- Messages
- 583
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Simon<3
- Wand
- Curved 13 Inch Swishy Yew Wand With a Veela Hair Core
- Age
- 30
" There can be only one the best, and that is me."

" There can be only one the best, and that is me."
Charlotte Jane Harper
NAME MEANING- Charlotte (Shar-Lot) Charlotte is the name of the young Princess of Cambridge.
- Jane (Jayn) Jane is a English name and means God's gracious gift.
- Harper (Har-Per) Originally belonged to a person who played the harp or who made harps.
NICKNAME/ALIASCharlotte has different nicknames, her brother Matthew calls her ''Lot'' as a short version of her name. By the people from her childhood she get's called: ''Miss perfect''
BLOODSTATUSShe has mixed blood.
PLACE OF BIRTHCharlotte was born in Austin, Texas, The United States. She lived there until she moved out of the house.
CURRENT RESIDENCEAuckland, New Zealand. She lives together with her boyfriend Simon Vanity.
NATIONALITYBoth her parents were born in America. Charlotte speaks with an American accent, but it's less now she spends more time in New Zealand.
BIRTHDAYCharlotte was born on May 21th, 2033

Charlotte grew up in America with both parents and her older brother. The Harper family has always been rich because of the business of their father in the muggle world. Charlotte grew up without knowing that her father was using magic to get his way and how he thought little of his muggle business associates. She saw her father as her big example and wanted to step in his footsteps. Another secret where Charlotte doesn't knew anything from is that she has a half sister. Her father had an affair twelve years before, resulting in a child named Odette. When she found out when being on Hogwarts she was very mad and dissapointed in her father. She also hated her half sister and her brother for leaving their house. The relationship with her father was different than before, but she became less angry when she grew older. Charlotte stayed alone with her parents until her graduation and than moved to New Zealand together with her boyfriend Simon. Her father was not pleased about her decision and tried to make her stay. But Charlotte managed to escape and how much it hurted her, she broke the relationship with her father, because he was not agreeing with the job she chose and the move to New Zealand. She sometimes tried to reach out, since she still found it hard as she had an good relationship with her parents. But it's less good than it was before.

Little Charlotte

Emma Roberts
HAIRCharlotte has long blonde hair. She usually wears it down straight, but curls it often as well or does something else to make it look pretty. She takes care really well of her hair, and likes it.
EYESCharlotte has a mix of green and brown as her eyecolour.
HEIGHTCharlotte has an normal height. She is not the tallest and not the shortest. She often wears heals so it makes her a bit taller than she is.
PIERCINGSShe got both of her ears pierced when she was six years old. She always wears earrings that match with her outfit.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is right.
CLOTHING STYLEHer clothing style is very female and chic. She likes to wears dresses in different colours. Pink is still her favorite colour, but she also wears other colours more than she did before. For her work she always dresses up chic, but outside of that she likes to look good as well. You don't see her often in pants.

- Selfish: Lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
- Two-faced: Insincere and deceitful.
- Leader: The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
- Spoiled: Allowed to do or have anything that they want, usually so that they behave badly and do not show respect to other people:
LIKESShe likes shopping, Leading, Gifts, Pink, Coffee and Diamonds.
DISLIKESCharlotte doesn't like if she doesn't get what she wants, Competetive people against her, Dirt, Animals, Girls who act like boys and People stealing her attention.
SECRETSCharlotte doesn't have secrets at the moment.
GOALSCharlotte wanted to do really well at Hogwarts and get high grades, at first she wanted to become the owner of her dads business, but decided she didn't want that anymore after the negative stuff there was surrounded by it. She now has as goal to become succesfull at the Ministry and later on start a family with Simon.
FEARSShe fears getting bullied, not being rich anymore, lose her job and become homeless.
STRENGHTSCharlotte is a born leader, she could tell everybody what they have to do and never be insecure about it. She is also good in reading people and getting to know their weaknesses. And Charlotte is very convincing with what she says to others. She almost always have the final decision.
WEAKNESSESOne of her weaknesses is that she is a perfectionist, she imagines things and they have to go like that or otherwise she can become very angry. What Charlottes see's as a strength but can be seen as weaknesses is that she is manipulative, it has to do with the fact that she is deep down insecure and afraid of people that will do it to her if she will not do it to others.
PERSONALITYCharlotte is a tough younglady. She is a born leader and hates being a follower. She will be very competive when it comes to people that try to be a leader of her. Since she was very young she is used to getting what she demands and is not used to something else. Charlotte will do anything to achieve what she wants. She can be very persuasive to people and put on a act, some say that Charlotte could be a perfect actrice. When she doesn't get what she wants or have planned she can be very angry and will blame everyone and everything. Charlotte doesn't blame herself for doing things, it are always others in her point of view. When Charlotte finds somebody that she likes she will try to keep the people close, because she doesn't like to be alone. And if she wants to be a leader of a group, you will need the group first. She is also very two faced, if she needs something from someone be friendly in their face but afterwards can be really mean. Charlotte is also direct, she will tell you also in your face how she feels about stuff if she is really irritated or wants to hurt someone.

