And the winner is...the first book! Looks like we're going back to the beginning y'all!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.
We have done a re-read of this book before
way back in 2015, but I'm looking forward to re-reading again. I get something new from the books every time I re-read, and other than the first post there, I haven't re-read any of the comments though I probably will when we're done.
I'm hoping that
we can officially begin our re-read on Friday, May 8th to give participants the time to find their books. I'll be posting related articles, fun links, and my own thoughts about this book and encourage you all to do the same!
As has been mentioned, the audio version of the first book is available, free to stream on sites like Audible and possibly through your local library. And Kris linked us to the reading done by Daniel Radcliffe. It's also available on Spotify for those who have that.
I'll start us off with a question until the re-read begins! How did the first book get into your hands?
I actually got the book as a re-gift from my sister who won it in a Christmas raffle.

She originally told me she bought it for me, but I recently found out the truth. Sisters, amirite? I remember reading it over the Christmas break and then promptly forgetting about the series (didn't know it was one

) until the fourth book came out and I received
that book as a present from my grandmother. I read that one and then had to dig out my first book again to re-read.