Nell Wright

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (27)

Name: Nell Beatrice Wright
Meaning: Nell – Light, Beatrice – One Who Makes Light
Birthdate: 23rd of April
Zodiac: Taurus
As a Taurus born on April 23rd, your determination and stability are amongst your most defining qualities. Once you have set a path for yourself, you stick to it with great determination. At times, you may become so dedicated to a task that you forget to address your most basic human needs. While others admire your determined nature, your efforts are to insure security and stability in life. There is little you value you more than a comfortable existence and you will not rest until you have acquired it.
Strengths: Dependable – Persistent – Loyal – Patient - Generous
Weaknesses: Stubborn – Laziness – Possessive – Materialistic - Self-indulging

Hometown: Dunedin, New Zealand
Birthplace: Dunedin, New Zealand
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Aids in communication and learning. Removes blockages that prevent the flow of words and knowledge. It is the wood of the poet and the scholar.

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Hair: Nell has dark brown hair with a slight wave to it, which she wears in a shoulderish length bob, with a straight across fringe.
Eyes: Deep brown enough to almost be black, Nell has small eyes with long lashes.
Build: Nell is quite small and weedy, and on the short side for her age.
Complexion: Nell is extremely pale, and has a few moles on her arms.
Style: Nell likes vintage clothes, patterned dresses in particular. Otherwise she likes to dress in monochrome black and white when wearing things like t-shirts and jeans.
Distinguishing Features: Nell is quite delicate and has a very careful way of moving.
Lauren Mayberry


Personality: Nell is curious at heart, always raised with an emphasis on questioning everything. She can be curious to a point of being a little annoying, often hounding the people she trusts with question after question. To those who don't know her however, Nell is shy, coming across almost delicate. She is somewhat jumpy, and easily startled. Nell is extremely organised and likes things in order, spending a lot of her time organising and rearranging her surroundings until everything is just the way she likes it. She keeps a strict schedule for her free time, and is a natural planner.
-Nell is extremely organised, and keeps her things very much in order. She sticks well to a schedule and is responsible about getting things done when they should be.
-Nell is devoted to learning, and is constantly doing everything she can to increase her knowledge about the world around her. She is incredibly curious and hungry for knowledge, and never stops trying to learn more.
-Nell is very caring when it comes to friends and family, and always does her best to make the people around her happy and comfortable.
-Nell's devotion to structure makes her weak when it comes to improvising, and when things don't turn out the way she planned she often has no idea what to do with herself.
-Nell doesn't have a very good gauge for when people don't want to answer her questions, and will often annoy people in her pursuit of knowledge
-Nell often assumes that she knows better than other people, especially when it comes to organisation, and can steamroll other people's voices when trying to organise things.
Reading – Nell is a voracious reader, and will absorb book after book almost without looking up in between them.
Gardening – Nell is an avid keeper of succulents and cacti in particular, but she enjoys plants of all kinds.

Bullet Journalling – Nell has kept a bullet journal for years, dedicating a lot of time both to decorating the pages and planning her schedule.
Personality Type: ENTJ (The Commander)
Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.

Strengths: Efficient, Energetic, Self-Confident, Strong-Willed, Strategic Thinkers, Charismatic and Inspiring
Weaknesses: Stubborn and Dominant, Intolerant, Impatient, Arrogant, Poor Handling of Emotions, Cold and Ruthless

History: Nell was born into a happy home, to Isabelle, a muggle chemist, and Alec, a wizard architect. From an early age Nell's parents fostered a deep passion for science and learning in her and her older sister Stella, and Nell had a happy childhood, growing up surrounded by knowledge and learning. She always looked up to her older sister growing up, and wanted to be as clever as Stella. After many happy years at muggle primary school together, the time came for Stella to go away to Hogwarts. Nell was deeply sad and missed her sister immensely, doing her best to learn everything she could from Stella's old school books in the mean time, so she would know absolutely everything possible before arriving at school.
Health: Nell is quite weak and frail, with a bad immune system, but she has never been sick enough to need serious medical attention.


Goals: To know EVERYTHING.
Fears: Being caught off guard.
Secrets: Nell often gets quite frustrated with people doing their own thing, and wishes they would just do exactly what she says all the time.
Regrets: Never making many friends at school.

