Gregory Friend

So if you ever feel like me sometimes ,
just take my hand, it will be alright ,



Say Hello to

Because I know I've done it all before
Just follow me to my safe place ,


Gregory Fredrick Friend

Gregory - English: from a personal name that was popular throughout Christendom in the Middle Ages. The Greek original, Gregorios, is a derivative of gregorein 'to be awake', 'to be watchful'.
Fredrick - peaceful ruler. fr(ed)-rick. Origin:German. Popularity:3081. Meaning Peaceful ruler.
Friend - The name Friend is of Anglo-Saxon origin. It was name for a person who was considered to be very good-natured and neighborly. The surname is derived from the Old English word frend which meant friend. During the Middle Ages people would use this word when they referred to their relatives or their kinsmen.

Gregory doesn’t know why he was called that, having been adopted as a young child, the name Gregory was the one that he got from his birth mother and is the only one he’s carried with him into his adoptive family, the middle name was one that he was given as well as the surname, he was adopted by an elderly couple when he was just shy of four years old, and since he didn’t have a surname or a middle name, just the name Gregory they decided to give him their surname and to also give him the maiden name of his adoptive mother. Gregory has never minded his name, he thinks his surname is a little easy to make fun of but he doesn't mind it. He likes being called Friend and often likes to refer to himself as a Friend shaped person.

Though most Gregory’s are shortened to Greg, Gregory has never had that happen to him, the group home he briefly lived at never called him Greg, none of his teachers ever did and his adoptive parents have never called him Greg, though they are slightly more old fashioned. He doesn’t really like the name Greg, and has in the past corrected people when they call him Greg. He wouldn’t do it more than once or twice, accepting a fate if he ends up being called it a lot but would always rather not.

Gregory just turned 15 years old. His adoptive parents always have a little party for him and his school friends, so he is never without company on his birthday. He enjoys the celebration and enjoys being able to be around his friends. He is a generally energetic child and isn’t often around other children at home.

The group home Gregory was first brought too were not entirely sure of his age, the birth certificate he was brought with had been damaged by water and it was difficult to make out when his exact birthday was but they knew his real birth year and the month and just picked the first day of that month, making his birthday the 1st of January. He has never minded this and Gregory does believe that the group home who updated the birth certificate were glad he was born in January making his birthday easy to randomly pick.

Gregory has never known his real parents, he has vague memories of a woman but he was abandoned when he was two, so he knows now that they might just be inventions. He’s not mad about it, his adoptive family are a wonderful bunch of people so he loves them more than anything. He’s not ever giving that much thought to his biological parents.

Anderson Friend, former quantity surveyor. Now retired. Current age 66. Muggle. Born and raised in New Zealand. Happily married with two biological children and one adoptive child. Lots of generational wealth in Anderson’s family.

Bianca Fredricks Friend, former dog trainer. Now retired (was self employed and does the occasion work but now retired), current age 64. Born in Germany, raised in New Zealand. Two biological children, one adoptive child.

Gregory has two adoptive siblings, between him and the youngest there are 25 years between them.
Eldest older sibling female - 35 - married, one child, a boy named Emery, currently aged 12. Muggle
Older sibling - female - 30 - married, 1 children, aged 1. Muggle.

Gregory has no cousins but one nephew who is older than him.

Gregory has a good relationship with his adoptive family, especially with his parents, as they brought him in and did give him a really good home. He loves them dearly. They had originally come to where he was based at the children's home to help their youngest child find a child to adopt as they had wanted to, and had fallen in love with Gregory who had been playing in the sandbox at the time. They had just struck up a conversation with him and he had shown them his best sand castle and he had just won them over. He loves them and they love him, half because he knows they picked him from the beginning. Within a week he was brought home with them, and then within a couple of months he was adopted. He knows his parents pulled some strings to get it moving along quicker. They are a little old fashioned but he doesn’t mind it at all. The relationship with his sisters is difficult, he knows they’ve questioned their parents, and one of the siblings tried to take him back to the home. But since then they’ve had a tricky but okay relationship. Gregory is friendly with his nephew but knows there are still issues. He tends to ignore them in favour of his parents.

