Open Yearbook Is Out Now!

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader couldn't believe they had managed to produce another full yearbook. it always surprised him to a degree, though the work was tireless from the team. But, this was more important than normal, since they'd had the supers. People wanted to find out who'd won. People had nominated and voted so of course they would be curious. The gryffindor had put a table out at the area just outside the accio room, the yearbooks were there for people to pick up and flick through and find out who won. They could take them away with them too. There were always more copies of it than were necessary. He had his camera on the table with him, as he always did. He was thankful for such a great team, all of who had really worked tirelessly to put this all together. Vader just hoped people would actually enjoy the results.
OOCOut of Character:
So the yearbook is over here: . You can react IC here to picking up the yearbook and finding out the winners if you want!
With the superlatives happening, the work on this year's yearbook had been tougher than any before. Aisa was proud of what they had accomplished, and smiled at the pile of yearbooks waiting for people to take them. She headed up to Vader, who also looked proud. Aisa didn't feel the need to look through the yearbook right now, as she felt like she'd see the pages in her dreams from all the time spent poring over them. She lightly punched Vader in the shoulder. "You did it." She told him, in case it hadn't sunk in yet.
Diana wasn't very invested in what was happening at Hogwarts anymore. In her mind, she was at the graduation ceremony already. But the superlatives were something new to her, so she couldn't help being curious about the results. Diana grabbed a yearbook and flipped it open, rolling her eyes at Willow's face immediately staring back at her as best Quidditch player. What a joke. Seeing her cousin as someone who lives in detention made her smile a bit, though. But the smile disappeared seeing Jacob Kingsley listed as future Minister of Magic. As if. Just because he was related to the old minister? She made a mental note to tease Sapphire later about being picked as most likely to start dating, even if it was with a lame Hufflepuff. Then she paused as she spotted her own face. Most likely to spread rumors? That wasn't a big surprise. She felt somewhat proud, but a little disappointed too in a way. Was that really all anyone would remember of her? Diana didn't bother looking at the professor picks, as if anyone cared about that. She closed the yearbook again and stuffed it in her bag before walking away, seeming deep in thought.
Sully had been looking forward to checking out the yearbook, he enjoyed spotting his picture most years in the various events and stuff, and he knew Aisa worked hard on it, but this year there was the added incentive. Gryffindor had lost out on the Quidditch cup, but with the house cup in the bag pretty much, Sully was hopeful maybe he could add some superlatives to his list of things he won this year. Grabbed a year book, Sully grinned as he spotted his own face on the supers page. He wasn't sure who found him so fun to annoy, Sully generally figured he was the one doing the annoying, but he wasn't about to complain. He also had to laugh at seeing Eric thrown in there, another well deserved win. "Aisa, Aisa did you see?" He said, spotting Aisa talking to Vader and hanging off her shoulder to show her the page. He knew she'd help make it, but he still wanted to gloat a little. @Aisa Hunter
The sentimental side of Nicole always loved the year book, even if she spent the entire time dreading seeing some awful photo of her in there from the dance or something. Perhaps that was one benefit of bailing out of the Valentine's dance so early this year at least, she thought as she stepped over to grab this year's book. There was a bit more excite this year though with superlatives, and even though Nicole knew the chances of her winning anything were next to nothing, she still couldn't help be quietly hopeful that maybe she had really made an impression somewhere.

Flipping through the pages she was sure she'd come back to later, Nicole got to the superlative pages, eagerly looking them over. Her leapt a little seeing Eric listed there, even if "lives in detention" wasn't exactly the most flattering claim to fame. She kept looking though, turning pages and feeling her heart sink as she reached the end of the list. There were first years making more of a name for themselves than she was. Nicole sighed, she really was a nobody. At least Jenna had won something, Nicole thought, quickly shutting the yearbook with a sniff and glancing around to see if she was nearby to congratulate.
Simon didn't usually care much for the yearbook. He didn't really see the point of looking at a book full of photos of people he saw nearly everyday but this year they had superlative voting and he was curious to see if he had managed to win any. He did his best to ignore Sully's shouting and keep his distance from Aisa as well. He wasn't sure where they stood now after he had sent a rose to apologize. He flipped through the pages stopping to see how his came before looking for Lila's photo in the first year's section. Finally he reached the awards all the way in the back and he froze for a moment as he saw his own photo there. It took as second for him to recover and actually read the heading under his photo, Most Power Hungry. Simon frowned, feeling an confusing mix of pride and...sadness. Is that really what people thought of him? He wasn't sure he even spoke to enough people to get nominated, let alone win. It was confusing, he was sure if he had won this even last year he would be thrilled but now...not so much. It wasn't like he had really done anything to deserve it. But it was pointless to bother with that now and he brushed his feelings aside quickly, at least his father would be happy about it. It might even be enough to spare him too much of a lecture when he saw his grades.
