So yeah, it's been awhile. I HAVE been active on Twitter, Bebo, Livejournal (Most recent update includes my reviews of HBP and Max, for people who are interested in that sort of thing.), and Facebook though, and will continue to do so, for anyone who just misses me for me. (lolbutnotreallycosthat'snotgonnahappen) And if you miss me for my writing, I'm a regular on the RP forum Hogwarts New Zealand I play Kyle Alcott (first year Hufflepuff/adorable wee gay boy), Gabriel Blume (Family member, hopefully becoming shopkeeper soon), and Maria Madison (As yet unsorted/emo and kind of a b*tch sometimes). Flick me a PM if you fancy roleplaying, I'd be happy to meet your characters - Kyle's looking for a future male crush right now, if there are any takers