I Liiiiiiiiive -rises from the ashes in full Mushu Cosplay-

Ainmere Pendleton

Oldest Pendleton // Imaginative
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Flexible Hornbeam Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
So. I uhm, am not to good at these so jumping in I'm Cole. I used to be around this site. I think I started in 2008 a long time ago. And I've been off the site for around a year because life got hella crazy. But a few very important characters to me are getting sorted, and I'm at a more steady job with better hours, and also Claire absolutely would end me if I didn't come back xD

So I work for an animal ER now, three days a week, 12 hour shifts, and am going to school to get my vet tech licensing. I am a pet mom to 13 pets, and currently have two foster cats that I'm taking care of until they find their forever homes. I live in the US under EST and have a pretty regular bedtime schedule. I'm super friendly I promise, just a bit awkward at first. I also have a hard time censoring myself so like, gotta think hard before I write.

Anyways, I may bring back more of my retro characters if there is still demand for them in any plotting sense, but if not I plan to start fairly fresh! So yeah!
Hiiii Cole, welcome back!! :party: I'm glad you've been doing well, I'm absurdly jealous of the 13 pets :V Hope we can RP some time once you've got your characters sorted out!
I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU :wub: :party: :party:
(also dang right I'd end you)
Hi Cole! I think we might have talked a little? I'm Jess :) welcome back
Welcome back to HNZ, Cole! Working in an animal ER sounds like tough but rewarding work! Take your time easing back into things. ^_^

Welcome back! I'd love for us to roleplay together sometime. I have a few kids-to-sort so hopefully, we'll have some plots here and there.
Welcome back! :D
Welcome back cole!
Hello, I am Maiya :)
Welcome back :)
Hiya! Welcome back to HNZ! My name's Maria! I am always happy to plot hehe!
Cole, I missed you! I have some young unsorted people too that we could RP :r Welcome back to the site! It's good to see you around again :hug:
Welcome back, Cole!
My buttheadddddd!!!!! Where have you beennnnnnnnn, I’ve missed youuuuuuuuu. Welcome back!
Welcome back Cole!

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