Y45 Start of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The sorting ceremony had come to a close, and Matt smiled at the sight of the fresh new faces at all the new tables. He had always been fond of the sorting ceremony, he was glad to be a part of it now. Matt stood up, waited a few moments for everyone to settle down, then spoke.

"Good evening students and staff of Hogwarts. I know how eager we all are to start our wonderful yearly feast, but I have a few quick things to say." He smiled as he paused. " For those of you who are freshly sorted or simply didn't know, my name is Professor Matt Alcott-Ward and I'm the headmaster here at Hogwarts."

He took a sip of water before continuing. "Alongside me are your Heads of Houses, these professors are here to guide you and lead you in your respective houses. The head of house for Hufflepuff is Professor Landon Carter, for Slytherin, Professor Angel Castillo, for Ravenclaw, Professor Kahurangi Josephs, and for Gryffindor, Professor Cyndi Kingsley." Matt gestured to each of the professors in turn so the new students would know who was who. Then he went on.

"I already spoke about the forest before the sorting ceremony started, I hope it's not necessary to repeat myself now. I don't believe I have any other new announcements to make, so I'll finish up with this: I wish everyone here a wonderful, productive, and fun new school year. The food will appear in a moment, and I hope everyone also enjoys this wonderful feast." He said, smiling as the platters of food appeared the moment he finished speaking. Matt sat back down at the staff table and mentally went over his speech, hoping he hadn't forgotten anything important. He watched as students started to chat and eat, feeling excited about the upcoming year.
Fiona was finally at Hogwarts. After hearing what felt like thousands of stories from her siblings, she was finally here. She wasn't sorted in any of the houses her siblings were currently in, but that didn't bother her too much. Fiona sat on the Gryffindor table after she had been sorted, clapping with the rest of the hall as they clapped and cheered after each sortie. It wasn't long before the sorting ceremony was over and the headmaster spoke again, mentioning the forbidden forest that Fiona had been curious about for a while as well as introducing the head of houses. After the headmaster's speech, the food finally appeared on the table. Fiona looked with amazement as she saw all the food choices. It was hard to decide. "Hi! I'm Fiona! Nice to meet ya! Any good food choices you recommend?"
Marley was super excited to be back at school. Even though she loved her breaking, spending time with her dad and with her friends, she was happy to be back at school. She couldn't wait to catch up and meet up with her school friends and hear about what they got onto during the break. Marley liked the sorting ceremony, though it was different this year as she wasn't getting sorted this time around, she was watching the first years getting sorted this year. She clapped and cheered for every student who had gotten sorted. After the sorting ceremony, the headmaster made his speech also mentioning the forbidden forest. It wasn't long before the food finally appeared on the table and they were able to finally eat. "Hi! Did you have a good break?" Marley happily asked the person next to her.
Eliza had mixed feelings about being back at school. She always missed her dad and grandma when she left for school and she hadn't really made many friends so far at school, so it kinda got lonely at times. The girl only partly listened to everything the professor was saying, only zoning in and out every few times. She clapped when everyone else clapped. Halfway through the ceremony, Eliza decided to read her comic book instead of listening to the headmaster, already a bit bored from it all. The Gryffindor had been so engrossed with the comic she was reading, she hadn't realised the food had finally appeared on the table and it was finally time to eat.
Conan was happy to be back at school. Everything at home was weird, so he was glad to be away from the weirdness and awkwardness of his own home. Or well, homes. His parents had now lived in separate homes, which gave Conan the reality that his parents had actually split. But Conan wasn't going to let the effectiveness of his parents' split affect him. Conan zoned in and out most of the time during the ceremony, already bored. But he kept a close eye and interest in his younger sister's sorting. His younger sister was finally starting her first year at Hogwarts, and it was going to be a bit weird seeing her around school. It wasn't long before the food had finally appeared onto the table and they were able to start eating.
