- Messages
- 447
- OOC First Name
- Janna
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- Spruce wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 3/4"
- Age
- 15

And she embraced the chaos as it painted her life with purpose
Name: Hildegard De Valériane
Meaning :Hildegard is a female name derived from the Old High German hild ('war' or 'battle') and gard ('protection'), and means 'battle guard' ) ; Valériane -> was derived from Latin valere "to be strong"
Sexual Orientation : Bisexual ->Bisexuality is being sexually attracted to two or more genders.
House: Gryffindor
Date of Birth: 30 November
Place of Birth: Nancy,France
Nationality: French/New Zealander
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
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Main Traits : Clumsy +Friendly+ Stubborn+Loyal+Curious
Food: Chocolate ice cream, Cherry candies, Chicken pie, Cinnamon rolls
Drink: Hot Chocolate, Grenadine syrup , Water(duh)
Color: Night blue,Dark red and Yellow
Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Season: Autumn
Music genre: Pop and Rock
Favorite Book: Dracula
Favorite Spell:Avenseguim is the incantation of a charm that turns a target object into a tracking device
Amortentia: Petrichor ( the smell of the rain); hot chocolate; candies
Boggart : ???
Seals may often be portrayed as adorable, white, fluffy water dogs. In actuality, these mostly amphibious animals can be vicious, carnivorous predators. A Dementor might not see the threat of this innocent-looking Patronus, but you know what’s in store for your dark assailant as you cast your Patronus Charm and send your seal Patronus after it.
Her Wand:
Wood : Spruce Wood -> Spruce wands require particular deftness to work with spruce, which produces wands that are ill-matched with cautious or nervous natures, becoming positively dangerous in fumbling fingers. Spruce wands require a firm hand because it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. However, when a spruce wand meets its match is a bold spell-caster with a good sense of humour and it becomes a superb helper, intensely loyal to their owners and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and dramatic effects.
Core : Dragon heartstring core,-> Dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most magic power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Wand length:11 3/4"
Flexibility: suprisingly swishy flexibility
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.
Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals.
Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies. Because of their honesty, Sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way.
Born with a gentle,
peace-loving disposition, Moon in Libra people excel at presenting a serene and untroubled front, no matter what they are really feeling. Inwardly, however, they are often torn with indecision and are much more at odds with themselves than anyone would ever guess from their calm disposition.
When faced with a dilemma, making a firm choice can be quite difficult for individuals with Moon in Libra, since they are forever balancing the pros and cons of the situation. A strong desire to please and a deep reluctance to cause offense makes them generally quite easy to get on with. However, they tend to react very assertively – and perhaps even rather aggressively – when they consider a situation to be unbalanced or unfair.
Moon in Libra folk have such a strong emotional need for harmonious relationships that, wherever possible, they try to avoid any kind of unpleasantness or confrontation, even if that involves making major personal compromises. In fact emotional discord is so deeply upsetting to people with Moon in Libra, it can adversely affect their health at times. They find vulgarity and ugliness highly disturbing and need a calm, peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment in order to feel emotionally at ease.
Being able to share their life with another person who will balance them and make them feel complete generally gives them their strongest sense of emotional fulfillment. Being alone and unsupported is a lot harder for Moon in Libra types than fit is or most other people.
This is a visionary mind that excels at seeing the ‘big picture’ but doesn’t function so well in narrow focus. Mercury in Sagittarius’s understanding is wide, comprehensive and geared to evaluating situations from an overall perspective rather than homing in on specifics.
Eternal students of life, constantly on the hunt for new mind-broadening information, these people seek big answers to big questions. Theirs is a strongly philosophical mindset with an ability to see the irony in even the worst of calamities, that carries them cheerfully through life. However, since their concentration is poor and their grasp of subtleties rather sketchy, they can easily overlook important details, which adversely affects their good judgment.
Optimistic in their expectations and charitable in their opinions, Mercury in Sagittarius types have a relentlessly upbeat outlook which attracts fortunate opportunities through the power of positive thinking. On the other hand, because they’re often too mentally confident to see trouble coming, their decision-making can be at best naïve, and at worst downright foolish.
Mercury in Sagittarius people’s extreme verbal honesty is both their greatest virtue and their biggest potential failing. Although usually delivered with the best of intentions, their brutal frankness can be embarrassing and hurtful to more sensitive individuals. On the other hand, their outstanding integrity means they can always be relied on to speak the unadulterated truth, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable for themselves or for others.
