Y44 Start of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (54)
The sorting ceremony had come to a close, and Matt smiled at the sight of the fresh new faces at all the new tables. He had always been fond of the sorting ceremony, he was glad to be a part of it now. Matt stood up, waited a few moments for everyone to settle down, then spoke.

"Good evening students and staff of Hogwarts. I know how eager we all are to start our wonderful yearly feast, but I have a few quick announcements to make." He smiled as he paused. " For those of you who are freshly sorted or simply didn't know, my name is Professor Matt Alcott-Ward and I'm the headmaster here at Hogwarts."

He took a sip of water before continuing. "Alongside me are your Heads of Houses, these professors are here to guide you and lead you in your respective houses. The head of house for Hufflepuff is Professor Landon Carter, for Slytherin, Professor Angel Castillo, for Ravenclaw, Professor Kahurangi Josephs, and for Gryffindor, Professor Cyndi Kingsley." Matt gestured to each of the professors in turn so the new students would know who was who. Then he went on.

"I already spoke about the forest before the sorting ceremony started, I hope it's not necessary to repeat myself now. I don't believe I have any other new announcements to make, so I'll finish up with this: I wish everyone here a wonderful, productive and fun new school year. In a moment now the food will appear, and I hope everyone also enjoys this wonderful feast." He said, smiling as the platters of food appeared the moment he finished speaking. Matt sat back down at the staff table and mentally went over his speech, hoping he hadn't forgotten anything important. He watched as students started to chat and eat, feeling excited about the upcoming year.
It did not escape Eugene's internal thinking as the headmaster brought the sorting to a close and the feast to a start that this would be his last. Eugene did know that and had always known that this time would come, but it felt a little..soon for it, even if it wasn't. He was head boy, he was in his final year, and he had to decide what his future would be. He knew what he wanted to do with his life, but he still had to do it. The headmaster finished speaking and all of Eugene's thoughts were interrupted. He glanced about the hall, not spotting Charlie anywhere, as the food arrived. He began filling his plate, hoping that his best friend was just late for school.
Valeria knew for all the complaining she might do about certain classes and professors, she knew she was absolutely going to miss Hogwarts when she left. She loved watching kids get sorted, she loved being able to try and guess moments before it happened. She liked the celebrations and being around people. The fact she had once thought this whole place was silly was laughable to her now. She watched the headmaster speak, glancing between the heads of house that she knew well enough now and then the rules which she had always stuck to - mostly. With that, there was food in front of her, and the ravenclaw wasted no time in beginning to spoon food into her plate.
Leonardo was back at school, and the title of being a sixth year didn't it right with him. He was almost an adult. He was sure that come his 17th birthday his grandfather would've given him an old watch and then probably tossed him to the curb. But he was living with James now and knew he'd probably kick himself to the curb. He knew that James wanted him around, but the man had a baby and needed to be focused on that, and Leonardo knew he was difficult. He was difficult to look after and not very good at expressing himself. Leonardo had started applying for jobs quietly towards the end of the break and hoped by the next one, that he would have something. The hufflepuff stopped thinking about the future and focused on the headmaster, nodding along as the man began speaking. It wasn't a long speech and the food was quick to appear. He grabbed a few things and began filling his plate, his mind clearly pre-occupied.
Brevity had not won the fight to stop going to Hogwarts and she knew that when it got to the next year she'd probably just stick it out, because what would be one more year. She had positively tanked her OWLs, which she wasn't disappointed by, but was likely the root of why she was still here at the school. Perhaps if she'd put in a little effort and gotten at least one A she might've gotten away with things, but she hadn't, so here she remained. Brevity had been utterly bored by the sorting and was so glad when it ended. She did not get why they all needed to be there for it. It didn't need them at all. But it being over the professor was brief and they were able to eat. She filled her plate eagerly, the food being one of the few redeeming qualities of this place.
Seamus had had a surprisingly okay break. Meeting Dusk had been interesting, she was nicer than he'd thought and he was decidedly going to keep writing to her. She made for a breath of fresh air against all the drama of Hogwarts. The sixth year knew he needed to catch his brother up on all of it, but there hadn't been a moment in the break when he could. But he was keen to soon. The sorting was as ever, dull and he was glad when it ended. He didn't like the sorting hat anyway, but he felt the hat was sometime deliberately slow given this was the only time of year it did anything. Seamus didn't listen to what the headmaster was saying - fairly well versed it in and uncaring about it - just stared at the food until things appeared and he was able to grab something.
It was decidedly strange to be back at Hogwarts and yet not had her brother there. For all of her school life until now, most of her family was at the school with her, but now..now Bran was gone. She still had her dad and sister, but still. Their mornings together or lunches together wouldn't be the same. Aurora had been very pleased though with the prefect badge in the post. Her family had been proud of her too and she couldn't wait to show it off a little. Aurora was proud and din't think it would be the worst thing to be visibly proud of it. She was eagerly waiting for the food and kept glancing towards the ravenclaw table out of habit. When the food appeared she leaned into her sister, "it's weird, not having Bran here," she said.
Emmanuel's break had been....interesting. He had really enjoyed being home, playing with his cousins, spending time with his family. Eating like a god and learning about what his parents were doing. But his grandparents, his mother's parents were...difficult. It seemed that no matter how good Emmanuel was, he wasn't quite as good as he needed to be. First it had been the fact his grades hadn't been perfect. He'd brought those up as they'd asked. Next it had been duelling, they had needed him to take part and he was happy to, enjoying the use of magic and skill, but now it was that he should be winning and now it was quidditch. Emmanuel didn't do any sports, he didn't care that deeply about playing quidditch, but his grandmother had said he needed to. Had brought his cousin, a professional to teach him and expected him to try out. She was a powerful force in his family and he wanted to do right by her and the family, so he knew when the time came he would trying out. It just meant Emmanuel was conflicted about his break. He tried to not focus on it, instead focusing on the feast, the head master speaking and then food in front of him. He filled his plate with the not-as-good-as-his-mother's cooking and then turned to the person next to him. "How was your break?" he asked.
Rosie was so happy to be back at school. She was looking forward to what she was going to be able to do. Rosie had a lot happening in the year and she was eager to get immediately started on it. The gryffindor had been rather relieved when she hadn't gotten a prefect badge. Her parents had been quick to assure her that they were still proud of her, but objectively Rosie knew she had too much on her hands to be able to dedicate any time to another thing. So she was happy for her sister and for whomever else had gotten it. She had been making a small list as the sorting ceremony happened and was finishing it off as food appeared. Rosie glanced towards the ravenclaw table and gave a little nod. "It's weird," she agreed.
