Midsummer Werewolf

Professor Wren Louise said:
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
Thing is though, I agree with pursuing old leads rather than the potential new wolf. I say that because, can we even be sure that there is a new wolf? See, a tactic I would use it actually not killing someone on a day, to make people believe there is a cursed and draw attention toward who they could be, especially if theres heat on a wolf currently. I think its entirely possible that it could be just a tactic of creating discord among the people who thought they could trust each other and now no longer can. So I want to consider the fact that we could be arguing over nothing. I think its good to look at possible new wolves, but ultimately we should focus on the wolves that have already existed.
Fair, but you can only go so far down that rabbit hole. Unless you're that confident in yourselves as a group (and how could you be, after one of your own was just killed?) could you afford to not act? Especially when acting gains you another ally. Sure, not doing so would create discord, but I think adding another ally to replace the one you lost would be a more valuable tactic in this early stage of the game. I don't disagree that it's a potentially useful tactic, but it's not one I think they'd use after they've just lost someone.

Still, you're right, there's only old leads to go off of. The only difference is now we can only follow our own leads and can't trust anyone else's because they might now be Cursed.
I agree that I am a likely target, but on the other hand, if I'm following a false lead (at the time, Anna), they would also want to keep me alive. (Edit: I'm aware that they could also have targeted me and I was the cursed xD but keep reading!)

The reason I suggest we pursue old leads is because we can determine who the cursed is by how they act from here on :p right now we don't know. We need some time to figure out who it is. I mentioned in my post that I didn't want to appear as if I were deferring, so I knew it was going to look suspicious. I don't think I'd have bothered if I were the cursed myself.

I wasn't suggesting Clara was the cursed. I have my suspicions that she is one of the original werewolves. My comment to her first thing in the morning was because I found it strange that she contributed such a comment straight away, as if to try to distract everybody from the fact a new wolf had joined. To say 'I think things will be easier now' when you haven't even been contributing is kind of... strange to me.

Edit: typoo
Hmm... so I haven't got anything out of Kait or Anna today, but as that was mainly me trying to get a more certain opinion on people others suspect more confidently than I do, I'm going to go back to someone I personally have been swinging back and forth on - Phoebe, if I voted for you, what would you say my motivations for that would be? (Also, I haven't forgotten about Clara either).

I'm also going to ignore the Cursed situation for now, unless something jumps out at me. I'll say KR seems more structured today, but Jesse and Claire have both tricked me before as wolves in previous games. That is, assuming the wolves went for an active person - it might have just been a lucky hit trying to weed out the seer from amongst the less talkative people (as the talkative ones seem to have more thought behind their suspicions than random gut feelings (well, except Jesse, but that's only been for Kait and it felt like he was going back and forth on her the day I failed with Abby, which you wouldn't if you knew the role for sure)).

Also, I felt like there was a hint about the fact that the seer is till alive today - but so is the sorceress. Someone seemingly knowing things others don't should be thought about in the context of what they seem to be doing with that information, and have done in the past, rather than just automatically accepted as on the side of the village.
EDIT: Oh, also - Rowan is still alive, but has been pretty inactive on the site lately.
Aurora Night said:
I'll say KR seems more structured today, but Jesse and Claire have both tricked me before as wolves in previous games. That is, assuming the wolves went for an active person - it might have just been a lucky hit trying to weed out the seer from amongst the less talkative people (as the talkative ones seem to have more thought behind their suspicions than random gut feelings (well, except Jesse, but that's only been for Kait and it felt like he was going back and forth on her the day I failed with Abby, which you wouldn't if you knew the role for sure)).

Also, I felt like there was a hint about the fact that the seer is till alive today - but so is the sorceress. Someone seemingly knowing things others don't should be thought about in the context of what they seem to be doing with that information, and have done in the past, rather than just automatically accepted as on the side of the village.
EDIT: Oh, also - Rowan is still alive, but has been pretty inactive on the site lately.

