Common Connections

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Inspired by the bingo, I've been thinking up a game to play. It's an IC game and a bit similar to mate/date/slate but also different.

This game is all about what characters have in common with each other, I hope it will encourage some looking into bio's and learning more about each other character's.

How it goes:

You post with a character and reply with what your character has in common with the character above you. They have to be IC things, so not stuff like 'created on the same day' or 'RPer is the same age'.

Some examples:
- Same house at Hogwarts
- Same birth year / month / day
- Same (middle) name
- Same amount of siblings
- Same hobbies
- Physical appearance (Hair color/eye color, ect)

ect ect. Anything you can think of, really! The challenge is to be as specific as possible, though all connections that are IC are valid. You can also name more than one.

The first person to go is whoever responds to this, so they have to find something their character has in common with Amber.

Good luck!
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Ainsley lives in the same house as Amber :p
yay now I can play
Tristan is also muggleborn and was also in Hufflepuff and at Hogwarts at the same time
the muggleborn hufflepuff commonality continues... possibly coworkers down the line if all goes to plan also
Breaking the Hufflepuff streak :teehee:

Leda was also Head Girl!
Sophie and Leda were both HM editors and Sophie was also head girl
Kas also has a hazel wand! (though that's gonna change soon as soon as we finish that thread oops)
Was going to say they graduated the same year but soooooomeone didn't graduate. So I'll say they were sorted in the same year lol
this is so tenuous, but Lumos also has curly hair
Charlotte also had a parent who was a professor (those not currently) at HNZ, similar to Lumos
Vanity and Charlotte both have a younger sister
Vanity and Yuelia are both in Slytherin (kind of a mediocre connection but it's there, lol)
Yuelia and Teddy are both duelling champions for their age groups
Teddy and Vanity are in the same year
Delilah and Vanity are both middle children. And both have older brothers.
Adorah and Delilah have siblings who dated each other (I suppose that's more degrees of seperation than common connections)
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Eric and Cyndi are both Gryffindors!
Kahurangi & Cyndi used to share a subject :cry:
Natalia and Kahuragi both have Essence of Belladonna Core wands
Natalia and Ten both love looking after plants
Ten and Rose are both Gryffindors and older sisters
Aine and Rowan apparently both suck at relationships :r

(Too soon? :lol:)

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