Well this complicates things
OK I'm still alive, which might indicate that Anna is in fact innocent. I think the wolves would predict me starting a lynching bandwagon against her and kill me off, since I was suspecting her earlier. But that's just a guess right now. Also, she never appeared yesterday to defend herself, which I feel like a wolf would want to do. She's not 100% out of my suspicions, but for now I'm not convinced.
So we have a new wolf among us now. Who would the wolves have tried to target tonight? Probably an active player? But that's difficult, because it could be ANY of us that are talking

I think it's reasonable to say that they wouldn't have targeted Ash, Lovi, Jamie, or Steph, or Kait, though. They're just not threatening enough to be killed. Which doesn't leave us with a whole ton of options as for who it could be

. I think the best thing for us to do right now would be to continue following old leads and hope the seer is active and can check some of the talkative people? I don't want to sound as if I'm deferring because I'm the cursed (I'm not), but apart from the fact it's probably someone active, we have no idea who the cursed is right now and it could get messy if we just start lynching each other off, especially when the majority of the wolves are probably quiet people right now.
I'm thinking this is the case because most of the active, talkative people voted for Dan yesterday. I noticed that Kait and Clara did not, even though they chimed in. Phoebe did not vote for Dan either - but she did vote for Anna. I honestly get the feeling though that Phoebe was just convinced by Dan's guilt tripping, because she did not jump on the vote Abby bandwagon right at the start. She didn't vote for Abby (who was innocent), even though she could have helped lynch off a villager. Why would a wolf not have voted?
So with this in mind, right now I am most suspicious of Lovi (participating very, very occasionally), Kait, Clara, and Steph, who could be using her 'first game' innocence as a way to dodge suspicion. Given that (ignoring for now the cursed situation) we can almost certainly say that Jesse, KR, Kathy, Maia, and I are innocent, we have a pretty good chance of getting a wolf by going after one of these people.
Also, I quote Kathy earlier in the game:
Kathy said:
Dan, Clara, Lovi - in that order. Voted for Abby with no real opinion behind it, other than that I'd convinced them.
Clara and Lovi are looking reaaal sus to me at the moment. Clara and Lovi also both voted for Abby earlier on. So they both voted for Abby without much reason, and neither of them voted for Dan. Hhhmmmm.
Buuut this is all just my rambling thoughts and I'm happy to listen to what everyone else thinks
Amy Rosemary said:
Phew thank goodness no one has died (yet)

I feel like now that one wolf has died it might get easier from here.
Nobody died because the cursed got bitten and turned into a wolf
(But you know that don't you Clara
