Y35 Pride Event

Elio Zephyr

Finders' keepers + I found you ˚ʚ ʜᴏɴᴇʏ ɞ˚
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Killian <3)
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (29)
Plot ID #95906

Pride had always been an important event for Elio, who for every year he’d been at the school he had loved to come along to. This year had been even more crucial to the prefect though because he had come to realise his own orientation wasn’t quite a clear cut as he’d spent his entire life believing it to be. In all honesty he no longer knew what he was, but maybe that wasn’t so bad. After all he had plenty of time to work it out, and Hogwarts had always been an open place for all the students to be themselves. Elio had decided that maybe it wasn’t about labels for him, maybe he was happy just being whatever he was rather than trying to give it a name, but since finding out that he wasn’t what he had once thought, it had been an eye opening experience to find out just how many other orientations there were. It was relieving really, since those he knew of already hadn't been quite right or as fitting as he wanted, and now it gave him a bit more freedom to be himself.

The Gryffindor had spent some time putting together a plan that would bring the school together for the event, hoping that for students who were unsure or uneasy about it would find many people they could talk to. Elio had gotten together with a number of students who had agreed to help him out, spending the morning decorating the Great Hall ready for the celebrations and games. There was face painting of course, a firm favourite and one that he would be visiting himself later, and next to it were the flower decorations which were made up of specific flag colours. He hoped that by decorating the room with various flags that were representing a many different orientations as possible, that it would help students to ask questions perhaps about some they’d not seen before. There were also multicoloured animal balloons, and the prefect was hoping that not too many of them were going to burst before they made it out the hall. As he passed his own stands, a photo booth with various props for the students to dress up with, he grinned at Rowan who he was looking forward to working with, before glancing across the hall to see how the final game was taking shape. After finding out that Chante was an excellent baker, he'd been delighted when she'd accepted his proposition, and hoped that the donut eating competition was going to be a hit. It was almost time for the event to begin, and Elio more than excited to see how it would play out.
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Rowan had never been to a pride event before. She knew she should probably have been at least once in support of Elsie, but honestly she’d never much seen Elsie at these events either. Neither of them cared particularly over how their orientations were perceived, even Rowan didn’t actually know what she was, but she was pretty sure she couldn’t be considered straight these days. She didn’t really know what any of it meant either, it was all really very confusing. She looked at Elio as most of the decorations went up, she was helping him with the photo booth and honestly she was incredibly nervous. Her hands shook a little as she held her camera tightly, but she could do this. These were the sorts of photos any one could take given they had a decent camera. The solution was all made up so they would having moving pictures as well as stills. Yes, Rowan was definitely looking forward to it and very much scared at the same time. Pride 2051, here she comes.​
Zennon had never actually had a fight with a friend before, and honestly, the fact that it was Leda just somehow made everything so much worse. He’d always, always had her back. She’d been the one to pull him into more drama than he could count on one hand, had encouraged it in him and now this was what she was going to do? Just leave him hanging on his own when she could have, at the very least, supported him? F#ck her then. He didn’t need her, he had too much of his own sh!t to worry about if she was going to act like she had never been involved in that kind of stuff before. Six months ago she never would have acted like that, not even six months ago. Honestly Zennon felt like she didn’t even know him after that. How could he have been friends with someone one minute and lost them the next. He felt like he’d just lost a member of his family. He loved Leda. She meant so much time him. But he just couldn’t accept that a) the moment the chips were down she’d brushed him aside and b) she’d acted like what he’d done was completely nuts and nothing she could ever see herself getting involved with. Dirty liar. He shook his head to calm himself down. He wasn’t going to think about it, because it'd only hurt more. Leda has been a huge part of his life for six years, to think this was how it ended was honestly the most painful thing he’d ever experienced. He didn’t even want to come to pride, but he needed to be somewhere that people were so he could disappear into a crowd if need be. F#ck this sucked.​
Chante wore her brown locks in a braided crown that went around her head. It's not the first time she wears it in that style, remembering last summer break she started to experiment more with her looks. Pretty pleased with her reflection in the mirror, Chante completed the hairdo with a pansexual hair pin. She went on to match the look with a yellow, magenta, and blue color dress. Chante may have went a little overboard with pride this year, but when you're swelling with pride going overboard was nonexistent in her vocabulary. She was so excited for the Pride Event this year. Mostly due to the fact she would be a part of it with Elio and several others of their schoolmates. It was her first time helping with the Pride Event, first and last time as it was her final year at Hogwarts. Chante would be sad if her enthusiasm wasn't on full display while she was busy setting up the doughnut eating contests. She line up several doughnuts on a string that she baked with the help of the house elves this morning. While she wasn't able to have a proper bake sale this year, this more than made up for it. Who didn't like doughnuts? Correction, who didn't like eating a doughnut hanging from a string like a fish with a bait? It was going to be loads of fun seeing her peers and even adults attempt to gobble up on the bakery sweet. When she felt like she was done setting up, the Hufflepuff smiles happily over at Elio. She gave the younger teen a wave and then waited for the fun to begin.
Ava had been having a topsy turvy time lately. She was fighting with Philip, again, and she was over it. Every time she tried to trust him, at all, he always threw it back in her face. Well, no more, she was fed up with his attitude. Things were at least a little better with Vader, even if she felt like there was a wall there that hadn't been before. The same could be said with Zephyr, even though she had agreed to help him with this event today. She bounced around, determined not to let her own issues get in the way of today. She had a vast array of colors set up on the table next to her, a hand mirror at the ready, an assortment of brushes, and a bright, colorful sign that read 'Face Painting Here!'. She had made sure to let @Vader Hume and @Christian Cade know she would be here and hoped to see both of them today. She smiled brightly, waving at @Elio Zephyr and @Rowan Baros when she thought they were looking and waited patiently for someone to come to see her, swinging her legs gently as she sat upon her stool, humming softly to herself.
((godmod approved))