One of the few perks of Kas working on the yearbook this year, besides his usual delight in judging everyone's ball outfit photos, was knowing the superlative results before the rest of the school. He'd been sworn to secrecy while they'd been putting the yearbook together, and now Kas was eagerly awaiting some prime people-watching as the yearbooks were distributed. He honestly didn't think there were any major upsets in the results, it wasn't exactly like the categories left much for a dramatic reveal, though he had enjoyed Nell Wright and Selene Le Fey breaking up right before they'd been officially deemed most likely to get married. Eric's had been pretty funny too, though Kas doubted Eric would really give a crap about what the school body thought of him. After giving Vader an almost sincere thumbs up for all the hard work, Kas hung back to take in the reactions.
Adorah had never been one to fawn over the yearbook, but she was excited to grab one this year because she knew that there was at least one picture of her and Aisa from the Valentine's Day dance inside. She grabbed her copy and quickly flipped through the pages, finding the photo and smiled. She had had a wonderful time at the dance, and she was glad to have this photo (and the selfie they took) as a memory. She noticed Aisa was standing nearby and quickly closed the yearbook, walking over towards her and Vader. "Good job, you guys," she said, pushing some hair behind her ear in her usual flustered fashion as she looked at Aisa. She didn't want to keep them preoccupied since they were probably going to be inudated with students picking up copies so she gave them a wave and made her way to a table, starting from the beginning to look through each page. @Aisa Hunter
Willow made her way to the great hall. she was on her way back from a run. she was going to miss the lake so she was running almost every day until she left school, some days twice. she saw a bit of a crowd in the great hall. it wasn't long until she realises what was going on. she picked up a copy of the book and flicked through. her heart sank a little when she saw her name as the first round of the duel she had wanted to be the winner. a couple of pages later she saw a familiar shot of blue hair. and smiled she had won something. as she read the caption she smiled wider. "booyeah" she said her grin wide. best quidditch player, even though hse had lost the last match. she had finally beaten Analei at something, even if it was something small and she wasn't even quidditch captain. she looked at the other winners. she saw some of her friends among the winners. there were some that she was surprised of. some people she would have put money on winning certain awards. but it was good to see Jacob as the future minister. and she was glad that she and Noelle hadn't won best couple but it had cone to some fifth years. annalei was most academically driven she could take that. despite her O grades this year she wasn't technically driven academically. she was driven to be an Auror and the academics were just part the cause. "great yearbook guys" she said to Vader and Aisa who were overseeing its distribution.
Sydney didn't put much stock in the year book to begin with, not particularly finding there was much she wanted to memorialize about her school life. This year though she couldn't help but want to take a closer look. If anyone asked, she was here under the pretense of belittling the new superlative contest, but deep down she had hoped there might be some pictures of her and Samantha at the ball. She was still furious Ren had somehow managed to make her out to be the bad guy between of them, but some photos of just her and Samantha might help remind Sydney how good things had been.

Spotting Simon already with a copy, she rounded on him to avoid the squabble for books by the table, shaking her head to see Simon's own face listed as Most Power Hungry. She scoffed as well, spotting Eric's picture on the page and nodding in reluctant agreement. "Yeah, that seems right at least," She said dryly, glancing at Simon, trying to read the expression on his face. "You shouldn't care what they think, you know,," She added. Sydney certainly wouldn't care if she'd somehow ended up included in this ridiculous new popularity contest the year book had managed to put together, but thankfully she'd been spared. @Simon Thorne
With this being his first ever year of the yearbook, Ajax was pretty looking forward to seeing the end result. it was always something that interested him, but perhaps this year more than most just because of the fact he had helped with part of it. but it was exciting nonetheless. He noted as he approached - perhaps running a little behind time - that there were a good number of people there already. He walked over to Vader first and greeted his friend warmly, smiling at the other members of the yearbook, before he spotted Nicole flicking through one of the yearbooks. "Hey Nicole," he said as he approached, "What did you think of my bathroom yuleball picture?" he grinned easily at her.