I noticed that about KR too xD

I was also thinking about the sorceress role. If they find out who the seer is, they're going to want to kill them off. So we also technically have to be suspect of anybody that starts a lynching bandwagon against someone for no apparent reason. :zombie:

This game got a lot harder with the cursed role =))
Well, with nothing to go on in Phoebe's direction either, I'm going to have to try and surrender to sleep. It's worth noting that no one's really disagreed with the votes that we have so far, so maybe the wolves aren't that worried about a random chance of either Phoebe or Anna dying - but as I'm still not sure of either of them right now, I'm going to vote for Clara. She hasn't really convinced me she's not a wolf today, and I still feel like she bandwagon voted on Abby.
Okay, so so far we've got no consensus, and the votes are as follows.</FONT>
Phoebe (Geovanna Volt) voted to lynch Annaleise (Samuel Phillips)
Maia (Sara Moon) voted to lynch Phoebe (Geovanna Volt)
Kathy (Aurora Night) voted to lynch Clara (Amy Rosemary)​
<FONT font="Times New Roman">
Now, I'm gonna test a theory here, and I'm going to vote to lynch Annaleise (Samuel Phillips). If I'm wrong on this, my focus in this game is gonna shift entirely. I'm sorry if you're an innocent villager Annaleise, but here's hoping that you're not and I get this correct. If you are innocent, R.I.P? Maybe the votes will swing another way and I won't get to see, who knows.
What the hell is that with Kait I never had experianced that haha. I really have no clue, and feel like I'm a bit lost. I'm not gonna jump on the bandwagon with everyone so I'm gonna do a random vote, because I want to vote. I'm very sorry if this person turns out to be a villager, but I feel like I have no choice. I'm gonna vote for Kathy From everything I've read so far, she didn't convinced me for not being a wolf the most.
I'm not convinced about anything at this point. But, I think I'd rather target someone I think is a wolf than someone who might be some other role.

I vote to lynch Clara.

edit: forgot to bold the name
I vote to lynch Clara. Really hope I'm right T_T
Aurora Night said:
Well, with nothing to go on in Phoebe's direction either, I'm going to have to try and surrender to sleep. It's worth noting that no one's really disagreed with the votes that we have so far, so maybe the wolves aren't that worried about a random chance of either Phoebe or Anna dying - but as I'm still not sure of either of them right now, I'm going to vote for Clara. She hasn't really convinced me she's not a wolf today, and I still feel like she bandwagon voted on Abby.
Yeah exactly. Now Jamie immediately voting for you after you bring Clara up makes me eeven more suspicious =))
Aurora Night said:
Phoebe, if I voted for you, what would you say my motivations for that would be?
Because I voted for you, didn't vote for Dan, and keep stepping my foot in it? :r

Sara Moon said:
it's possible that Phoebe is trying to sort of throw us off by voting for Anna again.

It's not that I'm trying to throw you off, but there was that whole chat yesterday them working together. Killing Dan was meant to help us decide if Anna was a wolf too, but it seems that's not really the focus now?

Good luck yall.
Geovanna Volt said:
It's not that I'm trying to throw you off, but there was that whole chat yesterday them working together. Killing Dan was meant to help us decide if Anna was a wolf too, but it seems that's not really the focus now?

Good luck yall.
New evidence came up!

1. I remained alive last night (and I'm not the cursed so I at least I can be sure that I wasn't attacked, even if nobody else). That likely means the wolves were not worried about us going after Anna. Again, I'm the only person who can know this =)) but this is also just my opinion. I purposely threw accusations around in order to see who stood up for whom.

2. Anna posted to say that she was suspicious of me AFTER I basically said I wasn't going after her any more. Why on earth would a wolf do that?

3. I was still thinking about the way Dan tried to throw Anna under the bus before he died. Could've just been a double bluff, yeah, but the way he said it seemed a little too careless, like he geuinely didn't care if Anna died or not (and he was probably attempting to get us to point fingers at her).

4. Clara posted very very quickly this morning, despite not having contributed much at all so far (except to vote off Abby earlier). If she were a wolf, she would know that the Cursed was bitten last night, as the wolves are alerted to it (and we obviously know as well because nobody died). Her eagerness to jump in might have been to distract us from the fact there's another wolf among us, and/or to feign innocence about not realising somebody had turned. I wouldn't be suspicious of this if she hadn't been contributing so little up until this point.

5. Clara did not vote to lynch Dan last night.

6. Nobody has been protesting the votes against Anna or you. If the wolves were worried about one of their friends' butts they'd probably chime in to try to divert attention. But Maia voted for Phoebe and Phoebe voted for Anna and nobody really jumped in. Kathy did, to vote for Clara, but since my suspicions also lie with Clara right now, that's who I'm going to go for. That's backed up by the fact Jamie just jumped in to vote for Kathy.
Evelyn Manning said:
What the hell is that with Kait I never had experianced that haha.
Things had become far more tense in the village with the inhabitants realising the dreadful consequences of having wolves walking around the village and them not even realising who was to blame for the murders. Although seemingly nobody had been killed during the night, fear was palpable amongst all of the villagers as they desperately raced against time for their survival...