Renata could scarcely believe she was in seventh year. Sometimes she still felt like the nervous third year transfer student coming in to a brand new school. She felt a small ache in her chest looking around at the house table and realizing Eugene wasn't going to be there, but brushed it aside to put on a smile and clap for each new student being sorted - more so when they were sorted into Hufflepuff. Besides, there was more reason to be excited than be sad. She and Felix were sharing the Hufflepuff Quidditch captaincy, and Felix and Molly had been named Head Boy and Head Girl. Renata was absolutely thrilled for her dormmate, Molly was really nice and worked hard and Renata knew she'd be great as Head Girl. (And quietly, she was a little relieved too, not only that she didn't get the role herself but now that she could feel a little less guilty for being named prefect over her in the first place. But nobody else needed to know that bit.) Sure, she was going to miss Eugene terribly this year, but it wasn't like she wasn't going to see him at all for the next 12 months. Instead of moping, she was busying herself thinking how best to make the most of seventh year with Sky and Molly, or how she could lead Heta Omega better. She had a feeling this would be a good year.
Gabrielle normally scarcely paid attention to the sorting, letting her eyes glaze over and pretend she was focused. It was something she'd learned from more dull lectures at university (and how she could tell when students weren't actually tuning into her lectures now - although in that case she just let them dig themselves holes for their exams). But this year she had to. Miranda would be attending the school. She knew her daughter wasn't exactly fond of her, and Gabrielle couldn't blame her. It wasn't like she'd ever been actively around for her growing up. But they were in the same place, now, and she had to step up a bit and at least be there if she needed. She wondered if Miranda might be a Hufflepuff, like her father, but she couldn't help beaming in pride when she was sorted into Ravenclaw, just as she herself had been all those years ago. It wasn't as though it was her influence, but she felt buoyed by it in a way, clapping much louder than usual and likely drawing some odd looks from her co-workers. She sunk back into polite disinterest after the fact, though, half trying to catch Miranda's eye but figuring she'd likely have to catch up with her later.
Apparently the sorting hat barely even had to deliberate for Miranda, deciding that Ravenclaw was the obvious choice. Miranda herself was a little surprised, though, wondering if she might have gone into Hufflepuff or perhaps Gryffindor. But Ravenclaw it was, and she did feel a tiny bit pleased that the hat thought she was clever and logical. Less pleased seeing her mother's reaction out of the corner of her eye, as she thought it might mean they were more alike than she wanted to be. She kept her eyes away from the staff table, though, sitting down with the Ravenclaws and smiling at all the students around. There was no reason to be annoyed, because there was so much to look forward to and so many cool people to meet. "Hi! I'm really looking forward to being here, blue is such a good colour!" she said to whoever was near, watching as more students joined her. And by the time the food was out, any negative feelings were gone as she filled up her plate.
Kyousuke found himself at the Slytherin table, sitting where ever there was a free spot. It was the right house for him - the sorting hat had confirmed that. It was where he would find his success. He listened to the speech, and then waited for the food to appear. It was incredible to him - he'd grown up in a muggle household and the sudden appearance took him by surprise. He recovered quickly, not wanting to let on how strange this new world was to him. He picked some food for his plate, not really engaging with any of the other students. Surely there'd be time for that later, not while he was eating his food.
Josh had mixed feelings about being back at school. The usual feeling, whenever he returned to school, had been the same in recent years. His muggle friends were a little more distant than the last. Sure they hung out and spoke to each other during the break, but it wasn't the same as it had used to be. Josh hadn't been listening to what the headmaster was saying, having stuff on his mind playing. But Josh knew it was a similar thing being said by the headmaster. Josh clapped and cheered when everyone else did, just to show he was definitely paying attention. The food had finally arrived and Josh was absolutely ready to eat.
Abigail was always homesick at the start of the year every time she came back to Hogwarts, and this year was no different. She already missed her family and she knew she wanted to go home already. Abby listened to the professor intently, not wanting to miss out on anything, even though she already knew the rules. Abby politely clapped when the firsties were being sorted. It was always exciting seeing the new first years. It wasn't going to be long until Abby was graduating. The food had finally appeared on the table and she was absolutely ready to eat. The usual train ride here had always made her hungry.
Molly couldn't believe she was in her final year. And to top it all off, she was made head girl this year, which came as to utter shock to her. It had definitely boosted her feelings up a little during the break. Her break had been a bummer. Her parents packed their things and moved out of the house that she had grown up in. Now she had to live between her parents each week. But she wasn't going to think about that right now. This year was going to be a bit different and Nolan wasn't going to be here like Molly was used to.