Gregory was trying his best to not be too optimistic about the upcoming year. He knew that he'd finished the last semester on slightly better terms than when he'd started it, but really that was a rather low bar to clear. His year had been pretty horrendous. Gregory had still asked to stay at home, but slightly less forcefully and when his dad had said no, he hadn't been too upset about it. Just..this year had to not be the worst thing ever. Gregory hadn't been paying attention to the sorting. He had sat at the very end of the table, barely able to make out what was being said until the hat would boom out a house, and he didn't mind. He was out of the way. The food appeared and Gregory began taking some small things, knowing that the moment that he could he'd head to the common room before anyone else.
Savannah was not hiding the book she was reading. She had it on the plate in front of her and was just reading it. She thought these feasts were a waste. A waste of her and everyone elses time. If the first years needed to be sorted and told the rules they could do it when the transfers got sorted. But no. This school liked its spectacles. Savannah moved her book a little as the food appeared, now placing it on her lap to be able to keep reading as she ate. She wasn't exactly interested in the conversation any of the people around her were likely having.
Fraser loved school as much as he loved being at home. Of course he didn't love classes, homework or exams, but he could deal with those if he was able to do other things. Like hanging out with his friends or spending time playing and practicing quidditch. Fraser was very eager for the new quidditch season, hoping that his chances of making the team had improved since the previous year. He hoped to make it, but knew even if he didn't there would always be Senna's Idea and then also just practising anyway. Watching it too was fun, even if he couldn't take part. Fraser had cheered loudly for each new Gryffindor that had been sorted, wanting them to feel welcome in their new house. However, in doing so Fraser had really worked up an appetite, so he greedily grabbed his favourite dish the second it appeared and spooned some into his plate.
Friday was not yet sure what to make of Gryffindor. The people around her seemed excitable, which could make making friends easier but maybe it wouldn't. Monday had thought she could end up here, and it wasn't the worst thing in the world to be with one of her sisters. She could have someone to talk to during the year. But really, if she wasn't making enough friends that she had to talk to her sister then she had in fact failed. The new Gryffindor had been one of the last sorted, so between that and the food appearing, there wasn't too much time. She was thankful, though it might've been nice to sit down while she'd been waiting to be sorted. She glanced at the different food available, wondering which one she should go for first.
Callie had been sorted in Hufflepuff – whatever that meant – the sorting hat had said something really nice to her too. She was reassured by it, though the fact the hate had said that she had a lot to learn was less good. She had known that there would be a lot, this was a whole new world after all, but it was going to be a lot. She leaned forward as the headmaster spoke and put to memory the faces of the heads of house. Callie hoped to never need it, but it would be good to know. Callie frowned as good just suddenly appeared in front of her, she glanced under the table as if maybe in sitting down she'd failed to notice the food, but there was nothing. She tentatively took a plate of what appeared to be pasta and inspected the dish before taking some, a small portion, just to test if this was normal food. Could the food be different? Everyone around her was eating so maybe it wasn't that different...just where had it come from.
Enoch was not bothered by where he had been placed. He was just glad to now have a house and be able to focus on everything else he needed to. He didn't have time to celebrate or think about what this meant. Enoch would send an owl home letting his parents know and then that would be all the thought he'd give to his house. The new slytherin had hoped that dinner would be a quick affair, he needed to get to bed if he was to be well rested for the day ahead. Enoch's hopes were dashed as the food appeared and it was just so much of it. So much food. This was a feast. Truly. He rolled his eyes and started to put together a well balanced plate of food.​
Ivelisse truly had never dreaded going back to school as much as she did this year. At least it would be her last year. Next year, she would be out of here and when she did, she could go anywhere. Be anyone. Hopefully, be less of a failure than she had been here at school. Ive didn't listen to what the headmaster had to say and only plated up a small amount of food when it appeared. If anything, she wasn't hungry. She poked at the food on her plate as she started to zone out a little, keen for the moment the feast ended.
Kiara didn't think she had ever been this excited to be heading back to school. She was rocking a new badge, would be co-leader of a club and in general had gained some extra confidence. It wasn't much, but she was sure she could work with it. Even if she had to fake the rest of it. Maybe if she did that, faked it, pushed her boundaries, maybe it would help her actually become more confident. Maybe she could finally be like her brother. She made sure to listen attentively to what the headmaster was telling them so she could be a good example for the younger students. Once the feast actually started she grabbed a serving spoon to put some food onto her plate and made sure to help out some other students who couldn't reach as well.
Senna was thrilled to be back at school. Being a fourth year made her suddenly feel like she was a whole lot more grown up and important. Even if she was sure there was very little difference between who she was now and who she had been last year. Still, she had big plans for this year. Like setting up the quidditch club she had talked about before. She had spend a big part of her break trying to figure out what that would be like and was ready to get it goin. Although perhaps she should get in touch with the other kids she had talked about it with first. If anything, she was sure she was going to do big things this year.
Dominic was very happy to have been sorted into Hufflepuff. Everyone seemed very nice and friendly and he definitely already felt welcome sitting amongst them all. As the food appeared in front of them, he jumped a little, surprised at how much there was for them all. He wasn't sure if it would be as good as his mother's food however, and he was a little hesitant to try. "Is the chicken marinated?" Dominic asked the person next to him, figuring they would know more about what was in front of them.
Aine kept to herself, partially hoping the change in hairstyle would make her slightly less recognisable. Her nailpolish was chipped - the idea of painting her nails to avoid biting them was good in theory, but less so in practice - and if this was the school she had been going to go to, she would've had to remove it completely. But if this had been her muggle school, the badge now sitting awkwardly on her chest wouldn't have been there either. She clapped politely as each student was sorted (and there were many Hufflepuffs, it seemed) though she couldn't say she looked forward to trying to be any sort of responsible authority figure for them. At least it was Hufflepuff and not one of the other houses. For the most part, the Hufflepuff kids looked entirely pleasant. She raised an eyebrow at one of the boys sitting near her, asking about the chicken. "Nah, they keep it fairly plain for those of us with bland tastes," she responded, half joking. "Blame the British." She put some potatoes on her plate where she'd put a couple of salad mixes, nonchalantly cutting one and taking a few bites. "The veggies are pretty good, though. Some of the staff figured out that we'll eat stuff if it's got flavour."

