As much as he had tried to prepare for the likelihood, Rāwhiti was still disappointed that he hadn't made it onto the Gryffindor team. He knew it was rare for first years to be chosen, but still it had felt... right. He lived for Quidditch, and there were so many heroes he wanted to be like who had joined their house teams young. But competition had been fierce for Gryffindor, and it had only made Rāwhiti more determined to practice hard and make it next year. And part of practice was watching.
He had dragged Emery to the pitch so he wouldn't be alone, fair turnabout for all the gobstones games he had played with the Ravenclaw since school started. Besides, maybe if he got to know Quidditch more, Emery would enjoy it. It was kind of the same really, calculated angles and all, just in the air and with people instead. He dragged his friend into the Gryffindor section, rattling off facts about all the players on the team as he went. Rāwhiti had been reading up on previous teams strengths and victories, and he knew Slytherin were a tough foe to face. "Of course, I think Gryffindor are up to it. Lions, right?!" Rāwhiti grinned, finishing the thought he had been babbling at Emery as the game kicked off. "Oh, yes! That's Louis Alcott with the Quaffle!" He explained, pointing to the older boy and elbowing his friend. "He's a mean as player, his dad makes brooms. Lucie's the Slytherin keeper, she's way older, but Louis is a good flyer, aye..." he carried on, rattling off facts about the game and the teams as he watched.