Minnie always made sure to closely look over the yearbook when it was released. She was careful to remove pages where she was there and wasn't supposed to be. There was the added point of the supers and she was rather curious. her name had come up in the nominations a few times as well as with people she knew. There were quite a few people already there when she approached, she recognised Ajax from quidditch, her dormmate Adorah, whom she flashed a warm smile to as she took one of the yearbooks. She stepped away. and was quick to flick through it, she didn't want to seem obvious but she did mostly skip to the page which had the winners and was very surprised to see her own face at the Rowena Ravenclaw one. She hadn't expected that, she'd expected maybe most academic but not that. Minnie wasn't sure it was a good thing or a bad thing, she was sure that her parents would tell her. She noticed too that Eric was there, perhaps a little unsurprisingly but she didn't feel great about it. She wondered if he'd come pick one up or wait until everyone else had left. In fact as she thought about it, she was sure he wouldn't care enough to get one.
Liusaidh was had been sure when she'd noticed the supers had a most likely to be killed by styx that she was in the running for it. That and most likely to get detention. Liusaidh had had a few already. She skipped her way to where she knew they were handing out accio books and she would be able to find out if she'd won anything. She definitely forced her way to the front and grabbed one of the books. She took one and began moving away as she flicked through it. She didn't care for most of the rest of it, it was dull pictures of people she didn't know and didn't care about, but she got to the supers, and there, in the best place with her win, most likely to be killed by Styx. She thought it could be a fun challenge. Perhaps forget all about the trampoline, work very hard over the next few years to be murdered by styx. That could definitely be fun.
Leia always ended seeing the yearbook a whole lot, Vader tended to bring quite a few to the house, but with her having tried to take part in more things and with the supers she was quite curious as to if she had won anything. No badgering of her brother had helped her find out any information at all. So she was quite keen to find out now. She approached the stand and smiled at her brother, "Looks great Vader," she told him but she was focused more on the yearbook, she flicked to the back where she knew that section would be and was disappointed that she hadn't won anything. She looked at the duelling stuff before she closed over the yearbook and look to her brother, "You couldn't just pretend that I won something?" she had a joking tone, trying to perhaps hide a little how disappointed she was with her not getting anything.
Aisa sighed as Sully came up to her, hanging off her shoulder and showing her his page. "I did see." She told him. "I helped make, it remember? I've known for ages." She smiled slightly. "I already knew you were fun to annoy before all this, though." She added, giving him a fond smile. She spotted Simon, but he didn't approach her. She had appreciated the rose he had sent her with an apology, but hadn't really had time to tell him so> She wasn't even sure if she should. But before she could decide to do something now, Adorah came up to her and Vader, and Aisa felt her cheeks heat up. She immediately pushed Sully away from her and turned her attention to the Ravenclaw. "Uh, thanks." She said, smiling at her.

@Solomon Tofilau @Adorah Zumwalt
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Cyzarine loved the yearbook - really it was a more difficult challenge to find something that she did not love but the yearbook was always so much fun. Not only could she look at her own pictures but also all of the ones from the other students. she liked looking at people's faces, finding where people had made odd faces or done odd things. She waited until others hand gotten theres and then went to grab one for herself. She wasn't surprised that she hadn't won anything, though disappointed that her dad hadn't won student's favourite teacher but she knew that he wouldn't mind. She liked looking at the prefect's page, still in awe of herself being there, she loved looking at the Hogwarts Monthly page and seeing the team. it was just amazing. Every page, every picture was just beautiful.
Padme didn't have much to do with herself now that the semester was over, so she was definitely going to spend a little time looking at the yearbook. She knew she wouldn't have won anything and she wasn't going to be in much of it, but she still liked looking at all the different pages and enjoyed seeing the work that her brother did. He worked so hard for it that she knew it would be good to see the end result. She just arrived to where her brother was when she noticed leia and smiled at what she said. "Clearly he loves his yearbook more than he loves us," she gave a little smile at her sister, before looking back to Vader to gage his reaction to it. Knowing he would probably know they were both joking but it would still be a fun reaction.
Aonghas was sure what his sister would win and he himself had been curious. He had only been nominated for one thing and though he was sure he and katia hadn't won he was still curious. So, this was a trip with more than one purpose. But, he didn't even need to go to the yearbooks instead he went to his sister, "Gee it here," he said, taking it and looking over the supers pages, it was disappointing that he hadn't and maybe also a good thing too. He didn't need that. He was a duelling champion this year, he had far better things going on. but, he noticed his sister had won the prize for most likely to get killed by Styx. "Dinnae take any idea fae it, you know da willnae be pleased," he told her, though he knew he had little authority over what his sister did.
