Jenna Irons

Jenna Irons

💕 spoiled princess 💕 nightmare 💕 queen bee
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Vine Wand with Doxy Wing Core
11/2040 (23)

Name: Jenna Gabriella Irons
Meaning: Jenna – Fair phantom, Gabriella – God is my strength
Birthdate: 20/11/2040
Zodiac: Scorpio
Strengths: Loyal – Passionate – Resourceful – Observant - Dynamic
Weaknesses: Jealous – Obsessive – Suspicious – Manipulative – Unyielding
Being a Scorpio born on November 20th, your friends and family know you for a strong will and a stronger nurturing nature. You apply dedication to all aspects of your life, especially when you feel a challenge is worthwhile. Likewise, you will also take determination into helping others, which explains why there are many times when you sacrifice your own needs for those of others. These qualities make you a valued friend and highly sought after companion.

Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Curly 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Vine Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Strongly tied to the witch and wizard they choose, vine wands are often held by witches and wizard who dream of something bigger beyond the mundane for their lives.
Core: Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Hogwarts House: Slytherin


Hair: Jenna's hair is a nice mid-blonde, naturally straight and on the thinner side, falling slightly further than her shoulders.
Eyes: Jenna's eyes are blue-grey, with long lashes.
Build: Slender and tall.
Complexion: Pale, with a few sparse freckles and moles.
Style: Jenna always stays up to date on the latest fashions, and her outfits wouldn't look out of place on most catwalks.
Distinguishing Features: Jenna has a very loud voice, and is often heard coming before she's seen.
Playby: Annie Murphy (Formerly Avalon Robbins)


Personality: Jenna grew up with a very particular view of the kind of person she was expected to be; pretty, successful, and ruthless. She has always idolised her mother who fits that archetype to a T, and works hard to be the kind of person her mother would be proud of. While she has friends she's never afraid to step on them in order to get ahead, and she weaponises gossip and secrets whenever she can. Whether her cruelty and conniving is genuine or learned, she's no less vicious.
-Jenna is extremely driven and committed to his goals, and once he starts working on something he won't stop until she accomplishes it.
-While there's always an edge of cruelty to it, Jenna is very good at making friends with people she decides are worth her time, and keeping them close.
-Jenna has excellent taste, and a good sense of design.
-Jenna's blatant ruthlessness can cost her friendships and relationships, and makes her a very difficult person to be around.
-Jenna was raised with a very limited view of how girls and boys can and should behave, and finds it difficult to look outside that framework.
-Jenna's coldness to other people and cynical view of relationships makes it very difficult for her to trust, and she tends to keep things bottled up rather than handle her feelings in a healthy way.
-Jenna draws most of her self-worth from her appearance and social status, and finds it difficult to find value in the things that are more intrinsic to her without outside validation
-she just sucks bruh
Horseback riding - Jenna has ridden horses all her life, and is a confident and capable rider and showjumper. Although she tries not to let it show in any way that might affect her reputation, Jenna is a capital letters Horse Girl.
Piano - Jenna has been in piano lessons since she was little, and she's Okay at piano.
Beauty and Fashion - Jenna takes great pride in her appearance, and spends a lot of her free time on it.

Personality Type: ESTJ (The Executive)
Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

Strengths: Dedicated, Strong-Willed, Direct and Honest, Loyal, Patient, Reliable, Enjoy Creating Order, Excellent Organisers
Weaknesses: Inflexible and Stubborn, Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations, Judgemental, Too Focused on Social Status, Difficult to Relax, Difficulty Expressing Emotion

History: Jenna comes from a well off family on both sides. Her mother is a witch, and owns her own cosmetic potion business, and her father is a muggle and owns a gym. From a young age, Jenna learned the kind of woman she would be expected to grow into from her mother. She grew up overhearing catty gossip from the other room, learning tips and tricks to make herself pretty and appealing, and being constantly reminded that she came from a family of winners, and would always be expected to be the same. She absorbed all of this and took it on as law, dedicating herself to always being the best. She was both popular and hated all through primary school, working hard on the image she had chosen to portray, and has always done her best to stay one step ahead.
Health: Jenna is in excellent health.


Goals: For everyone to always see her as the queen bee she feels she is.
Fears: Failure and rejection.
Secrets: Jenna struggles sometimes with the thought that she doesn't really know how to make her own decisions.
Regrets: None. Always be moving forward.

