Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
While the divination professor was not the most social of people she did like hosting parties. not big fancy affairs. but low key things where people had the chance to get to know each other over tea and a cake or other nice food. she had some years held a small party in her office and invited some of the professors over for tea and cakes as a good way to start the year. however this year was different, this year the school had a new headmaster and a lot of new professors, and her office wasnt that big, so she thought that maybe she should try and organise something a bit bigger.
It was the evening before all the students arrived for the semester. She had checked out the courtyard with some lights. and managed to cast a charm to almost creating a bubble above them so that they could keep the warm air in and the cold wind out but still be open to the clear sky above as it faded from sunset blues and oranged to dark and sprinkled with bright stars. she had made some cakes and sandwiches and the house elves had agreed to help serve dinner out there for them instead of the great hall. she had made sure to invite not only professors but all the school staff. it would be a good way to get things going for the year for people to get to know each other. she hung up a banner saying "Congratulations Matt" before getting herself a cup of tea and waiting for people to arrive.
Gabrielle knew she could stand to be more social. She actually had coworkers now, she could at least make an effort with them. And she couldn't look at the Merlin lesson notes any longer without possibly tearing her hair out, so attending the start of year party sounded like a good idea. She wasn't exactly a partying type anymore - long nights at the uni bar in her 20s notwithstanding - but the other professors could be fun. She also half regretted not really making an effort to talk to Professor Alcott-Ward more before his promotion, as surely she'd have less of a chance now, so she wasn't going to let that happen. Gabrielle was surprised to see that she was early, though, which was a bit embarrassing. She hadn't bothered with robes, simply wearing jeans and a loose shirt and sandals, giving the Divination professor a wave. She could've gone something boozy, but if the students were coming back tomorrow water was probably safer. "Professor Le Fey, right? Set-up looks nice."
Adorah was still feeling rather out of place. She was likely to be the youngest professor on board at the moment, just barely out of her teens, and she had had most of the professors for classes. Professor Harrington had always been her favorite, though, and she was sad that she wouldn't get to interact with her in this capacity. However, this was a chance to really gain professional experience and test her limits.

As she made her way to the courtyard, Adorah took a few deep breaths. She wasn't sure what the dress code was for a professor party, but she figured her look would cover a happy medium. Entering the courtyard, she admired the sky as she saw the food ahead. There weren't really any people there yet, and she quickly recognized one of Juniper's favorite professors ahead, along with a woman she didn't know. Not wanting to interrupt their conversation, she pretended to look around the courtyard as she sat on a nearby bench.
Lena had not really wanted to come back to school. With Lydia stepping down, the new baby, and still managing her separation from Henry, it all seemed too much. But she needed a job. Her mum couldn't support them all and shouldn't have to; she was doing enough by babysitting the girls while Lena was teaching. And while she was grateful for that, Lena hoped that eventually, she could afford childcare so her mum could enjoy her retirement.

Thankfully, her mum had agreed to watch the girls for the evening so she could go to an event Professor Le Fey had put together. It was rather cute, and as Lena walked in, she noticed a younger woman sitting by her lonesome. Assuming she might be waiting for someone, she walked towards Elvera. "It all looks lovely, Professor," she said with a smile, turning to the woman she didn't know. "I'm not sure if we've met. I'm Lena. I teach some of the Arithmancy courses." Lena was still unsure about changing her last name, as it meant a different last name from the girls, so for now, she was just omitting it as much as she could from conversation.
Professor Misha Haden felt old in the face of all the new professors, some of whom he had taught. Of course this would happen, but he still...would've liked to ignore it. He knew it would be the same for other professors too. He was glad that Professor Le Fey had organised this celebration and upon stepping into the courtyard felt that it looked rather well put together, certainly better than the celebration he'd once thrown for Professor Styx all those years prior. He glanced around and was almost a little disappointed that he didn't spot Isabella in the crowd of people. he knew all staff had been invited. Maybe she'd turn up soon. But for now Misha grabbed a drink and tried to decide if he should talk Professor Le Fey or one of the newer professors.
