Open Y41 End of Year Feast

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
The end of year feast nearly always had a great energy about it. Students were relieved to leave their books and schooling behind for a few months and excited about their upcoming breaks. It was apparent in all of the chatter one could hear upon entering the Great Hall. And the professors always seemed a little lighter of spirit once they completed their marking.

The Hall itself was once again adorned in silver and green, the colors of Slytherin House. The woman glanced at Professor Castillo to see if he was pleased at the house cup sitting before his spot at the long professor's table. Standing up, Professor Kingsley allowed the students a few moments more before holding her hand up for some silence. Once it was quiet enough, she began. "Here we are once more to celebrate the end of another year. I trust that you all have had experiences, both of the educational and personal kind, that will stick with you as you head off onto your break." The Gryffindor Head of House smiled before continuing. "I have a few announcements- first, please join me in congratulating Professor Castillo and his Slytherins on their house cup win!" she stated before beginning to applaud.

"Now to announce the individual top points earners" she stated, clearing her throat before continuing. "Emmaline Hopkins-Vance has taken top points overall and for Gryffindor with a total of 1149 house points earned. River Hopkins-Vance has earned Slytherin's top spot with 1123 points. Rosemarie Chatwin has earned Hufflepuff's top spot with 838 points, and finally Sutton Spencer has Ravenclaw's top spot with 816 house points. Well done to you all" she stated, joining another hearty round of applause.

"I would like to remind you all of the restrictions against using or practicing magic during the break unless you are of age. Finally, we've been assured that when the next school year begins there will be a new Headmaster or Headmistress in place" she stated with a nod. The professor wondered who would be stepping into that role, but was eager for the school to return to some measure of normalcy. "Please be safe in your travels. And I hope you all enjoy a well deserved break" she added before taking her seat once more, happy to see the serving plates and bowls fill with their delicious treats.
Valencia couldn't wait to be back home and see her family again. She just had to push through with the end of year feast, and she would be able to go home. The girl didn't really care about house points or anything, but clapped politely for the winning house and well as clapping politely to those who had the most points. It wasn't long until the food had finally appeared on the table and they were finally able to dig in. Valencia waited until people around her took their share of the food, before grabbing her own food and placing it on her plate.
Molly was a little sad to be leaving Hogwarts again. But she definitely missed her parents and her siblings. She knew that she was going to see a few of her friends during the break anyway, so Molly knew she was going to enjoy that. When they had announced who the winning house was, Molly was a little disappointed with the outcome, but she knew she'd get over it quickly. The Hufflepuff also cheered and clapped for those who had the highest points, even though she didn't know them well. She thought it was cool. It wasn't long until they were finally able to dig in for dinner. Molly quickly took some food before anyone else could. "Hi! What are your plans for the break?" Molly asked the person next to her with a smile, some food still in her mouth as she spoke.
In all honesty, Nolan was a little nervous to go home this time. He was going to plan to tell his parents something during the break, and he was quite nervous to say what it was. But right now, he didn't want to think about the outcome. The Hufflepuff boy just wanted to spend his time with his friends and eat as much food as he could before heading home and meeting up with his family again. Nolan was a bit disappointed that they didn't get to win this year, but clapped anyways. He didn't really pay attention to the people who had gotten the most points though, his eyes drooping from tiredness. When the food appeared on the table, Nolan quickly and eagerly took as much food as he could, before stuffing his face with as much food as possible, not realising how hungry he was until now.
Abigail had mixed thoughts about the break. She was going to miss Hogwarts a little, but she knew she was able to see her family when break started, as well as see a few of her friends. The girl clapped when they announced the winning house as well as the students who had the most points. Abby looked around when she noticed a few people around her table were a little disappointed that they didn't win, which made Abby frown a little as she didn't really see the problem. Abby sighed quietly in relief when the food arrived, as she had been starving for a bit. The Gryffindor girl shyly grabbed some of the food around her. Abby noticed that one of the buns she wanted was a bit far from her reach. She shyly tapped the person next to her. "Umm... Could you please pass me a bun?" Abby asked quietly with a shy smile, as she pointed to a serving plate that had a few buns left on it.