Food: Ice cream
Smell: Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume
Music Genre: Pop
Animal: Horse

Name: Marcus Irons
Date of Birth: 8/2012
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Gym Owner
Name: Vanessa Irons
Date of Birth: 4/2015
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Cosmetic Company Owner
Brother (Estranged)
Blake van Houten
Date of Birth: 2036
Blood Status: Half Blood
Occupation: Moutohora Macaws Seeker
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Jenna had been waiting what felt like forever for her turn to come to Hogwarts, to join her older brother at school and make her own mark on the world. She was almost immediately disappointed when she arrived at Hogwarts to discover the school wasn't everything she had hoped; her roommates were terrible, friends were few and far between, classes were boring, and after a shocking incident later in the year, her brother's constant avoidance made a lot more sense. She vowed she was going to bounce back from this, even if Hogwarts was totally full of losers, Jenna was going to do her best to make it cool.
Hogwarts. At last. Jenna had been hearing about it from her parents all her life, though since Blake had left for Hogwarts he had always been less interested in recounting the stories of Hogwarts life she begged for. She had really pressed him for details this holiday, ignoring the obvious discomfort her older brother showed the more she asked about school. But Jenna needed to know everything. She had to make this count. She needed to know who was cool and how to meet them, ASAP. She had done her best to get it out of him, but Blake's info had been disappointing as ever, and Jenna thought that if she had to sit through one more tedious Quidditch story she was going to scream.

But now she was actually here, and it was finally her turn. The architecture of the school was impressive, sure, and she found herself staring at the ceiling of the Great Hall for a moment longer than she had expected to, but once that second had passed, Jenna was far more interested in the people around her, scanning the faces both of her new classmates to be, and the older students who lined the tables around the school. Who were the cool girls, where was she going to find her people? Wherever they were, Jenna was sure she would find them just fine. She was ready for her life to finally begin. She kept half an ear out as the names were called, not wanting to be caught off guard, and when her name was called she brushed her hair back and grinned, walking with every ounce of confidence she could muster towards the hat. Jenna knew all about this process, and hoped it would be over as quickly as possible. The other houses sounded... fine, for people who weren't her, but Jenna knew she belonged with her brother, where the winners were. She smiled in self-assurance as the hat settled comfortably on her head, and awaited its verdict.
"Unfortunately, where you want to go hasn't 'won' in a number of years....but perhaps that was because they lacked you.....Slytherin"
Gateway To MagicWith Charlotte Owens
Similar But Not The SameWith Salem Lee, Tyler Lee, and Blake Irons
A Place That Should Not Be HomeWith Natalia Novak, Raven Davies, Lucie Vernier, and Indira Khatri
Perfect TerrorsWith Seraphina My
Excuse MeWith Francis Merriwick
Big Sister, Little SisterHeta Omega Club Event
Who Doesn't Love A Good Scare?With River Hopkins-Vance
Power Couple...?With Weston Stirling
Opposites AttractWith Seraphina My
Celebrating Graduating SistersHeta Omega Club Event
Heta Omega
Yule Ball
Weston Stirling


As far as Jenna was concerned, she ruled the school at Hogwarts. That was much easier to focus on than the fact that her brother had been disowned, and nobody in her family would so much as mention him. So she threw herself into building her empire, finding girls who would be easy to keep beneath her thumb and a boy who would make an extremely good pair with her. Though she put on a sweet face in public, Jenna couldn't resist the temptation of getting a little mean with her closest friend, when it came to those in Hogwarts who deserved it. The year ended on an unfortunately low note when one of her roommates pulled a cruel prank, and Jenna was quick to swear revenge.
Observing From AboveWith Lenore Howell
Red and Green Make ChristmasWith Seraphina My and Brooke Townsend
The Importance of PresentationWith Celia Vuong
Pretty Shiny ThingsWith Giselle Rosenberg
Shiny ThingsWith Natalia Novak
Walls Can't Stop MeWith Noah Mendes
SistersHeta Omega Club Event
Perfect MatchWith Noah Mendes
Let's Start A FireWith Seraphina My
Green With LaughterReceiving Valentines Rose with Adorah Zumwalt and Seraphina My
Yellow AdviceReceiving Valentines Rose with Ana Sofia Burleigh
Mysterious AdmirersReceiving Valentines Rose with Brooke Townsend
Full Of SurprisesWith Indira Khatri and Nicole Fisk
Heta Omega
Yule Ball
Noah Mendes
Valentines Dance
Noah Mendes


