Open Y46 End of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The end of the school year was here, the end of another year as headmaster. Some of the students wouldn't come back, they graduated and would start their adult lives as witches and wizards. Most of the students would simply have a well-deserved break before returning to Hogwarts. Matt was already looking forward to the new school year, even though he also felt like he could use a break.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature blue and bronze colors of Ravenclaw house, signifying their victory for the year. Matt was secretly pleased, it was his own old house and it was nice to see it shine after such a long streak of Slytherin victories. Matt made his way to the podium, waiting quietly for everyone to settle into their seats before speaking. "Welcome everyone to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations to Ravenclaw." He said, gesturing to the Ravenclaw table before conjuring the cup seemingly from thin air. He presented it to Professor Josephs on behalf of her house.

"Of course, we can't forget those students whose dedication and hard work earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, Teddy Pirrip of Gryffindor, with a grand total of one thousand, three hundred and sixty-seven. In second place, with one thousand, two undred and seventy-six points - Audrey Beauchamp of Ravenclaw. In third,June Davenport of Slytherin, with one thousand, one hundred and fifty-nine. Last but not least, we have Bailey Walden-Cade, with eight hundred and sixty-six points. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmaster joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, Matt gestured for silence so he could say a last few words. "With that, the schoolyear of twenty-sixty-two has ended. I hope you enjoy the feast and have a wonderful break. See you next year!" With that, he sat down and watched as the food appeared on the tables. He hoped all the students would have a wonderful feast.
Teddy sat at the Gryffindor table feeling a mix of relief that the break was finally here and sadness that a great year had come to an end. He joined the applause for Ravenclaw, happy for his friends who had won the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup this year. But really, he was waiting for the announcement of the top house point earners. He knew he'd racked up loads of points, particularly bolstered by winning the duelling tournament this year. When his name was announced at the top, he wasn't surprised, but was was just as happy as if he hadn't been expecting it. The attention he got in that moment filled him with pride and joy.

When Audrey was placed second, he looked across the hall for her. When he caught her eye, he gave her a smile, not a cocky one, a genuine smile. They had both worked hard, and he was proud of their achievements. Collectively beating that June Davenport made the victory even sweeter.

Then he started to do the maths. With his points, how did Gryffindor only place third? He turned to his housemates with a teasing grin. "Honestly, you guys are a bunch of slackers. We should have won this House Cup!" he said jovially, enjoying the playful ribbing. He didn't mind where they placed once the food had appeared.
Aroha was a bit sad to see the year go by but she was looking forward to seeing her family. It always felt like far too long to be away from there - particularly her siblings, who grew so much in the intervening months.

Sitting at the table, she listened to the headmaster idly. Ravenclaw had won, unfortunately not Gryffindor, but Aroha knew she hadn't exactly done her best for her house. Academics wasn't her thing. It just wasn't. She was surprised to hear Teddy named as the top point earner, her eyebrows rising high as she looked over at him. When he then lightly chastised the rest of his house, Aroha gave a grin. "We can't all be overachievers like you," she teased back, though she did feel a little bit bad. Maybe if she tried a bit harder...then again, she had won the second year dueling tournament so there was always that. Aroha forgot her cares once the food appeared - always keen for food, Aroha dug in, making sure to make the most of her last feast for a while.

@Teddy Pirrip
Kyousuke wasn't in the best of moods. His perfect grade record had been tarnished, and he was moodily hanging around the Slytherin table - not looking out of place at all, on that count. He blamed the professor for it and not himself but he was trying not to think about it. After all, he needed to plot his revenge. Or rather, his comeback. He couldn't abide being an 'E' student. What a waste that was. And what was he going to tell his father? Kyousuke was struggling not to ruminate, not listening to the headmaster at all and when the food appeared, barely picking anything for his plate. He was well inside his own head, and was likely to stay that way, unless someone interrupted him.
Well, thought Audrey, as she looked around at the Ravenclaw decorations. She hadn't won the battle, but they'd won the war, and she could at least be happy with that. They'd won the Quidditch Cup, and she knew Teddy was going to beat her on house points just because of a stupid duel but it didn't stop Ravenclaw from bringing it all home. Truthfully, even as much as Audrey liked challenges, she was exhausted and glad for this year to be over. For once, going home and not doing very much seemed appealing. At least, for a week. Then she'd be bored again.