Gregory has a little ginger cat called Teddy. It’s a fairly old cat now, as it was a kitten when Gregory joined the Friend family. He loves his kitty and the car was always the smallest of the bunch so he cares for it deeply.

Unknown - since he doesn’t know who his real parents are he doesn’t know where the magic came from, he hoped that maybe it is a connection to his real parents since that would be nice, but he would also be perfectly happy if he wasn’t.

Gregory is new to the magical world and thus has no thoughts of his blood status.

Auckland, New Zealand

Rakiura, this is where his current family has moved to.

Gregory loves living in Rakiura, it is a pretty sweet place to live. He likes all of the elements of it, and enjoys the life of it.

First Home: Gregory knows he lives somewhere before coming to the childrens home. But he doesn’t remember it at all, and doesn’t really want to remember it. He didn’t mind the children’s home, he liked being around the other kids. He liked the room he shared with the other kids. It was a small place but it was fun.
Second/Current Home: He moved to his adoptive parents home on Rakiura, and was very happy from the moment he got there. He has a big room with plenty of space for his clothes and toys which are almost never fully put away. There’s a big garden and plenty of space. He likes the community he is in and has a good number of friends around him too.

Gregory is quite young and hasn’t given this too much thought. He did have a nursery girlfriend but Greogory knows that probably won’t count for much though he does imagine it means he’s maybe a little more on the hetrosexual side.

Single - too young to care.


hasn’t happened yet

hasn’t happened yet


too young

Too young

Once upon a time ,
I went away

Gregory has dirty blonde hair, kept at a varying amount of lengths. He is not the sort of person to remember to do much with it and it is usual cut by his grandmother when she can get him to sit still for enough time. It’s not that they wouldn’t have the money to pay for haircuts, but Gregory is mostly unbothered by his hair that he wouldn’t care how it was cut. So, it is just easier for his mother to cut it for him. He also does enjoy spending that time with her.

Given that he doesn’t really care for keeping his hair tidy, he has never cared about the colour of his hair, it just is the colour that it is and if it changed he would be no more bothered with it than he is currently. His hair is just his hair and he doesn’t mind what it looks like or how it sits.

Gregory has dark blue eyes, he has never cared about his eye colour, not something he has ever thought about, it just the way it is. He does believe it is a little to do with the fact that he doesn’t look like anyone in his family so he doesn’t even think about it or how he looks.

Gregory has a scar on his left cheek, he’s always had it. He’s not sure how he got it, so knows that it’s a very old scar. He has some freckles but nothing too bad.

Gregory has a small slim build. He does enjoy sports and can be good at it, and has because of it a very slim build, he doesn’t do much to keep himself in shape as it’s not something that he cared about.

O (+ve)
When he was adopted into the Friend family they had him taken to a hospital to get checked out and ensured that everything was fine, that he didn’t have any unknown health problems and there they checked his blood type.

Left Handed
Gregory was quite late to getting started on reading and writing and then when he did he wrote with his left hand. His hand writing is much better than it was, but it’s still fairly bad.

Gregory was born and raised in New Zealand, so he has a thick kiwi accent, he doesn’t always do much slang because his adoptive parents don’t like slang, so he has been taught to not use it.

Gregory only speaks english, he has been taught how a little Maori, but he’s not very good at languages so has never managed to get much of it, but he has always given it his best effort.

As part of the medical exam he had before going to the adoptive home, he was also checked for allergies, and has none.

Gregory had no style, he will wear whatever he is given, he doesn’t care about how he looks and just wears whatever he gets given, he’ll change into whatever his parents give him. He is very unfussed by how he looks.

Damian Hardung

To my safe place ,
where I stay all day ,

Gregory has always really enjoyed playing, he likes playing games with friends, and really any kind of game. He’s absolute klutz so while he loves sports and is always the first one to sign up to play something. He likes being around other people thrives around friends. He is also very good at playing by himself. He is the sort of person whose easily able to come up with games. He does get distracted and move between games quickly. Gregory likes spending time with his adoptive parents, he likes being around them, and he has a lot of favourite things from them.

