Okay, so apparently I spent more time on this than I probably should have and now I have too much to offer, so we might have to slice these down a bit, which should be easy with the stuff for Chrys.
Firstly, Diana and Cordelia Dragonova. Cordelia is being forced to transfer back to NZ by her mother because she doesn't like to see her kids separated, so she's not going to be happy about it. I don't know what she would like Diana very much, she's very different to the Slytherin and is a budding writer, she loved fantasy stuff. But I would like to have them meet, she'd probably want to assess the girl her brother can't stop talking about. (She's a Gryffindor btw)
I also have Chrys... who I could literally throw at anyone. Mostly I was thinking Emilia, Alice and Abian as he would know them better than some of the others. It wouldn't have to be anything, but he could try with them, unless you want to try something a bit more. Chrys is slowly discovering that he is actually Aromantic, which makes things very difficult for him because he thought he loved Onyx, only to discover he didn't and now he's a very confused Hufflepuff who is mostly just mucking around with people because he thinks there's something wrong with him. He's never really wanted to be exclusive with people and he thinks that might be what he's missing, but he has no idea so is trying to discover himself. Other than that, there aren't many people on your list he wouldn't take some kind of liking to (5th-7th) so if you wanted anyone to complicate someone's love life, let me know. Chrys isn't picky, but that doesn't mean other people aren't ahaha. He's kind of a d*ck, but if he likes someone he does try to be nice. Mostly it's his confusion hurting at the moment. Most people probably heard about his duel with Elio too, if that help or hinders in any way.
Alice and Rowan. They've never really had time to chat, but, after everything Rowan is about to go through, I want her to try to reach out to people in her year and maybe try to connect with them. It's probably too little too late and Rowan isn't actually very good with people despite her personality and there's an awkwardness she has especially with girls that makes her a little competitive. Maybe a roleplay or two? Probably in the second semester after she's had more time to adjust to her knew normal.
Abian and Rowan. I think we discussed them a little before, since Rowan seems much more comfortable with boys than girls. They might be able to cultivate a bit of a friendship. She'd enjoy watching him skate for example and she's all for new hobbies next year.
Lucas and TizixRoxas - Dormmate bonding? Probably not all together, but in different ways definitely. I don't know that Tizi and Lucas would get along, but I think Lucas and Roxas would and Roxas is kind of friends with Mary Lou, so they have that in common as well as obviously being dormmates.
Augustus and Tizi - Tizi is a weird kid, though not in the same way as Augustus. I don't know if they would be friends, but I definitely need more roleplays for Tizi so this seems like a golden opportunity to me!
Ivy x Reid - Reid is super chilled and loves music. He would often be found relaxing by the water and adopted and raised by older parents so he wasn't around a lot of little kids growing up. His parents lived in a little gated community with mostly older couples who had older kids or adult kids so Reid and his sister mostly occupied themselves, so he's not a very loud person and he's really good with emotions because his parents always encouraged him to talk about his feelings. He wasn't very good at that though so they encouraged his music. She will either enjoy his no-pressure view on life, or she won't like it because he is one of the kinds of people who seems to not take anything too seriously when it comes to his studies. I think they could potentially strike up a friendship though if you want someone to help Ivy relax once and a while!
Violette and Cami - A Holland and a Zephyr, to me they are a perfect match in terms of personality. They're outwardly two very different people, but they would complement each other well, I think. Violette is quiet and shy, but Cami is the "mum friend" of people. She is a nurturer by default and usually someone you could rely on to get things done. She likes personal space and doesn't like to be randomly touched without knowing its coming. She is a bit of a thrill-seeker and doesn't shy away from having people try to get her to do things, though she's by no means a pushover.
That's enough for now I think, let me know what you think

You think you have too many studentsssss