My count: [ul][li]Samuel Phillips - 2</LI>[li]Geovanna Volt - 1[li]Amy Rosemary - 3<LI>[li]Aurora Night - 2[/li][/ul] Amy Rosemary, the spellcaster has been killed. It is night.
The wolves had struck again; unlike all the other deaths during the previous nights, the last night had been messy and involved a lot of screaming. They all knew what they would wake up to the following morning, but nevertheless discovering the body was still distressing for the villagers.

Professor Wren Louise, a villager has been killed. It is day.
Oh man... and I was suspicious of KR!! Now I feel bad D:

I really messed up yesterday. I'm probably going to read through the whole game again and try to write down some thoughts.
I don't even know what to think right now
I'm outing myself as the seer, and I can tell you with 100% certaintly that Anna, Phoebe, and Jamie are innocent, and Lovi is a wolf. This is my suicide, RIP me :D

OK here are my findings based on who I know is innocent vs who I know is not. I'm going to put what each of these things suggests in brackets after them, but NOT necessarily what is true!! This is also before the Cursed thing happened.

Day 2, when everybody was trying to lynch Abby off, Jesse didn't jump on the bandwagon, and instead voted for Kait. He also pointed out on day 3 that Kait was one of the people to jump on the lynch-Abby bandwagon for an easy kill. As such, I'm suspicious of Kait. Also, Rama contributed only for the first few days, voted to lynch Abby off, and then entirely disappeared. Laying low because there aren't any fingers on her? Rama also said on day two that she didn't think Daphne would have guarded anyone. Kathy noticed this and put it in her table. (Kait and Lovi wolves, Jesse and Kathy innocent)

Day 3, Anna points out that Kait's original vote on day 2 was for Kathy, but that she changed it pretty quickly to Abby once everybody else started voting for Abby, probably in order to blend in with the village majority. Dan also votes to lynch Kathy. Jesse backs up the unlikelihood of Kathy being a wolf. Jesse votes to lynch Dan. (So Anna, Kathy, and Jesse innocent, Kait and Dan wolves)

Still day :cry: Phoebe votes to lynch Anna, rather than Dan, even though Dan already had several votes and was pretty much about to die. If Phoebe were a wolf, she wouldn't have voted for Anna instead of Dan and drawn attention to herself, she'd have just not said anything I think. (Maia brings this up day 4 as well.) Maia voted for Dan, but she WAS one of the last people to vote, so could have been adding her vote to avoid suspicion. However, her participation throughout the game kind of makes me trust her. Kait came on and apologised for her lack of activity, saying she'd try to vote in time, but then didn't vote. (Phoebe, Maia, and Anna innocent, Kait wolf)

STILL day :cry: Maia split the players into two mini-teams in her head: Me, Kathy, and KR - and Phoebe, Dan, and Kait. KR has now been proven to be innocent, and we can be pretty sure of Kathy's innocence as well, and I know I'm innocent, so I'm saying this suggests that Maia is also innocent, because she has not been trying to frame the group of people who are innocent. (Maia is innocent)

Day 4: I say I'm not suspicious of Anna any more, and then in her next post Anna says she's a bit suspicious of me, which I don't think she'd have done if she were a wolf. (Anna is innocent)

Day 4 again: Jesse suggests that I could be the Cursed, but then suggests we continue following old leads anyway, and points out that a wolf tactic might be not to kill anyone just to make it look like there's a new wolf. He says we should continue looking for existing wolves. If he were a wolf, or the cursed himself, I think he would have pressed me and tried to blame me more about trying to shift attention off myself. So, (Jesse innocent)

Day 4 still: Steph brings up the fact people are suspicious of both Anna and Phoebe, yet they can't BOTH be wolves because Phoebe keeps voting for Anna. Jesse says he's not suspicious of Phoebe (although crosses it out). Jesse brings up the fact Rowan's not been talking lately. Kathy says Rowan's not been active on the site lately. Steph jumps in to vote for Clara, who turns out to be innocent. (Jesse, Anna, Phoebe innocent, Steph and Rowan... eeehh? Hard to tell? Leaning towards suspicious)

When you take all this info, it suggests:

Maia, Jesse, Anna, Phoebe, Kathy, Jamie, Me - innocent (I swear if Jesse's just played me real good I'll be mad XD)

Kait and Lovi - wolves

Rowan, Ash, and Steph - no idea

There are three wolves and a sorceress left, right? So uhhh.... Good luck! ^_^

Edit: if you're innocent though you should still be careful :x I've made lists like this before and stuck wolves in the 'innocent' category and we still gotta bear in mind there's the Cursed who could be anyone, so yeah please don't take my suspicions as word =)) the only things I can say for sure are right up the top.

