You'd think it would've been important to mention exactly how to get on platform 9 3/4s, no? Thankfully, Harry eventually gets some help or this would've been a sad end to the story.
I'd forgotten that Ron used a hand me down wand for a bit. That's interesting because it probably won't work as well for him, not that I think his 'spell' would've worked with a new one since that spell is nothing like the spells we see once they're in school.
And the trolley lady, looking perfectly human and not robot-like.
Another cool invention - moving pictures and photos! I think it's so neat that photos are alive in a sense in the wizarding world and can move and interact with the environment and their other frames. It's such a neat idea.
Druidess Cliodna - I was curious why Harry couldn't tear his eyes away from this one so I looked her up! Has anyone tried chocolate frogs? I have, but I don't remember what cards I got.
Am I the only one who didn't like Hermione from the beginning? She had to grow on me, for sure.
And the chapter ends with the boat ride. When I think of the first movie, it's one of the scenes that sticks in my head, probably because it's our first time seeing Hogwarts.
I might get another chapter in today!