Open Y47 Club Fair

Miranda seemed nice, hopefully someone she would be able to work with so Veronica wrote down her name on the sign up sheet and moved to get out of her way. "Thanks, see you at the first meeting,"
Elijah was only intending to join exactly one club and it was because he knew none of his family were going to join. Maybe that wasn't the right reason to join a club, but he didn't care. He was in two minds. He desperately missed his siblings, but he also refused to spend any time with them. He was a conundrum in a world of noise. Still, he headed over to the older Ravenclaw table and looked at the punnet of strawberries. Huh, he appreciated that it wasn't chocolate actually. Everyone had sugary desserts and sometimes that was too much. "Hi, do I just put my name down? Do you think this club can help with Herbology?"

@Daria Bright-Root
Winnie took the quill and wrote her name down where she was supposed to. "Thank you," she said with a little nod, taking the chocolate, she wasn't going to eat it, but she was still going to take it. It would be rude if she didn't. She glanced around the room, and found that she couldn't spot a sports thing. she did see the yearbook and approached it curiously, that would a good thing for her. She moved to the hogwarts monthly and nodded. "Can I write about anything?" she said. Knowing that she had a few things in mind that she could do with it. It wasn't what she was supposed to do, but it would be fine..she was sure.
@Hugo Stark-West @Miranda Dawes
Hinata had finally convinced herself that she would be joining a club this year. That was a step forward, right? She was somewhat determined to come out of her shell this year, and maybe joining a club was going to help with that, or at least she hoped. This was even the first time she had attended the Club Fair, so she had been meandering about trying to choose a club. The Conglomerated Arts Club had interested her, but the thought of showcasing artistic skills had her freezing in nerves. They probably wouldn't force anything on her but she'd rather not take any chances. Heta Omega seemed like too much interaction, and she didn't think she had enough skills for SDA, Hogwarts Monthly, or Accio. Which left the Wild Patch Club. She had always found them interesting. Mind made up, she approached the club booth and found one of her younger brothers. "H-Hi, I'd like to sign up too," she said with a small smile at the older student. The booth was beautiful. To Hina, this was starting to look like it was a good decision.

@Daria Bright-Root
Jonah had heard that there was a Club Fair today which seemed interesting. He'd had no further progress in trying to figure out how to get out of Hufflepuff, his future was starting to look bleak and he was hoping that a distraction would be something that could help. It was one of the first few times that he hadn't shown up to something with a family member. Eury and Hina-nee had already left by the time he'd decided to go.

The Club Fair was... chaotic. He hadn't really researched prior what the other clubs were so he had to kind of look around. He'd been about to come up to Rose but the club she was in was for girls. And the one Eli had gone to had plants. Plants tend to remind him of the Hufflepuff Head of House so he veered away from that very quickly. He wasn't really interested in arts either, so most of the clubs were definitely not something he was inclined to join. He did see though a booth for something called the Brotherhood of Magic. Now that sounded cool. And they had snacks! He approached the booth and grabbed a donut,
"How can I join and do you always have donuts?" he asked the older student who was manning the booth.

@Teddy Pirrip
Penelope smiled at the next young girl, so far they all seemed to be first years, which made sense. "Hey, we do all sorts of activities and meetings, changes every year." She said, gesturing to the photos from previous years. "If you want to sign up, you can add your name to the list."

@Sophie Shepherd
Teddy was feeling pleased with how his sign-up sheet was progressing when another boy approached, inquiring about joining and asking about the donuts. Teddy made a mental note that everyone loves donuts and to bring more in future. "Sure, you can join," he said with a grin. "As for the donuts, I'll need to check with my supplier and get back to you." He attempted to sound more enigmatic than necessary, since his supplier was just the school kitchens. "Just sign your name here," Teddy continued, handing over the sign up sheet. "And you're in. Welcome to the Brotherhood, my friend!"

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah nodded solemnly as he munched on the donut that he had grabbed. "My compliments to the supplier, and I'll definitely always be at the..." Jonah paused because he wasn't sure exactly where he should be should he want more donuts. "Do you have a hangout place? I hope you have a hangout place because donuts and hanging out would definitely go together," he said as if he was giving sagely advice while he signed his name. "Is that all I need to do?" cause if that was it then Jonah was going back to the dorms to sleep.

@Teddy Pirrip
Morrie practically snatched the sign up sheet, she had wanted to be the first to sign it as she was the first to approach the table in the first place and should therefore sign her name at the top. She scrawled her name in large letters, stretching it across two lines, before handing the sheet back. "I've given up Quidditch for this," she said firmly, "so it better be worth it."