Because their freedom of speech is of the utmost importance to them, they refuse ever to be gagged or silenced. Quick to anger, especially when they spot any kind of injustice or hypocrisy, these folk love getting up on their soap box and putting the world to rights. In turn, they’re happy for others to speak their true mind and never bear a grudge over words spoken in the heat of the moment.
Equally eloquent whether discussing ‘big’ topics like religion and politics or spinning an amusing yarn, these Mercury types make gifted and enthralling conversationalists. They can make themselves unpopular through their preaching and tub-thumping, but when they’re in light-hearted mode they’ll make you laugh so hard, your sides ache.
Optimistic and cheerful; strong on honesty and integrity; don’t hold a grudge; philosophical outlook; good sense of humor; entertaining conversationalists.
Overlook important details; brutally frank and outspoken; pompously moralistic and ‘preachy’; overconfident; prone to intellectual misjudgments.
People born with Venus in Capricorn seek solid relationships based on mutual respect and longevity. They choose their friends and partners extremely carefully and are cautious about entering into a relationship unless they believe it will be to their advantage.
Some of these Venus types use relationships as a means of improving their social and/or material status, often being attracted to older or more experienced people who can help them in some way. In any case they’re unlikely to be interested in liaisons that reflect badly on them or cause them social embarrassment.
Dignified and reserved, they dislike public exhibitions of affection, sometimes giving the wrong impression of being aloof and unfeeling. However, what they lack in overt emotionality they more than make up for in terms of dependability and loyalty. Venus in Capricorn individuals take their relationships very seriously, displaying a high level of responsibility and integrity. They’re not afraid of their own company and are happy to wait patiently for the right person who can offer them the long-term commitment and security that is so important to them.
Venus in Capricorn individuals attach a high value to material and social achievement. Because getting on in life is extremely important to them, they like to surround themselves with people who share their own burning sense of ambition. Money and status matter to them a great deal as a means of gaining other people’s respect and to facilitate the luxurious lifestyle to which most of these Venus types aspire.
Venus in Capricorn folk get a lot of satisfaction from acquiring expensive material possessions which duly reflect their success and standing in the world, and set them apart from the hoi polloi. But despite their opulent tastes, Venus in Capricorn people are rarely wasteful, spending only on genuinely useful, high-quality purchases that are likely to last well and appreciate in value over a period of time. They’re usually good at saving and holding onto money, partly as security for the future and partly because they like to leave behind something of value when they die.
The personal style of these Venus types veers strongly towards the classical and traditional. ‘Modern’ designs are less appealing to them than things of historical value or with an element of antiquity.
Loyal and dependable; dignified and classy; emotionally self-contained; pragmatic, realistic approach to love; good with money.
Snobbish; overly concerned with social propriety; materially acquisitive; emotionally cold and aloof; 'use' others for status and material gain.
Mars in Sagittarius types are avid adventurers, driven by a burning desire to discover as much about the world as they possibly can. Some are compulsive wanderers who find it impossible to stay in one place for long, while others prefer to broaden their horizons through the medium of books and learning.
However, one thing they all share is a hatred of any kind of control or restriction. A dreary nine to five routine is these folks’ idea of hell! For this reason, they will often opt for a maverick, unfettered lifestyle where they can keep on the move either physically or mentally.
These people are usually blessed with high adrenaline levels and a strong constitution, but due to their restlessness their energies can be rather scattered and there can be a tendency to take on too many things at once.
Sports and games tend to be a big passion and the urge to gamble can be very strong. Such is their optimism and confidence, the idea they might fail or their luck might run out rarely occurs to these Mars types. Enthusiastic and passionate lovers, they tend to enjoy intimacy, but may shy away from permanent commitment if it is likely to put their independence at risk.
Dedicated crusaders for fair play and integrity, Mars in Sagittarius types get very angry when confronted with any kind of miscarriage of justice. They will fight enthusiastically both for their own and other people’s rights and liberties, sometimes going to extreme lengths to uphold a point of principle or honor they consider to be important, even when clearly to their own disadvantage. Any kind of assault on these individuals’ physical or intellectual freedom is like a red rag to a bull!
