Open Y38 End Of Year Feast!

Katherine Alicastell

Former Headmistress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 ½ Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
October 1988 (67)
It was the end of the school year, a final goodbye for some, but merely the start of a long, well-deserved break for most. Students and staff alike could enjoy some quality time at home without the stress of exams and study looming over their heads. The castle would be uncharacteristically quiet with most of them gone, a reprieve from the antics and rivalries, but there was still work to be done over the course of the holidays for at least some members of the staff, and the house-elves employed to ensure Hogwarts remained presentable for the coming year.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature red and gold colours of Gryffindor house, signifying yet another outstanding victory for the year. They had taken quite the lead compared to the other houses. Rising from her seat at the staff table, Katherine slowly made her way up to the podium, waiting for everyone to settle into their own seats before speaking. "Welcome one and all to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations once more to Gryffindor!" The woman announced, producing the cup in question seemingly from thin air, to be presented to Professor Kingsley on behalf of her house.

"Of course, we can't forget those students who's dedication and ambition earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, Ronald Lazarao of Gryffindor, with an incredible grand total of one thousand, one hundred and forty-four points. In second place, with a total of nine hundred and seventeen points - Brooke Townsend of Slytherin. In third, Rosemarie Chatwin of Hufflepuff, with eight hundred and seventy-six points. Last but not least, we have Minnie Calida of Ravenclaw, withseven hundred and eighty-six points. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmistress joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, the woman moved to wrap things up and allow them to commence eating. "A quick reminder, as per the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, you are not permitted to use magic underage outside of Hogwarts. I do not want to receive any letters from the Ministry of Magic over this end of year break. Now, enjoy this feast and have a safe travel home. Until next year."
Ronald felt a mixed emotion right now a little be sad because the school year is at the end and happy because it's school break and his parents give him consent on his school break to go to Italy together with his boyfriend Lumio, Ronald tell this good news to Lumio when we see each other at the Gryffindor table because today it's our traditional year ends feast and our Headmaster Alicastell announce who will be the winner of the house cup and the top earner points of each house.

Ronald entered the Great Hall he doesn't see Lumio, so Ronald take his seat and wait for his boyfriend to come and seated at our table but he doesn't see his boyfriend, I think he is seated at the back, the banner changed the color into the red and gold and then Headmaster Alicastell stand up in the center of the great hall in started her speech and congratulate our House of "Gryffindor is the winner of the house cup again" and our Head of House Professor Kingsley get the house cup and everyone clapping, to Ronald it's so joyful for this result he thinks the team effort of every member is the key that the Gryffindor won again for this year.

And then Headmaster Alicastell announces the top earner of points and each houses "Ronald surprise and contented because this year he gains first place and heard his name and achieve a point of one thousand one hundred and forty-four points that a big number, Ronald said to himself that his effort has a result and I'm blessed for this bonus gift to surprised my self".

Headmaster Alicastell said that the underage wizard and which don't have permission to use magic outside of Hogwarts so the young Gryffindor take note of this announcement. Ronald was so cheerful this evening and want to see his boyfriend because his thins have packed and ready to go to Italy, but he enjoys the feast and eats what he wants and I'm done he tries to search for his boyfriend because he is so excited. After all, this is the 2nd country that he is going to travel with and the 2nd vacation with his adorable boyfriend Lumio.
Minnie felt nervous about going home, well, mostly because she wasn't going home. She'd be going to Eric's home, and spending the time with his family. She was nervous about it, not sure what to expect and though they'd be going first back to get some of her things, that aspect didn't make her nearly as nervous as spending time around Eric's family. She was sitting amongst her ravenclaw students, looking at her plate, hoping that that it would move quicker so she could eat and then hopefully be done. Minnie only glanced up when her name was called, a little surprised that she had gotten the top points, but she felt proud of herself for managing to get the top points. She glanced towards Eric almost looking to see if she could read any pride on his face about her. But after the food appeared in front of her and she focused on it.
Samantha couldn't believe that yet another year had swished past and her last year of Hogwarts was inching its way closer and closer, which had gotten her more and more nervous. The Hufflepuff was a little bit excited to be going home for the break, as she couldn't wait to see her parents and family, have quick catchup of what she missed and vice versa, and see her friends who were outside of Hogwarts. The Headmistress announced who had won the house cup, which was Gryffindor and Samantha clapped politely along with everyone else. When the Headmistress and finished speaking with her announcements, the food had finally appeared and Sam was happy about it, making her way to the food immediately, she was starving.
It had been a pretty great year for Beatrice, but she couldn't wait to get home. There was nothing better than spending the summer with her family, and although she loved Hogwarts, she was beyond excited to get home. Gryffindor had slaughtered the other houses with points, and Bea was proud of the house; they so deserved it. Sitting a bit further down the table, was @Benedict Sparkles . Wanting to grab his attention, Bea grabbed a sausage and threw it at him.
It felt strange to think this was Elliot's last meal in the great hall ever. Graduation still hadn't felt real, but somehow sitting down and realizing once he got up from this table he'd never be back was what finally made it seem real to Elliot. He tucked his chin into his hand, blinking furiously a few times as his brain tried to process it, barely catching what Professor Alicastell was saying. The red banners around the hall made it fairly clear who had won the house cup, and Elliot managed to at least clap for Gryffindor and the top points winners. It was a shame Hufflepuff hadn't won the house cup since Elliot's first two years of school, but Elliot supposed it couldn't be helped. With the announcements done, Elliot picked up his fork, glancing around at his tablemates and striking up some conversation with them, wanting to savor the food and the company one last time.
The end of the year always brought a mix of feelings for Sydney. On one hand, she was free of the school and stupid tests and professors who knew nothing. But on the other it meant she had to go back home for the winter break and deal with the insufferable indifference and cold judgement of her family. The difference this year was that Sydney had her apparition license and nothing was going to keep her at home if she didn't have to be.