Colour: Green
Food: Sushi
Smell: Lavender and old books
Music Genre: Indie-folk

Animal: Bunny
Name: Dr. Isabelle Leclair
Date of Birth:
Blood Status:

Occupation: Chemist
Alec Wright
Date of Birth:
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

Occupation: Architect
Stella Wright
Date of Birth: 14/9/2033
Blood Status: Half Blood

Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Finally arriving at Hogwarts was everything Nell had dreamed of, after years of listening to Stella's stories about the school. She wanted to know everything, meet everyone, go everywhere, all at once. Nell very quickly joined every club available to her, and started making friends, though her innecessant questioning of everything drove a few people away from her. Notable people in her first year were Jasper Night, Selene le Fey, Lars van Houten, and Elliot Briar. Nell thoroughly enjoyed every moment of her first year, and when it ended she was counting down the days to go back to Hogwarts.
Nell felt so excited she could about burst. She was here, she was finally here. Hogwarts. After years of pestering Stella for every detail about the school, it almost felt like it couldn't possibly be true. The Great Hall looked exactly how Stella had described it, and Nell gazed up in awe at the ceiling stretching on above them forever. It was almost too much, and after struggling to tear her eyes away, Nell turned them to the tables, struggling to pick Stella out among the blue-clad crowd. She beamed brightly at her sister when she caught her eye, bouncing slightly with excitement. Stella was right here, and after waiting so long she finally got to be around her sister all the time again! They could study together and she could ask Stella questions about classes, and new friends, and everything else! Nell couldn't wait!

It was difficult to stay still as Nell watched her future classmates being called up one at a time, mentally cursing her own surname as they went. She tried to memorise as many names as she could, wondering which of these people would be her new friends. Everything was new and exciting and full of potential, and Nell was ready to get started on her new life at Hogwarts. Finally, finally, when the crowd of entrants had dwindled to almost nothing, it was Nell's turn. She grinned in excitement the whole way to the stool, taking her seat and clasping her hands excitedly in her lap as the hat was placed upon her head, slipping quickly over her eyes.

The Accumulation of KnowledgeWith Stella Wright and Lily Cliffeton
Under the Same StarsWith Stella Wright
How Does It Work?With Rory Fergusson
ChattyWith Alice Rosenberg
Joining The RoostWith Selene Le Fey, Sophie Elliston, Katia Hensel, Nova Bennett, and Emily Underwood
Adding Some ExcitementWith Jasper Night
Questions With No AnswersWith Stella Wright
Sisterly SetupWith Fleur van Houten, Lars van Houten, and Stella Wright
First roseWith Selene Le Fey
Fish out of WaterWith Jasper Night
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Wednesday Addams
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance

Returning for Hogwarts for her second year, Nell threw herself into her club activities as usual. She was excited to be part of so many things at Hogwarts, though at times she started to find the schedule overwhelming. She still found time to make new friends and hang out with the old though, enjoying her social life throughout the year. In the second semester Nell was old enough to sign up for the dueling championship, quickly discovering to her horror that dueling was a lot scarier than she had anticipated, and she didn't quite have the stomach for it. She was relieved when the tournament was over, and threw herself into her other, less dangerous clubs.
Hogwarts Monthly S1 MeetingHogwarts Monthly club event
Castle of WondersWith Audra Worth
DecoratingWith Adorah Zumwalt
Y33 Heta Omega MeetingHeta Omega club event
Flowers Flowering GaloreWild Patch club event
SDA Holiday HangoutSDA club event
Just Here For The FoodWith Jasper Night, Jasper Michaels, and Selene Le Fey
Rhythm of the Yellow RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Signy Forstrom
Yellow for BlueReceiving Valentines Rose with Alexis Kramer and Jasper Night
Just One MoreReceiving Valentines Rose with Tres Bear II
Heta Omega Party 2049Heta Omega club event
End of Year HM PartyHogwarts Monthly club event
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Student Defense Association
Duelling Tournament: Round 2
The Wrong Holiday
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance

Coming back to school for her third year, Nell was... definitely not overwhelmed. Nope. That was what she kept telling herself, as she rushed from place to place, stretched between the dozens of club activities and subjects she had signed up for. It was a struggle to find any time for herself or her friends but she did her best, trying to spend time with her friends in between her many commitments. She did her best though, in particular managing to make a connection with her roommate Selene, one that Nell realised towards the end of the year was developing into more of a crush.
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y34/S1With various Ravenclaws
Familiar GroundWith Selene Le Fey
Exploring BelowWith Violet Fields
Y34 Heta Omega MeetingHeta Omega club event
Newsroom Check InHogwarts Monthly club event
Simple DeliveryReceiving Valentines Rose with Lars van Houten
Killing JokeReceiving Valentines Rose with Olivia Woodlock
One Rose LeftReceiving Valentines Rose with Jenna Jusantrea
Ravenclaw RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Luna Urquhart-Cade
Y34 Heta Omega Slumber PartyHeta Omega club event
Planting A WiggentreeSDA/Wild Patch club event
Ravenclaw Group Study Y34With various Ravenclaws
Packing UpWith Selene Le Fey
LGBTQ+ Pride 2050With various attendees
Goodbye PartyHogwarts Monthly club event
Valentines Dance
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Student Defense Association
Heta Omega