@Miranda Dawes
Sayuri had one goal when she entered the Club Fair, to join the Student Defense Association. It was only a precaution in case Defense Against the Dark Arts didn't turn out the way she wanted it to. She considered for a moment joining the Conglomerated Arts Club since she liked to paint now and then, but she didn't think it was worth the effort of the interaction. She engaged in the arts after all to relax. Not to meet and talk with more people. She had enough of that at home, thank you very much. And so she made a beeline for the booth. It seemed to be manned by an older girl who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Good. She and Sayuri both. "How do I sign up?" The faster she finishes signing up, the faster they can get out of each other's hair.

@Savannah Walters
The idea of joining a "club" seemed like an extra commitment that would waste his time, but Eoghan found himself checking out the available options just in case something stuck out to him. He didn't want to spend his free time hanging out with people nor trying to make friends, and the thought of doing any arts and crafts made his stomach churn. It was only when he spotted the defence association that he was relieved to find something that would actually be useful.

Approaching the table where an older brunette was hosting the club, he said little as he wrote his name down on the sign up sheet. Even if he was too young now to participate in any tournaments, perhaps learning defense would help him the older he got, too.

@Savannah Walters
Teddy nodded, admittedly he didn't spend much time in the Brotherhood room but he expected that might change this year since he was president now. "Yeah, we have a hangout along the sixth floor corridor. You'll have access once I get this paperwork sorted er -" He glanced down at the sign up sheet to read his name, "Jonah. Nice meeting you!"

@Jonah Edogawa
Perhaps potions wasn't on the cards for Ten anymore, but that didn't mean she had no interest in anything. As she made her way to the Club Fair, she was scouring the different stalls to see if anything had changed in their options since their first year, but by the looks of things it was the same clubs as it had been years ago. That had its benefits however, as the fourth year moved quickly across towards the Wild Patch club. She'd been part of it before, and well she wanted to be part of it again. "I want to sign up," she announced to the girl at the table, hands behind her back and she waited to be given the sheet to sign her name. Perhaps her name would already be on the list. Perhaps it would have been scrawled out in black ink as it was now in Scotland. "Can you let me back in?" she asked, more enthusiastically than impatient.

@Daria Bright-Root
Felix was already wandering around the club fair when he spotted his sister. He quickly darted behind another tall Ravenclaw student, hoping that Ten wouldn't see him. He didn't need her knowing where he was going to be in his free time, making it easier than ever for her to tease him at any chance he'd got. He'd already found out the hard way that girls could come up to the boys dormitories, which meant he wasn't as safe up there as he once thought he was. He'd almost been late for class because he'd been trying to dry off his hair after Ten had woken him up most harshly with a bucket of water. He was constantly on edge for whatever Ten had up her sleeve next, and no matter whether or not she thought it to be a joke, he couldn't wait for the day when she got bored of the joke being him.

"What is this?" he asked an older girl as his eyes scanned a table for the SDA. It had defense in it, which maybe was what he needed when it came to Ten. With another nervous glance over his shoulder to make sure his sister hadn't spotted him, he turned back to the stall in the hopes of finding something practical he could make use of.

@Savannah Walters
Demi wasn't sure what club Iris had signed up to, in fact she hadn't seen much of her sister at all in the last few days that she'd been at the castle. Having briefly spotted her during the ceremony (weeping due to not having been sorted in Hufflepuff with her) Demi had mostly been surrounded by those in her own year. She knew at some point she was going to have to seek her sister out, but she was still surprised that for the first time in her life she seemed so far away from any of her family. Perhaps it would be different when Echo and Ares joined the school too, but right now Demi was feeling a little homesick.

As wandered through the courtyard, trying to find a club that would either be about animals or, even better, mending things that weren't people. Unfortunately for her she found neither and was about to give up on the clubs completely when she saw there was a duelling tournament for some of the older students. Perhaps it wasn't something she initially saw herself doing, but it would certainly make a change from her usual hobbies. "Don't people get hurt during these?" she asked the girl at the stall, thinking that duelling sounded pretty dangerous to her.