Sapphire was rather confused about the events of the day. She's been asked on a date by a guy she didn't know, had Diana be... well, Diana, but more towards Zennon, for some reason, then Leda had gotten involved and instead of supporting Zennon's claims had taken a 'no drama' stance and been upset? She was certainly confused, but if there was anyone that she was sure would be upset about it, it was Zennon. Heading down to some event, she found her target, grabbing his arm and ignoring any protests as she twirled him into Ava's face painting chair. She clapped her hands down lightly on his shoulders. "Alright, sunshine, do your worst." Sapphire grinned.

@Zennon Baros
Zennon was not ready to face the day. Honestly. He was tired, angry and he just wanted to be somewhere he could be assured he would be able to get away from Leda. He had no idea if she would be here, he hoped not, he didn't fancy seeing her face right now. He wasn't even really sure what he was angry about. At Leda? At Diana? At Noelle? At himself? There were certainly a lot of factors he wasn't too keen on dwelling on so when he felt someone come up beside him and drag him over to the blond with the paints, he tried to tug himself free, but Sapphire was stronger than he was, unsurprising since he did almost no exercise and she was a beater. "F#cking hell! Sapph, piss off!" It was of little use though as he sat faced to whoever this sunshine person was and just glared at her annoyed. If she did anything he didn't like, she could kiss that hair goodbye because he'd curse her and Sapphire both to be hairless hags for all eternity.​

@Sapphire Michaels @Avaria Lockwood
Ava was startled as Sapphire appeared in front of her with a boy. "Sapph!" She greeted happily, blinking at the boys attitude. "Well, do you want your face painted? I'm not painting your face unless you want me to," She stated calmly, looking to Sapphire. "You said you would start thinking more before doing," She scolded the older Slytherin lightly.
Sapphire rolled her eyes, draping her arms over Zennon's shoulders. "Nope, I don't think I shall." She replied simply, looking to Ava. "Just give him some whiskers or something, sunshine." She winked, resting her chin lightly on Zen's head. "I still don't get half of what happened earlier," She spoke, "But I'm not going to let you just pout by yourself. I got you, Zennyboo," She told him. He had been there for her too many times for her to just leave him to be moody.

@Zennon Baros
Elliot hadn't had to think too much about agreeing to help Elio out for Pride when the older boy asked. Gardening had become a huge source of comfort for Elliot over the years, especially now that he was feeling more adrift and stressed than he had in previous years. It had been nice to have a goal to work towards as well as he'd maintained and gathered the flowers to make flower crowns for the event. He'd eventually realized he was going to need help with it all though, and was grateful when one of the younger students from the Wild Patch, Poppy, had been on board to lend a hand.

