Photo Challenge 📸


A little less Felix Felicis a little more Remembrall but my memory (and luck) is awful and I managed to lock myself out of my flat one Sunday night. I bought these keyrings recently and its really helped me remember and prevented the unluckiness of forgetting my keys and locking myself out again. :r

Also repping Dark Knight and Black Mage :lol:

Maybe if I had more of a lucky item I wouldn't have such abysmal luck...

My lucky charm is my cat. I love him so much and he makes me happy. Hes the cutest and he always comes to me if I am unhappy.
Even though they're annoying me right now, my students make me feel lucky. And it's a weird, long story how chickens have become my legacy at this theatre, but here I am... giving out awards tomorrow... that are all chicken themed.

That's a wrap on challenge two! It was nice to see the many forms luck took ^_^

Now here's the next challenge- show me something magical in your world.


I made everyone disappear! :o But seriously there's nothing more magical in NYC than it being midday and having a train car to yourself for a stop or more. Today, I had it to myself for 3 stops!

Camilla 2
Rowan 2
Kiersten 2
Kaye 2
Tamara 2
Verity 1
Ana 1
Oops hi I missed two prompts

Something magical for me is the city I live in and especially the little streets near my house, I always feel like I stepped into some fantasy book when I walk through here to get to my house


I'm too late with this but I did take a picture

I have a little plant that is growing through my wall and I haven't had the heart to remove it yet

When I visited Hawaii earlier this year I came across a rather breathtaking part of the country and very magical in my opinion, because how does the earth do this so beautifully?? A headland on the southeastern part of the island Oahu, and a cute mini beach! I believe they filmed a part of the Pirates of the Caribbean here. Absolutely stunning.

✨ magic ✨

So my mum is a practicing witch, and she named me Rowan specifically for magical reasons. When I was born she planted a Rowan tree, and put my umbilical cord under the tree so it would always watch over me. It's still growing strong in my dad's backyard, nearly 30 years later!

We put fairy lights around our shed and it looks like a little magical cottage to me. I love how it looks and the feeling I get when I walk past by.

Next- share a photo of something that reminds you of the second Triwizard Tournament challenge! Can't wait to see what you all come up with ^_^


Whenever I'm in Central Park and pass this lake, I'm reminded of the second tournament. I was hoping to get to it yesterday before all the fog lifted but didn't have that kind of luck.
Thank you Cyndi for this challenge it inspired me to make something healthier for dinner than the chips I was planning to pick up after pilates :r



Udon noodles
Soy sauce
1-2 cloves of fresh garlic OR some garlic powder if you forgot to buy garlic like a clown
White pepper
Ginger? Black pepper? Mushroom powder? Red pepper flakes? follow your dreams........

Leave a palm sized amount of dried kelp soaking in one and a half cups of room temp water while you go to pilates
Come home and decide you want to make a stir fry instead of the soup you planned but it's fine because the kelp needed to soak anyway
DO NOT cook the udon in the kelp water anyway you don't really need the extra flavour it will add and it will make your noodles far too mushy I heard this from a friend do not @ me. Generally packet udon are soft enough not to need any precooking before you stir-fry, especially if you're going to be adding liquid flavourings as you go.
Heat a bit of canola/vegetable oil in a frying pan on medium heat. If you were smart enough to buy fresh garlic throw that into the pan just for a wee smidge til it turns nice and fragrant.
Chop your kelp into strips and chuck it in the pan along with the noodles. Stir fry for a wee smidge, then add Some Soy Sauce (start small and just keep adding it til you're happy) and a half teaspoon each sake and mirin.
Keep stir frying and tasting as you go - add white pepper powder (and garlic powder if you like me are a garlicless fool) as well as any other seasonings/more soy sauce if you need it/whatever. The world is your oyster!
Remember that you have some leftover spinach in the fridge and it's much greener than the kelp and will look nice in photos so chuck that in there too.
You could add salt btu between the kelp and soy sauce I doubt you'll need it.

Ta da! It should wind up tasting fairly oceany from the kelp, with the sort of rubbery wormy texture from the udon, and green-ness from the other stuff. I made this recipe up as I went so it is the polar opposite of foolproof but it does at least taste pretty good!

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That gillyweed recipe sure looks good, Rowan!

Camilla 2
Rowan 4
Kiersten 2
Kaye 2
Verity 1
Tamara 3
Ana 2
Daphne 1

Now for our next challenge -
This was a popular one last go around so...

Wacky wizard wear - show us how one of your characters might dress!