Gregory really dislikes homework. He’s always having to do it, and he really dislikes it. He doesn’t mind learning but really hates having to take the work home and having to do more than that. He wants to play most of his time. Gregory hates when he rains too much and he can’t play as much outside. He doesn’t really enjoy when people make fun of him for not having real parents, he just thinks it’s unnecessarily cruel. He doesn’t like art classes mostly because he’s not good at it in his mind, and he finds it difficult to sit for as long as he’d needed to.

Gregory just wants to be happy, he wants to help kids like himself who are without families. He wants to help provide happy homes.

Losing his adoptive parents. He’s obviously without much other family, he doesn’t have grandparents and he’s had such a good experience with his current adoptive parents that he deeply fears losing them or being rejected by them and being alone in the world again. He knows he lucked out and might not be so lucky again, so he would certainly see them either dead or rejecting him and though he would miss them if they died, the fear of what would happen to him and the fear he associates with losing them and what he’d have to face is stronger. He is absolutely terrified of rejection.

A Fennec Fox

Though he has lots of great memories with his adoptive family, he can say without a doubt that being adopted is his happiest point. He couldn’t believe how lucky he got, he’d seen so many other kids be adopted and he just very pessimistially for a kid as young as he was, assumed he unloveable. So, this couple who came in with a different motive and took him in, picked him, when they weren’t even looking for something, is his greatest memory.

Though Gregory was abandoned when he was very young, and has no real memories of his life before the children’s home, he does have a vague memory, one that constantly fills his dreams on bad days, he just can remember being cold, outside, wet and it being dark. He remembers waiting for someone who never appeared, crying and unsure of whats going on. He has told his adoptive parents about it, and they believe that it’s a memory of when he was abandoned, as he wasn’t left at the children’s home but just randomly. He doesn’t know how real it is or remember much of it but he remembers it being the worst time he’s ever had.

Gregory would admit that he’s worried that his adoptive parents don’t actually love him. He knows they say they love him often, but he pushes down his emotions about how much he feels like they’re lying and that he’s always one bad behaviour away from being sent back. He just is always really worried about it. Even if he objectively knows that they do love him and won’t do it.

Gregory would just be his adoptive parents real child, he wouldn’t be adopted, just to be able to be their actual child and have none of the fear of being cast out. He would have more siblings, lots of siblings who he’d be able to spend time around and play with.

Gregory just loves the smell of pizza, it’s his favourite good and he would absolutely only smell it. He has lots of things he enjoys but nothing more than pizza. It’s his favourite food.

Gregory looks up to his favourite comic book character of Tintin, it’s a slightly older cartoon, but the man goes on adventures and has a cute dog, he loves his parents but he’s not that interesting as a person to look up to, his teachers are fine but not that interesting. But Tintin is. He thinks that at times it can be a bit outdated, but he likes going on adventures and having a good time.

None - Neither him nor his family hold any religious beliefs


The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave. Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders

Gregory is a bright and bubbly kid, he loves sports and playing games with friends. He is a loving and caring about the people around him. He is usually the first to volunteer for games and is usually also the type of person who’ll be the first to admit if he’s been caught doing something wrong. He’s just the sort of person who fears that he lies or is dishonest he’ll get in so much more trouble and could end up being sent back to the home. That and he feels wrong if other people cover for him or get in trouble because of him. Gregory knows he needs to be responsible. Gregory is a bit of klutz, he’s constantly dropping things, and tripping up over carpet or his own feet. He also breaks pens and pencil’s constantly and it isn’t super uncommon for him to have ink on his hands. He tends to be a bit unlucky in that regard, the item he’ll get always breaks or doesn’t work, and has had a lot of trouble getting some modern technology to work for him. Gregory is a loyal enough friend, he is the type to do more perhaps than he should or gets back from friends, largely because he worries about being rejected or losing them, but he does remain loyal to them.

