- Messages
- 193
- OOC First Name
- Daphne
- Age
- 1/2050 (11)
Name: Cyrus James Thorne
Birthdate: 12/1/2050
Blood status: Mixed Blood
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: Unknown
Hometown: London, UK
School: Hogwarts NZ
House: Ravenclaw
Clubs: -
Wand: Curly 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Patronus: Sparrow
Eyes: Brown
Build: Cyrus is a little tall and lanky.
Style: Cyrus has a preppy style, he tends to wear collared shirts and ties a lot. He's often simply seen in his school uniform.
Distinguishing Features: Cyrus isn't very expressive, he tends to have a fairly neutral expression.
Play by: Jordan Fisher
Personality: Cyrus is a serious boy who tends to speak a little more formally than most kids his age. He's quiet and thoughtful, though he can be slightly insensitive and blunt as well. Cyrus plays piano and is pretty good at it, it's something he really enjoys doing. He's also a little poetic and likes writing little poems and songs, though he doesn't share them much with people. Cyrus is kind of a quiet kid, someone who would blend into the background a little. But he's not shy, sometimes he can surprise people by standing out in his own way. He cares a lot about his family and friends, though he shows it in actions instead of words.
Musically gifted
Weaknesses:Not very strong socially
Hobbies:Writing poetry
Watching and playing Quidditch
Personality type: INTPINTP Strengths:
INTP Weaknesses:Disconnected
History: Cyrus is from a prominent pureblood family, the Thorne family. But he himself is not a pureblood, as his father, while magical, isn't pure. Cyrus' parents were a love match and married despite their difference in status and the judgments they might get about it. However they still want their family to be presented well in the magical community. Because of this, Cyrus' father took his mother's last name to kind of fit in to high society a bit better. Cyrus grew up in a very magical household with his younger sister, he doesn't know much about muggles and doesn't really see this as something he should know, even though he has nothing against muggles. Cyrus' older cousin is Leah Thorne and he looks up to her, though they don't see each other that much anymore. He's happy they're going to school together now, though he also worries she might not have much time for him.Goals:
To make some friends at school
To learn magic he can use
To get decent grades
To improve his writing skills and write more poetry
To get better at playing piano
Disappointing his family
Being bad at what he loves to do
He's afraid of spiders
Secrets:Cyrus doesn't really understand why blood purity matters to his family and dislikes it whenever anyone bring it up.
While he admires Leah, he also sometimes thinks she should be trying harder to please her family.
Personality type from here
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