Molly listened to the headmaster carefully, not wanting to miss out on anything important. Molly's youngest sister was finally joining Hogwarts and Molly couldn't wait to see what house her sister was going to be sorted into. The Hufflepuff clapped and cheered for the new firsties, and a little louder for those who were being sorted in Hufflepuff. Molly cheered and clapped super loudly for when her sister was sorted, and she didn't care if it was embarrassing or anything. The food had finally arrived and Molly couldn't wait. She waited for the people around her to take what they wanted before she grabbed her own food. Molly realised that the bun she wanted was a bit further away and she frowned a little. "Hiya, excuse me, if you don't mind, are you able to pass me one of those buns, please"
Lucy was glad to be back at Hogwarts. Her holidays had gone reasonably well - no hike in the end, but that was okay, she got to see her parents for at least some of the time. She'd done some study too; it paid to be prepared. It was interesting this time getting to see the sorting ceremony from the outside. She watched the many first years coming through, looking at each one as a potential to be a new friend. Once the ceremony was over, Lucy found a Ravenclaw seat herself down besides her. Lucy smiled when the girl greeted those near her. "Hi! Welcome to Ravenclaw," Lucy said proudly, happy to be the one who got to say the words. "Blue is a great colour, I love it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I'm just a second year but I'll see if I can help," Lucy said, wanting to be useful.
@Miranda Dawes
Hogwarts had become something of a comfort to Demetrius, and he couldn't believe this was already his second-to-last year. The very idea of it seemed completely foreign; in a way it felt like just yesterday he'd stepped into the castle for the first time, and taken on the sorting hat. Now the whole ordeal had become something of a same-old, same-old situation. First years every year doing the same thing, the same houses being called out. It was now boring to Demetrius, who'd rather just dig in to the feast waiting for them. He tuned out for the speech, hoping nothing important was being discussed, and then the food appeared before him. Usually he kept to himself during the start of year feast, but he found himself being addressed by an older girl asking for buns. "Oh, um, sure," he said, grabbing the plate and offering the girl some buns. "Take all you want," he said a little nervously, not having spoken to this girl before. "Good break?" he offered tentatively, in case she wanted conversation.
@Molly Burke
Logan was practically giddy with excitement as he settled into his new house table. Sure, his first friend might have been a singing hat who had commended his taste in music, but there was plenty of time to get to know the people around him. He offered the person sitting next to him a friendly grin, wondering if they were as excited as he was to be here, or if this was all very normal to them, before turning his attention to the front to listen to the school principal. There had been a lot of talk about this forest - his old school had plenty of areas that were out of bounds, mostly garden beds that they didn't want the kids trampling, so that at least was nothing new to him. The mention of food reminded him of just how hungry he was, and just how empty these tables were. He turned his head back toward the door they'd come in from, half expecting a staff member to wheel in a trolley of meats, salads and bread rolls at any moment. Instead, he let out a surprised yelp as a banquet of food suddenly appeared in front of him. He could only gawk in wonder, completely forgetting to close his jaw while he took it all in. This was amazing!​
Molly smiled appreciatively at the slightly younger boy as he offered her the plate of buns. She decided to take two, just in case she wanted another one and she didn't want to ask him to grab the plate again, as she would feel bad if that were the case. "Thanks!" Molly says happily, content with the food she has on her plate. She took a bite from one of the chicken legs and turned towards the boy as he spoke to her. "Oh! My break was alright! Nothing much I guess" Molly says with a smile. "How about yours? Your break good?"

