, but I'm more focused now so we can get it sorteddddd

Tiziano&Thalia: Depends how she feels about people nicking other people's stuff really, I intend to give him something of a reputation for "borrowing" and I'm trying to get it noticed by as many people as I can, so feel free to help me out with that ahahaha. If your characters lost something, bet it's with Tizi (his cousins are so embarrassed)

Mary Lou&Thalia: Yah! Keen, I want Mary Lou to rp with a lot of people because she's the type to have a lot of friends to be honest, and she's just so nice that people tend to just gravitate towards her and stuff. It's fun!

Artemis&Rowan: Aye! Rowan won't be around much in first semester (you can probably find her in the boys dorm if you go looking, but three of them are protective about her being in there and would lie if anyone asked, so) second semester is totally the best option here.

Eutropia&Arielle: If that's the case, she might be able to be friends with Cordelia, Euthalia or Eutropia even. We can try with all of them at some point, though they're all different and I can give you a bit more about all of them later if you like!


Emori&Jemima/Hadley/Land/Cami: Any of these guys could be easily convinced into the forest for different things. Jemima, because she's easily distracted and tries to be studious about things but is easily lured by the thrill of adventure, Hadley because she likes to say she invented the term "for science", Land because he just genuinely likes getting into mischief and Cami: because she feels protective of her friends and wouldn't leave a buddy alone!

Caleb/Eretria&Emori Eretria would be interesting as she's not generally someone who finds herself very interesting and would be found mostly hanging around with her "best friend" as he would constantly be introduced. They're betrothed, but she knows most people wouldn't understand that so she certainly wouldn't make a habit of mentioning it. Once he's sorted I might potentially have a plot for all three of them, but I need to know @Nikola Raven 's house first. Caleb I can see (somehow) having a few friends even though he's really sarcastic and expresses himself very poorly. He'd mostly rather sleep than do a lot of other stuff, but I look forward to their interactions!

Saoirse/Hadley: I'm going to see Saoirse more as an enemy... or not even enemy really but as someone she gets annoyed by because she is quite prejudice and would be quite offended at the "types of people" they let into their schools and that house in particular. She's not exactly afraid to show her opinion, though she's raised better than to suddenly spew hate at people. She disdains from afar, but isn't likely to allow Emori to get close enough to her to be able to befriend her. Hadley however, as I mentioned above, would probably get along really well with her, so we can see what happens there.

Additional: Zennon&Sam: I want to discuss abit about them for when they return to school, because he needs to find out about her situation and the fact that she's pregnant, so we can get this sorted maybe... week one or two of school? because if he saw her, I like to think he'd notice the marked change in her, personality and appearance wise ahaha. I also want them to maybe go to Styx about it too, I'll chat to Kaitlyn about that.
Aye, bet, you got there in the end that's what counts ahahaha
I've been on too much TIKTOK someone help me please

Mckenna's&Thalia: Yes, we need to get to this, I dropped the ball on this with them last year, but I'm more focused now so we can get it sorteddddd

Tiziano&Thalia: Depends how she feels about people nicking other people's stuff really, I intend to give him something of a reputation for "borrowing" and I'm trying to get it noticed by as many people as I can, so feel free to help me out with that ahahaha. If your characters lost something, bet it's with Tizi (his cousins are so embarrassed)

Mary Lou&Thalia: Yah! Keen, I want Mary Lou to rp with a lot of people because she's the type to have a lot of friends to be honest, and she's just so nice that people tend to just gravitate towards her and stuff. It's fun!

Artemis&Rowan: Aye! Rowan won't be around much in first semester (you can probably find her in the boys dorm if you go looking, but three of them are protective about her being in there and would lie if anyone asked, so) second semester is totally the best option here.

Eutropia&Arielle: If that's the case, she might be able to be friends with Cordelia, Euthalia or Eutropia even. We can try with all of them at some point, though they're all different and I can give you a bit more about all of them later if you like!


Emori&Jemima/Hadley/Land/Cami: Any of these guys could be easily convinced into the forest for different things. Jemima, because she's easily distracted and tries to be studious about things but is easily lured by the thrill of adventure, Hadley because she likes to say she invented the term "for science", Land because he just genuinely likes getting into mischief and Cami: because she feels protective of her friends and wouldn't leave a buddy alone!