Eager to get out of the castle, Sydney waited impatiently as they went through the same pointless accolades and speeches as they did every year, rolling her eyes and scoffing in disgust when her sister was announced as one of the top points earners. Of course Brooke would buy into all this house point nonsense. Sydney almost considered trying to find her sister to let her know how stupid she was for following along with all of that, but she didn't want to deal with the inevitable argument that would came after, instead, she excused herself from the Slytherin table and situated herself next to Emily at the Ravenclaw table, giving anyone who might have something to say about it a sharp glare.
Daintree wasn't sure he wanted to go home, he had been keeping in contact with his family but he hadn't really been doing it because he wanted to but he knew he couldn't just cut them out and maybe he was over what had happened but he just didn't want to live amongst liars. He sat down in the great hall and was bored immediately. The professor droned on about who'd been overachievers and what they'd gotten. He was pretty tired of Gryffindor winning the cup but reluctant to do any more work that would actually help his own house do better. Thankfully the professor finished off, but he knew for once it wouldn't count to him since he was now 17 he could do magic outside of school. But he took some food and noticed then Sydney going to Emily, he was still surprised by them but just turned to his meal and began eating.
Ajaccio was excited to head off on another adventure. He knew that he wouldn't probably be able to keep doing it once he himself finished up with school but he was very much ignoring that and focusing on how much fun he might have during this break, he felt it was well earned too. He'd worked at his OWLs, and he knew he hadn't done perfect but he felt like he'd done pretty well. Well enough that he could feel quite proud of himself. He glanced at the headmistress as she began speaking, he already knew this since he'd done work for accio on the top points but he applauded for the people who it was, cheering a little for the ravenclaw name. He wasn't sure how Minnie found the time. But he glanced towards the slytherin table and gave a smile to Nicole, he watched someone as the food appeared join his table and he was tempted to go sit with her at Slytherin.
Leia felt her first truly solo year had gone well. She fully expected Padme to come back in the next year and was quite looking forward to it despite how well her first year alone had gone. She knew it wasn't a big deal, plenty of people were the only one of their family or of their current siblings at the school but it was different for Leia, but she'd managed, she'd gotten good grades, was the duelling champion for her year again and was feeling pretty pleased with herselt. She'd been trying very hard for a while, and the level of work that she had to do now as a fourth year was quite big, but she'd managed it. Next year would be even worse, but she felt too it might not be as bad for her studying since all the classes exams were in the second semester. Leia was a little disappointed she didn't get top points, though she did usually try to avoid it, but she wasn't sure how some people managed to get over a thousand. It would be cool to surprisingly be at the top and she could just've blamed her duelling. The food appeared in front of her and she was pretty happy. She began to eat now her attention turning to all she was going to do that break.
Lumio was sitting with Ronald in the hall, he'd specifically gotten the spot next to his boyfriend, knowing that though they'd be spending time together over the break he was keen to sit with him. He wasn't too interested in the top points but hearing that for his house it was Ronald he cheered loudly for him, grinning excitedly for him. "Congrats," he said quietly as the cheering moved on to the next names. He knew how hard Ronald worked, and Lumio was trying to be better but studying was just really difficult and as it turned out he wasn't that good at it, so his OWLs were going to be difficult but he'd just have to give it his best shot. The food appeared and all thoughts of exams and the future disappeared as he focused on getting some food on his plate.
Liusaidh hated the feasts, the food was fine but they themselves were so boring. She just didn't understand why they celebrated the swottiest of kids. She sat amongst her housemates and immediately booed as the professor made them congratulate gryffindor, she did so relatively loudly. Then she booed again for the gryffindor top points. She stopped when Brooke got the top points for slytherin. She found that interesting, had no idea how keen Brooke was to get that. She didn't cheer for her friend or even applaud but she also didn't boo for her, which Liusaidh went back to doing for the other names the headmistress read out. She rolled her eyes at the reminder but was glad that the food appeared. "So, been studying much...," she asked with a little smirk, she liked Brooke but was looking for a bit of an opportunity to make a little fun of her.