@Dominic Owens-Lee
Louis was pretty sure the sorting ceremony never used to take this long. He was absolutely starving. He hardly listened to his uncle as he gave his speech, pretty sure it was just the same thing every time anyway. He looked around the hall, taking it in. It was so weird to think this was his final year here. He smiled as he caught sight of Valeria at the Ravenclaw table, but quickly moved his attention to the Slytherin table instead. He sighed as he spotted Caleb. Propping his chin on his hand to stare at him for a bit, not even noticing the food when it appeared initially, even though he had been starving only moments before.
Gwen hadn’t cared much about sorting since her own sorting, so she had zoned out a bit during the ceremony. She had spotted Celia with her new badge, looking annoyingly proud of herself. Hopefully she didn’t think she was fooling anyone, it wasn’t like anyone had forgotten what they had learned about her last year. Gwen certainly hadn’t. She decided to completely ignore her, pretend not to notice it. The food arrived and Gwen saw Brevity loading her plate. She wrinkled her nose, then looked away. The Slytherin table was always kind of miserable, in Gwen’s opinion. She spotted the seeker nearby and shot her a smile. She could tell she was upset and figured she probably wasn’t pleased with Celia’s new position either. Gwen hardly knew the girl, but she wondered if she would be a good ally to have on her side. “This gets kind of old after all these years, huh?” She asked with a knowing smile.