Professor Norton Gillespie still felt too weird as a Professor. People greeted him as such and really he still felt like the little boy who'd once been hit with a bludger while sitting on the bench. Norton walked to the courtyard and glanced over the sight, spotting two professors he remembered and his co-worker, someone he remembered as a few years below him in school. Norton grabbed a drink and took a quick swig. He'd already celebrated this, with his girlfriend and with the headmaster. He knew them, could say that he had a good relationship with the headmaster, but that man wasn't here yet. So instead he walked over to the other astronomy temp. "Hey, Adorah right?" he said. "I'm Norton, the other astronomy temp," he was sure she knew this, but it was a formal introduction so he extended out his hand to her.
@Professor Adorah Zumwalt
Stefan Archer was not a man who interacted with the other teaching staff or staff in general. There had been occasions of it in his younger years, but he was more settled into the quiet mundanity of his library life. It helped that his children were constant there, with Branson always looking to help out, Aurora always needing space and a book and Rosie always looking for a chat. He would never complain about it, not for a second, not even jokingly. He loved being surrounded by his children and valued every minute they gave him. He could see the young man his son was becoming, so proud of his prefect status. He was so happy for his daughters, their bond, and the way they were growing into beautiful and gracious young women. He worried for Rosie and how often she cried, but he knew better than to tell her to not. She was emotional and he would never say no. But part of him knew he was perhaps more isolated at work, and needed to go beyond his routines and securities and well..interacted with adults. So he'd come along. He smiled towards Professor Le Fey as he always did and would've opted to speak to her, if someone else wasn't already. Stefan hadn't interact with most of these other people yet, and did not have the confidence to go and introduce himself.
After a year as a Professor, Hiro could now happily say that he wasn't a newbie anymore. He felt confident about his lessons and that he pretty much knew his way around the castle by now. And he was always one for a bit of socialization, so certainly wasn't going to turn down an invite to a little gathering of all the Hogwarts staff. He still hadn't really spoken to a lot of them, so this might be a chance to change that. "Greetings all," he announced as he arrived, a smile on his face and hands shoved into his pockets. Maybe he had come a little underdressed wearing just a comfortable hoodie of his and some jeans, but he certainly wasn't about to go and find some robes or anything. He honestly hated the things and only wore them for classes. The second the last student was gone, the robes came off. He didn't really know anyone to talk to, so opted to drift towards the food for the time being. Maybe he would find someone to talk to later.
Charlie had always wondered what Hogwarts would be like without its students. His conclusion was that it just wasn't right to have the castle be this empty. He never thought this would be a thought that he might have, but the ghosts residing at Hogwarts were actually much scarier when the castle was as empty as it was now, especially at night. The thought made him chuckle, more so because as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher he knew that he shouldn't think that ghosts were scary. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to spend another night at the eerily quiet castle with the students all returning to school tomorrow. It also helped that one of the Professors was throwing a party. He had happily accepted the invitation to the start-of-the-year party and had just now arrived at the Courtyard, glad to see that he wasn't the only one who arrived dressed casually. ''Evening folks,'' Charlie said with a wave. Though he wasn't exactly new anymore, it very much still felt like.
Matt had been pleasantly surprised to hear Elvara would be throwing a party, though a part of him wondered if he should have thought of that as the new headmaster. Elvera had outdone herself on the courtyard, though, it looked beautiful and the food looked delicious. Matt felt his cheeks heat up at the sight of the banner congratulating him, and he found himself unable to stop grinning. He headed over to Elvera, though he noticed she was talking to Gabrielle and Lena already. Matt nodded at them in greeting before turning to Elvera. "Thank you for this. And for that." He said, gesturing to the banner. "The party looks lovely."