Caleb/Eretria&Emori Eretria would be interesting as she's not generally someone who finds herself very interesting and would be found mostly hanging around with her "best friend" as he would constantly be introduced. They're betrothed, but she knows most people wouldn't understand that so she certainly wouldn't make a habit of mentioning it. Once he's sorted I might potentially have a plot for all three of them, but I need to know @Nikola Raven 's house first. Caleb I can see (somehow) having a few friends even though he's really sarcastic and expresses himself very poorly. He'd mostly rather sleep than do a lot of other stuff, but I look forward to their interactions!

Saoirse/Hadley: I'm going to see Saoirse more as an enemy... or not even enemy really but as someone she gets annoyed by because she is quite prejudice and would be quite offended at the "types of people" they let into their schools and that house in particular. She's not exactly afraid to show her opinion, though she's raised better than to suddenly spew hate at people. She disdains from afar, but isn't likely to allow Emori to get close enough to her to be able to befriend her. Hadley however, as I mentioned above, would probably get along really well with her, so we can see what happens there.

Additional: Zennon&Sam: I want to discuss abit about them for when they return to school, because he needs to find out about her situation and the fact that she's pregnant, so we can get this sorted maybe... week one or two of school? because if he saw her, I like to think he'd notice the marked change in her, personality and appearance wise ahaha. I also want them to maybe go to Styx about it too, I'll chat to Kaitlyn about that.
ahaha haven't we all these days =))

I'm really excited for Thalia's plots. Do you want to do these now or a bit later? Or maybe a couple of them now and the rest later? I don't really mind in which order tbh.

Artemis x Rowan: oh yes for sure. Second semester it is.

Eutropia x Arielle: ooh yes we can do that! I'm not one hundred per cent sure on who the other two are, but if you're keen, I'm keen. Are they Eutropia's family?

Emori x Zennon: will let you know when I have that type of thread for her then.

The other Emori plots...ALL AMAZING

Emori x Jemima/Hadley/Land/Cami: would you like to start with one or two of those? We could also do two of them in one thread, and maybe Land and Cami in another once we've done the first if it's easier. There are quite a few Emori plots haha.

Emori x Caleb/Eretria: Eretria and Nikola are betrothed? We can defos do something with the three of them when Nikola is sorted! Caleb seems like a fun character to read, would love to see how they'd interact on first meet.

Emori x Saoirse/Hadley:
yeah now that I think about it, Saoirse and Em probs would be closer to enemies than friends, or frenemies, could start something in the dorms? I love Hadley already :p

Zennon x Sam: YES. As much as she would love to Sam can't avoid him forever, they're in the same house and year so they'd definitely see each other around the common room and in class too. Omg yes let's get Styx involved! That would be interesting. "Professor....I'm gonna have a baby" *has mental breakdown* xD
Zennon x Sam: YES. As much as she would love to Sam can't avoid him forever, they're in the same house and year so they'd definitely see each other around the common room and in class too. Omg yes let's get Styx involved! That would be interesting. "Professor....I'm gonna have a baby" *has mental breakdown* xD
Wouldn't be the first time....
Brayden and Zennon can be done when school starts back as they'd run into each other pretty quickly and everything will still be quite raw for Zennon. I can start that one if you want?

GracexNora: Can you start this one please, once we know what house Grace is in?

GracexZennon: Once she's been sorted I'll start this one too, maybe on the train?

KirstenxJemima: This one can be a bit later as well!
Okay, from what I know, I am starting Grace x Nora, and you will be starting Zennon x Brayden, as well as Grace x Zennon. Sounds perfect!
Alright so I’m not super sure if this will work so bear with me! But I do think the idea of rping my fourth year gryff Knox with Rowan could be interesting? You mentioned Rowan being in a bad place for a while (understandable given what’s happened in her family recently), which is awful, but I had a small idea of what if Knox tries to cheer her up whenever he sees her, and its like a slow burn kind of friendship that leads to Knox seeing Rowan as an older sister? I don’t expect it to be an instant thing if she’s in a bad place, but over time I think that dynamic could be fun. Let me know what you think!​
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