Name: Vanity Jane Mettlestone
Birthdate: 13/9/2047
Blood status: Mixed Blood
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Sexuality: Unknown
Hometown: Brightstone, New Zealand
School: Hogwarts NZ
House: Slytherin
Clubs: Heta Omega
Wand: Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Patronus: Ocelot

Eyes: Dark blue
Build: Vanity has an average build.
Style: Vanity's style is very feminine and preppy, she loves wearing skirts and pretty blouses. She's always wearing plenty of accessories.
Distinguishing Features: Vanity has trouble keeping her emotions off her face, her eyes generally betray how she really feels.
Play by: Danielle Rose Russel

Personality: Vanity is blunt and often rude to others. She can be very selfish, thinking of her own needs ahead of everyone else. She's very eager for attention, good or bad. She has a bad relationship with her older brother, but has a soft spot for her younger sister even if she wouldn't admit to that. When she was younger, Vanity fell into the habit of stealing small trinkets whenever she could. She has a box in her room where she keeps them, though she rarely looks at them. When it's a piece of jewelry or something, she might wear it. If anyone calls her out on it not being hers, she will deny it vehemently. Vanity is generally very bad at admitting she was wrong, even with the evidence staring her in the face. She has a temper that she can't quite control and isn't nearly as composed as she thinks she is. Vanity is a creative person who likes to draw and paint, but she doesn't flaunt this hobby as it's personal to her.
Stands up for what she believes
Good at reading others
Good memory (for gossip)
Doesn't give up easily
Loyal (to those that deserve it)
Weaknesses:Overconfident, overestimates herself
Prone to conflicts
Skills and Talents: Artistic skills
Drawing with pencil
Painting with oil paint
Fashion coordination
Memory for details
Being active (but she doesn't like doing this outside where she can get dirty)
Personality type: ESTPENTJ Strengths:
Rational and Practical
ENTJ Weaknesses:Insensitive
May Miss the Bigger Picture
History: Vanity grew up in a magical family, both her parents went to Hogwarts in the UK and settled in New Zealand some years before Vanity was born. She lives with her siblings, one older brother and one younger sister. Their parents are both very busy with their jobs at the Ministry, leaving her and her siblings fairly free to do whatever they want, as their parents don't pay very close attention to them. In Vanity, this has resulted in her being kind of desperate for attention, occasionally this causes her to act out. A habit she has fallen into especially is stealing small trinkets, usually things that aren't missed. Vanity isn't very close to her older brother, finding him weird. She feels similarly about her younger sister, but does feel more protective of her. Goals:
To make a name for herself.
To have a group of loyal friends she can rely on.
To be well-known by other students.
To be stylish and make others jealous.
To be separate from her family and make her own way in the world.
Being insignificant.
Being mocked or laughed at.
Being pitied.
Being overshadowed by her classmates.
Being ignored.
Secrets:It bothers Vanity that her parents never noticed her stealing, not even when she stole things from them.
Secretly, Vanity envies both her siblings for being able to be themselves without being embarrassed, even if she is embarrassed of them.
Vanity regrets not asking the hat for a different house than Slytherin, she really doesn't like the dungeons.
Vanity regrets not trying harder to better her relationship with her older brother, she doesn't like the distance between them.
Vanity regrets not putting more effort into her studies in her earlier years, though she also can't be bothered to pick it up now.
Personality type from here
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