
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Hey, gays!

unfortunately it turned out that to the devastation from the fifth date I will be slower, because it turns out that my knees were exposed to severe inflammation of the pathways. I think I'll take a break from the fifth date because I'm not sure I'll feel good after seeing a doctor. There is an idea that you will have to go to the hospital. I not be here from 5. 05. But i hope it would be alright. I will be slow to post and realy sorry for that.
Hey Maiya,

Thanks for letting us know that you'll be away for a while - I also hope all goes well at the hospital!
Thanky so much Nic!
I hope to! And hope that soon would be end :)
Take care of yourself Maiya!
Thanky so much gays! I love you all! :wub:
Take care and hope you get better
Take care Maiya, please feel better soon!
Thanky so much gays :)

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