I threw together a quick Finn Madison for my entry, though realistically I'll almost certainly be back with more if I have any ideas tomorrow. (I have a suit and Rupert is calling to me....)

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Bonus I know this doesn't count because it's an old photo but......
Oops, couldn't get to the lake between work and school for the last one (there's nothing magic about this town).

My wardrobe is especially floral, so in honour of debate #3 here's my pastry chef and ice cream queen Nell outfit:

Bonus since I already dress like I'm 45+ here's my actual casual Friday outfit that Violet would probably wear:

I only have a tiny mirror and selfies are hard, apologies for low quality lol
I couldn't resist doing this just for funsies :r


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when my sister saw me like this she said "oh my god, is this what you look like when you talk to lawyers?"
I have two photos for this because I couldn't decide which one I liked best. I went with Estella because she has a very specific taste imo.

This first one is a jump-suit that I bought ages ago which I thought I looked good in the store but then when I came home I didn't like it anymore because it just has WAY too much cleavage (as you can see, it still has the tag on it), but it's definitely something Estella wouldn't really care about and she would look really good in this and might wear this to a party.


This next one is a bit more simple. A cute lacy white tube top with a floral green skirt. She would wear this to a picnic or something I reckon.

Harper's style is very boring (athleisure or t-shirts and jeans) and I don't own anything Weston would wear (flannels/hoodies), so here's an attempt at Celia even though my style is not nearly as young or interesting or bold as hers.


Still a bit boring, but we'll say this is what she wears when she doesn't want to put in much effort
Love these looks! We've got two prompts left...

Exam time! Show me how your character might study, what their study space might look like, how they might get ready for exams etc. You get the gist, I hope. :p
I didnt sign up for this because I wasn't sure if I could and didn't want to have too much advantage. but I have been taking photos (and been slack at uploading them).
so here is the first part of my catch up. still coming up with something slightly more interesting than a box of eggs for the second task. and something study related

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these are my two plants the one on the left is called tiddly and even though she doesn't look that healthy and has lost more leaves than she has grown in the last few months I have managed to keep her alive for almost two years which is a good win. the bamboo is called glitter and still alive after over a year.

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not the best picture. but these earign were a birthdaypresent from a group of friends who are very dear to me even though I had only known them a short amount of time (and only been with them for about a week each at a conference the previous year. It meant a lot that they bought me something especially something so fancy. so they are earings I wear for special occasions when I need a little extra luck. I am also increadably lucky to have them as friends.

Bonus entry.
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I always wear this t-shirt when I go on a plane, and I have never missed a flight and or not made it to my destination safely yet. so it is sort of a lucky t-shirt for that.

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it may be a bad photo of freyja. but the focus here is not the cat (though cats are magical) the focus is on the bookshelf. after all what is better magic than a good book? it can take you to different worlds, make you live different lives. and it is what brought us all here after all.

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So I am on holiday so don't have the biggest wardrobe to pick from when finding wizard wear. but I realised when I put this dress on for dinner tonight it is totally something selene would wear (especially coupled with a rune charm necklace
I am absolutely appalling at studying and by extension, so's Aine. :r


Did you mean: sit in bed and do literally anything else to avoid studying/not actually really knowing how to study since everything to a point just came easily so by the time you hit your teen years you had no good study habits and have never learned them since? :doh:
oh christ i havent been a student in over a decade how do people study??

I went with Finn again because the only subject he's really interested in is Divination, and that's one I actually have some stuff for. Busted out the fancy tarot cards and every dream interpretation book I own :r Finn's also a study in bed type, which helps because I'm in the middle of moving and my desk is covered in stuff :r

Lucie's set-up when she studies (pretend the pen is a quill)

Camilla 4
Rowan 6
Kiersten 2
Kaye 4
Verity 1
Tamara 4
Ana 3
Daphne 1

And we're at the final prompt!

Fortune telling- what's one thing you're looking forward to this year? IC or OOC responses will be accepted!

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omgomgomg congratulations Cyndi that's amazing!!! :wub:

I've got pretty big IRL life stuff to look forward to as well!!


I picked up the keys to my house yesterday, and now it's officially mine! I can't wait to move in and start doing the place up - I've been saving to buy a house since I was 17 (and it's been an ORDEAL i have so many grumbles about the real estate market but lets not get into that right now) and now I can settle and have my own space and PAINT MURALS ON ALL THE WALLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
ignore the compression glove my wrist doesnt like carrying boxes so im still wearing my post-op compression stuff sometimes

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