Audrey caught Teddy's eye and grinned back - once she got past her initial annoyance over not winning, she did have to admit she was impressed by him. They'd both worked hard, and even though her efforts of coming in second would probably be deemed not good enough by her father ("nobody remembers second place, Audrey,"), Audrey was pretty proud of both of them, and that was way more important.
It was an long year and June just wanted fourth year to be done. It seemed less important than next year. Next year was all her eyes were on for now. Looking back at this year she was satisfied with most, didn't liked losing from a Hufflepuff with dueling. But dueling wasn't everything, to June classes were more important. And the relationship with the professors and especially her head of house. June at least had worked hard and did all she could for Slytherin.

The blonde was annoyed when making her way inside, that it wasn't green but blue decorating the great hall. It had been such a long win streak from Slytherin. She didn't believed it, they must have made an mistake. Her eyes went through her head of house and than to the Slytherin table. Most of them were idiots, and they hadn't worked hard enough. And hopefully Castillo would be harsher to those. '' Ridiculus.'' she cursed. It was all their fault. When it was time to go to the house points. The blonde frowned as she heard that Gryffindor guy was top point earner. She was in third place, which ment not good enough. But at least she was the best of her house and year, and quickly put on a smile. She was gonna crush them all next year again. And than with an badge on her robe, hopefully.
As usual, Emery had taken a book to the feast. He was pretty good at tuning out the headmaster as he spoke now, and he only glanced up when the banners turned blue. Truthfully, he wouldn't have known Ravenclaw had won if he hadn't heard some students excitedly talking about it in the common room. Emery had never cared much for the house points and he wondered why no other Ravenclaws seemed to realize it was just a pointless way to force students to compete with each other. He only closed the book when it was finally time to eat, glancing over at the Gryffindor table and shooting Raawhiti a smile. He hoped to hang out with him over break. He started to eat, quietly thinking of the break and things he could do to get away from the house.
Penelope felt a little sad as she headed to the end of year feast. Another year, gone. It had flown by so fast and she felt like she hadn't done half the things she wanted. Next year, she would be in her final year. What if she just didn't leave any sort of mark on the school? What if she was the sort of person that would be forgotten by everyone in a few years? The thought made her sad. She knew she was a prefect and seeker, but it still felt… strangely insignificant. She listened to the headmaster and clapped for the point winners, she didn't know the Hufflepuff girl and was vaguely surprised it wasn't Aine. When the food arrived, Penny only put a bit on her plate. "I want to do something big next year." She said to Marnie quietly. "Or at least... something."

@Marnie Frogg
Anisha was tired. For the past few weeks during the exams, she had averaged around 4 of 5 hours of sleep a night and it was starting to catch up to her. It didn't help that she'd had to patrol last night too. She wasn't in the mood for this feast at all and would much rather take a nap. She headed to the Gryffindor table, leaning her head on her hand and trying not to doze off during the headmaster's speech. She grabbed some food and frowned when she heard someone nearby say they were a bunch of slackers. "Oh shut up." She muttered, a little louder than she intended.

@Teddy Pirrip @Aroha Blenheim
Ezra was glad the year was almost over, he was looking forward to a break of sleeping in and not doing any homework. He sa at the Hufflepuff table and tried to pay attention to the headmaster's speech, but it was difficult to focus on it. Why did he care who got the most points? It was usually the same people every time. He did... fine on his lessons but he knew he would never be mentioned by the headmaster during this speech, which he didn't mind. Ezra would rather be known for other things, though that wasn't really happening either. He grabbed some food when it arrived and looked around for someone to talk to. "It's nice that Slytherin didn't win for once, right?" He asked in general.
Another year finished with, thank Merlin. He was very decidedly not thinking about how this had been his last set of 'easy' exams, and he was thinking even less about how he had managed to completely botch them. It was the examiner's fault, really. The amount of time they had been given was silly, and he didn't see what was so wrong with letting them have enchanted quills that could just... trigger a few memories. And really, if the chairs hadn't been so uncomfortable, he wouldn't have panicked and just drawn a massive, incredibly detailed fish over the entire page of his Charms exam. That was the real problem.