They react furiously when their own philosophical or moral convictions are challenged, but are often too self-opinionated to give due respect to other people’s beliefs and viewpoints. These Mars types don’t easily make allowances for others’ moral failings and are quick to deliver a self-righteous sermon if someone has broken an important ‘rule’.
They can make enemies through their blunt outspokenness and tendency to go over the top with their fiery displays of temper. But because they usually fight honorably – and their irresistible sense of fun and humor is very quickly rekindled – it’s hard to stay mad with Mars in Sagittarius people for long.
Crusaders for justice; morally upright; fight honorably and fairly; ‘good sports’; cheerful and optimistic; physically strong and resilient.
Overly rigid on principles; self-righteous, ‘holier than thou’ attitude; restless and uncommitted; push their luck too far; blunt, argumentative and fiery-tempered.
Born with a gentle,
peace-loving disposition, Moon in Libra people excel at presenting a serene and untroubled front, no matter what they are really feeling. Inwardly, however, they are often torn with indecision and are much more at odds with themselves than anyone would ever guess from their calm disposition.
When faced with a dilemma, making a firm choice can be quite difficult for individuals with Moon in Libra, since they are forever balancing the pros and cons of the situation. A strong desire to please and a deep reluctance to cause offense makes them generally quite easy to get on with. However, they tend to react very assertively – and perhaps even rather aggressively – when they consider a situation to be unbalanced or unfair.
Moon in Libra folk have such a strong emotional need for harmonious relationships that, wherever possible, they try to avoid any kind of unpleasantness or confrontation, even if that involves making major personal compromises. In fact emotional discord is so deeply upsetting to people with Moon in Libra, it can adversely affect their health at times. They find vulgarity and ugliness highly disturbing and need a calm, peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment in order to feel emotionally at ease.
Being able to share their life with another person who will balance them and make them feel complete generally gives them their strongest sense of emotional fulfillment. Being alone and unsupported is a lot harder for Moon in Libra types than fit is or most other people.
This is a visionary mind that excels at seeing the ‘big picture’ but doesn’t function so well in narrow focus. Mercury in Sagittarius’s understanding is wide, comprehensive and geared to evaluating situations from an overall perspective rather than homing in on specifics.
Eternal students of life, constantly on the hunt for new mind-broadening information, these people seek big answers to big questions. Theirs is a strongly philosophical mindset with an ability to see the irony in even the worst of calamities, that carries them cheerfully through life. However, since their concentration is poor and their grasp of subtleties rather sketchy, they can easily overlook important details, which adversely affects their good judgment.
Optimistic in their expectations and charitable in their opinions, Mercury in Sagittarius types have a relentlessly upbeat outlook which attracts fortunate opportunities through the power of positive thinking. On the other hand, because they’re often too mentally confident to see trouble coming, their decision-making can be at best naïve, and at worst downright foolish.
Mercury in Sagittarius people’s extreme verbal honesty is both their greatest virtue and their biggest potential failing. Although usually delivered with the best of intentions, their brutal frankness can be embarrassing and hurtful to more sensitive individuals. On the other hand, their outstanding integrity means they can always be relied on to speak the unadulterated truth, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable for themselves or for others.
Because their freedom of speech is of the utmost importance to them, they refuse ever to be gagged or silenced. Quick to anger, especially when they spot any kind of injustice or hypocrisy, these folk love getting up on their soap box and putting the world to rights. In turn, they’re happy for others to speak their true mind and never bear a grudge over words spoken in the heat of the moment.
Equally eloquent whether discussing ‘big’ topics like religion and politics or spinning an amusing yarn, these Mercury types make gifted and enthralling conversationalists. They can make themselves unpopular through their preaching and tub-thumping, but when they’re in light-hearted mode they’ll make you laugh so hard, your sides ache.
Optimistic and cheerful; strong on honesty and integrity; don’t hold a grudge; philosophical outlook; good sense of humor; entertaining conversationalists.
Overlook important details; brutally frank and outspoken; pompously moralistic and ‘preachy’; overconfident; prone to intellectual misjudgments.
People born with Venus in Capricorn seek solid relationships based on mutual respect and longevity. They choose their friends and partners extremely carefully and are cautious about entering into a relationship unless they believe it will be to their advantage.
