Open Y47 Club Fair

Tempest had been hesitant to come to the club fair, as she wasn't sure if she was actually signed up for the dueling club in the first place. But she knew that she needed more practice in order to win the dueling tournament again. The Slytherin walked up to the table and pursued her lips as she looked at Savannah. She knew the girl in passing but hadn't really spoken to her. "So, I am not sure if I'm signed up for the club. I took a break last year, and, anyway, I want to be in the club. Soooooo, do I just sign my name on the paper?" @Savannah Walters
Lucy smiled as Marnie joined her, happy to have the back-up. She was a little bit intimidated by the head girl thing but Marnie seemed nice, Lucy thought. She noticed another girl and readily welcomed her. "Just sign your name on the sheet and you're in," Lucy said cheerily, though she did notice the girl had looked through the stickers and apparently not found one she liked, or related to. It made Lucy feel a little bad. Maybe she'd missed something? Lucy tried to mentally shake the doubts away. It was okay to make mistakes.

@Kanako Kurosawa
The unmissable sound of Marnie's voice startled Daria and she looked up, a little surprised. She had reached out to try and settle their issues last year, but Daria still felt on the outside of her old friends. She gave Marnie a grateful smile, glad that if things got worse she would apparently have the Head Girl on her side. Not that it mattered, since the girl seemed to have had enough. Daria glanced at Yuelia gratefully, kind of hoping the Slytherin would stick around, even though she probably had to go chase the younger girl down and take some points for hitting her.

It was almost a relief when the normal club fair activities resumed, as intimidating as they were. New members were swarming the table again, and Daria blinked back her nervous tears. She smiled at the new kids that approached, handing out sign up forms to all of them. "Um, take-take some berries, if you would like."
@Marnie Frogg @Lyra Gates @Daiki Saito @Kairi Kennedy @Charlotte Astor Williams
Yuelia's breath hitched as she unconciously grabbed for her wand. She started slowly counting in her head, not wanting to do anything rash as much as she rather wanted to hex the girl for touching her face so rudely. Of course, she was on thin ice after last year, and she knew Professor Carter was around, so hexing a student, or even something as simple as a silencing charm, was very much off the cards. She was relieved to see Daria pipe up and stand her ground, and even more so to hear Marnie's voice. Yuelia slowly relaxed her tensed shoulders, letting go of the wand in her pocket, and let out a long exhale. "Um...sorry about that," she said, softly. Almost on a whim, and knowing she really did need to get outside more, she picked up a quill and added her name to the list of students on the club list. Signing up for things in seventh year felt extremely silly, but here she was. "Do you, um, need any help?" she asked, not knowing exactly what she could do but maybe at least she could intimidate anyone else who wanted to throw some unsolicited criticism at her classmate.

@Daria Bright-Root
Savannah glanced at the much older student who approached and nodded. "Sure, just sign and if it was already there, no harm done," she replied simply.
@Tempest Vero
Arthur nodded, and signed his name to the sheet. "Yeah," he said. He was nodding slightly and handed back the quill having now signed the sheet. "When is the first meeting?"
@Amodeus Jones
Deus smiled. "Oh, I'm not sure, but we'll post an announcement for the club meeting." He explained easily. "I can make sure to send you a note though, if you'd like." He gave the boy his brightest smile. "Whatever it is, it should be fun." @Arthur Larson
Miranda was a little overwhelmed by the rush of people signing up, which in all fairness was exactly what she had hoped would happen so she couldn't quite complain. She was very relieved Hugo was able to take charge for a bit as while Miranda wasn't necessarily shy, she did tend to prefer to observe. She had decided to double check the signups as they came in and make a copy in her own notebook just in case. She smiled and nodded at the two younger girls who signed up quickly, seemingly twins. Twins seemed to be such a common occurrence around the place. "Thanks, see you at the first meeting," she called after the second of the two girls signed up, before turning to Hugo with a sigh of relief. "This is more people than I expected! Least we shouldn't have much trouble getting content."

@Beatrice Grey ((I won't tag you twice haha)) @Hugo Stark-West
Sybil gave a quick nod and signed her name on the list. She took a step back and gave one last look around the courtyard and when the only table she hadn't looked at was the club for boys she decided that she had done enough, and was eager to see what the year would look like with all her clubs.
Esme liked the idea of joining a sisterhood so she picked up one of the quills and signed her name on the sign up sheet. "Thank you, I'm excited to see what its like,"

@Penelope Marshall
Nox was glad to see that Teddy's lack of believe mostly came from him not taking their names seriously, them switching places didn't even seem to be on his radar, which was good. "What he said, those are our names, he darkens my day," Nox smiled at the older student and one he took the cue from Lumos to move on he left the table, while Lumos went to sign up for a different club Nox headed to the wild patch table and signed up there, with his own name this time.

