Open Y47 Club Fair

Penelope smiled as two girls who looked very similar came to the booth. She nodded at the twins. "All you have to do is sign your name." She said brightly. "Here." She pushed the signup sheet in their direction. "You can grab some chocolates too." Another girl showed up and Penelope smiled at her. "Yes, of course you can." She told her.

@Beatrice Grey @Cleo Huynh
It didn't seem fair to Rhea at first, but it still made sense since her first year would be learning spells. ''It's nothing, I'll still sign up for the club, if I may? '' she said, took a quill and signed.
@Savannah Walters

Then she went further a bit and found the Hogwarts Monthly club, she had heard from her sister and brother that it was the school newspaper and so she decided to ask if there was any space available. ''Hi, is there any free space left in your club. '' she asked and looked at the two leaders.
@Miranda Dawes & @Hugo Stark-West
Arthur nodded, "Okay," he said. he stood awkwardly for a moment before noddng again. "I'll see you there," and Arthur left.
Savannah gave a tight smile. "Sure," she said, continuing to offer her the sign up sheet.
@Rhea Moss
"Yep! Just a signature and you're in," Lucy told the girl brightly. She was pleased, they were getting a lot of new members. "And you're welcome to take a sticker if you like," she said, gesturing to the stickers she had of different musical instruments, paint brushes, and other arts-related things.

@Kairi Kennedy
Rhea smiled then took the slip and signed up as a club member. "Great pleasure, I joined. See you at the club.'' she said, then putting the feather on the table.
@Savannah Walters
Adelaide walked into the clubs fair with two goals in mind. She was specifically interested in joining Hogwarts Monthly and in joining Heta Omega. Hopefully, there would be time to do both. She found the Hogwarts Monthly table first. "Hi! I'm Adelaide Styx- Potter, and I would really like to join. I enjoy writing, and I do have a camera to take photos." she said, helpfully.

@Miranda Dawes @Hugo Stark-West
Miranda could see things were winding down, but a couple of other students were still interested. She gave a smile to both the first years as they approached. "Of course, plenty of space! The more the merrier," she said - sure, maybe they'd have to edit the paper down if there were too many submissions but better too many than not enough. "Great, welcome aboard! We're happy to have you doing both," Miranda added, not wanting to hold anyone off from writing if they wanted to take photos and vice versa.

@Rhea Moss @Adelaide Styx-Potter
While waiting, Rhea looked at the newspaper that was on the table, of course she had heard about it from her siblings. At one time, Joshua was also a reporter for the school newspaper. Then she heard a girl's voice, it made her look up at her. ''If I can sign up once, I would love to sign up with you. '' she refused with a smile, then took a quill to register with the school newspaper. As soon as this was done, Rhea wondered what she could do to be a reporter or take a photo, and she would figure it out. '' Glad to join. I can be anything you need more than anything.''
@Miranda Dawes

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