@Ivelisse Burleigh
Isadora hadn’t been able to shake a weird feeling ever since she returned to Hogwarts. Maybe it was the uneasiness between her and Cameron, or maybe it was the feeling that it could be taken away from her at any moment. She honestly wasn’t sure. She had quietly watched the sorting ceremony and then piled some food on her plate when it appeared, wishing she could sit with Margo. She heard the Archer twins talking nearby and glanced at them. “Oh right, he graduated last year?” She asked, remembering he had been in the same year as her sister. To Isadora, it hardly felt different here without Natalia. She supposed that was a little sad.

@Rosie Archer
Emery was glad his sister wasn’t in his house. He had noticed how she hadn’t even looked at him while in line, and it bugged him a bit. Wasn’t she at least a little nervous? But no, looking over, he saw her sitting at the Slytherin table as if she had always belonged there. He sighed, shaking his head. He was glad when the food arrived and he could grab some of it. He blinked when Emmanuel spoke to him, glancing at his roommate. He was always pretty nice, but Emery wouldn’t call them friends. “It was fine.” He said shortly. Then realized he should probably ask it in return. “Yours?”

@Emmanuel Okoye
More and more, Penelope started looking foward to her months at school more than the break she spent at home. Honestly, she felt pretty guilty about it. She watched the sorting ceremony avidly, cheering for Milo when he was up. “Oh, he’s with Holden!” She said excitedly to Marnie. She hoped Holden would kind of look after him, though she also kind of doubted it. When the food arrived, Penelope filled her plate. She looked around, wondering if everyone else felt more mature after coming back. Fourth year really felt special, but she had felt that about third year too.

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