@Brooke Townsend
Branson couldn't believe another year had flown by. He wasn't sure how much he liked how quickly they flew by, he knew that his sisters wouldn't join him next year but the year after and he was quite keen to see them at school, but he was also glad he'd be quite a bit older when they did. He was still, in his mind figuring things out, trying to be better at classes and in having friends. He knew that he wouldn't do duelling again but had other hobbies and interests that he found engaging anyway. Branson missed Lily, he wasn't sure where she'd gone to but he miss her, though he was glad that he had a best friend in Jordie. Even despite the little bump. Branson applauded politely for Gryffindor house and for all the top points earners, he was looking forward to having a bit of a break and seeing his mum for a bit that would good. Before he even realised the food was in front of him. He grabbed some things for his plate and began eating.
Pixie did not like feasts, they were busy and loud and unnecessary, so she'd waited till the last possible moment to walk in and take her spot which was right at the very back of the hall, right at the end of the hufflepuff table. She kept her head down and stared elsewhere than the front. She listened to what the headmistress was saying but was glad when it didn't take too long and food appeared. She knew she'd eat quickly and then head away, no sense lingering if she did not need to.
Eugene was now more content than he'd been maybe a day before, with the end of year looming and him looking forward to seeing his cousin, and acknowledging that it was okay for him to feel upset about not being able to ever share this with his mother, he was feeling better. He'd had a good year after all, he'd made so many friends, spoken to so many people, he was more involved with music and he couldn't wait to spend some time working on songs with his cousin and then further with the boys. It was going to be a good break, and he knew he'd get his allowance soon and he'd look to changing some of that to help make things easier for his cousin financially. He cheered loudly for gryffindor as the headmistress announced they'd won the house cup, he knew it was good to be supportive of other houses and he cheered loudly for each of the other students. He was a little disappointed he wouldn't be able to show his cousin anything he'd learnt but he could show her the books and talk about it. He grinned at his classmates at the hufflepuff table, he turned to Charlie as the food appeared, "So, bro, what are you doing this break?"
@Charlie Helkovaara
Cyzarine couldn't believe this was her final feast. She had been at hogwarts for seven whole years and now this was the last meal she would eat here. She'd have to get her dad to sneak some food for her if she missed it. There was too a budding excitement over the next chapter of her life, she already had plans with Mihail, to go check out the restaurant that he was opening and help him there. She was excited to possibly move in with him, to spend lots and lots of time with him. But she knew she would miss this, she'd miss the ease with which she might be able to speak to Selene or hanging out with her friends. It was just going to be so different. She cheered loudly, happily for her house and then for all the tops points earners, she'd never been one but she didn't need to. She couldn't help somewhat bittersweetly watch others as they took food and chatted with friends, knowing she'd never likely experience this again.
Eric never really enjoyed the feast, but he was at least glad the year was over. Gryffindor had won. Again. Though Eric couldn't really give a crap about that. The only part of the professor's speech he paid attention to was the mention of Minnie winning the most points for Ravenclaw. Eric looked over at the Ravenclaw table with a grin, seeking her out. He was really looking forward to her staying with him, even if he was a bit nervous as well. He hoped his mum wouldn't horribly embarrass him. Eric saw Sydney was sitting at the Ravenclaw table too and scowled, quickly looking away. He wished he had thought of that, rather than being crammed in at the rowdy Gryffindor table that was full of celebrating students. He grumbled under his breath as he started to eat.
Benedict was pretty pleased that Gryffindor had won the house cup again even though he hadn't done too much to support the efforts. Those were minor details not worth thinking about. It was a Gryffindor win, and he was a Gryffindor. Lost in thought about his plans for the break as the Headmistress spoke on and on, Ben only began paying attention to his surroundings when he saw the plates fill with food. Even then, his attention was only on what was right in front of him so he started when he was hit on the forehead. He glanced down at what had fallen in his lap. A sausage?