Another year at Hogwarts meant another year being in charge. With no distractions to worry about, Jenna focused on building and increasing her hold on her clique of girls, both offering advice to much younger students and making connections with new ones. She was horrified at the Yule Ball to see Seraphina wearing an entirely unsuitable outfit, and began to seriously reconsider her closest friendship at Hogwarts. At the same time she began building a new close friendship with Kaia Stark, organising a clothes swap for the fashionable girls and pointedly leaving Seraphina out.
The Inconvenience Of Being In The WayWith Bobbi Bacuzzi
Queen BeesWith Gwen Goodwin
So BraveWith Lucie Vernier
Third Years Hang OutWith Isaiah Thompson, Weston Stirling, Indira Khatri, Nathaniel Traynor, Julien Beaumont, Jordan Harris, Nathan Clarke, Louis Vernier, Kaia Stark, Natalia Novak, Branson Archer, Valencia Addington, Alice Traynor and River Hopkins-Vance
Welcome MeetingHeta Omega Club Event
Reasonable RequestWith ~Professor Katherine Alicastell
This Dress Has PocketsWith Liusaidh Fergusson and Seraphina My
Clothes Swap!With Ana Sofia Burleigh and Kaia Stark
The Fire Got BiggerWith Seraphina My
Heta Omega
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


As ever, as far as Jenna was concerned she was the queen of Hogwarts. After the indignity of being relegated to little sister for another year with Heta Omega, Jenna decided to take matters into her own hand, deciding to start a more exclusive group for elite girls only with her friend Celia. After a major misunderstanding involving a rat and self defense, Jenna was assigned a detention with her head of house that she staunchly refused to attend. Towards the end of the year Jenna was invited to her estranged brother's wedding, something that tore her deeply inside, though even if she did want to it wasn't really an option for her to attend.​
Y40 S1 Slytherin House MeetingWith various Slytherins
Private RunwayWith Celia Vuong
Mutual AdvantageWith Giselle Rosenberg
New TricksWith Caleb Thorne and ~Professor Angel Castillo
Grunt WorkWith ~Professor Angel Castillo, Seamus Reid, and Avery Lancaster
You're A Mean OneReceiving Valentines Rose with Silas Broomhead
Exclusive MembershipWith Celia Vuong, Maisie Morvay, and Molly Burke
Keeping CoolWith Blake Lodge
Heta Omega
As The Bride from Kill Bill
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


Jenna's fifth year was a quiet one, focusing on making plans for the Elite Sisterhood to be the best it could be. She and Celia went on a recruiting drive and worked behind the scenes to ensure that when it launched their club would be the best group of girls in the school. She was infuriated at the end of the year to discover that she had won 'Most Likely To Spread Rumours' and not 'Most Stylish' in the yearbook superlatives.
Heta Omega
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


While her school life continued rather quiet, Jenna's sixth year was notable for the spark of her first romantic relationship. She was drawn to René for his easy likeability and popularity, things she knew would serve to improve her image, and soften her to people who didn't like her. What could be wrong with a person liked by someone like René?
Not Quite A Meet CuteWith René Tofilau(Continued)
Heta Omega
Yule Ball
René Tofilau
Valentines Dance


Jenna was back on top in Seventh Year, wisely ending her relationship with René to focus on people of a more appropriate social status. After staying low-key for a couple of years, Jenna and Celia worked to get the Elite Sisterhood properly off the ground, hopefully creating a legacy for the cream of the crop of Hogwarts girls to carry forward once they were gone. Out of the generosity of her heart she even loaned her skills to a Gryffindor in sore need of fashion advice, finally ending her time at school as the social queen she always deserved to be.​
Tying Loose EndsWith René Tofilau
Better ThingsWith Gwen Goodwin
Elite Sisterhood Makeup LessonsElite Sisterhood Meeting
Beggars Can't Be ChoosersWith Salem Lee and Indira Khatri
The Whole World According To MoiWith Kaia Stark
Yellow, To Accessorise A Fashion IconReceiving Valentines Rose with Renata Stepanova
This Bruise Ain't Black, It's YellowReceiving Valentines Rose with Niamh Eriksen
A Queen Bee They SaidReceiving Valentines Rose with Angel Gates
Heta Omega
An Evil Witch
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance

Today couldn't have come soon enough, in Jenna's opinion. Her final year of school had been turned into a nightmare, and she was beyond done and ready to be out of here. Screw the ceremony, if she could she'd accio her diploma and get out of here right now. But no, she had to sit through speeches and suffer the indignity of walking across a stage in front of all of her so-called "peers". Disgusting. She couldn't keep the sneer off her face as Indira took the stage, a perfect example of the mediocrity this school just loved to reward. Never done a good thing in her life, and yet there she was, being showered in praise.

Jenna didn't even pretend to listen to the speech, pulling out a mirror and adjusting her lip gloss while her thankfully former roommate prattled on about love or peace or whatever losers like her cared about. She fixed her hair during the second speech, and by the time her name was called she was able to look up from her compact as the picture of perfection. This school full of vipers was never going to see her weak. Head held high, she strode up to the stage and took her diploma without looking back at her classmates, poised and perfect. She decided not to even pretend to bother with the rest of the ceremony, leaving the Great Hall entirely rather than return to her seat. She was beyond done with this place.

"Good clothing is a passport to happiness." - Yves Saint Laurent
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