Secret Santa 2023 - Gifts! 🎅

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Dance GIF

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I come bearing gifts from one HNZer to the next and it's my pleasure to share them with you all :santa:. I know times are busy for a lot of us so a big thank you to everyone who participated and took the time out of their day to make a gift for someone else. This is the first thing I'm doing after waking up this morning so I think that's quite enough from me for now, let's see those gifts! 🎁

Hey Ana!
~ I was super stoked to get your name in the secret santa this year. I spent a good while going back and forth on a million things I wanted to do for you~ In the end, I decided to go through all of my music and make you a playlist with all of my favorite upbeat songs I thought you might like. I know a lot of my music has the 'sad emo kid' vibes but I put a lot of thought into this and I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do and that they can make you smile.
~ Jess


Gift page!

- From Maria



- From Anna




- From Ana


- From Rowan

Gift one
Gift two

- From Kiersten

1st: Casper and Linden because they are one of my all time favourite ships!!

2nd: Selene and Sophie because they are cute and I love them

3rd: and last, but not least, a very believable picture of us all at Hogsmeade together

Merry Christmas Mia :wub:

- From Kaye

There is a story, a legend, a myth
That Sarah had heard when she was a kid
of a small cottage displaced from our time
Home of a lady who’ll tell you your rhyme
Many had tried and failed to find her.
But those who succeeded came back wiser.
Up until now Sara’s life had been fine
With school and work and role playing online
She craved adventure when dreaming at night
She packed up her bags and left by first light
It began down a shady woodland path
With a backpack and an old hand-drawn map
A tramp through the trees and over the hills
The map soon took her off on a detour
Straying from the path and along a small stream
It was dark when she reached a small clearing
She set up for the night under a tree
And went to sleep dreaming of what she would see
As her watch struck midnight, she was woken
By the sounds of rustling and words spoken
“Who’s there?” she called and peered through the trees
There sat a spider with eight hairy knees
“nō hea koe”, the creature whispered
“tēnā koe. nō raro au” she said
The next question, “Ko Wai tō inga”
Her response “Ko Sarah taku Ingoa”
Her voice a trembled inside of her head
As she listened to what the spider said
I am looking for the old crone of the south
The words escaping from her open mouth
“I know what you seek, and that’s why I’ve come.
A riddle to solve before you go on
Take time that you need, but answer give one
I’m a silver thread winding through the land
My mouth can’t speak, you can’t take me in hand
Some say I babble, they say I bring life
But cross me, and you may end up in strife.”
She pondered a while of what it could be
An awa, river or bubbling stream
The spider chuckled in its gravely way
“You passed my test. You’ll be there in a day.”
The next morning, when our Sarah awoke
The forest was bathed in a misty smoke
She continued along the forest stream
Sure the whole encounter had been a dream
The branches were low, the path on was steep
There came the cottage by a pool so deep
And from the garden came a floral smell
The scent of magnolia she knew well
Inside the cottage, opening the door
The lady? the crone? She looked twenty-four
dressed in a style that's hard to forget
A victorian dress with a corset
“Come in, Traveler, you’ve come a long way.
Would you like some tea or a fruit milkshake?”
Sara, she stopped surprised by the question.
“Umm, Earl Gray tea, no milk, just some lemon”
They sat at a table in the cool shade
Through the window classical music played
“You came to me, in your heart a question.
The answer to which I will enlighten”
She took from the side an old deck of cards
Give them a shuffle and give them your thoughts
Sarah shuffled them just as she was told
When she handed them back they had turned gold
The lady spread them across the table
At first, the whole world was shown on a card
Next was temperance pouring from a jar
The final card, for there were only three
Showed the high priestess reigning like a queen
She looked for a moment nodding her head
“It appears to be a big year ahead”
You’ve given your all to achieve a success
It’s not a large shout-out but a calm balance
That can be seen on this card’s temperance
Now the last card can be seen in two ways
The one that looks deeper and the one that stays
enjoy your success you’ve worked to the bone
And take a break to see what you have grown”
The lady stopped them and looked to the stream
There’s lots in your life that’s still unforeseen
That is all I can tell you this evening
I will give you more than just this reading
This stone will guide you where you need to be
Bring you knowledge from its own history
Now it is time to go back to you your home
And you will soon see how much you have grown.
Into the pool and down through the portal
Night isn’t safe here if you are a mortal.
Sarah waded deep into the water
She held her breath as her head went under.
Just as her lungs were about to give out
The pressure it eased and spun her about
Into the dark whirlpool at the bottom
Work up at home, the odd trip forgotten
She got up and stretched and stifled a yawn
She appeared to be on the back lawn.
She put her hand deep into her pocket
And drew out the pebble and a new locket
Inside the pendant, there was a small note
Be true to yourself and never let go
Some tell a legend about an old witch
But Sara knows it is real, not a stitch
- From Mia
Ahhh everyone's gifts are so amazing! Thank you Kiersten for the gift! It made me giggle! It's amazing! Thank you! Merry Xmas everyone! I hope you all had a good one!
Omg. Thank you Kaye. They are adorable I love them. You had me believing that we really were at hogsmede.
We should rp Selene and Sophie again soon, they are fun together (and I am glad you like cas/lin, as I love them too)
Merry Christmas
Thank you amd well done to everyone who participated all of the gifts are amazing, and thank you to Cindi :santa: and Marijke :elf: for organising the event.

Merry Christmas to all (and to all a good night)
Beautiful gifts! So awesome to see them all. Thanks so much, Mia!! I loved the poem, it was really cool, I loved how you incorporated so much of the things I put and somehow magically knew I don't take milk in my earl grey xD And the tarot was really cool! And the Māori-speaking spider! Ahhh I loved it, just thanks so much and merry Christmas all!
Beautiful gifts! So awesome to see them all. Thanks so much, Mia!! I loved the poem, it was really cool, I loved how you incorporated so much of the things I put and somehow magically knew I don't take milk in my earl grey xD And the tarot was really cool! And the Māori-speaking spider! Ahhh I loved it, just thanks so much and merry Christmas all!
I am so glad you liked it. I hope that I managed to get the te reo right. It was certainly a fun challenge trying to get it in there and keep the rhyme and rhythm. (I hope I did t mess it up too much)
As for the tea I’m psychic (I usually take it with milk) or that is the easiest way I could get it to rhyme.
Thanks so much for the gift Ana! You are so talented :wub:

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas with their families (blood-related or not) :santa:
Such creativity with the gifts! Thank you to everyone who participated and to Marijke for using a piece of her Christmas to get things posted! :santa:
omgomgomg Sarah this is so lovely!!!! I ADORE classical music, and Ngawaiata is a NIGHTMARE to make gifs for (hi blurry 360p nzntm uploads on youtube) ty for saving my life for next year 💕 gonna go listen to this playlist immediately!!

Thank you so much Marijke for putting all the gifts together, everyone's contributions are so beautiful and creative!
Thank you so much for the gift Maria :hug:

All the gifts are so wonderful this year great job everyone :wub:
Ahhh thank you for the gift, Jess!! I've listened to the whole playlist, and there were so many fun throwbacks, as well as some new discoveries! It definitely made me smile, and I'll probably have this on repeat as I try to get back into writing. Thank youuuu :wub: :hug:

Also thank you Cyndi and Marijke for organizing this, and I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :santa:
I love seeing all the creative gifts people come up with for Secret Santa events! It’s always fun to receive something thoughtful and personal, especially when it includes little details that show how well someone knows you. One of the best gifts I ever got was a personalized book with notes and highlights from a friend, totally unexpected and so meaningful.

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