Open Y41 Start of Year Feast

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
The sorting hat had done it again. Professor Kingsley always enjoyed the sorting ceremony, finding the sorting hat's work fascinating. Although not everyone was happy with the decisions made by the hat, she hoped each student would come to learn that they'd made it to the right place. Knowing that everyone was eager to begin the feast and not spotting the headmistress anywhere, the Gryffindor Head of House stood up and spoke once some semblance of silence could be found.

"Good evening all. We know how eager you all are to get to the wonderful feast, but first a few announcements. You met the Headmistress earlier, Professor Alicastell, as the sorting ceremony began" the professor glanced around before continuing still not spotting her, "And besides me you'll see the professors of Hogwarts New Zealand who will be helping you along your magical journey. Your Heads of House are also here, and I'd like to introduce them - first is the Ravenclaw Head of House, Kahurangi Josephs, next, Hufflepuff Head, Landon Carter, and last but not least, Slytherin Head is Angel Castillo." The professor felt like she was forgetting someone, and it took her a moment to realize who it was. She chuckled as she began again. "Ah yes, and I realize I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Cyndi Kingsley, Head of Gryffindor."

The professor made some other brief announcements that she knew to be important ones told in previous start of year feasts, doing her very best to keep things brief. "Almost done folks. I'd like to remind everyone of the dangers of the Forbidden Forest, and that it is completely and utterly off limits to enter without supervision. This is for your safety as well as the safety of those around you." She paused for a moment, allowing that to sink in before continuing. "I'm sure many of you heard about or read about an incident that occurred within the forest last school year. Two students were expelled for entering the forest and endangering the welfare of not only themselves but potentially many others by attempting to breed a Basilisk within the forest. I want to assure everyone that the Basilisk is long gone. It cannot harm you, and you remain safe so long as you follow the rules of the castle, many of which I've outlined just now and more of which your Heads of House will outline for you." The woman hoped she had stressed the dangers of the forest enough. "We have a wonderful support team of nurses and therapists who can help you feel well physically and mentally, and I encourage you to visit them should you feel the need at any point this year."

The professor looked out into the crowd, happy to see that most of the students still seemed to be attentive. "I trust that this year, wherever you are in your magical journey, will be full of knowledge and fun moments. We trust that you'll learn some magical responsibilities along the way too" she added, a small chuckle on her lips. "In a moment, you'll see the feast appear, and I encourage you to take a moment to think about all of the hard work the house elves of the castle put into it. Please be reminded that they are employees of the castle and not at your beck and call. Treat them kindly." The professor paused for a moment, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "Alrighty, I believe that is everything my brain can think to mention so let's get to the feast and have a great year everyone!" As soon as she finished, the platters of food appeared and the din of the room rose swiftly. Professor Kingsley let out a contented sigh. The sound was familiar and wholesome, and she was eager to see the adventures this school year would bring. The woman took her place at the table and settled in for some good food and better conversation.
Louis wasn't sure that he actually wanted to be back at Hogwarts. He had heard about something that happened last year, and it was definitely the number one topic among the students. The teen tried keeping to himself however, not wanting to fall for any rumours that might not be true. But as the Gryffindor Head of House addressed them all during the start of year feast, Louis could feel his heart beat strongly against his chest. A Basilisk in the forbidden forest was definitely a danger to the students. Surely if there was one Basilisk there could be more? Louis could feel his palms sweat, but he couldn't move. He couldn't stomach any of the food in front of him either. He just sat there at the Hufflepuff table, staring at his empty plate, wishing his parents didn't make him come back to this. But now there was nothing he could do.
“All right, all right. Let’s get this party started!” Bianca exclaimed loudly, as the start-of-term feast began. She beamed brightly around not only her table, but at the other tables as well before getting down to the serious business of sampling all the food within arm’s reach. She first grabbed a couple of pieces of chicken, then scooped a huge pile of mashed potatoes onto her plate, hearing her stomach rumble loudly as she did. Not caring if anyone had heard it, she sat back and began eating, listening to the various conversations around her.

“…favorite Quidditch team is going to the playoff…”

“…never lets me go look at brooms when she knows I need one…”

It was this last snippet of conversation that made Bianca start thinking. Why weren’t first years allowed their own brooms? It seemed such a ridiculous rule. What made students twelve and older any more careful or responsible than eleven-year-olds? Bianca wondered if she could sneak her own broomstick into school during the spring term, then reluctantly decided not to risk being expelled over it. She could wait a year to have her own broomstick, she supposed.
It had been kind of funny, seeing the sorting ceremony from the house table instead of being one of the first-years being sorted. Isadora was glad she didn't have to go through that again, it had taken so long and been kind of dull. The Gryffindor raised her eyebrow a bit as Professor Kingsley opened the feast, but then shrugged it off. Maybe she and Profesosr Alicastell traded every year. The stuff she said wasn't very surprising at first, but she then went in more detail about what happened last year than anyone had before. Isadora could hardly believe her ears, a basilisk? In the forest? She wondered if its corpse was still there and had the urge to go check it out, though she hadn't properly gone into the forest yet. She was shaken out her thoughts when she heard a very excited voice nearby. She turned her head to look at the first year girl who seemed thrilled to be here, giving her a grin as she started putting food on her plate. "I like the enthusiasm." She commented with a smile. "You are in the best house, after all."