Joshua couldn't wait for break! He couldn't wait to see his muggle mates and the muggle world in general. Don't get him wrong, he did like the magical world, but the muggle world was his home and he was just used to the muggle customs. The boy quietly booed and put a thumbs down when they announced that Slytherin had won. He thought that his house deserved to win. Josh didn't pay attention to the students who had the most points, as he thought that was just plain old boring to listen to. "This is sooo boring... Can the food come now so we can eat?" Josh muttered quietly, not sure if anyone around him had heard him. Everything about this was boring. He just wanted to stuff his face with food. After what felt like an eternity, the food came, and the Gryffindor immediately got into eating the food.
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Part of Ana Sofia was excited for the upcoming break but another part of her was incredibly aware that it meant she would be back at school for her last year in the blink of an eye. She didn't want those worries to ruin the fun though and instead focussed on listening to what professor Kingsley had to say. She clapped politely when the woman announced Slytherin's win as well as for the top point earners. When Rose was mentioned she clapped a lot louder, looking at her friend with a grin. Once the food was served Ana waited for some others to be done first before eventually getting the chance to put some on her own plate.
Professor Abberline was surprised that the semester was already coming to an end. The months had gone by with a flash and soon he would be sitting behind his desk at the Ministry of Magic again. He wasn't particularly looking forward to returning to the office, he had come to love teaching more than he initially expected he would, but the thought of being reunited with Evan again overshadowed all thoughts of going back to work soon. He clapped when Cyndi announced that Slytherin had won this year's house cup - there was still a part of him that wished that Ravenclaw would have won the cup instead - and continued to clap for each individual top-earner. How someone could earn 1149 was beyond him, but seeing how Emmaline was in his classes, it wasn't much of a surprise that she'd earned that many house points overall. When the food appeared on the table, Charlie grabbed whatever he thought looked delicious and silently filled his stomach until he had had enough.
Leia couldn't believe that she was graduated, she had finished school. She was free of it after this dinner. This would be the last feast for her. She was sat amongst slytherins, near to Kia who she was thankful for in this last year. She felt she'd been a good head girl, maybe not as good as some of the other people who had led the school, but she'd managed just fine...she'd done better than fine surely. She glanced towards the head of gryffindor house, Leia was very curious about who would be the new head person but she knew she wouldn't be there to see it. She applauded loudly for her house, letting herself feel that last drop of house proud and for the top points, they were not people she knew. And with that the food appeared. Leia was very careful in what she selected to eat.
Lumio was sat at the gryffindor table, for very much the last time. He would miss this place, miss the school and everything that had been involved in being at school. It had been fun while it lasted and now he'd need to go out into the world and figure out his next steps which would..had to be easy enough. He did already have a job so he just needed to work more. He needed to just get some money,move out and then he could figure out the next step. It just wouldn't be an issue for him at this point in time. He applauded politely for the slytherins and loudly for the top points for Gryffindor. He was sure that Ronald was disappointed to not get that top spot but at least for him there would always be the next year. Eventually his head of house finished speaking and they were able to start eating.
Liusaidh was so looking forward to going home. She had heard a lot from Aonghas about the family in her absence, her half brother was with someone new and the son was now a Fergusson. She felt it was a bit soon but she knew she'd be instructed that when the boy arrived at the school come the next year she was to look out for him. As Fergusson were always expected to do, look after their own, and unlike her traitor brother she followed the family. She applauded for Slytherin cheering loudly. They'd won twice in a row, and though Liusaidh hadn't contributed much to the points, she had kept the quidditch cup in Slytherin's possession. Liusaidh thought that was far more important. She booed for the top points, since they were all sad teachers pets and then she was finally able to get stuck into the food.
Branson Archer had felt his OWLs had gone well. All of the stressing and worrying had resulted in it coming to pretty much nothing and he was sure he had passed with decent grades. Enough to get him into all of his NEWT classes. He had a good year, despite all his stressing. There was Blair in his life, whom he was thankful for. She was great, beautiful, smart and just things were good in his mind. The ravenclaw was sad that his house was in last place. He had worked hard, bringing in a fair amount of points but seeing it next to the other houses felt a little sad. He applauded for slytherin along side the others in the hall and for the top points but he just hoped that in the next year they would be able to get a victory.