It had taken a few trip to haul all the flowers into the hall to set up the crown booth. Even though they didn't weigh too much, Elliot was nervous of even levitating too many at once in case he dropped them and crushed the blooms. They'd woven several already into crowns for people to pick out, the flowers corresponding to various pride flags, some of which Elliot hadn't been totally aware of until he'd seen more of what Elio was working on. He'd also arranged a spread of fresh flowers on a tarp in front of the booth, in case anyone wanted to weave their own before grabbing a seat and propping his elbows on the booth to people watch. It was kind of nice to be on this side of things, keeping a little distance from the rest of the crowd gathered but still involved.
Elio knew Rowan had a complicated relationship with her camera at the moment and so had appreciated it even more that she’d agreed to help out. Hopefully they would be able to give students something to take away with them that would last longer than a day or two, “You alright?” He asked Rowan, turning to face her with one hand on the camera around his neck. He knew her well enough that he could see that she wasn’t ecstatic about the situation, but given that recently they’d tried to help each other become more independent he didn’t want to get in her way either. The Gryffindor caught sight of Chantes wave and waved back, looking forward to seeing how the competition would play out. As far as he knew it was a new one for the school and who didn’t like donuts? He spotted a couple of students very quickly that had arrived, Zennon especially looked furious. Elio didn’t really know the Slytherin prefects well enough to try and settle it, but as they walked over to the face painting the Gryffindor did his best to catch Ava’s eye. Everything okay? he mouthed, hoping that they weren’t about to start the event with an argument.
When Lars had been asked to help man the face paint station, he had considered saying no. While Pride was important to him, he didn't know if he could manage to socialize with people for hours on end. But in the end, he had wanted to help out. He hadn't known Avaria had also been asked until he saw her there, a lot more prepared then he had been. He waved at her, then moved to her side. He hated how close their station was to Elliot's, and winced at the sight of him. He moved further back, hoping to hide from the Hufflepuff's view. A few loud Slytherins came to get their face painted. Or at least, one of them was dragging the other. Lars was glad Avaria dealt with them, and kept an eye out for anyone else who might want some face paint. He hoped Elliot wouldn't try to talk to him. But he also hoped that he would.