@Bianca Halliwell
Bianca turned toward the girl speaking to her, finished swallowing her food, then grinned again. “That’s what my dad said. He was a Gryffindor, too. I can just imagine his face when I owl my parents and tell them where I went.” She turned thoughtful. “ Of course, he was something of a prankster, so he spent a lot of time in detention. Funny thing is, that’s where he met my mum. She was in for tying one of her professors’ shoelaces together one day.”
Leia was sitting proud in her seat, sat up and making sure that the head girl badge was pinned and visible on her uniform. It had been a surprise to get it, but a welcome one. She liked being head girl, and wouldn't like in saying that it hadn't been on her mind at the end of the last semester. She was optimistic that she would do a good job and really would work very hard to not let anyone down. Not the head of her house and not the headmistress. Sorting had been and gone quickly in the blink of an eye, as it always did. Leia glanced as the head of Gryffindor house stepped forward and did the welcoming address, she wasn't too sure for the change, but she also thought it was very interesting to hear more of the story of what had happened, school gossip was always a little incorrect. The food appeared while Leia was still thinking about what had been said, but let her focus now move on to the food and just getting stuck in.
Lumio felt a little odd coming back for his final year of school. His brother was gone, which felt odd and he knew that he'd be leaving Ronald behind when he graduated. he knew they'd be fine, but it also felt a little sad to think that next year his boyfriend would sit without him, and he'd be alone for sixth months, and then another six. Lumio knew his last year would be good, but he could admit the bittersweetness of some of it. He applauded loudly for each of the new gryffindors and just politely for the others. He cheered when it was drawn to a close and his head of house stepped forward to speak. He wondered as she went over what had happened in the last year, how the professors might be feeling about it all. It couldn't be easy to be in that position. The food appeared and Lumio turned to the people he was sitting around. "How was everyone's break?" he asked them general, sure that at least one would reply to him.
Liusaidh returned to school with a certain excitement. She could admit her break had been weird, speaking with her traitor of a brother had sent the whole thing down an unexpected path and she wasn't yet sure what to make of all of it. The teen was looking forward to being back at school because of quidditch and the very likely possibility of her getting that trampoline. She kenw it would be so cool to have it, and so worth all of the effort put in with first styx and now castillo. She knew she'd probably be a bit aimless, since her life goals were mostly complete. Liusaidh was bored through the sorting, not caring for the students that turned up, and then barely listened to the head of gryffindor giving them a reminder of a few things. She was just glad when the food appeared and she was able to put things on her plate.
Branson could admit his slight disappointed over not being a prefect, he did think the choices made were pretty good, but there had been a disappointment that he had felt when he hadn't gotten it. His father had been quick to reassure him, and of course despite his mother being head girl, neither of his parents had been prefects. So there was always that. Branson watched the sorting, listening out for any familiar names, but hearing none. He was always curious about when siblings joined the school. Much as his had done the year before. Branson was pleased that it didn't take too long, there were lots of students and one hat stall which was interesting to say the least. He wondered wat it would be like to sit for a longer period as the hat decided. But it was eventually wrapped up and after Professor Kingsley spoke, reminding them of what had happened last year he was able to grab some food and just get to eating.
Pixie was back for another year, she had been fine with her holidays, she felt more different than ever to her supposed family. She'd always felt different from them, and simply there were too many children still running around. She swore down they seemed to multiple each time she went back. But she was soon to be old enough to not bother going back, and Pixie was looking forward to that day. She'd sat as usual right at the back of the hall, half just listening to the sorting. Someone else then spoke and told them about what had happened. A basilisk...that was both mad and yet she was so curious about it. Pixie ignored that curiousity as the food appeared and she knew she would grab a little something to eat and then duck out.
Eugene had enjoyed being home, it was easier to be home when they didn't have terrible money problems. There was still very little money between him and his cousin, but enough comparatively with the year before. He was also more able to contribute bits and pieces to it. Not his school allowance but the money he made from busking. But being back at school was so good. Eugene had really come to appreciate and love the school for all it offered him. The teen would have a busy year but it would be a good year nonetheless. Eugene applauded for each of the students sorted, certainly playing zero favourites the ones of his house. He was glancing about giving Ive a wave as the head of Gryffindor house spoke, talking about what had happened in the last year, reminding them all about who the heads of houses were and that the elves were workers. He glanced at the food, trying to figure what he should get stuck into first.