When I feel like getting closer to myself,
Yeah, I know, I know I'll go ,

Rakiura Primary and Secondary School

from ages 5-11, this is the local school, which most of the kids in his community attend. He was very happy to join them. He was a little late to the class, joining in the second year of primary and not the first, as he moved there in the middle of the term and his parents decided to teach him from home to get him used to the house and being around them. Additionally because of the way the semesters work in school in NZ versus that of Hogwarts, he left mid-way through his first year to be at magical school.


Going to a new school was pretty daunting, he already knew a bunch of the kids because they were people from his neighbourhood but he was very scared about it going badly, he already knew he wasn’t the studious type and knew he would probably struggle with a lot of it. Gregory did enjoy his first day, he spent a lot of it, half terrified but he’d been around kids like that before and did settle into making friends.

Gregory’s grades were never the best, he tended to get by, get passes, but he never did more than he needed to and his adoptive parents have always allowed him to be like that, never one making him work harder or getting annoyed if he doesn’t do as well. He appreciates that a lot as school he’s sure is just something that isn’t for him.

Gregory thoroughly enjoys science class, it’s usually one where he’s specifically not allowed to touch a lot but he finds learning about it interesting, he likes watching experiments and seeing how things will react even if he doesn’t always understand it. He’s always the first in that class to try, to raise his hand to answer a question even if he isn’t sure, always the first to volunteer. He’s usually not allowed to as teachers learn quickly from experience that Gregory will accidentally break things

Art classes, Gregory being a bit of klutz has made teachers around him sometimes pretty mad, but none more so than the art teacher, Gregory is always knocking over paint, water, breaking stick of charcoal or doing things wrong. He likes art in the sense that he likes creating things, but the way the teacher has treated him has always left him disliking the subject. He’s more than once been removed from the class and made to sit outside until it was over. Sometimes for making a mess, one time for accidentally destroying someone elses painting and sometimes for more trivial things.

Gregory likes being at school and around other kids so he absolutely would never skip a day of school and never has.

There weren’t any clubs apart from rugby that interested him and he’s as happy to just go to friend’s houses, spend time in his own doing fun things.

His last science teacher of primary school gave him a fake title of top science helper and he’s worn that badge with pride. But it was the only thing he has achieved in school.

I just sit there on the cliff,
to get higher than the ground ,

Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: Larch is a durable wand wood that helps realize new talents and always seems to have some unexpected qualities influenced by its owner.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

Gregory wasn't sure what a wand would be like but he really likes his. He likes the wood, which he feels is good for someone new to magic trying to uncover his talents within it. He likes that his core is good for healing spells, charms and transgfigurations which he thinks will be good for him. He likes the look of it. it's a nice wand.

Hogwarts New Zealand

Gregory had never seen anything like the castle before. His last school was tiny with a small amount of people at it, and this place is a massive castle, truly amazing castle. he was blown away by it immediately and really happy to be a wizard and be able to see it. He didn't think he would ever grow used to it, because it was just stunning in every possible way.



Gregory didn't know much about the houses, other than there were some. He didn't mind where he would end up but was very worried about ending up in the same house as Cassius, whom he had promised on the train that he would stay away from, though unfortunately Gregory was to be sorted before him. He was eager to see where he'd end up and decided that he would find out about it after.

Gregory Friend had never expected to be magical. Sure, for a couple of years now when his emotions had reached peaks he had sometimes caused slightly unexplainable things to happen, but never in a million years would he have expected to ever be a wizard. It seemed laughable, a massive joke. But he’d been to the village which sold brooms, quills, odd looking creatures and wands. He’d gotten on the train and there he’d raced through the countryside of New Zealand, where kids in compartments were playing with magical toys or discussing magical things. He had also run into Cassius on the train and his explanation of magical blood had certainly explained a little functionally why the boy was rude to him. But it didn’t matter given he was here now, at the school where he’d spend the whole year. He would make other friends, in fact in the crowd he spotted that boy he’d once met at the beach. It would be nice to spend more time with him. Gregory would avoid Cassius and avoid getting into any trouble.

