Open Y42 End of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The end of the school year was here, the end of Matt's first year as headmaster. Some of the students wouldn't come back, they graduated and would start their adult lives as witches and wizards. Most of the students would simply have a well-deserved break before returning to Hogwarts. Matt was already looking forward to the new school year, even though he also felt like he could use a break.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature green and silver colors of Slytherin house, signifying their victory for the year. Hufflepuff had been in the lead for most of the year, but Slytherin had won out in the end, again. Matt made his way to the podium, waiting quietly for everyone to settle into their seats before speaking. "Welcome everyone to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations to Slytherin." He said, gesturing to the Slytherin table before conjuring the cup seemingly from thin air. He presented it to Professor Castillo on behalf of his house.

"Of course, we can't forget those students whose dedication and hard work earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, Aine Thompson of Hufflepuff, with a grand total of one thousand, two hundred and sixty-four points. In second place, with a total of one thousand, one hundred and six points - Monday Weeks, of Ravenclaw. In third, River Hopkins-Vance of Slytherin, with one thousand and fifty-six points. Last but not least, we have Emmaline Hopkins-Vance, with one thousand and fifty-five points. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmaster joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, Matt gestured for silence so he could say a last few words. "With that, the schoolyear of twenty-fifty-eight has ended. I hope you enjoy the feast and have a wonderful break. See you next year!" With that, he sat down and watched as the food appeared on the tables. He hoped all the students would have a wonderful feast.
Liusaidh was glad that in her final year, she had won the quidditch cup and slytherin had won the house cup. She would never have really minded them not, but it was good that they did. Her family were silly for thinking that Hufflepuff was the best house. She was a slytherin, and that was the best house. But this was her last night at Hogwarts, after seven long years, she'd finally leave, and there was a chance by the end of the next day she'd be with Kalif, starting the next part of her important pureblood journey. She had a job offer, but she wasn't about to take it. She'd thought about it, and maybe she might, but she knew realistically there was no way she was taking that job. Liusaidh listened vaguely but was uninterested in the points, they'd won, and she'd finally be able to leave the school and never think about any of them ever again.
Branson was disappointed that Ravenclaw had come in last place for the house cup. He wanted them to win, wanted to at least not be in last place. But he had one year left, and that would have to be when he did it, when they did it. That would be the point of a ravenclaw victory – he was sure of it. The ravenclaw was sat amongst the rest of the house as the headmaster got started. He applauded for all the people who had gotten an insane amount of points – knowing he'd never go that far with his points. He was looking forward to the break, he and blair had plans, and he would a little too, it would just be good.
Aine may have been operating on a bit of spite this year, if she was being honest with herself. It may have been the fact that Cameron had made a point about how it wasn't right that she didn't know anything about magic and how stupid she was for being from a non magical family. So she'd made a point to learn everything she possibly could and take on every subject because she had no definitive plans. She was exhausted, bags under her eyes, but if this didn't prove that she belonged here, more to herself than anything, she didn't know what would.

(The irony of insisting she didn't belong here when she was a first year and now defiantly proving that she in fact did was not entirely lost on her.)

Still, when her name was called, she shrank down in her seat, pointedly not looking up in case anyone was looking at her. She was proud, but more than anything was embarrassed. Especially since it hadn't been enough to get Hufflepuff a win. She certainly hadn't expected to be first in the entire school. Thankfully, she felt more comfortable cheering for Monday, winning for Ravenclaw. She wasn't surprised her friend was up there too, he worked really hard and was also mad enough to take every class. She said she wasn't going to look at the Slytherin table, but maybe would look subtly during the feast a couple of times. Maybe. If she didn't doze off during the feast, which was entirely possible.
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Valeria was more than a little distracted, her OWLs had gone fine in the end, and she was looking forward to the break, but she had broken up with Charlie and was feeling a little sad. She knew this was a good thing, she didn't need connections and attachments. She didn't need being in love, or in a relationship that lasted that long when she had other things other boys to speak to and flirt with. It just stung a little. The ravenclaw wasn't feeling as cheery in the end of year feast, she applauded for the students who'd done well, but was just mostly looking forward to going home, even if she didn't really know what state her parents were in. It would just be good to step back, sleep in a bunch and go shopping.