Valeria when she had transferred in the year before, hadn't been sure if she would come back for multiple years, after all, her parents had pitched it as one year, but from the moment she'd gotten to the school, she knew she hadn't wanted it to be for just the year, there was so much at the school to do, so many people to interact with, so many cute boys to kiss. School could be tricky at times, but she had never had a complaint that couldn't be solved. So of course Valeria was very happy to be back, to be sat amongst her fellow Ravenclaws and glancing about the room. She sent a grin towards Louis and then glanced at the boy Charlie, that she'd met on the train. Val was distract through most of the sorting and uninterested really about what was being said, and only as the food appeared did she glanced towards the slytherin table and think about sending Ares a note to hang out. There was so much to do, so many people to connect with, but to start she just had to eat some food.
Leonardo was yawning quietly, truly exhausted. His holiday had really worn him out. His grandfather's extra lessons had been a lot, and there had been a lot of homework which had meant he hadn't had a lot of spare time and not a lot of early nights. He was feeling it now, since he was back at school, and knew that he could sleep once this and the house meeting were over. But he was visibly exhausted. He knew it would help his school work, that he'd be better at essays now, that his answers were sharper, more to the point. but it had come at the cost of what should've been a relaxing non-work holiday. Leo glanced at the head of Gryffindor house as she spoke. He needed all of this to go more quickly so he could go to bed. He yawned, making no noise as he did so. Food appeared and though Leo took a few bits and pieces to eat but was more tired than he was hungry, and the quicker he ate the quicker he could go to the common room and the quicker he could go to bed. Leonardo yawned again he just needed this to go quickly.
Seamus had never thought he'd prefer being at school than being at home, but there was nothing fun at home. He slept better at home sure, but he had quidditch at school, he had friends at school, there were grounds to play in, lots of fun things for him to engage with and home there was only Hamish and while before that would've plenty it really wasn't anymore. Not when they could spend as much time together at school. Too now, was the fact that they would have every class together, truly the only time they'd have to be apart if they wanted was sleep. Seamus was glad when the sorting and speach was over, a basilisk was quite something but he didn't care, it was already dead. He just took some food and glanced about the hall as he ate.
Aurora had been very excited to be back at school, after all, she had a plan, she had things to do. She had a brand new broom, and was very eager to get out to the pitch and fly with it. She wasn't sure she'd make the team but she was going to work exceedingly hard to try and do so. She was holding Rosie's hand as they were sitting at the gryffindor table, with sorting on-going. She thought from this perspective it was an interest thing to watch. Her previous experience of having to be sorted was augmented now she knew what it looked like from the other side. From watching. Aurora smiled as the head of her house then spoke. She gave Rosie' hand a little squeeze as Professor Kingsley spoke about the basilisk and the incident, knowing her sister would be upset about it. But then let go, since the food appeared. "Will you want to go straight to the gardens tomorrow?" she asked her sister.
Flynn yawned as he sat at the Gryffindor table, one hand propping his head up as he rested on his elbow. This kind of stuff was always incredibly boring. And, because he was still not really in the mood to be bothered by any annoying first years, he still wasn't wearing his prefect badge. To be perfectly honest, he was pretty sure he had lost it. Not that he cared to mention it. The sorting was just as dull as it always was, Flynn opting to pay no attention to it. It was only when the food appeared did he shift in his seat, grabbing mostly just chips without a word. Being healthy was overrated, anyhow.
Rosie was eager to get outside to the gardens, she knew she'd have to wait, since by the time this was over, it would be curfew. She just knew that the gardens would be since affected by winter but probably getting better. She'd be able to see the first indications of growth and rejunivation and she wanted that for the gardens. The gryffindor smiled at her sister holding her hand happily as the sorting was under way. She thought it was fun but was very glad it wasn't her. The gryffindor was very eager to meet all of the new students in the school. She thought it would be fun to help the newbies as they had been helped. Rosie didn't enjoy hearing about what had happened in the last semester, but she thought it a good reminder. The food then appeared and she immediate began grabbing things for her to eat. "Of course, we can check the gardens and then go to the pitch?"
Eoin was incredibly aware of the new responsibility sitting on his shoulders thanks to the shiny new badge pinned to his robes. He honestly never expected to be made a prefect, he had always thought it would go to someone like Branson. But, apparently, the Professor was trusting him enough with the responsibility and, to be honest, Eoin wasn't sure he wanted to be dealing with it. He didn't even really want to be at Hogwarts in the first place, and now he was expected to care enough to catch rule-breakers and people sneaking around in places they shouldn't be. The new fifth year only half paid attention to the sorting and the welcoming announcements, a little surprised to hear that all the kerfuffle the previous year had been over a basilisk. What kind of idiots thought breeding one of them was going to be a good idea? Rolling his eyes with a loud sigh, he was pleased to see the food arrived and wasted no time grabbing a bite to eat.