Nell knew she was playing with fire as she made her schedule for her fourth year. She had never been as good a student as her family expected, but looking over her crowded schedule it was impossible to decide which classes were worth taking. So, she signed up for every class again. Every class, every club, leaving Nell almost no free time whatsoever to get things done. She watched her grades slip further and further down as she focused on more enjoyable club activities, as well as her extracurricular crush on Selene Le Fey, one of her roommates. To Nell's relief the crush was returned, and she was delighted to have Selene as her first girlfriend. Happy as she was though, Nell's terrible grades caused her a lot of strain, and as she was handed the honour of taking over as the Hogwarts Monthly editor, she knew she was going to have to make some sacrifices in her schedule next year.
The Changing of the SeasonsWith various attendees
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y35/S1With various Ravenclaws
HM Meeting S1Hogwarts Monthly club event
Lazy But BrilliantWith Jasper Night, Jarica Ashley, Allison Beckett, Stanislaw Kurek, and Cyzarine Haden
Lost KnightWith Selene Le Fey
Knight-TimeWith Selene Le Fey
Y35 Heta Omega MeetingHeta Omega club event
Wait A MinuteReceiving Valentines Rose with Leda Layton
A Gift Of Yellow To A BlueReceiving Valentines Rose with Beau Chamberlin
Hogwarts Monthly
Senior Staff Writer
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Student Defense Association
Warrior Princess
Yule Ball
Selene Le Fey
Valentines Dance
Selene Le Fey

Nell was both thrilled and nervous to take over as the editor of Hogwarts Monthly at the beginning of her fifth year. She loved the paper deeply, but another commitment in her OWL year was a scary thought. She coped with the additional stress by finally dropping several subjects from her course list, a move that made Hogwarts life much more bearable, and had a significantly positive effect on Nell's grades. She was still run near-ragged between classes, clubs, and her relationship, but to her relief Nell made it through the year and put out two issues of HM to be proud of. Just as it seemed she would be ending her OWL year on a high note, Nell was crushed when Selene decided to end their relationship, leaving her feeling vague and aimless as sixth year approached.
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y36/S1With various Ravenclaws
Someone Like YouWith Selene Le Fey
HM Meeting Y36/S1Hogwarts Monthly Club Event
Hogwarts Monthly: Y36 Semester 1With various
Quiet CornerWith Jasper Night
Making Valentines CardsHeta Omega Club Event
Yellow and Blue Make GreenReceiving Valentines Rose with Chloe Thompson
Red and Pink and Yellow, Oh My!Receiving Valentines Rose with Seraphina My
Dancing In The MoonlightWith Selene Le Fey
Raranga HarakekeWild Patch Club Event
Y36/S2 Issue Release PartyHogwarts Monthly Club Event
A Different Type Of LoveWith Selene Le Fey
OTP/Most Likely To Get Married (With
Selene Le Fey)
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Student Defense Association
Duelling Tournament: Round 1
As Selene Le Fey with
Selene Le Fey
Yule Ball
Selene Le Fey
Valentines Dance
With Selene Le Fey

Determined to find opportunity in her devastation, Nell resolved to take the same approach to her love life that she took to everything else. Why focus on one narrow avenue when the world was so full of things to try? She began filling the spare time between clubs and classes with a variety of romantic trysts, of varying degrees of success. It was impossible, though, to quite get one fling out of her mind, a surprisingly romantic blind date with one of her best friends, Jasper Night. Try as she might, Nell couldn't quite shake the Slytherin from her mind, even as she did her best to patch up her lost friendship with her ex-girlfriend. The year ended in a dramatic scene with another Slytherin, when a gossip article Nell anonymously wrote caused a rift with one of her best friends, Lars van Houten. Nell wasn't able to keep her disapproval of Lars' new relationship a secret, and their friendship suffered as a result of her writing.
Clear My MindWith Gwen Owens-Lee
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y37/S1With various Ravenclaws
Y37 SDA Exhibition DuelWith various attendees
HidingWith Lars van Houten
HM Meeting Y37/S1Hogwarts Monthly Club Event
Big Sister Little SisterHeta Omega Club Event
High SpiritsWith Jasper Night
EVERY FlavourWith Jasper Night
Foraged FeastWild Patch Club Event
Before They Turn The Lights OutWith Sydney Townsend
InevitableWith Jasper Night
Ravenclaw Trivia Night Y37/S2With various Ravenclaws
Chomping CabbagesWild Patch Club Event
Casually Hanging OutWith Jasper Night
Small StonesWith Selene Le Fey
Celebrating Graduating SistersHeta Omega Club Event
Hogwarts Monthly: Y37 Semester 2With various
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Student Defense Association
Robert Smith
Yule Ball
Jasper Night
Valentines Dance

