Lucy Montague

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Full Name: Lucy Winifred Montague
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 19th July
Zodiac: Cancer
Hometown: Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Wood: Ivy wands are best suited for social wizards and witches who adapt well in difficult situations and thrive. They also seem to have a knack for healing magic.
Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.

Playby: Freya Allan
Hair: Ashy blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Dominant Hand: Right
Height/Build: Average for her age
Style: Fashionable but leans towards comfort and simplicity over style.

Bio: Lucy grew up as a single child in a middle-class household without much care in the world. She’s curious about the world and things around her, as well as curious about people. This curiosity occasionally makes itself known as nosiness. She’s social and loves to make friends, though she is somewhat naïve and as such can be easily taken advantage of. Her parents are both healers, and somewhat busy with their respective careers, and Lucy had a nanny for much of her childhood. Her experiences at muggle primary school were mostly positive although Lucy is occasionally forgetful and likes to daydream. She had a bad illness when she was six that left her parents worried about her health but since then she’s been healthy with only the occasional cold. She enjoys classical music and plays the violin reasonably well, having started when she was five.

Loves: Reading, the outdoors, classical music, meeting new people, flowers
Hates: Loneliness, worms, mushrooms (in food), being sick

Myers Briggs: ENTP
ENTP Strengths:
Excellent Communicator
ENTP Weaknesses:
Overly Accommodating
Overly Optimistic

Header layout credit to Rowan and Kris
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Lucy found her first year at Hogwarts to be exciting, though she was disappointed by some of the more theoretical subjects. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, which she was pleased with as she thought it was a good fit. She made a couple of friends, but also had a couple of bad encounters with some other students that didn't go so well. All in all, Lucy was optimistic and considered her first year at Hogwarts a success.

The Search Beginsw/ Emmett LancasterOllivander's Wand Shop
Just 'Cause We're 'Claws, Doesn't Mean We're Losersw/ Audrey Beauchamp, Kit ValentinoRavenclaw First Year's Dorm
Tempting Fatew/ Audrey BeauchampThe Lakefront
First Year Castle Tour!!w/ Felix Carnahan, Marley Pattinson,
Enoch Goldewyn, Vanity Mettlestone,
Damsel Hawke, Renata Stepanova
Entrance Hall
Y44 Club Fairw/ Rosie Archer, Amortentia Layton-King, Sky EriksenThe Courtyard
What do we have here?w/ Dante StyxThe Cliffs
Not Worth the Dirtw/ Vanity MettlestoneThe Hogwarts Garden
A Book and a Vieww/ Marama Te RangiThe Great Lawn
Window Watchingw/ Amodeus JonesThe Student Lounge
A Demon Childw/ Friday WeeksHalloween Feast
Hands On Studyw/ Milo FroggThe Dungeons
Harmless Funw/ Teddy PirripThe Sixth Floor Corridor
CAC Showcase: The Stagew/ variousThe Great Hall
A Little Visitw/ Amodeus JonesThe Conglomerated Arts Room
A Very Early Morning Study Seshw/ Enoch Goldewyn, Dante Styx, Audrey Beauchamp, Professor Misha HadenThe Library


Lucy found her second year even more exciting than her first. For starters, she made it onto the Ravenclaw quidditch team as a chaser. Although Ravenclaw came in third overall, Lucy tried her hardest and was proud of her accomplishments in practice. She also participated in her first ever prank with fellow prankster Teddy Pirrip - a prank that went well as far as Lucy was concerned. She left the year feeling optimistic about what else was to come.​

Chitter Chatterw/ Lucy HollandSecond Floor Corridor
Never Known Peacew/ Enoch GoldewynThe Student Lounge
Not So Successful First Gow/ Teddy PirripThe Hogwarts Garden
Not Quite a Princessw/ Teddy Pirrip, Amodeus JonesHalloween Feast
Curiousity Still Lingersw/ Marley PattinsonFifth Floor Corridor
Knightedw/ Amodeus JonesConglomerated Arts Room
Mistletoe'dw/ Teddy PirripThe Yule Ball
At Seventeenw/ Aine Thompson, Todd CobblerThe Yule Ball
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Lucy found her third year to be a bit of a mix of rebelliousness and success. Her parents expect her to follow in their footsteps and become a healer, but she secretly took the subject of ancient runes as a small rebellious streak. She was also very happy to volunteer for the rose-giving, which was a great experience for her. Quidditch went well as well, with Ravenclaw winning the quidditch house cup. Although they lost to Ilvermony, Lucy felt accomplished in her contributions.
Exciting Year Aheadw/ Marley Owens-Lee and Teddy PirripNew Zealand Express
Teatimew/ Audrey BeauchampRavenclaw House Table
Sunrise Rock-Skippingw/ Marley Owens-LeeThe Lakefront
A Study Session For Twow/ Teddy PirripThe Library
Practicing and Playingw/ Enoch GoldewynThe Conglomerated Arts Room


Fourth year was a difficult year for Lucy. Problems at home began to surface, interfering with her relationships and her studies at school. At the same time, she gained new responsibilities - becoming a co-leader of the Conglomerated Arts Club in the position of music maestro. Lucy also had her first kiss at a spin the bottle event, and is in the midst of developing feelings, though she isn't fully aware of them yet. In terms of quidditch, Ravenclaw didn't do the best but Lucy is still hopeful for the future.
To the Topw/ Audrey BeauchampNew Zealand
Ughw/ Vanity MettlestoneThe Dungeons
A Noisy Study Sessionw/ Tempest Vero and Bailey Walden-CadeThe Library
Sunshine and Stormcloudsw/ Teddy PirripRavenclaw House Table
Cloud-Gazing the Cotton Skiesw/ Marley Owens-LeeThe Great Lawn
Spin the bottle y47w/ variousAbandoned Classroom
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