@Avaria Lockwood
Ajaccio had been happy to offer his assistance for the pride celebrations, since he always liked doing that. Whenever they were somewhere for Pride he and his father would go along. Ajaccio had never discussed why with his father, but he’d always been happy to go. Ajaccio had never questioned or thought about his sexuality, for him it didn’t entirely matter what he was, so he’d never thought about it. But, today was less about his own thoughts and feelings and more about balloon animals, something he was doing with lysander. He knew a little about ballon animals, could make a couple but he knew it would probably be more comically than anything. He walked into t he hall waving happily over to Elio who had asked him to do this and then found where he was supposed to stand. He had a fluffy rainbow halo thing on his head, it was stood up by a hair band, but his hair had been growing so wildly that it was difficult to spot where it started and where his hair ended. He’d always worn a tie-dye rainbow shirt, one he’d made himself for exactly this occasion. He grabbed the first few balloons and began trying to pre-emptively make some balloon animals that would just be ready to hand out.
Mazikeen had always attempted to go along to the Hogwarts Pride, most of the time she did. It was certainly something that she was quite pleased to be able to go to. She knew once leaving school she’d be able to go along to pride with her parents. It would be a good party for them all to have, for everything to be celebrated in. The teen got to the hall and noticed that it was different. She had heard that it wasn’t the wild patch that were organising it, and rather it was just a pride event. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, she’d liked the incorporation of flowers, but this felt right nonetheless. Mazikeen was wearing three shades of lipstick to try to get a little of the lesbian pride flag on her lips, she wasn’t quite sure she’d managed it. She headed further into the hall and saw that most of the staples existed to some degree, they were there, even if they weren’t the only things. She didn’t know where exactly she wanted to get started, so she just let herself enjoy being there and figure what she wanted to get started with in a moment. Perhaps face painting would be a good place to start or even maybe the flower crowns...
Kaimana has never really participated in the school events, despite having been here for five years now. She wasn’t exactly into the crowds thing, but she had to make an effort so that by the time she was in her final year she wouldn’t be graduating with no friends at all, and regret not making those memories. But who was she kidding. She felt so out of place, and as she entered the great hall for the pride event she realised she didn’t know anyone here. Well, she knew some of her yearmates but she’d never spoken to any of them. Kai had never questioned her sexuality, she’d known it for years. She stood awkwardly to one corner, watching as some people got their faces painted, some others were helping to decorate and...ooh, doughnuts. But approaching the doughnuts meant she had to speak to people and she didn’t really feel like it yet. So she opted just to stay put until she knew where she wanted to go to first.
Shane had been openly bisexual for a good number of years, and he’d always made an effort to attend pride wherever he was. He was looking forward to this pride, if only because it was his last school pride and that felt important in some way. The teen was getting himself dress, wearing casual clothes but pairing it with the colours of bisexuals. The first thing he did in the hall was spot where the face painting was and immediately went helped himself to the supplies. ”Hey prep girl,” he greeted Sapphire who was getting her face painted and gave a little flirty smirk to the girl who was doing it. He focused however on quickly painting a bisexual pride flag to both of his cheeks and then glancing around. ”While your boy gets his face painted, shall I do yours?” he only vaguely knew the other boy who the other girl was painting the face of.
Vader had always gone to the pride celebrations always in his capacity as yearbook photographer, and he’d always been happy to do it, just because he felt like he should be. He had always been nervous about going, shy about what it meant and how best to pretend he wasn’t deeply interested in everything and how people spoke to one another. The gryffindor this time around was nervous for a different reason. He’d recently come out to his best friend and had spoken to the boy he’d kissed. He felt very new to all of it, and he wasn’t sure he’d found his pride yet. He stood at the edge of the hall, with his camera and feeling very nervous about being there. He wasn’t sure he was ready to broadcast it to everyone yet, he hadn’t told anyone else yet. All too nervous about their reactions, but he knew he’d need to soon. Padme and Leia, then his parents, then he could start with friends. He felt out of place and like he shouldn’t yet be at the event, that if he wasn’t out completely he couldn’t enjoy it.
Vader knew he put a lot of pressure on himself, he knew that there were a lot of internalised pressures. Admitting to himself that he was gay hadn’t made sleeping that much easier - though he could admit it had a little and he knew it was perhaps too close to the end of the year to tell. But he felt a little more comfortable with himself and could at least much like the other years focus on his camera and that would be his shield to the world. He wandered in and spotted Ava giving people face paint. He got the feeling she’d want to paint his face but he wasn’t sure he wanted that. However, if she was thinking about not being here in the next year he needed to get as much time with her as possible. So after taking a few pictures he ventured over to where she and just smiled, taking a few pictures of her painting someone’s face. Not addressing her directly or sitting with her but doing his role while near her.
Lysander loved Pride. Events like it had always been prominent in his life, from fairs to marches, and the atmosphere never ceased to be amazing. He missed a lot of it now that he was at Hogwarts, unable to see all the costumes and floats, so the school's Pride was a nice reminder, and made up for it in ways. When Elio had asked him to be a part of this year's event, he hadn't hesitated to say yes. He enjoyed running around to all the stalls the previous year, hanging with Wendall and eating cupcakes, but being a part of it sounded way more fun. He ran into the hall and said hello to Elio before making his way over to Ajax, who was already dressed the part. Sander himself had opted for some rainbow shoes and a pair of feathered rainbow wings, which had already left a brightly coloured trail in the corridors behind him. He'd been sad to see some of them loosen already, but at least now people definitely knew where to go. "Hi Ajax!" He grinned, joining him in setting up some balloon animals. Admittedly he was still very new to it, and had to follow a book tutorial on how to make animals. He'd gone so far as to try and figure out a spell to transfigure balloon animals into balloon people, making them balloon animagi, only for every balloon to pop in the process. It was disappointing, but regular animals were just as cool.​
@Ajaccio Skey
When an older Hufflepuff approached the face painting, Lars thought at first he had his first person to work on. But instead, he talked to the two girls, and then told the boy he could paint his. Lars hesitated, then cleared his throat. "Excuse me. But uh, Elio asked us to do the face painting." He told the boy shyly, gesturing to himself and Ava nervously. "I... could do it." It was why he was here, after all. If others started taking over, he would feel like he might as well leave.