Nell's seventh year began with a lot of reassessment. Despite having had many other flings over the years, she still couldn't get her kiss with Jasper off her mind. She swore off dating for the moment, trying to figure out where these feelings fit into their friendship, and what she wanted to do about them. After a few false starts, Nell and Jasper finally found love with one another, and though she wasn't able to repair her friendship with Selene, Nell spent the remainder of the year working hard towards the NEWTs, and doing everything she could to put out excellent issues of the Hogwarts Monthly and leave her successor with the best possible start at the paper. Finally, with everything finished and nothing left to do, Nell was ready to graduate and face the new challenges and lessons of adult life.
While We're HereWith Simon Thorne
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y38/S1With various Ravenclaws
Peace OfferingWith Selene Le Fey
Nell Just Happens To Be HereWith Jasper Night
SistersHeta Omega Club Event
Hordes of HorklumpsWild Patch Club Event
Group BrainstormHogwarts Monthly Club Event
Practice Your ReflexesSDA Club Event
One Step CloserWith Jasper Night
Nothing Awkward Here!With Jasper Night
A Rosey ReminderReceiving Valentines Rose with Elara Chatelain
Yellow For The BossReceiving Valentines Rose with Kaia Stark
A Yellow Rose for NellReceiving Valentines Rose with Augustus Westwick
Mending What Is BrokenWith Lars van Houten
Crayons and PencilsWith Jasper Night
Study SessionHeta Omega Club Event
Meet The Smallest RavenWith various Ravenclaws
WeatherproofingWild Patch Club Event
Final VictoryWith Jasper Night, Indira Khatri, and Blake Irons
Farewell PartyHogwarts Monhtly Club Event
Hogwarts Monthly: Y38 Semester 2With various
Y38 Graduation CeremonyWith various attendees
Hogwarts Monthly
Wild Patch
Heta Omega
Student Defense Association
Duelling Tournament: Round 1
Glam Rocker
Yule Ball
Jasper Night
Valentines Dance
Jasper Night
As much time as she had spent thinking about today, Nell still couldn't quite believe it was actually here. Her things were packed, her desk in the Monthly office cleared out for everything but an encouraging letter she had left for Poppy. She had taken a final walk around the school, trying to memorise every nook and cranny of its winding corridors one last time, she had fertilised her plants in the Wild Patch for whoever would be caring for them next year, she had taken a moment to thank her favourite Professors. This was it. There was nothing left to do but to graduate, to leave Hogwarts behind and begin her own life as an adult.

Still, a large part of Nell felt like she had forgotten something, that she had to run back into the castle and find the thing she had left behind, finish the essay she had forgotten, return to her familiar life and never leave. It was difficult to focus on the speeches but she did her best, unable to help tearing up slightly as Elliot reflected some of the worries that had been consuming her right back, and she was momentarily overcome with relief that she wasn't the only one struggling with this major junction of their lives. Nell had somehow managed to forget Selene would be speaking too until it was actually happening and her jaw tightened, staring at the floor silently until the speech was over and trying not to listen.

But next came the part Nell had been truly dreading. Once the certificate was in her hand, her time at Hogwarts would be finished, for good. She was both relieved and frustrated with how late in the alphabet her surname fell, watching her classmates one after another get up to receive their diplomas, clapping for her friends as they officially finished their time at school and took their first steps into the adult world. And then, finally and much too soon all at once, her own turn had come. Nell took a deep, shaky breath as she stepped onto the stage, unable to help the wavering of her smile or the tears in her eyes as she approached Professor Alicastell, accepting the diploma and shaking the woman's hand, every action feeling like a dream. This was really it. The diploma felt much too light in her hand for the weight it carried, the promise of a brand new life, completely unlike anything she had known before. As nostalgic as Nell would always be for her time at Hogwarts, she knew today was just the start of a brand new adventure.
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