Yvonne had managed to spend most of her break with her family. It had been nice to see her parents and the rest of her family but she was also glad to be back at Hogwarts in New Zealand. She had been thrilled when Elvera had mentioned throwing a party for the school staff and wasn't disappointed when she arrived to the courtyard to see it decorated and set up for dinner. It was lovely and a nice way to settle back in before the chaos of the semester started. She waved to Lena and Elvera as she entered and grabbed herself a drink. She hadn't known Matt very well but she was glad to see one of their own had snagged the Headmaster position. But her smile widened when she saw another familiar face. "So they decided to keep you around?" she asked Professor Abberline as she walked over to greet him. @Professor Charles Abberline
Charles couldn't help but feel a little awkward as he stood in the courtyard amongst his colleagues. He didn't know any of them very well, though that was probably more his own fault. With adjusting to a teacher's life as well as training three students in becoming animagi he never really had time to leave his office and mingle with the other staff. This year was going to be different, however. This year he was going to put more effort into being sociable, even if things would get busier than the previous semester. He knew that he was going to be busier what with preparing lessons and teaching more than just one year this semester, and on top of that he had promised Harper that they would continue her animagus lessons even though he wasn't the Transfiguration Professor anymore. But still, he was going to be more sociable. He smiled brightly when a familiar face amongst his colleagues approached him. ''More like they couldn't get rid of me,'' Charles said with a small laugh. ''How have you been? Had a good break?'' he asked. @Professor Yvonne Dubois
Isabella Romanes kept bouncing between meeting her peers, and not meeting her peers. After all, she just started toward the middle of the semester previously, and had not met any of the other professors and staff, with the exception of Misha. Deciding that it might as well be in her best interest, she put on her casual clothes. Oh well. She sighed as she made her way to the courtyard to see plenty of other faces. Right, this was celebrating the new Headmaster. Considering she didn't even know who he was... Isabella didn't feel one way or another. So, the party was a little bit extravagant for her, but she walked up to the drink table, and found a cup. Her magenta eyes eventually found one familiar face, so she approached him. "So, mind telling me who the new Headmaster is, or rather, which one?"
@Professor Misha Haden
While Grace had been a professor for many years now, she still felt a little like an outsider when they were all together like this. It was mostly because of the subject she taught, as she always wondered if the other professors were looking down on her, teaching flying to first years wasn't really the same thing as complicated Ancient Runes theories to seventh years. It didn't help that the professors she had befriended had mostly left. Grace had started here at only nineteen, and it was only now, more than a decade later, that she no longer felt like one of the youngest here. In fact, looking at the temporary professors was almost a little painful, they looked so young. Grace decided getting some food was a safe option and she headed over to the food able, spotting professor Aoki there as well. She nodded at him in greeting before grabbing a sandwich.
Elvera had just about finished setting up when the first of her guests arrived. One of the newish history teachers. She smiled. thank you, call me elvera please, was it Gabrielle? she said did you have a good break? she asked. She saw another young professor arrive who she didn’t recognise. Probably one of the new ones she vaguely recognised her as a student but before she could go over the arothmancy professor was approaching her hello Lena. I hope that you had a good holiday how are the girls? she asked.
make extracted herself letting the other two talk together and was glad to see the courtyard filling up. hello Stefan. I am glad that you managed to make it.” she said as she passed the head librarian, one of her oldest friends every time she saw him she always felt guilty for not seeing him as often as she should at least not outsides the confines of the library. Before he could start a proper conversation Matt was there heading over to her. She smiled at his greeting ”you are welcome. Congratulations Matt. I am glad that you got it. You are going to be a great headmaster. she said. Even though she had applied for the position she was glad he had got it. He would be better at it than her. really it was nothing. We all need a good excuse to socialise and get to know each other outside of classes and offices. And what better reason than a celebration she said. Realising when she said it that it may be interpreted as stepping into his area. She hadn’t intended to. She had just wanted to host a get together. do you want to join me in saying hello to the new professors she asked gesturing to the bench where the young lady had been joined by a man who didn’t look much older. She started walking that way not sure if Matt was coming with her and smiled as she approached. hello. Welcome I’m glad you made it tonight. Im elvera I teach third and fourth year divination” she said. Not wanting to ask what they taught in case they weren’t professors and worked elsewhere in the school.

@Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe @Professor Adorah Zumwalt @Professor Lena Williams @Professor Matt Alcott-Ward@Professor Norton Gillespie
Landon barely attended social events, but that was mostly because he was far too busy. But with the new year underway and the majority of his classes for that week organised, he thought he might pop in to the party happening amongst the staff in the courtyard. It was quite casual, but well set up nonetheless. Landon noticed the banner congratulating the Headmaster, and it reminded him to pass his own words onto the man. He headed over to where he was, along with Elvera and a couple of the other professors. "Well done, Matt! Very excellent indeed! Well deserved!" he exclaimed, patting the man on the back. He was always happy to extend a congratulations where it was due.
@Professor Matt Alcott-Ward
Gabrielle gave Elvera an apologetic smile. "Sorry, old habits die hard," she explained, giving a light shrug. It had been a very long time since she'd been a Hogwarts student, longer than she'd like to admit, but in years of floundering through tertiary education in order to avoid getting a real job she'd gotten very used to being the student. She liked teaching, but it was still new to her. She turned to the other woman who'd joined them with a smile. "Possibly not. In that case, pleasure to meet you, Lena. I'm Gabrielle, I teach some of the history courses...or I have since last semester, at any rate." Coming into the course midway through the year meant that she didn't really get as much of a chance to meet her coworkers, so she was glad for the opportunity now. Even if she was a little awkward. It was much easier to help other people with anxiety and trying to be social than it was to deal with her own issues with it. "It's good to actually put some names to faces, finally. And work out who I can bother with inane questions about subjects for my own benefit as much as for the history curriculum." She smirked at her own comment, although expected Lena might politely excuse herself at any moment based on that. Gabrielle gave her a somewhat apologetic look, and noticed the man of the hour nearby. She raised her water glass to Matt to salute him, and turned and smiled at another man standing nearby she recognized from her trips to the library, presuming he was likely the head librarian but not entirely sure. She gave him a smile and a nod of recognition too - she'd never been the best at approaching people herself, though she'd had to learn pretty quickly when she'd been made a prefect at Hogwarts, and those skills hadn't entirely diminished.

@Professor Lena Williams @Stefan Archer
Mallory had been rearranging the books in her shelves and had completely lost track of the time. She jumped when she saw the clock, hurrying to slip into something a little more casual for the party before rushing down as best she could in her heels. She paused as she entered, seeing mostly everyone had paired off- and mostly everyone looking far more casual than she had managed. Feeling almost silly, she slipped over to Hiro and gave him a shy smile. "I feel a touch overdressed," She teased, picking up a drink and looking around. She'd been at the castle for a bit now, but she still often felt out of place with her peers. Was that normal? She chose to ignore it, looking back to the man. "You look comfortable," She told him, smiling. @Professor Hiro Aoki
Misha was quite relieved when he spotted Isabella joined the event. He didn't want to presume her coming to talk to him, but she did. He gave a little smile. "He's that one," Misha pointed to him from the crowd of other professors. He wasn't sure when the professor had joined the teaching staff but given that it was definitely after him, he wasn't sure if she perhaps heard about him from her kids. "I've had a few conversations with him, he's nice," Misha said. "So unfortunately I have zero gossip," He gave a little laugh. He raised his glass, "Here's to the new headmaster," he said quietly, they could cheers just between them.
@Isabella Romanes
Josephine was always glad for the excuse to dress up, even if it was just an informal staff party. She sometimes missed her days as a stylist, though she still spent a lot of time dressing up her kids. That was fun, until they inevitably took off parts of the carefully coordinated outfits or spilled something all over themselves. Josephine shook off thoughts of her daughters, taking Angel's hand and lacing their fingers together. She was going to at least try to have some careless fun tonight. She scanned the courtyard, spotting the new nurse she had worked with the last few months of the school year. She glanced at Angel. "What do you think of the new headmaster?" She muttered under her breath as she steered him to the drinks table. Angel knew more about the other professors, and Josephine was curious about his thoughts.