The teen turned his head, eyes rolling when he spotted his sister. It had to have been her. Benedict stuck his tongue out at her before picking up a dinner roll and throwing it at her. That would show her.

@Bea Sparkles
Ivy had found a seat near the end of the Gryffindor table where it was at least a little quieter than in the middle, but it was still incredibly busy. Of course, they were all excited about winning the house cup, which Ivy could understand. But she wasn't that excited. She knew that she hadn't won most points for Gryffindor, again. A fact soon confirmed by the Headmistress as she said it had been won by Ronald. Of course. To make matters worse, Brooke had won for Slytherin. Now Ivy had to pretend to be happy for her friend as well. She was glad when the food arrived, mostly so she could aggressively stab it with her fork. She wondered what the point of it all was, why she even tried. Clearly, she was never going to be good enough. She already knew her dad would be disappointed, which made everything worse.
Bern was so curios what will happen for the last feast for this year, he want to bonding his cousin but the last time that he saw him is in the party of brotherhood at lake after that he cousin was so busy so he give him space to his academics, and then he try to search his cousin at the table but he seated at the front so I seated at the middle side of the Gryffindor table and the Headmaster Alicastell take her speech, Bern seen that the banner change in Red and Gold color and our Headmaster congarulate us the Gryffindor because we are the winner House Cup for thes year every body was happy and Bern felt confident for their achievement and then Bern was so proud to his cousin when he called at the top one earner points in Gryffindor with the score of 1144 points wow that so amazing he so happy that the effort of his cousin was paid off, and Bern want to congratulate formally his cousin when both of them came back to their common room, Bern have a day before going back to Malaysia to visit their family and her sister.
Lucas couldn't believe the year was over already. It had gone by so fast. The boy was sitting next to Connor, his boyfriend, and tried to enjoy just chatting with fellow Hufflepuffs. But he was a little sad to return to the muggle world soon, he knew he'd miss magic. He was also sad about Elliot graduating, he had really grown to like him as his captain. He'd definitely miss him next year. He applauded for the people who got the most points, though he wondered if they had any sort of life outside of studying if they were getting that many points. He didn't think he could even get close, though he had passing grades. He was glad when the food arrived, quickly digging in.
The year had really flown by, and Louis couldn't believe it was over already. He was feeling a little strange about returning home after the year at school, he kind of wished he could just stay. But he had missed his dad, and it would be nice to see him again. Louis was proud that his house had won the house cup, and cheered loudly as the Headmistress announced it. He had always known Gryffindor was the best house, this just seemed to be more proof. Once the boring point stuff was over and the professor had reminded them of the rules over break, it was finally time to eat. Louis quickly piled his plate with food and got started, looking around. He saw his roommate Bern sitting nearby and shot him a grin. "You excited for the break?" He asked the other boy.

@Bern Malakas
Bea grinned at her brother as he turned to look at her, poking her tongue back before quickly ducking out of the way of the flying bread roll. With a pretend glare, Bea reached across the table and grabbed a massive spoon of mashed potato, flicking it as hard as she could back at Ben (the mashed potato, not the spoon).

if you're at the gryffindor table, please feel free to react/retaliate/get hit by said flying food!

@Benedict Sparkles
Kiara couldn't believe that another year had passed by, she managed to finish all the OWLs without losing her mind. She knew that next year wasn't going to be less intense, especially with her being a new Queen of Crafts, it was a bit scary. But it was more calming to understand that she had Casper next to her as a King of Crafts, at least she wasn't going to do it alone. And to even more fulfill the year, she found even more friends, she met Onyx, she started to date Arthur and she couldn't believe that it happened only during these nine months.

When the headmistress Alicastell started her speech, Kiara paid attention to her, at least she was trying to and she was quite impressed by the amount of points they all managed to get. It was unbelievable! However, when the speech was over, she was absolutely ready to finally eat, she was starving.
Anna's third year passed by and it was something weird. She was almost halfway through school and it was so weird. However, it didn't make her any more serious and responsible as she didn't even listen to the headmistress's speech, not until she was made to. Something hit her right in her chest. "What the heck?" she started to clean off the potatoes from her clothes. She looked around the table to see who threw them at her and she got suspicion on one girl but wasn't exactly sure, however, she grabbed the closest food to her and threw it back at her, hoping that she got the right person.

Did she hit the right person tho? @Bea Sparkles

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