Which only made it more unfair that other people seemed to have managed just fine against such inhumane hurdles. His shoulders hunched more and more as Professor Alcott-Ward read off the point winners, mind silently boggling at how it was even possible for someone to earn so many points all by themself. It seemed beyond ludicrous in his eyes, and as the headmaster finished up he couldn't hold in a scornful scoff. "That's ridiculous." He snorted, to no-one in particular. "Either they're just making up numbers for their special favourites, or those kids have very rich parents keeping this school running. Nobody is earning over a thousand house points by themself!" He rolled his eyes and looked at the girl next to him, hoping to find a compatriot in his disdain, as impossible as it seemed.
@Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity had never cared much about school events like this. She knew now to sit far away from June though, so she took a seat where the older girl couldn't bug her. She looked at the headmaster as he spoke but thought of other things, like her plans for the holidays and if she would be allowed to go shopping by herself now. Probably, right? She was fourteen, practically an adult. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a boy complain. She wrinkled her nose at him. "You think it's fake? Who would pay for house points? They don't mean anything." She said, rolling her eyes. "I think those people just have like, nothing else to do in their life. They have no lives. They just study all day, pathetic really." She said, now regretting she was sitting so far from June, she couldn't hear her. The older girl seemed pissed off though, which Vanity liked. Was she mad she hadn't made the most points for once? Really, who cared?

@Corn Seymour VII
Hazel had enjoyed her second year at Hogwarts but was also pretty pleased to have summer break. She had so many sewing projects and crafts she wanted to do and she preferred to do them in her room at home where no one could disturb her. She was idly playing with her fork while the headmaster spoke, she didn't really listen that closely because he usually said the same sort of things. She didn't mind that Slytherin hadn't won the cup this year, but someone else apparently did. Hazel glanced at the older girl who had said it was ridiculous. "I mean, they won fair and square right?" She asked, glancing vaguely up at the Ravenclaw banners.

@June Davenport
The end of the first year was here, just like that. Cyrus felt like he hadn't seen nearly enough of the school, hadn't nearly written enough about it. He wanted to do more, to stay here until he knew every secret about the place. At least, before he had to share it with Ruth. He loved his sister, but he still wished he could keep Hogwarts for himself just a little while longer. He knew that was a silly thought, though, and he tried to dismiss it. It was nice that Ravenclaw had wont he house point competition and Cyrus admired the Ravenclaw banners before getting started on his food, he wondered if Ravenclaw could keep this up.
Her first year was over, she would not be new anymore next year. The year itself had been flying by. But Camille felt an stranger still at this place. She tried to find shelter with her father often in the greenhouse, to feel an bit more comfertable. But it was hard connecting with the other kids. Some seemed nice, but a lot were overwhelming too. And next to that she had her older sister being here. Camille had put all her courage into writing a messenge with an rose to put herself out there to June. It was just her dream that she and June would be sisters again. And that she would live with the Carters too.

The blonde sat down at the Hufflepuff table and listened to the headmaster. She applauded for Ravenclaw. It seemed like it was an thing that they won the housecup. Slytherin hadn't and from what Camille heard that took a long time for someone else to win it. Than they mentioned the top point earners. And June was also mentioned for Slytherin and Camille couldn't help but smile shortly and applaud and for the others too. Feeling an bit proud perhaps, even if she hadn't even spoken to June yet. She wasn't jealous at all, she just knew June had always been better and living up to expectations more. Camille just couldn't deal well with pressure. When the food arrived she filled up her plate and ate in silence.
Aroha, who had been partway through her meal, stopped to look at the person who'd interrupted. She rose her eyebrows. "Hey, it was just a joke," she said, defending Teddy purely on instinct. She bit back her next words, which would have been more accusatory. "Besides, it would be nice for Gryffindor to win the cup," she added.