Eugene was tired. He was exhausted, but finally it was the end of the semester. His OWLs had been and gone, and he'd even surprised himself with the grades he'd gotten in some of them. He had been working really hard, but it was still surprising to him that he had actually managed it. But he was looking forward to getting home and spending the first day wrapped up in a blanket, asleep in his room. He had work in a couple of days, but he just needed a little time to relax, unwind and sleep. Eugene applauded loudly for the hufflepuff who'd won the most points – unable to fathom the work that would've gone into that. He thought it was cool, though. He glanced at the food as it appeared and just began eating.
Leonardo had all in all, not really had the best semester of school. He'd started the semester from an okay point things in his life had been fine. But now his grandfather was in jail, his father wasn't talking to him, but thankfully had stopped writing to him, and he was having to live with James and he would for the first time over the break be seeing a therapist. All in all, not the mark of a semester which had gone well. He'd worried in the last few weeks of school about if he should do better in his classes and had managed a couple of O's. Leo hoped that that would be enough for James to feel like he was worth it. Leonardo could admit that though he knew being with James and his family would be fine, he was still worried and he was doing his best as the head master spoke to stifle it. He applauded and couldn't help how his leg bounced under the table, not settling at all as food appeared.
Seamus was glad the semester was at an end, the year was at an end. He hated having to do exam stuff. He was never any good at it, and he didn't want to do it a lot. Exams and revision were boring. He knew he could be boring, that he did things that others might find boring, but he didn't really care. Objectively in his mind, exams were the most boring thing in the world. He was glad though that Slytherin had won, and applauded loudly for his house, he hadn't really contributed much to it, but that wasn't really the point of the house points. He'd done a little and not lost any. That was important, so long as he didn't lose any points he was fine. The teen glanced towards the ravenclaw table and towards his brother before the food appeared and he began to slowly select things from it to eat.
Elizabella was with @Eugene Nestor and hoped he don't mind that she was sit with him. She was more curios if Fenton was here as he was his crush. Elizabella wanted faster end shcool and she can finaly work all summer like normal job worker our go camping and meet her dad. She wanted meet him and Bella missed him a lot.
Aurora had been looking forward to the end of year feast, she had tried really hard to gain points. Not as much as others, but she'd gained – in her mind – a good amount of points. She was hopeful that perhaps she'd end up winning a prize. So Aurora was eager and applauding for slytherin, and listened keenly to the top points for every house, but Aine had gained 1200 points. Aurora applauded for that, but it was almost double what she'd gotten, and then the other names, and they'd all gotten way more points than her. If she wanted to win the prize, she'd need to try even harder next year. It was a little disappointing to not win. But she was as sportman-like as she could be, applauding for the others and vowing that maybe next year she'd get a little closer.
Rosie was always glad when the semester ended. Usually it meant it was winter, and she could go take care of her garden at home, it meant she could relax a little. It meant she didn't have to worry about classes or homework – not that she usually did – but it was nice to get a break. Rosie knew, too, that next year hopefully Xinyi would be back, and she was going to be trying to join the yearbook. She had so much she was going to do in the next year, and Rosie couldn't wait for it in the slightest. She applauded loudly, cheering for Aine, who'd gotten more points than Rosie knew she would get in most of Hogwarts years combined, but she was happy for her anyway. The food appeared in front of them, and the Gryffindor was attempting to see if Abby was about, keen to catch up with her friend before the break.