@Professor Angel Castillo
Hiro was busy deciding between the different food on offer that he didn't notice that someone had slipped beside him. Not until he actually heard her voice. Hiro almost jumped but played off the surprise as he turned towards Mallory. "You look lovely," he assured her with a charming smile. Sure some people had put in more effort than others, but as far as he was aware there wasn't a dress code for this little gathering. And she was right, he was rather comfortable in his choice of attire. "Comfort is.... good. Or something like that. That might not even be a saying." He was still pretty new to speaking English all of the time, so he could be excused for getting some things wrong."
@Professor Mallory Corrins
Angel was always glad for a good excuse to slip away from work, especially with all the pre-semester prep work before the year started. Between being out in the greenhouse, raising two daughters, and being down in the Dungeons, Angel was starting to feel decidedly like a hermit and it would be a nice to talk with some actual, non-plant based adults. Even if half the new professors still looked like teens to him.

He hummed in thought at Josephine's question as they entered the courtyard, bringing their joint hands up to brush his lips against her knuckles. In the early days, they'd tried to be subtle about their relationship and while Angel had never been completely sure if there was an issue with inter-office romances at Hogwarts, he was fairly sure if Matt did decide to have an issue with it they were more than grandfathered in at this point anyway. "Well, it'll certainly be interesting, to say the least," he said, nodding and smiling hello to a few of their colleagues. "He's more approachable than Katherine was," he added, wondering if it was too early in the evening to conjure up a radio for some dancing. @Josephine Arora
For how long she had worked at Hogwarts, Maria still felt a little isolated among her colleagues. A lot of it was a natural part of her job - being tucked away in an office in the library didn't promote a thriving social life - but a lot was the lingering shreds of the anxieties she hadn't been able to beat despite her best efforts. She knew, realistically, that nothing about walking the halls at Hogwarts would ever turn her back into the hurt child she had been when she first arrived here, but it still sometimes felt all too real. It was easier to hide away in her office, even if that was the cowardly option. But when it came to staff parties there was no real excuse for hiding away, and it was a good excuse to push herself out of her comfort zone. The longer she stayed here the younger the staff seemed to become, some of them looking more like the children who walked the halls of the school. A little alarmed by all the new faces, Maria made a beeline to the most familiar person in the room, greeting Stefan with a smile. "Hi Stefan! Good holiday?" She asked, figuring this still counted as socialising with her colleagues, even if it was a colleague she saw often. This was still a step.
@Stefan Archer
Kahurangi hadn't meant to be late to the staff party, but Hinemoa hadn't been happy about being dropped off at Auntie Anahera's house and it had taken a while to extricate herself. She barely had time to change into something nicer than her home t-shirt and sweats before hurrying to the party. By the time she arrived all of the colleagues she was closest with were engaged in conversation with other people, and Kahurangi was shocked to see students she had farewelled what felt like yesterday in the room. She was getting old. Kahurangi caught Adorah's eye and gave the girl a friendly smile and wave, not wanting to distract her from her conversation but hoping the girl got the message - the duty she felt to her Ravenclaws didn't end with their graduation.
@Professor Adorah Zumwalt
Her magenta eyes looked over to see who the Headmaster was, and she definitely did not remember taking his class, so he was not here long. At least, not as long as some of the others, so who was to say that he would be a good fit? "But niceness doesn't always qualify for the job. I guess we will see." The Italian wondered if she would actually know anything about it. He didn't have any sort of gossip which was fine by her since she no longer liked that sort of thing. She had outgrown that after she graduated. "To the new headmaster..." Somehow, the two of them were off to themselves, which helped her a lot. Isabella was not great with other people.
@Professor Misha Haden

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