@Anisha Khatri
Aurora was feeling pretty sad that this would be her last feast at Hogwarts. That she would not return unless she had children of her own and they were at the school. She thought seven years had really gone in a flash and though there were things she now wanted to go do, she allowed herself to feel sad about all that was being left behind. Including seeing her dad and sister every day. She smiled at her sister, squeezed her hand, and the applauded for all the top points. The food appeared and she noted some students having a lively discussion and though she was maybe still a prefect for a little longer, she decided it wasn't worth her getting involved.
Emmanuel knew he'd had a good year, but heading home, he was a little nervous about. He knew his immediate parents would be happy for him, but the wider family was not going to be. He knew that s the first generation pureblood they had wanted him to continue the family line, but it was unlikely that he would. But Emmanuel didn't care. He was happiest now. His exams had gone good, he felt settled. He applauded for the top points, cheering loudly for his house, happy they'd won. He stole a glance at Kyon and then looked to who was sitting with him. "Any holiday plans?"
Rosie was very pleased that school was over, but really only because she couldn't wait to get back to Xinyi, and be able to not stress as much about exams and everything else. She felt pretty rough, though perhaps when the food appeared it would help. She held her sister's hand and applauded for the top points, sad that Gryffindor hadn't won the cup for her last year, but it didn't matter. She didn't really mind all that much. The food didn't help how she felt much but Rosie was still trying to push through it.
Gregory's hearing had not returned since the incident with Cassius and Snow. The more time passed and the more the sound did not return the more he knew he should, and yet, every time he got close to the hospital wing, he just didn't. The OWLs had gone terribly, he'd be unable to make out half of what he was being asked at the practical ones, and he'd flunked most of them, pretty terribly. He was in the great hall, having sat near the end of the house seats, trying to be away from most others. Loud noises, the clapping of students for what he assumed was house winners, was a noise he could just about make out, if he turned his head so that his right ear was toward the noise, but not much more than that. He didn't even realise as someone next to him spoke, after the food appeared. He just started eating.
Savannah was very, very happy that Ravenclaw had won the house cup and the quidditch cup. She had thoroughly enjoyed winning it, and she would've liked to win the other game too, but that mattered less. The ravenclaw didn't applaud for her house or for the top points winners, as much as she was happy, she didn't see the need to shout and woop for her house. She had her book out, and was just contently reading from it, continuing to do so as food appeared.
Fraser had had a good year all things considered, the beginning hadn't been the best, when he had still assumed his quidditch chances wouldn't be good, but really everything had worked out in this year, he was now the leader of accio and on the team. His OWLS would be in the following year too, he wasn't going to have time, but that was a future Fraser problem. Definitely. He applauded loudly, making sure to cheer for Teddy in his top points and then very excitedly filled his plate with food.
Callie was feeling very good, sure Hufflepuff hadn't won and she hadn't come close to the points, but she was still happy. She and dante had something going on, and she was doing well in her classes. She'd be a fourth year, and magic continued to be the best thing in her life. She couldn't wait to learn more magic when she got back after the break. Callie cheered for the students loudly, appreciating how many points they had managed to get. It was quite the feat really. She could not imagine that. She kept stealing glances over to the slytherin table, but wasn't spotting him immediately. The food appeared and Callie took all of her favourites.
Enoch wasn't looking forward to the break. He wasn't spending the time with his eldest brother, but his second-eldest brother. Who had a new partner and a smaller place than the eldest. Any hope of a room, any hope of a space of his own was dashed. He was absolutely going to spend the break sleeping on a couch. The teen did want that in the slightest and yet knew he had little choice. The slytherin didn't applaud for anyone, and was really barely paying attention to what was being said.
Friday was very pleased for school to be over. She had enjoyed the year, but she could admit she was looking forward to not even having to pretend that she was interested in whatever they were doing day to day. In pretending to be doing her revision or the homework. School was boring. As the top points were read out, and Teddy of all people won for Gryffindor, she booed him loudly. Though really didn't cheer for the other houses top points, just booed for him specifically. She rolled her eyes at the prefect giving one of the other students into trouble, how lame.

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