Emmanuel was looking forward to going home. He hoped like last year that they would be heading back to where all his family were in Lagos and not staying in New Zealand. He liked New Zealand, but he also really enjoyed going home, being in amongst his family and letting himself just enjoy their company. He had packed everything up and was more than ready to go. Emmanuel hoped one year that his house or any other house would win the house cup but he still applauded for the Slytherin's. He cheered loudly for Aine and her points. Wondering how much work she had done to achieve that, but given how she was in history club he wasn't that surprised by it. He felt proud for her, she was a good student and a good friend. He knew he would never bother with such a thing but it was cool that she had. He applauded for the others, but didn't know any of them well at all. And then it was over the year was done, the good appeared and he settled in to eat.
Pearl was eager to get home. She didn't care much about the exams or her classes, she scraped by with Ps and those were technically Passes. She didn't need more. Her dad had been cryptic in his last few letters but she'd spun tails to him about how amazing her life was at Hogwarts, everyone was her biggest fan - even it that wasn't entirely true. The slytherin cheered a little for the house, but didn't think it was worth getting rowdy about. They were supposed to be a cool house and no one cool worked that hard. Or in her mind they absolutely shouldn't work that hard. But the food appeared and she was distracted by that, very carefully picking what she was going to eat.
Gregory's first year at Magic school had not gone how he'd envisioned. Sure, learning spells was about as good as anything could get, but this place..the people he was surrounded by, they were hit or miss and a fairly hard miss. Gregory had never really been bullied before Hogwarts and being at this school, with Cassius and how others treated him, he didn't want to come back. Magic was cool but it wasn't worth it. He would be sad to leave, he liked spending the time with Zerrin or with Dahlia, there were some cool people at the school. But with one glanced towards the Slytherin table, and Gregory's gaze found Cassius easily and he was reminded why. He focused, staring at the headmaster as the man spoke with his head tilted a little to the left, but his mind just how much easily muggle school would be to this. Sure those old friends had made fun of him occasionally, but they'd never pushed him or belittled him. He glanced back at Cassius one last time before he focused on his food.
Savannah didn't want to go home. Home was boring and cold. This place, Hogwarts was just so much better than home. But she didn't have a choice, there was no option to stick around school in the between years break. She had to go home. So she would, she would go but she would be miserable the whole time. Savannah had decided she'd be miserable the entire time. She glanced about the Ravenclaw table as things in the end of year feast got started. Savannah was curious enough to see if anyone else looked like they didn't want to go home, but all the kids looked excited. How nauseating. She rolled her eyes at the top points but then led to the food appearing and Savannah knew she was a step closer to having to be home.
Slipping quietly into the Great Hall with everyone else, the girl made her way to the Gryffindor table, though green and silver fluttered above all the tables above. Just as quietly, she took the seat closest to her and sighed, glancing over the surroundings. The first year was over and the last feast before the summer. In a way, Charlotte longed to be back in her hometown of Auckland. It had been so long since it had been there that the young Gryffindor was almost sure she had forgotten everything! But at the same time, she didn't want to leave school. The wizarding world was interesting. There were so many more things to find and discover here! But no one would let her stay here for the summer. At least that much the girl was aware of.

Tied in her hair today was a red bow that Charlotte had gotten for Christmas and had been waiting all semester for the right moment to mess with. And, well, the end of year feast felt like the most fitting, most celebratory, proudest moment of the entire school year and the bow was, oh, the bow was just essential!
Letting out another happy sigh, she settled down on the table, letting her cheek rest against an empty corner and turning her gaze to the other end of the hall where the headmaster was giving his speech.
Monday Weeks was glad to be heading home after a long semester. The Headmaster started to give out his speeches, and he clapped when Aine was celebrated as the top points earner for the entire school. She worked really hard for it, and he was glad it was her. In second place, right behind her, he heard his name and paused. Monday was not a fan of the attention but regardless, he did manage something other than perfect grades. The food was served, and that was it. At least none of his other sisters would be sorted next year. No future first years to keep an eye on. Still only Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe his other sisters showed signs of magic by now, who knows.