@Savannah Walters
Ivy had missed out on the club fair last year. but after taking a year to get her head around the school and the club options, and had decided on two that she wanted to join. The SDA so she could enter the duelling tournament, and the Arts club as she knew how much the club had meant to Cas and to a lesser extent lin. she hoped that she would be able to practice her drawing in it, even if not the room was cozy and she did feel closer to her brothers when she was there. she entered the courtyard and took in each of the stands before walking over to one that didn't look to busy. "Hello. I'm Ivy Cullen. Please can I sign up for the arts club?" she asked the girl at the stand.
@Marnie Frogg @Lucy Montague
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Hugo smiled at Miranda. "it's good to have you on the team." he said. "Hogwarts monthly, Hugo and miranda, H&M like the muggle clothes store" he said leaving the comment there before he handed up on a tangent. "I am glad you like them. I was thinking of giving them to those who sign up.
before they could talk much more there were a lot of students making their way through the courtyard and stopping to talk to miranda. glad that his coeditor was more extraverted than him and could handle the onslaught of people. one of them he gavel recognised as being one of his sisters dorm mates who he was glad was talking to miranda not him. as he recognised her and knew that they didnt get along. "you dont have to give up another club to join the news paper." he said. "but if you have joined you are welcome to take a notebook for any ideas you have" he said

Though he kept an ear out in case he needed to step in. She smiled as another girl approached "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Hugo. We have a few articles that we have in every issue, but there is a lot of space to write whatever you want, just let me or miranda know first. but if you have something in mind we can work with it" he said. glancing up at his co-editor and hoping that they didnt have a repeat of last year. "If you want to sign up just put your name on the list and here is a notebook for you if you want it"' he said.

@Miranda Dawes @Morrie Ayre @Winnie Calida
The first person to approach Savannah was a first year. She looked at her for a moment, and then passed a sign up sheet. "Sign there, you won't be allowed to participate in duelling until you are a second year." Savannah told them, putting on her best customer service voice and smile which she'd learnt to kind of do at her job. Another boy didn't even bother saying anything as he signed up and she didn't bother doing anything. Another young boy approached with a girl. "It's the student defence association," she said pointing to the sign which said it. "it's about learning how to put the spells you learn in defence against the dark arts to more use. Duelling and the like. Yes they can get hurt, but no one is ever badly hurt. You are not allowed to maim other students during the duels."
@Demi Zephyr @Felix Layton-King @Sayuri Edogawa @Eoghan Blyth
Winnie nodded, and then decided she would sign up. She wasn't supposed to but then, this would be fun. It would be good to write, good practice, a good use of her time. But she might just wait until she'd published something before telling her mother. Winnie signed her name and gave a tight smile before turning away. She glanced about the hall and frowned. SDA seemed like a good idea, but she'd overheard she couldn't do duelling till second year, so no sense in wasting time with that yet. But there were no other sports. Winnie went to the professor, the hufflepuff head of house and herbology professor. "Professor, are there any sports clubs, besides quidditch?" Winnie asked.
@Professor Landon Carter
Sophie nodded and smiled happily as the older girl explained about the club. The Ravenclaw was definitely interested in signing up. Sophie quickly added her name to the list. She says a quick thanks and bye to the older girl before leaving the girl club stand. Sophie looked around the club fair a bit longer to see if there was anything else she wanted to join, but nothing else really piqued her interest. Soph shrugged before leaving the fair.

@Penelope Marshall
Daiki had already half decided what he'd sign up for. So when he got to the great hall, he knew the first place he wanted to go. He approched the brotherhood, noting there were a good amount of people around the leader. He waited his turn. "I'd like to sign up please," he said calmly when there was an opportunity for him to.
@Teddy Pirrip
As Felix listened to the explanation, he figured it was probably the club that would be most suitable for him. "Can I sign up?" he asked, hoping they wouldn't have suddenly run out of space now that he'd chosen to join them. He wasn't aware either that Ten had joined, so maybe this was the safest place for him.

@Savannah Walters
Demi had joined the crowd of students wanting to join the student defence association, and even though the older girl said they weren't allowed to maim other students, Demi couldn't help but think that surely there would be times that students tried to do it regardless. Students weren't exactly known for their rule-following approach. "Alright," she said hesitantly, waiting for the Gryffindor boy beside her to sign up so that she could too, even if it did all seem a little dubious.

@Savannah Walters
Teddy greeted the newest arrival with a friendly smile, "Hey, yeah of course. Just add your name to the list and you're in!" Teddy replied, offering him the sign up sheet.

@Daiki Saito
There were a lot of people in the club fair. Arthur was immediately regretting coming but he'd yet to make a single friend, or even talk to a single person. He had to try. He glanced at the different stands and then moved closer to the brotherhood one. He could see so many other students around it and he didn't want to interrupt it.
@Teddy Pirrip

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