My bad I think there might actually be 4 wolves now and the sorceress. I'm in the middle of something can't count atm
Well, if you're to be believed Claire then almost all my thoughts previously were wrong. I'm gonna have to rethink this game again.

Professor Katherine Alicastell-
James CadeDire Wolf
Amber Chou WilsonBodyguard
Professor Sloane StarkVillager
Amy RosemarySpellcaster
Professor Monty Pendleton-
Ainsley Lynch-
Samuel Phillips-
Georgiana Night-
Professor Justin CliffetonGhost / Villager
Professor Wren LouiseVillager
Evelyn Manning-
Lyra Potter-
Sara Moon-
Aurora Night-
Professor Kida Frost -
Rama Mowry-
Geovanna Volt-
Marisol WoodsVillager

Dire wolf



I figure, there's one way to test Claire's claim, and the way to do that is to vote out a person she claims is absolutely a wolf. Personally, I am inclined to believe her, and so I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.
Sara Moon said:
I figure, there's one way to test Claire's claim, and the way to do that is to vote out a person she claims is absolutely a wolf. Personally, I am inclined to believe her, and so I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.
I agree. I vote for Rama Mowry
Geovanna Volt said:
Sara Moon said:
I figure, there's one way to test Claire's claim, and the way to do that is to vote out a person she claims is absolutely a wolf. Personally, I am inclined to believe her, and so I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.
I agree. I vote for Rama Mowry
I third this motion. I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.

I want to jump in and defend myself since I couldn't do it yesterday.

I did just go with the group on the second day. I've found that going against the group or having other opinions usually leads to you being dead either from the village or the wolves take you out especially if you get too close to them. Also, if I was a wolf, Jesse wouldn't have made it past the second night since he suggested me then. Just saying.

Day three I was going to vote for Dan but came back five minutes too late. I stayed up for about 48 hours because my friends and I randomly drove to Disney World. There are enough of you on my social media accounts to verify this information is true. I didn't have time to be on HNZ. I was distracted.

Yesterday I was silenced which is why I posted all the gifs.

I don't really believe all the people in your innocent category are innocent, but I believe your theory about Lovi. So I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.
Lyra Potter said:
I don't really believe all the people in your innocent category are innocent, but I believe your theory about Lovi. So I vote to lynch Rama Mowry.
What are your theories currently?

Also I'm going to die tonight without a shadow of a doubt, so I gotta say anything I want to say fast :cry: and I think it's worth noting that it does not make anybody innocent for voting for Lovi today. Even the wolves are going to be voting Lovi off in order to appear innocent.
Out of interest, Claire (cause I'm nosy :p ) who did you choose to see each night and why? Also I'm more inclined to believe you than not, but if today you say you're sure Lovi is a wolf why didn't you vote for her first? I mean, I also still think Lovi is a wolf, but considering how often majority votes get turned around, I think at this stage she's the one who will end up lynched. Although it's pretty early in the day to take that for granted.

Steph, you said your thinking was all wrong if Claire was to believed, so what was that thinking?

Also, Kait, who are the innocent people Claire mentioned that you don't believe actually are innocent?

As for me, I'm still going back and forth on whether I can trust a couple of people I previously did or didn't trust - I'd kind of convinced myself KR was the Cursed wolf but... apparently not.
EDIT: Claire you're a ninja xD
I'd also convinced myself KR was the cursed, so aaaye... :erm:

First night: Phoebe, because she's my sister
Second night: Teigan, because she was talking at the time or something and I thought she was suspicious, I can't remember xD
Third night: Dan (just a hunch)
Fourth night: Anna, because I planned on voting to lynch her the next day and wanted to make sure she was a wolf first, but it turned out she wasn't (that's why I suddenly stopped suspecting her and tried to vote for someone else I was suspicious of at the time: Clara)
Fifth night: Lovi, because she's been super quiet and I'm starting to suspect the wolves are just not talking

And I know Jamie's innocent 'cause if you count the votes up, she's the mayor :p

I forgot I didn't vote :lol: I was a bit excited to out myself. I vote to lynch Rama Mowry

Edit: forgot to do the fifth night xD and added more stuff

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