Favourite Quotes

The weight on her shoulders was impossible to really comprehend, and it was hard to focus on the love she felt looking at her daughters when her back felt like it was about to break.
I absolutely LOVE this line, Rowan. A+ metaphoring
slightly scuffing steps as if her feet were trying to work out what was beyond her shoes.
Mia this description is SO GOOD AND EVOCATIVE & such a perfect read on Nell :wub:

Right now, I'm partial to No Way from Six. But also Zero to Hero from Hercules because who doesn't love Disney?
And I repeat... "Because who doesn't love Disney"
Sia felt her blood run cold when October used that word. Muggle. It came so easily from her lips and suddenly Sia felt like she was underwater. Like her brain was just treading water over some deep chasm that she knew she would start sinking down into if she so much as spared a moment to stop kicking and look down.
Kris I forgot to quote it the first time I read it but this line is SO GOOD
Connor. Walked past the slytherin table and kept walking because he was not invited to this thread

Best post due to the account switching poltergeist goes to Rowan.
He knew Tristan's lies like a second language, one he had become fluent in over their years together, and he knew this wasn't one of them.
Trivian always produces the best quotes, I love this line, Rowan!
But Lucas knew he had to get through it, just like when his mum made him eat broccoli. It was over so much faster if he just pinched his nose and ate it quickly.
A+ relatable and funny simile, Daph 👏
Erik Drage in Fate is a Mistress of Desire said:
The universe had thrown them back together, like asteroids colliding and shattering into fragments.

@Erik Drage I loooove this sentence :wub: (and also the entire RP, I'm not crying you're crying :cry: )
He strode over to the blackboard behind, confidently writing the words ‘No Chitchat’, quickly followed by ‘No Giggling’ and after a surge of inspiration, ‘No Running Around’.
"If you have any questions send me an owl or something I don’t care,
Barnaby makes me laugh so much =)) I'm not even taking HoM this term but I knew it'd be worth reading his lessons
Caleb pulled on Simon’s sleeve and tried to get his brother to walk faster than a streeler in winter.
I am always trying to think of funny "magical" idioms and I love this Kadi 👏 👏
Kas was nothing if not a carefully constructed facade of causality.
This is such a gooood way to sum up his characterisation and also just a fantastic sentence in general 👏
Indi was still studying away, despite how nice it was out and Salem was starting to get itchy from the quiet. Or maybe it was the grass.
She had once thought that she could sign up for all of them and have no problem, but now the thought of that kind of exam schedule made her palms sweat. Or maybe that was just the sun?
Synergy, beautiful, thank you Kadi
Cassius Styx said:
Cass did not mind it when he was talking to himself, because he was such a delight to talk to.
Cassius omg :lol: Made me actually laugh out loud haha!
Yesss gosh I wish I had the opportunity to RP with Lysander :lol:

same brain cell though I was going to revive this thread with this:

Cameron just wished the magical community had Yelp, at least writing a bad review later would give him something to vent his frustrations on once this was all over.

because the idea of magical Yelp is just wonderful.
Love how this thread is 50/50 awesome turns of phrase/writing skills and silly joke lines (not that they can't be both :r)
From the Capture the Flag game.
As the game started, Celia wondered if it would be overkill to conjure a lifeguard chair and a bowl of popcorn. (Of course, the popcorn wouldn't be real thanks to Gamp's Laws, but this was about the optics, not the snack itself.)
She could count the members of her family on one hand: her grandmother, her aunt, herself, and her brother, and even then she'd be missing a finger.

The picture of the missing finger made me laugh on the train.
That little boy was more likely to catch a cold than the snitch.
Living for Morrie's sour grapes in this thread but this sentence especially had me laughing
Reeve Buchanan said:
Just a few months ago, these two teams were playing to see who would be able to call themselves the quidditch champions. Today, they were not. That was quidditch.

@Reeve Buchanan This made me cackle so dang hard ahahaha Reeve is a savage

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