She would smell Money, Sunflowers and Coffee.
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf she would look into the mirror she would see herself as the richest and powerfull woman of the world with next to her Simon.
Her boggart is an empty wallet
- Wood: Yew: Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other.
- Core: Veela Hair Core: Much like the creature that they come from, wands with veela hair are temperamental and volatile in nature. They are good for use in divination work and with charms. Wands with this core are usually inherited.
- Inches: Charlotte her wand is 13 Inch long. it is a strange length for a wand which symbolizes misfortune.
She has an C.H engraved into it.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Charlotte didn't thought a lot about the house she was sorted in. She was rather sorted together with her brother Matthew at Hufflepuff. She mostly hated being in the same house as Odette. But later on she liked Slytherin a lot.
FAVORITE CLASSDefence Against The Dark Arts and History of Magic
OCCUPATIONEmployee at the Ministry of Magic at the International Confederation of Wizards, New Zealand Seats

Shane Ackley
FIRST KISSSimon Vanity

![]() FATHER John David Harper BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Ilvermorny NZ alumnus HOUSE Horned Serpent OCCUPATION CEO | ![]() MOTHER Jane Barbara Harper-Reynolds BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Ilvermorny NZ alumnus HOUSE Horned Serpent OCCUPATION Socialite | ![]() BROTHER Matthew John Harper BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ Alumnus HOUSE Hufflepuff OCCUPATION Photographer | HALF SISTER Odette Giselle Madison BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ Alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Macaws Beater |
Before the secret of her father's affair came out and Charlotte moved away to New Zealand, she had an great relationship with both of her parents. Especially she and her father were an great match and Charlotte looked up to him. She got all she wanted and was really pleased with how she was raised. Charlotte was used to getting all she wanted and recieved love from both of her parents. Her fathers way of raising was strict, but he had an vision for his children and wanted them to follow in his footsteps. After the secret of the affair came out and Matthew had left the house, things were more tense. Charlotte tried to defend her father, but as he wanted to make her stay and force her to work at his company she left angry, since she wanted something else and to be with her boyfriend in New Zealand together. Charlotte sometimes writes, but hasn't seen her parents in a while. But that really hurts her.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SIBLINGSWith Matthew, Charlotte had an good relationship. He was in a way also an example for Charlotte, although they were very different from eachother. Charlotte liked to be together with her brother and follow him around sometimes. But they could have arguments as well about stuff they didn't agreed on. Also Charlotte was more an leader and not a follower, so if someone could decide stuff, Charlotte wanted to be the one. When the secret of the affair came out and Matthew had not say anything to her Charlotte was mad. She was more mad when he decided to leave the house and leave her. It felt like he chose sides with Odette, and to Charlotte that was betraying her. She tried to have contact with her brother, but stayed mad for a long time. When she graduated and moved she came in contact again, since she also decided to not have contact with their father. With Odette she doesn't have a good relationship. Charlotte doesn't see her as her sister, and they are really rivals in a way. Charlotte hates her, and has blamed her for everything that happend. She doesn't want to have contact, even now when she is older and away from her home.
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