Anonymous Compliments 2024

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hello, Hello, Hello, and welcome.

We are back with another year of anonymous compliments. 💌

For those who don't know or need a small refresher... Anonymous Compliments is an event that was started by MESSI just about a decade ago and has been run by the site staff ever since to celebrate Valentine's Day on the site and spread some love among members.

If you don't know how it goes. We have made a couple of cards and ask for you to put your compliments on them using whatever software you want photoshop, affinity, paint, gimp, or even an online uploader (directions below) and then send them in to me to post them on valentines day.
If you continue to experience difficulties, even with the options provided, please reach out to me or another member of site staff to discuss receiving additional assistance.

There's no sign up list - anyone and everyone can send in compliments. You have just under two weeks, that is until February 10th to send your compliments in. If you are struggling with this deadline but still want to submit, please DM me to let me know that they are still coming.

1. Board Rules apply to all compliments.
2. Multiple compliments may be submitted.
3. Please make sure it is clear on the complement or upload title who the compliments are intended for
4. Please ensure that the compliment does fit on the banner provided, otherwise it cannot be sent.
5. You must use the banner(s) provided to send in these compliments without making any changes apart from adding in the compliment.
6. If a member receives a large amount of compliments or if a member does not send any compliments in but receives compliments, the compliments will be sent via PM. All compliments will be delivered in one manner or another before the end of February.
To receive compliments in this topic, you must submit at least one compliment for another site member.

Please upload your compliments to the anonymous compliments subfolder (within the ooc uploads folder). If possible please name the compliment to who it is for for ease of sorting.
When it has uploaded it will be marked waiting for approval. This is correct. it will only be visible to you (on the account you uploaded it) and the site staff but no other members will be able to see it. They will be anonymised before they are made public on 14th February.
Be aware. If you upload to a personal folder and then move to the anonymous compliments folder there will be a time that they are visible to all members as will not be anonymous.

Feel free to start sending your compliments in now, and, Happy Valentines Day! 💕

~Mia :mia:
(on behalf of the site staff)

For the stars 🌠


To share the Love :wub:


If you're a mobile user or would simply prefer to create your cards online, you can use LunaPic!

Step 1: Copy one of the image URLs below

Pink star


blue hearts


Step 2: Select 'Upload Options', enter the URL into the first field on the next page, and hit 'Go'.



(Note: PC users will see the URL field on the front page.)

Step 3; Select 'Add Text'


Step 4: Add your text and edit to your heart's content! You can drag the text around to move it into position.


Step 5: When you're happy with your card, save the image under the sharing options (you may have to scroll down to find them)


(note this picture was taken before Imgur had its issues)

Step 6: Upload an image to the anonymous compliments folder (under the out of character uploads)

Step 7: Copy the image URL, and PM it to Me. You're done!
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Thanks for posting this, Mia! :D
Hello wonderful people.
Just a reminder. Five days left to get your compliments in.
Hello lovelies.
Just a reminder compliments close tomorrow.
If you are having issues getting them in or adding them to the card please contact me and we can help you out.
Good evening everyone
The deadline has been extended 48 hours from this post in order to give an extra weekend in which to write/submit them.

thank you to everyone who has submitted so far. They are all incredibly lovely and i am looking forward to you all seeing them.

Hello lovely people
Happy Valentine’s Day.
I hope that you have had a wonderful day surrounded by love.
If not I am sending some love your way.

Happy Love You GIF by LINE FRIENDS

And the best part of Valentine’s Day is not the flowers or the chocolates (though I will never say no to chocolate) it is the compliments.
Everyone has been able to send compliments in for distribution today. Those who submitted get a couple posted here. All other conplements will be sent to to the recipient via DM so keep an eye out over for a love letter in your inbox over the next couple of days.



















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Aaaaaaa compliments are always the best time of year! Thank you so much Mia for organising, you're a champion! And thanks to the people who sent me some too, I'm grinning ear to ear <3
Aww this is all really sweet :wub: Thanks Mia for organising this and thank you to those who gave me compliments!!!
Thank you for the compliments! Happy valentine's day everyone! :wub:
Thaaank you so much to everyone who sent in compliments for me they mean a lot :wub: :hug:
Thank you for the compliments!! There was an unexpected surprise for the compliment. Many thanks to the sender. :wub::hug:
I didn't get any compliments in but these are all so sweet, I love you all very much!! Thank you for folks who submitted and to staff and Mia for organizing :wub:
Its a bit late, but i just wanted to thank those who sent in some compliments for me! they were so sweet and made my day as well as made my heart burst with joy! thanks to staff and everyone who sent compliements in! these are all so sweet! i hope you guys have an amazing one! xx

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