Emmanuel being freshly sorted was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. He could spot some of his friends at the gryffindor table, and though it would be nice to sit with them, he was also very happy to be in ravenclaw. He knew that this was the house for the smart people for the people who liked reading and that. Emmanuel was sure he'd have managed in any house, but it was nice to be where he probably did suit most. Emmanuel had been sure that he could suit anyone of them, and pheraps ending up elsehwere he'd still feel the same as he did currently. Emmanuel frowned at the mention of a basilisk and decided in the moment to not tell his parents about that. the food appeared and he glanced about trying to figure out what would be the best thing to start with.
Pearl had never been to school before this moment and yet she sat in a great hall, at the table she'd been sorted to, feeling a little confused about what this all meant. Schools were big, and she'd barely left her local village. Her father had never been one for company, and she had never interacted or even seen this many people. But Pearl was sure she'd be the star of the show soon enough. Her gaze moved to the woman who spoke, she was introduced heads of house...was that like a surrogate parent.....would she be able to get what she wanted from them....The woman also talked about a basilisk being made and killed in the school. Once the food appeared Peal turned to the person next to her and said, "My father's brother was killed by a basilisk when he visited Germany," it was all a lie but she said with a confidence she hoped would make the person listening believe her.
Rhys already has his mind set on the upcoming year. He was aware that the next year he would be sitting his OWLs, so was determined to try and put his best foot forward when it came to his classwork and make sure that he was taking the best notes he could. The last thing he wanted was to forget to take notes and end up trying to study for his exams with nothing to study from. His ears did perk up at the mention of the basilisk. That was the first time hearing the cause, last year had just been rumors that something had happened but he didn't know what. Now that was interesting. Maybe there was an opportunity for some journalistic digging. He was still thinking about the basilisk and writing about it could be interesting when the food appeared, too caught up in his thoughts to even notice.
Jingyi was kind of excited to be back to Hogwarts for a new year, mostly just because he wanted to learn new duelling spells and try out for the Quidditch team again. He didn't pay any attention to the sorting, not having anyone he knew taking part so he didn't really care where people ended up. But then the Gryffindor head of house started speaking about the forbidden forest and Jingyi leaned forward in his seat as he listened. There had been a basilisk in the forest and he had missed it? Seeing a basilisk up close would have been really cool. Really dangerous as well, but mostly cool. "Wish I could see a basilisk," he muttered as he slumped back in his seat again, reaching for some of the fried chicken to put on his plate.
Zagreus was still uncertain about being back at Hogwarts for the new year. The break had been nice and he had been able to see his mother again, so being back here was starting to make him feel a little homesick. He tried to distract himself with the sorting, politely clapping as each new first-year was sorted into their house. It was weird to think that had been him only a year ago. But then it wasn't the Headmistress who stood up to announce the room, but the Gryffindor Head of House. Zagreus frowned as he listened, feeling the blood drain from his face as they were told what had happened the previous year. Of course, he was aware that something happened and two students ended up getting expelled, but he hadn't thought it would be because of a basilisk. His eyes were still stuck on the front of the hall even when the food appeared in front of him, blinking as he slowly pulled his eyes down to stare at his plate. He had always known magic was dangerous.
Mischa was grinning the whole trip down from the sorting head, eagerly settling into one of the empty seats at the Slytherin table. He hadn't gone into the sorting with any expectations, so he had nothing to get disappointed over. And besides, he liked the color green and snakes were pretty cool as well. The rest of the sorting went by pretty easily and soon one of the Professors stood up and started going over some beginning of year announcements. "Wicked!" He announced maybe a little too loudly when he learned that some students had tried to breed a basilisk the previous year. Whoever had done that were legends in Mish's book. But soon it was time for food and all thoughts of the basilisk were gone as he eagerly turned his wide eyes to the rows and rows of delicious looking grub. But, before he could start grabbing everything he wanted, one of the other first years said something about her father's brother that made him laugh, "Yeah right."
@Pearl Parra
Pearl was very glad that someone replied, even if it was to cast doubt on how truthful a statement it was. "Uh huh," she said firmly in response. "I'm not lying, why would someone lie about something that terrible," Pearl retorted. she would provide any further details to it, wouldn't move to outright say anything more about it. Pearl was just going to go down the route of making it seem absurd that anyone would lie about a thing like that. "I would never lie about something like that. I'm Pearl by the way," she introduced herself to the boy, thinking that after her statement, beginning to introduce herself would be a way to distract perhaps from the lie.
@Mischa Falter-Butera

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