Birthday Wereclown!

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name


Please do not sign up to play this game if you won't be active on the board during play.

This is a forum variation of the popular table/party game "Werewolf" (or "Mafia", "Assassin", etc.).

The Story:
We are all enjoying HNZ's 16th birthday, am I right? We decided to have a little more fun with a new game! Well, sort of new, with another round of Wereclown! While we can enjoy our festivities of games, memories and laughter, the wereclowns will be out and about, all to destroy the fun. Will they succeed? We shall see! Who is going to win, the clowns or the carnies?

How We'll Play:
Signups start now and will continue once we have a sufficient number of people who want to play (or next week). Once signups close, each player will receive a PM with their role in the game and some information about their role.
There are two phases during play.

Day Phase:
During the day, players debate and deliberate and vote for who they want to kick out of the carnival. The player with the most votes will leave the carnival, never to return again. Exiled players cannot talk during the day (not even in Shouty)! Players can say whatever they'd like to convince people, but you cannot share the PM that you receive from me with any other player during this game.

Night Phase:
While most of the group is sleeping, certain players will be busy figuring out how best to use their night roles. No talk should be happening in or out of the topic during this phase of the game.

The Roles:
  • Wereclown - You are the enemy! Each night, you are allowed to kill one player (except you cant kill another Wereclown!). During the day, your job is to survive.
  • Seer - You are a carnival worker with a special power. Each night, you are allowed to see the true nature of one player.
  • Strongman - You are a carnival worker with a special power. Each night, you may guard one player from the wereclowns. If the clown attacks that person, there will be no kill that evening. BUT, if you guard a wereclown, you become the kill instead of their target.
  • Master of Ceremonies - You are a carnival worker with a special power. Each night, you are "automatically guarded", meaning you cannot be killed by the wereclown, regardless of whether a strongman guards you.
  • Daredevil - You are a carnival worker with no special power. You won't even know that you're the Daredevil! However, to the Fortune Teller you will appear to be a wereclown. Fortune Teller, beware!
  • Carnival Worker - A player with no special role. You hunt down the wereclown.
  • Sword Swallower - A player with no special role. However, if there is ever a tie between who gets sent away from the carnival, you will be the one sent away instead.

Other roles:
  • Knife Thrower - if we reach 11 players. You're a regular performer, but may personally eliminate one player the night after you get exiled.
  • Fire Eater - if we reach 13 players. The Fire Eater is a regular performer, but chooses two players to become his apprentices. When one partner goes, so will the other. It won't be pretty. (Strategy tip: The two apprentices should form a team.)
  • Fortune Teller if we reach 14 players. The Fortune Teller thinks they are the Seer, but receives random roles instead of the real ones. Each random role may or may not be correct.
  • Extra wereclown - second with knife thrower at 11, third at 17, fourth at 23.
  • Extra strongman - second at 23.

Other Notes:
When voting during the day, please make it clear who you are voting for: "<player name> is a wereclown!"
If you want to change your vote, please do so in a new post and indicate you've changed your mind. "Changing vote to <player name>."

This game is out of character. So OOC people sign up, not accounts. So you can only be playing this game as you.

To make this easier on everybody, it would be ideal if you only used one of your accounts during gameplay, the account you sign up with.

Each phase will be 24 hours long.

Also, there will be two people running this: Cyndi and myself!

Special thanks goes to ElementalAlchemist from IF/ZB Support, who showed that this game could be played on a forum, has worked out a good number of kinks in it, gave me the code to generate game roles and (most graciously) let me copy his summary of each game role from his post in previous games verbatim. And a big thanks to all of the folks who have run Werewolves on the board before me.

So - what are you waiting for? Sign up!
 [b]Wereclown Signup![/b][list=1][*]
Read more on Wikipedia!

Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
Hell yeah. Wereclown.

Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey

 [B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]

[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]







Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
I just don't want to die first this time :pop: I was not a very good ghost haha.

Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
Gaaaah I always get way too into this but let's do it :teehee:

Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
[*] [class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
Alright I'm in :wub:

Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker
  10. Poppy Perkins
[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Adorah Zumwalt[/i][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
[*][class=ravenclaw][i]Poppy Perkins[/i][/class]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker
  10. Poppy Perkins
  11. Amy Jewel

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Adorah Zumwalt[/I][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Poppy Perkins[/I][/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Amy Jewel[/class]
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker
  10. Poppy Perkins
  11. Amy Jewel
  12. Stefan Archer

[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Adorah Zumwalt[/I][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Poppy Perkins[/I][/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Amy Jewel[/class]
[*]Stefan Archer
Only a few days left to sign up! Join us!
Sign ups will close tomorrow!
Wereclown Signup!

  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker
  10. Poppy Perkins
  11. Amy Jewel
  12. Stefan Archer
  13. Blair Silver
[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Adorah Zumwalt[/I][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Poppy Perkins[/I][/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Amy Jewel[/class]
[*]Stefan Archer
[*][class=hufflepuff]Blair Silver[/class]
Well, I wasn't sure because of the one that said it will be closed tomorrow (basically today)... And I'm pretty sure I'm behind on time :lol:

Anyway if I am allowed please add me in...
Wereclown Signup!
  1. Ainsley Lynch
  2. Selene Le Fey
  3. Amber Chou Wilson
  4. Ruben Right
  5. Adorah Zumwalt
  6. Monty Pendleton
  7. Harper Alston
  8. Skylar Anderson
  9. Daisy Parker
  10. Poppy Perkins
  11. Amy Jewel
  12. Stefan Archer
  13. Blair Silver
  14. Tiffaney Phoenix Blakely
[B]Wereclown Signup![/B]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(47, 79, 79)]Ainsley Lynch[/COLOR][/I]
[*][class=headgirl]Selene Le Fey[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=slytherin]Ruben Right[/class]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Adorah Zumwalt[/I][/class]
[*][class=magical]Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Harper Alston[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Skylar Anderson[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Daisy Parker[/COLOR]
[*][class=ravenclaw][I]Poppy Perkins[/I][/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Amy Jewel[/class]
[*]Stefan Archer
[*][class=hufflepuff]Blair Silver[/class]
[*][class=unsorted]Tiffaney Phoenix Blakely[/class]
Sign ups are closed. Stay tuned for your role and the start of the game in the very near future! ^_^
There was once a carnival, magnificent as it was talented. Fourteen workers.
After the crowd left for the day, a full moon shone down on the tents. Toxic fog flowed through.
Two of the funniest clowns were cursed. The carnival has no idea what is to come.

It is night.

Roles have been cast, and PMs sent. No talking during the night phase: in shouty, out of the site, or in here (except for the roles that require PMs for the hosts).
As the sun broke through the darkness of night, a scream ripped through the silence. The carnival's bravest souls ran towards the sound but came back to the carnival center only a few moments later, hats off and heads shaking until they could share what they'd seen. Their dear friend and colleague, Tiffaney Phoenix Blakely, the Seer, was gone.

Eyeing each other suspiciously, the carnival workers knew that the stories they'd heard from other carnivals across the world were not stories at all. There were wereclowns in their midst.

It is day.
Ooof, rough first loss 😬

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley could we get a call on whether the Fortune Teller would show up as the Seer on death or not?

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