Gregory was enjoying the first peak at the school. It was a pretty incredible place, filled it seemed with just so much. He had always gone to small schools with few students and this first year class was bigger than his whole old school, it was more student than he had ever experienced in his life. Gregory lingered towards the back, unable to stop himself from being distracted. He was very happy to be here. He’d been feeling a little off at his old school, the seeds of doubt as to if his friends were really his friends had really cemented themselves in his brain but he didn’t need to think about that anymore he was at a new school and he could just focus on the new classes and people that were around him. He had a lot to catch up on, a quill to figure how to write with. There was so much about this world that was going to be a bit of a challenge for him and he shouldn’t focus on the past.

Gregory stopped with the other first years and glanced towards the head master who stood up and spoke. Heglanced towards the hat he was holding with a frown. Not quite sure how the hat would do it, but the moment he questioned it, and suddenly the hat began singing. If it could sing then it could tell him where he was to go. He knew there were houses, had figured out from all the other people he’d heard talking. The young boy was listening to the song closely, and it did help figure out a little what things meant. When the song ended the first student was called forward, the hat was placed on their head and after silence for a moment the house was called. It seemed pretty easy. He watched as others got called forward. Gregory was a little nervous about ending up in the same house as a certain someone but he was getting sorted first, so there would be no luck there.

Very soon after the first name was called, Gregory heard his name echo in the hall. He pushed his way to the front, apologising quietly to each of the students he pushed passed to get to the front. He went to the stool and sat down, Gregory quickly took off his glasses in case the hat went lower than them. He waited, eager to be sorted and then figure out what exactly that meant.

"Oh, I know just where to place you. It's my job to see where you'll thrive and grow, and for you that'll happen in...HUFFLEPUFF!"

Fifth Year

(Y42) First Year: Gregory had a rough first year at Hogwarts, after getting to the school and being very very excited for it, he was immediately running into problems with Slytherins, specifically one slytherin. He tried his best to still enjoy Hogwarts despite of this, but often it was just when he was beginning to enjoy himself that something would happen and he would stop. He didn't do too well in his exams or classes and was feeling ready to quit the school when he left. He did make friends during his schooling, Specifically people like Dahlia and Zerrin but it wasn't really enough.
(Y43) Second Year: If Gregory thought his first year was bad, then his second year was just the worst. He was picked on by more than than just Cassius, he was targetted at Halloween. Cassius broke his glasses, he had a fight with Dahlia and just couldn't do or say anything without getting in the way of someone. He wanted to leave the school badly, but his father said no and he could not persaude him otherwise. He didn't do well in his classes, really struggling and has ended the year with an apology from Cassius but is not feeling good.
(Y44): Third Year: Gregory had a fine year, thogh he struggled more with just thinking that something was going to happen, it didn't. He experienced a little bullying but nothing to the extent that he had in the past. He got into a little fight with Snow, though just because she hadn't realised that he was supposed to ask her to the yuleball, he asked her to the valentines day dance. He didn't do well in his exams but he was trying.
(Y45): Fourth Year: Gregory had a pretty terrible fourth year, he lost more friends, and he thought that Snow liked him, but she hadn't. This ended up in him trying to kiss her, and being thrown back by Cassius. He knows that Cassius and Snow like each other, and overheard them kissing, adding insult to injury. He is sick and tired of Hogwarts, of struggling to hear things, of barely passing his exams. he is just tired. Gregory left school once again hoping that he'd be allowed to drop out or go to muggle school.






First Year Grades
Potions - AHistory of magic - ADADA - ACharms - A
Transfiguration - AAstronomy - AHerbology - AFlying - A

Second Year Grades
Potions - AHistory of magic - ADADA - ACharms - A
Transfiguration - AAstronomy - AHerbology - A

Third Year Grades
Potions - AHistory of magic - ADADA - ACharms - A
Transfiguration - AAstronomy - AHerbology - AArithmancy - A

Fourth Year Grades
Potions - AHistory of magic - ADADA - ACharms - A
Transfiguration - AAstronomy - AHerbology - AArithmancy - A




Just to see further ,
than I'll do in my mind



N/A - he has no profession as he’s too young.










It is way much better over there ,
I wouldn't say it if I didn't care


Song - Safe Place - Pelago, Maximus
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