Open Y47 Club Fair

Savannah turned to the next student who approached. "Yeah sure, sign here," she said with a little forced smile, passing the paper to him next. And then looked to the girl, nodding slightly, the girl seemed uncertain but Savannah didn't really care. She passed another sheet to her so she could also sign up.
@Felix Layton-King @Demi Zephyr
Daiki smiled at the boy and then nodded. "Thanks," he signed the sign-up sheet and then glanced around looking for the next thing to sign up too. Settling on the arts club. he walked over. "Hi, I'd be keen to sign up,"
@Lucy Montague
Sybil had been waiting for this day since she had gotten to Hogwarts and heard about it. She couldn't wait to get involved in any way she could. As she arrived to the courtyard her eyes widened when she saw it was already a packed with people signing up for clubs. She could hardly decide who to go to first as she looked at all the tables in front of her. In the end she found her way to the Hogwarts Monthly table first and she saw all the old issues laid out in front of her, not to mention the notebooks. She looked to the boy seemed slightly less busy and noticed one of her roommates was signing up too. "I'd like to sign up." she said. "And a notebook would be great! You can never have enough." @Hugo Stark-West
Teddy took back the sign up sheet and read the name written down. "No worries, see you later, Daiki," he said as the boy headed off to the next stall. Placing the sign up list back on the table, Teddy noticed another boy was moving closer to the table and looked interested. Teddy greeted him with a friendly smile. "Hey! Interested in joining the Brotherhood?" he asked, his tone welcoming.

@Arthur Larson
Lucy smiled at the girl and boy who had approached. "Of course, just put your names down on the sheet and you're all set," she told them happily. "You're welcome to take a sticker or two as well if you want." Lucy didn't want the stickers to go to waste. She was also curious what the two students' artistic passions were and hoped to glean a hint by their choices.

@Ivy Cullen @Daiki Saito

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