@Teddy Pirrip @Lumos Walden-Cade @Daria Bright-Root
Daria's heart was still thumping slightly from the confrontation, and it gave a little skip as Yuelia moved closer, eyes flashing to her classmate's hands as she signed up for the club. Daria hadn't expected that, and she almost didn't know what to do with herself when Yuelia offered to stay. She gave a nervous smile and nodded, fumbling a little for words. "Um, that- yes, that, that would be, um... that would be nice..." She stammered out, stumbling over the thought. Yuelia was so bold and sure of herself, just being close to her somehow Daria felt more certain, less like her timid, unwanted self. When another boy approached the table she didn't hesitate in giving him a smile as she handed over the sign up sheet, though her hands still shook a little.
@Yuelia Rossingol @Nox Walden-Cade
Kanako signed the sheet and left, feeling she'd signed up for enough clubs for the time being.
Forrest ignored all of the commotion that seemed to be happening around the wild patch table and quickly wrote his name on the sign up sheet and left.

@Daria Bright-Root
Rhea listened carefully to what the club was doing and found it interesting, although she was not the type of gardener, but still decided to apply to the club. She smiled at the girl on the other side of the table. ''Sounds very interesting,'' she said, then took the quills in her hands to sign up for the club. "It's really unique, so I'll be happy to sign up for the club," Rhea said, then she signed on the page in front of her, as soon as she was done, she put the quill on the table and smiled at the girl again. And went on to look at the next table, which was the next club where she could apply.
@Daria Bright-Root

The next table was also quite interesting. Rhea read the name of the club Student Defense Association and it also seemed interesting, so she decided to sign up here. There will be a third club and it will be enough for this year, because there is still time to study. ''Hi! I want to sign up for the club. Can I do that?'' she asked looking at the girl.
@Savannah Walters
Cleo had been excited to sign up for some clubs and possibly make some friends, but she had severely underestimated how many people would be there. She still didn't even know what clubs she wanted to join. Trying not to pay attention to the crowded area, Cleo picked her way through the tables until she saw The Heta Omega table and squeezed her way through the other girls milling around. She'd always wanted a sister and it sounded like a decent shot at making some friends. "Um, can I sign up too?" she asked.
@Penelope Marshall
Teo was running through the school, almost forgetting the club fair. He rushed to the Great Hall, and he had no choice but to slow down at the crowd there. "Scuse me, pardon me, coming through," He twisted, ducking, and darting through all the people until he'd very nearly crashed into the brotherhood table. He let out a loud laugh, running his hands through his hair. "Hi!" He greeted. "Can I join?"

@Teddy Pirrip
The fair was starting to quieten down and Teddy had a fair number of sign ups including the twins, Lumos and Nox. He was pretty happy with his haul when another boy came to sign up, "Hey, yeah sure you can. Just sign your name here." He said, offering him the sign up sheet.

@Theodore Shepherd
Teo hummed, looking at the sheet. "Do I have to?" He pouted, looking back up. "Can't I just sign 'Teo' and not 'Theodore'?" He sighed dramatically. "Theodore sounds so- so- cuddly." He sighed, slumping across the table. He'd win an award for biggest drama queen if that was a thing. @Teddy Pirrip
Teddy nodded when the kid asked if he had to sign the sheet, it was the bare minimum requirement for joining the Brotherhood. "Whatever you feel comfortable with." He offered, "'It's not that cuddly though, I'm Teddy which is like, the definition of cuddly." He chuckled, Theodore was one of the names that could be shortened to Teddy, but that wasn't where Teddy got his name from.

@Theodore Shepherd
Savannah looked at the girl. "Yeah you can, though you won't be able to duel until you're a second year," she told her, passing over the sign up sheet to her.
@Rhea Moss
Teo smiled and scribbled out a barely legible 'Teo Shepherd'. "Well, sure, but you can pull off something like that." He countered, bouncing on his feet and smiling a bright, toothy grin. "I'm not cuddly enough for Theodore," He scrunched his nose, before giggling. "Do you like your name? Teddy is cool- everyone has a Teddy," @Teddy Pirrip
Kairi scribbled down her name when offered the sheet, waiting for Daiki to do the same before turning and looking around at the other clubs. "What else were we considering?" She murmured, before spotting another one. "The arts club, maybe?" She pointed it out, turning to get his opinion. @Daria Bright-Root @Daiki Saito
Daiki glanced about and then nodded. "Yeah, arts I've already signed up for that one, so you should join me at it," he told her with a smile, beginning already to lead her to the arts club stall.
@Kairi Kennedy
Kairi blinked, and giggled. "You did?" She asked, letting him lead her. "I'm sorry, I'm so silly sometimes. I'd love to sign up as well, then," She stepped forward as they got there, turning her smile to the girl running the booth. "I sign here, right?" She asked, picking up the quill. @Lucy Montague @Daiki Saito

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