@Shane Ackley
Rowan noticed a couple more people as they began to enter, Zennon most noticeably, since he looked furious, but she didn't know why. She went to head over to him, but his friend Sapphire got there first and so she left it. She felt like the other Slytherin probably had a pretty good handle on it, she'd seen her handle her brother before. She smiled at Ava when the girl waved at her, though it was a bit of a tight smile. She couldn't help it, she was still jealous of the other blonde, though she did try hard not to let Elio know and not to ever appear like it was going to be a problem, because it wasn't she had nothing personally against Ava at all. She looked over at Elio as he asked if she was okay and gave a slight nod, steadying her hold on her camera a little more. It had been a while since she'd actually taken any proper photos. She'd experimented a little for Elio's birthday, but that was months ago and this was now. She took a shaky breath and rolled her shoulders a little, she could do this. She would do this. This was the point of her and Elio not being so much of her and Elio anymore. So she could stand on her own two feet, independent. Sure, she could lean on him sometimes when she needed him, but first, she had to know she could do it herself. Besides, she'd told him she could do this, she couldn't break her word now. She looked over at him again. "Baby girl can do it." She said pumping her fist a little in something of a power stance. Hopefully, it would make her feel much more confident about her statement than she was.​
Shane glanced to the other voice that spoke and leaned forward a little. It was a younger boy, far too young for Shane's tastes. "Oh I've never been one for someone elses rules," the hufflepuff said with a little shrug, to him it hadn't mattered who was in charge of what. Who was supposed to be doing what, he was just happy to interrupt and do it himself. But if this boy wanted to, "Okay then kiddo, have at it," he decided after a moment, moving slightly to be closer to him, "I'm really fussed if you go all out but let's stick to these colours," he pushed towards him the different colours which were associated with the bisexual flag.
Mhairi had heard that there was the Pride event going on, and she was glad that as the Queen of the Flowers it was something she didn't have to worry about this year. She had enough on her plate as it was with her NEWTs and trying to run her own club, although she'd been more than happy to help out Elliot when he'd come asking for assistance with the flowers. She'd always intended to come along to the event, and hoped that she would see a lot of her friends and family there since it was almost time to graduate. Entering the hall, it looked as busy as ever. and she drifted across to the Hufflepuff to see how he was doing. On the way past she spotted Shane talking to a few of the students involved in face painting, although she didn't stop to get involved there, preferring to let them continue their conversation. Instead she paused next to the fourth year, "Hi." she smiled, signing although she didn't know how well versed in sign language he was. "What are you making?" she asked with her voice, hoping her voice wouldn't sound too flat after her practising during the holidays.
Elliot smiled when he spotted Mhairi coming over. He'd enjoyed having her quiet but calm presence in charge of the Wild Patch this year, and her advice with the flowers for Pride had been hugely appreciated as well. "Hey, I'm working on some flower crowns," He said, glancing briefly at her hands when she'd spoken and wishing he would have tried to pick up sign language. "Did you want to make one? You could do a pride flag or just whatever you like," He offered, waving vaguely at the collection of blooms around him. Elliot himself hadn't been sure what to do with his own flower crown, eventually deciding on putting together a rainbow crown. It was a little flashy, but Elliot enjoyed the various colours and flowers together. @Mhairi Olaf
Ava grinned back at Elio, waving him off and blowing a kiss his way. She had this. She picked up a pretty, darker pink that she thought would look nice on Zennon, giggling as Lars came over. "Hi Lars!" She reached over before he started on the new boy, quickly painting a little heart on Lars' arm. "Now we match!" She declared, showing him the little heart on hers. She smiled brightly at the boy Lars' was working with, turning back to see Sapphire still talking to Zennon. She pouted a little, but took the opportunity to slip over to Vader. She snuck up on him, turning his head and painting another heart on his cheek before he could stop her. She giggled, before slipping back into her chair. She took Zennon's arm, deciding she was done waiting, and put a heart on his hand as well. "There!" She declared, if only to please Sapphire and to get this grumpy boy out of her chair, "Give me your hand, Sapph, I'll do yours too!" She giggled as the older girl listened, quickly giving her a heart as well. "Spread the love!" She giggled, glancing to the boy that Lars' was helping. "Do you want a heart too, Mr. Pretty hair?" She asked, giggling at her own stupid nickname.

@Vader Hume @Lars van Houten @Zennon Baros @Shane Ackley @Elio Zephyr
Lars felt incredibly anxious as he looked at the older boy, especially as he had said he didn't follow rules. But then he asked Lars to paint something on his face, with the colors of the bisexual flag. Lars hesitated. "Do... you really not mind what I paint?" He asked uncertainly, before dipping a brush into the paint. He started painting carefully on his face, a small swirling pattern on his cheek in purple. Ava was busy painting hearts on everyone's arms, including Lars' which made him jump a little. But he then focused on his work again, adding a swirl of blue.

@Shane Ackley @Avaria Lockwood

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