How Tall Are You?

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
OK Jesse and I were chattin about heights and I thought this could make a fun thread! I always find it weird finding out how tall internet friends are, it's strange to think about how we're all just Real People out here existing and having things like Heights and Corporeal Bodies. So, I thought it'd be fun to do a mini HNZ lineup, see how we all measure up!

I'm about 170cm/5'7", which puts me pretty squarely in the 'average height' zone. I have a tendency to think of myself as 'tall' because I'm the tallest person in my mum's extended family by quite a lot, but in the wider world I don't think I count as tall :p How tall are you guys?
I'm very short. 5'2. I frequently hear from people that they expect me to be taller than I am. :p One of my prized possessions before my partner moved in was my stool which let me reach all the high shelves in my place. xD
I'm not exactly sure, but im roughly about 165cm - 175cm? i can't remember the exact height but its around there lmao - I'll measure my height later and get back to you on that hehe! :D
I am just a lil guy, 5'2/160cm. I live with two 6'2 roommates who take great joys in putting things on high shelves in the kitchen I can't reach, so I definitely relate to the stool necessity, Cyndi.
I'm 6'1"!
I remember one of my old coworkers hiding one of my chocolates and I started hunting through the overhead cabinets in the kitchen, until she reminded me she was 5'2/5'3 and couldn't reach anywhere I was looking 🤦
I'm very short. 5'2. I frequently hear from people that they expect me to be taller than I am. :p One of my prized possessions before my partner moved in was my stool which let me reach all the high shelves in my place. xD
I remember when I first found out you were shorter than me, I was so excited :lol: Sent all the short friend jokes.
I am 5'3!
I am very small to. But it's good for me i can fast go and get out of the rows. 1, 57 :)
I am 1.73m tall which i believe is around 5'8". I am slightly annoyed as I stopped growing when I moved to Australia (I am sure i should have been taller if I had stayed in the UK) I have a terrible habit of just assuming people are my height.
I generally think of myself as quite tall. but I had a photo of me standing with some of my friends on the wall near my dining table, and it was funny I had someone (rather short) staying with me and it was on the wall near my dining table she was looking at the wall the oddest expression on her face and when i asked what was up she was like "how are you the shortest on in that photo." it may not be the most dramatic picture and doesn't do the height different justice but my friend on the right likes to remind me that i am small.
I am 5'2=159cm and I am the shortest one in my friend group, and I am actually pretty small for people in my country. Latvia is literally a country for giants, the average height for women is 5'7=170cm and for men it's 6'=182cm. Yes, we are in the second place with the tallest women in the world, haha, so my friends always call me Midget (yes, Latvian Gen Z humour is disappointing haha)... Second shortest person in our friend group is 168cm=5'6 and the tallest person (and also, my closest friend) is 197cm=6'5:D
I actually don't know my exact height but I'm short, maybe 150cm?? which is about 4'9 =))
I thought I'm the only small person here T.T going 4'9. People think my mum is my sister.
Wowie. So many tiny humans. I am 5/7"/170cm and am the tallest one in my immeadiate family except for brother as well as among my friends. I think in my head I always assume internet friends are my height just automatically until I meet them and are surprised.
I am 5'6".
I am one of the taller ones in my family. My mom is 5'3" and I love picking on her.
I'm not exactly sure, but im roughly about 165cm - 175cm? i can't remember the exact height but its around there lmao - I'll measure my height later and get back to you on that hehe! :D
Oh! So, I measured myself, and I'm 167cm hehe! I'm not sure what that is in feet tho! I'm not great at conversion lol
I am 5'7". Always wished I was taller but gotta love what the universe gave me!

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