Some of these Venus types use relationships as a means of improving their social and/or material status, often being attracted to older or more experienced people who can help them in some way. In any case they’re unlikely to be interested in liaisons that reflect badly on them or cause them social embarrassment.
Dignified and reserved, they dislike public exhibitions of affection, sometimes giving the wrong impression of being aloof and unfeeling. However, what they lack in overt emotionality they more than make up for in terms of dependability and loyalty. Venus in Capricorn individuals take their relationships very seriously, displaying a high level of responsibility and integrity. They’re not afraid of their own company and are happy to wait patiently for the right person who can offer them the long-term commitment and security that is so important to them.
Venus in Capricorn individuals attach a high value to material and social achievement. Because getting on in life is extremely important to them, they like to surround themselves with people who share their own burning sense of ambition. Money and status matter to them a great deal as a means of gaining other people’s respect and to facilitate the luxurious lifestyle to which most of these Venus types aspire.
Venus in Capricorn folk get a lot of satisfaction from acquiring expensive material possessions which duly reflect their success and standing in the world, and set them apart from the hoi polloi. But despite their opulent tastes, Venus in Capricorn people are rarely wasteful, spending only on genuinely useful, high-quality purchases that are likely to last well and appreciate in value over a period of time. They’re usually good at saving and holding onto money, partly as security for the future and partly because they like to leave behind something of value when they die.
The personal style of these Venus types veers strongly towards the classical and traditional. ‘Modern’ designs are less appealing to them than things of historical value or with an element of antiquity.
Loyal and dependable; dignified and classy; emotionally self-contained; pragmatic, realistic approach to love; good with money.
Snobbish; overly concerned with social propriety; materially acquisitive; emotionally cold and aloof; 'use' others for status and material gain.
Mars in Sagittarius types are avid adventurers, driven by a burning desire to discover as much about the world as they possibly can. Some are compulsive wanderers who find it impossible to stay in one place for long, while others prefer to broaden their horizons through the medium of books and learning.
However, one thing they all share is a hatred of any kind of control or restriction. A dreary nine to five routine is these folks’ idea of hell! For this reason, they will often opt for a maverick, unfettered lifestyle where they can keep on the move either physically or mentally.
These people are usually blessed with high adrenaline levels and a strong constitution, but due to their restlessness their energies can be rather scattered and there can be a tendency to take on too many things at once.
Sports and games tend to be a big passion and the urge to gamble can be very strong. Such is their optimism and confidence, the idea they might fail or their luck might run out rarely occurs to these Mars types. Enthusiastic and passionate lovers, they tend to enjoy intimacy, but may shy away from permanent commitment if it is likely to put their independence at risk.
Dedicated crusaders for fair play and integrity, Mars in Sagittarius types get very angry when confronted with any kind of miscarriage of justice. They will fight enthusiastically both for their own and other people’s rights and liberties, sometimes going to extreme lengths to uphold a point of principle or honor they consider to be important, even when clearly to their own disadvantage. Any kind of assault on these individuals’ physical or intellectual freedom is like a red rag to a bull!
They react furiously when their own philosophical or moral convictions are challenged, but are often too self-opinionated to give due respect to other people’s beliefs and viewpoints. These Mars types don’t easily make allowances for others’ moral failings and are quick to deliver a self-righteous sermon if someone has broken an important ‘rule’.
They can make enemies through their blunt outspokenness and tendency to go over the top with their fiery displays of temper. But because they usually fight honorably – and their irresistible sense of fun and humor is very quickly rekindled – it’s hard to stay mad with Mars in Sagittarius people for long.
Crusaders for justice; morally upright; fight honorably and fairly; ‘good sports’; cheerful and optimistic; physically strong and resilient.
Overly rigid on principles; self-righteous, ‘holier than thou’ attitude; restless and uncommitted; push their luck too far; blunt, argumentative and fiery-tempered.
The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others .
Campaigner Strengths:
| Campaigner Weaknesses:
The Enneagram:
Enneagram Type Seven
The Busy, Variety-Seeking Type:
Spontaneous, Versatile, Acquisitive, and Scattered
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied
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PLAYBY: Sara Waisglass,Leighton Meester,Linda Cardellini

1m50 = 4°9
Not yet but she want to have
Her dominant hand is her right hand.
Hilda know how to speak fluent french and english . She also know deutsch .
1st Year:

2nd Year:

3rd Year :

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