Rate the Sig

10/10 - I like that the userbar has a border. :r
two of the pictures don't show up, and one of the links has died.
Thanks for the note, Mia! Apparently attachments on Xenforo are only visible if you have permission to view the topic where they're uploaded. D:
That said: 9/10, no border. :r
well fixed.
10/10 The right amount of green.
it is very pretty but she is so small. and am not sure what I think about the grey around the edge.
the colours are so her, and I like how the lighting and colours in the background match the picture.
9/10 Both the pictures seem to be a bit blurry, and I'm not sure if it's the effect, but nevertheless I love it.
10/10 I love the coloring, it suits her so well!

it's beautiful
1000000/10 My favorite sig.
Love the colours and the font!! It's just so pretty and shows a lot of character :D
10/10 this signature is sooo nice ahh :wub: was it always a gif or did you just turn it into one?! I know I've stared at it more than once but I never noticed before :lol:
10/10 this signature is sooo nice ahh :wub: was it always a gif or did you just turn it into one?! I know I've stared at it more than once but I never noticed before :lol:

Ahh thank you Claire :wub: I just turned it into one! I saw a couple in the graphic requests and went "wow why didn't I think of this sooner?"

10/10. Gosh, I just love your compositions sooo much, you make everything so seamless yet distinctively yours. And your colour schemes! Flawless

It was already gorgeous, but the gif elements make it even better. The color scheme is so beautiful too! The blue and white with the red lips. Great job!
10/10 that composition :wub:
100/10 a true masterpiece / relic of old times
I love it. It is so neat in its self. but what I love more is how all of the Holland sisters have matching sigs that are both unique to them and cohesive as a family. which is so cool and well coordinated.
(I have actually wanted to say that for a while)
10/10 I love the font, I now have downloaded a few different versions of them! I love the sig, though the Le Fey's always looked good in darker colors. ^^ Her eyes are pretty.

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