Daintree was curious, he knew in the muggle school he was supposed to attend before magic, that there had been a yearbook like thing and they'd had awards like the ones that Accio had had for the first time at least since he'd come to the school. He was curious to the winners, hoping perhaps either for something good or nothing. He wasn't sure how to define it, but he'd know by how he felt afterwards. He picked up one of the yearbooks and flicked to the right pages. He hadn't won anything but Jenna had. That was pretty neat for her. He couldn't spot her in amongst the crowd of people, maybe he could take it to her.
Jenna was so proud of here this year. She help a lot profesor Landon and next year she will be help him to. She was happy be there and looked around and looked how everyone slowly grown up. She looked for her friend Nicol and ask her later go out.
Lumio thought the yearbook was pretty neat, he also thought it was rather cool that his brother was a part of it. It made him think a lot about his own school legacy and what he maybe wanted to be involved with. He definitely wouldn't do photography but there were other things that he could do. He spotted his brother as he approached to grab a yearbook, he was talking to some girl. Lumio flashed him a smile and a wave as he took one of the yearbooks. He walked into a little space and was quick to give a glance over. It was pretty cool. It would be cool to be a part of the team but he just didn't have a passion for that. He'd have to find his passion elsewhere, the arts club would be a cool place to start maybe.
Nicole startled when Ajax approached her, grimaces as she inadvertently managed to smack herself in the chest as she pulled the yearbook tighter in her arms. Why couldn't she be cool for just this once. "Ajax, hey!" She said, brushing her hair behind ears to try and regain her composure before she registered his question. "Oh Merlin's shoes," She said, unable to stop from giggling after glancing down to flip back through the yearbook. "What were you thinking," She said, still giggling. Nicole would never had had the guts to look as dorky, just in general, let alone to let it be immortalized in the school year book. Even if Ajax hadn't won any Superlatives himself either, he clearly didn't care what other people thought, something Nicole envied and admired in equal measure. Jenna moved past and Nicole waved to her quickly, still proud of her friend even with the pit of jealousy in her stomach. Why couldn't she be more like Ajax or Jenna. Or Emma even. @Ajaccio Skey
Sully laughed at Aisa, precariously balancing the open yearbook in one hand and trying not to shove it in both their faces as he hung off her. "You should have rigged it so you guys won everything," He said, pausing when Adorah stopped by to congratulate Vader and Aisa and he was rather unceremoniously pushed off Aisa's shoulder. Unaffected, Sully pretended to be engaged in flipping through the yearbook pages, but he didn't miss how Aisa's face flushed. There wasn't a lot that flustered Aisa and Sully felt a wicked grin on his face. "Ohh Aisa, was that your girlfriend," He sing-songed, remembering how Aisa had gone to the dance with Adorah once. Forget his own illustrious win in the yearbook, this seemed way more fun. @Aisa Hunter @Adorah Zumwalt
Grateful to have managed to survive his OWL year, Elliot was looking forward to the yearbook a little more than usual. He was a little embarrassed to admit it, but seeing him and William on the Wild Patch pages, and him, Kace, and Lars on the prefect pages made him feel quietly proud. He wasn't the type to want to show off very often, but Elliot was still pleased, flipping through the book and trying not to flush as he passed the pictures of him and Alice at the dances this year. Finally, he got to the superlative results, which most of the group gathered around seemed to be talking about. He felt a fond smile when he saw he and Lily listed there as Inseparable friends. He hadn't been expecting to win anything, but now seeing him listed there with Lily he couldn't imagine it another way. His life at school definitely wouldn't be the same without her, and Elliot glanced around, hopeful she was nearby so he could show her.
Simon nearly jumped when he heard Sydney pipe up next to him. He had been to wrapped up in his own melodramatic thoughts to notice her. “You know I’m really starting to understand why you hate him so much.” he said, nodding at Eric’s picture thinking about their interaction with Minnie. “And why not?” he asked with a grin and tried to sound playfully indignant. He made sure to look as unbothered as possible. “People need to know I won, and I deserve it.” he said sarcastically but loud enough to attract some attention, before scoffing and snapping the book closed. @Sydney Townsend

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