Larissa Baros was really glad that she was done with her first year of school, and she clapped when Slytherin won the house cup. That was her friend's house so why wouldn't she be proud? She did not know the people that won the top house points earners but they must have worked real hard to get it done! So, she could not imagine what sort of work they had to do in order to earn over a thousand points! Larissa just could not wait to get home, write to her friends, and then come back for her second year! Overall, she loved the school, missed her family of course, but she was glad that she could spend time with them before coming back.
Dalia didn't know she still wanted talk with her sister. Her was missed up feelings and she was just waching how first year was end and next year she will be started learned and try get better grades and she was know that she is doing the right thing. She wanted go to the camping arts in summer and meet new people.
Cassius Styx was glad that the first year was done and over with. He needed to just get away from the school. At least Slytherin won the house cup. He smirked proudly, but the top points earner was no one he knew, nor their last name so they were truly not important to him. Oh well. He was way more interested in some of the food that was served, and how he could return home to see his siblings. Maybe talk Daemyn into letting him into Borgin and Burke's. Fat chance of that though.
Terror Zhefarovich was done with the first year. Next year, Horror would be in his spot, perhaps in another house, who knows. He was not sure what house Horror would ultimately be placed, but having the set would be a disaster for Slytherin if he was put there. Terror ignored the Headmaster's speech since it did not matter to him who won an empty cup. That was all it was for. Was there eternal glory in earning the most house points? Probably not. Terror shrugged his shoulders and focused more on eating than anything else. He wondered what the second year would be like, and if he would have an easier time. He knew that Cassius would without flying. Quidditch would become an option. Interesting.
If you had told Charles that he would continue to teach at Hogwarts a year ago, he would have laughed in your face and said that he wouldn't for a million years leave the Magical Law Enforcement Squad. But there he was, sitting at the Professor's table after teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for a whole year. It had been difficult and draining at times but seeing his students getting better and better each time they practised a spell or a jinx was truly something he found invigorating and worthwhile. So much so that he was actually looking forward to teaching these students again after the break. He clapped for the students who earned top points for their house, once again amazed at the number of points these students had earned throughout the year. Once the food appeared, he happily filled his plate with whatever he thought looked delicious while chatting with the Professor sitting next to him.
Lena had arrived at the feast a tad early, getting her choice of tea as she slumped back in her chair, mug in hand, enjoying the excitement in the air. So many students were saying their tear-filled goodbyes while others were trading addresses and gifts before the upcoming break. It always made her nostalgic for the days of ease and close friendships, but at the same time, she would not trade that for going to back to the raging hormone enduced teenage drama. As things began to settle down, she turned her attention to the Headmaster, surprised by how many points the top earners had accrued but unsurprised by Slytherin's reign of terror for the umpteenth year. She gave an extra loud clap for Ravenclaw, always appreciative of any victory from her former house, and took another sip of her tea. Eventually, the food appeared, and she grabbed some chips.
Max wasn't really looking forward to going back home to his Dad but he knew that didn't have much of a choice. What made things worse was that his Mom was really going back to the United Kingdom for an unknown amount of weeks to visit his grandparents. Urgh! At least his sister was coming home as well so he wouldn't be entirely alone at his Dad's new apartment. He didn't get much of what the Headmaster said as his thoughts were elsewhere, but he immediately felt considerably less miserable once food appeared on the table in front of him. Why his parents were divorcing was beyond him but at least he had good food and good company to distract him from that for a while. Besides, it was only for a month or so and then he'd be back at Hogwarts.
Ivy was a little annoyed to see the Slytherin colors everywhere, couldn't Gryffindor have won in her last year? But she knew that it ultimately didn't really matter. She would try to enjoy the feast anyway, even if it was bittersweet. It was truly her final event at Hogwarts, and she knew she would miss the school a lot. Still, she knew things would be okay. She had her friends, she had Flynn, and she had time to figure things out. She would be fine. Ivy listened to the professor list the top-earning students, clapping politely for them. Then, once the food appeared, she filled her plate with her favorites. She glanced around, trying to see if any of her classmates were nearby and up for a chat. She had never been all that social, but it might be nice to talk a bit at the feast before they all went their own ways.

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