@Demetrius Wagner
It felt odd to be in seventh year, to be so far from where he had started. Leo had been thinking of the past and the future as he came to school. He felt calmer now than he ever had before. He had no immediate plans besides working once he graduated, and knowing he had the space to figure it out, had removed the stress. Leo knew he had things to decide, but uncle James, had really pressed to him that it didn't need to be immediate. So, he sat in the great hall, for his last start of year feast feeling ready. He wasn't too surprised with the head boy and girl, and as he grabbed some food, decided he would wait till there was an opening before he congratulated them.
Until this evening, Teddy had never appreciated how boring the Sorting ceremony could be when you were simply a spectator. Watching the new students go through the process brought back memories of his own Sorting, particularly the brief moment when the Sorting Hat had contemplated placing him in Slytherin. He was grateful for that split second decision, as he firmly believed Gryffindor was the better fit for him.

Once the Sorting concluded, the long-awaited feast materialised before them, with a spread of delicious dishes that made Teddy's stomach rumble. "Oh, good," he exclaimed, "I'm absolutely starving!" With enthusiasm, he piled roast potatoes onto his plate.
Brevity was only here because Maisie wanted to be back at the school. At 17, Brevity had no reason to keep coming to school, but Maisie wanted to, so here she was. It wouldn't be a bad year, it would likely be the same as the rest, painfully dull. Brevity had never been interested in this place or her own education, they were pointless when there were other things to get done. Her parents were less than pleased that their big ploy to get Brevity to behave hadn't worked, that she didn't suddenly get better at everything. In fact she was coasting to fail all of her NEWTs the few she could do, and really Brevity didn't care. She was waiting to be done, and waiting for long enough to have passed with the food being out to go sit with her girlfriend.
Seamus was looking forward to eventually being done. He was looking forward to graduating and just going on to professional quidditch, it was the thing he wanted to do. His mind briefly thought of Celia and the fact she wasn't here before it focused on the head master. Seamus knew that this year would be easy enough, he knew he wanted to ask the transfiguration professor about joining the NEWT class despite not making the grade for it. Seamus knew too that something had gone on in the break with Hamish, though he hadn't quite got all the details out of him. But he ignored it all, just focusing as the food appeared and he could finally tuck in.
Morrie was a Slytherin, whatever that meant. She took her place at the table then her attention drifted until a grand feast appeared before her. Her stomach growled as she gazed at more food than she had ever seen in her whole life. After a moment's hesitation, she inquired, "Do we just help ourselves?"
Aurora was very much looking forward to being back at school. She had liked being home, it was fun to spend time with their mother and brother. She had been very excited that Branson wasn't moving to Russia at all and instead just to another spot in New Zealand. Of course by the end of the year Aurora knew she'd pass apparition and distances didn't really matter, but still, it was nice to have him close by and Aurora liked his girlfriend. The Gryffindor was sitting with Rosie and listening along to the words from the head master before the food appeared and she was able to just get stuck in.
Emmanuel had been very surprised to receive a prefect badge in the post. He had been sure that Daria, or someone else would get it instead of him, but he'd gotten it. He liked it, felt proud to wear it on his chest. The ravenclaw knew too that a couple of other of his friends had received badges too. Emmanuel listened to the head master eagerly, nodding along, though he was very versed in the information being told to him. Then the food appeared, he smiled towards Penny and gave her a little wave before glancing around his own table. "How was your break?" he asked.
Rosie had a lot she needed to do this semester. There was just a lot on her plate. She had accio and the wild patch and was wondering how she'd really manage both. Rosie knew she also needed to make sure there was someone else ready to take over from her when she left for Accio more than Wild Patch. It seemed like a mamoth task to do. Rosie was however feeling excited about it. She couldn't wait to see how the garden was doing. She knew she'd need to wait until the next day, but Rosie was very eager for it. She glanced as the food appeared, trying to find her favourites to be able to start her dinner with those.
Gregory couldn't really believe he was a fourth year already. He felt still like a lost little kid in this new and strange world. But it was no longer that new. Gregory had been quietly looking forward to this semester. To being back at school. It was a small feeling that he tried to nurture since, he'd otherwise wanted to leave magic and never come back. Gregory was fidgeting slightly, hopeful that this wouldn't be too long a feast and that he would be able to duck out soon enough.

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