Pixie hated these things, there really was nothing worse in her mind than having to go the great hall with everyone else and pretending that they were not too many people in one hall. The hufflepuff waited until most other people were in the hall, and then sat up the very back of the hufflepuff table. She was the closest to the door and furtherest from the front. Exactly where she liked to be. The hufflepuff applauded as others did but she wasn't really listening. She'd wait until a little into the feast and then make a quick escape.
Renata could hardly believe it was the end of her first year at Hogwarts. It had simultaneously gone by too quickly and yet felt like it had been a long and exhausting year. She'd worked pretty hard, her grades had been okay but not incredible. She was kind of looking forward to going home but she knew it would be busy. Hopefully her parents wouldn't be too disappointed - she hadn't failed any subjects, and she'd done very well in a couple of them even. And she'd even scored a goal in one of the Quidditch matches. Which was impressive, given how quickly the snitch was caught every single time. It probably wasn't enough - she was never going to be a professional Quidditch player, she still couldn't sing to save herself and she was mostly okay at the restaurant but did tend to stumble and spill things sometimes. Renata sighed, picking up a bread roll and tearing it apart absently. She at least hoped she'd get to spend time with friends over the break. That was a novel idea, but it was one she was excited about.
Eugene knew that the very first thing he was going to upon getting back to his cousin was sleep. He had been working non-stop for what felt like a month, between his classes, exams, his music and of course Accio, there had not been a spare moment for him. Eugene was thankful for it, he had so many experiences that couldn't be duplicated. He loved the work, but he was at the end of the semester and he would be looking forward the rest. He was working over the break, bringing in money but he had a couple of days to rest before that. He applauded loudly for the winning house and then for the top points. Before the food appeared. He put a few things on his plate and then glanced about. "Hey Renata, you gonna be working over break again?" he asked her, knowing she worked in a restaurant over the christmas break.
@Renata Stepanova
Valeria loved being at Hogwarts, this was the end of her fourth year but her second year at the school and she loved it. It was amazing, everything about the school was just so good. She liked being able to go out and do things about the school. She loved being pretty for all the boys and the classes were fine too. She felt pretty happy with grades and hoped that her continued success at the school would convince them to give her more allowance, she had now learnt so much about respobsibility and achieving, so she was owed more money. She was looking forward to the new outfits and the new pieces of jewelery she would buy with it. Val turned her attention to the head of gryffindor house who began speaking. She applauded for the people who'd done well, wondering why anyone would work that hard when there were other things they could be doing in the school. She glanced about the ravenclaw table hoping to spot someone to speak to.
Aine couldn't wait to go home. Sure, it as always meant basically hiding away in her room to avoid questions from nosy neighbours, maybe going out to the farm for open air and freedom, or the town pool and gym to get some exercise at least, seeing as she couldn't swim in the lake for fear of being eaten by the giant eel. Which probably didn't actually eat people, but you never knew. But at least it was some peace. Kind of lonely, but she didn't have to worry about screwing up. In her family's mind, she was probably pretty screwed up already, anyway. She found her eyes drifting over to the Slytherin table when they were announced as the champions, scanning to try and catch a glimpse of Cameron before she realized what she was doing and looked back down at her plate as though it had just told her a secret of great import. It didn't really matter what he was doing, after all. They'd had their fraught truce and would probably go back to sniping at each other when the next year started and all would be as it was supposed to be. Until then, she had a lot of books to read and movies to watch over the next couple of months.
Leonardo was nervous about going home. He'd gotten his results and the P in Divination was a glaring problem. But he just hadn't really managed to do well in the class. He had never seen anything in the crystal ball, the tea leaves had always just been blobs. He just hadn't managed to learn what he needed to. But his grandfather was no going to be happy, probably not. There was a chance that he would be in one of his moods where he didn't care about Leonardo and what he got, so he might get away with the P, but he knew it was a toss up. As he sat amongst other hufflepuffs, he was mostly looking at his empty plate, which his leg bouncing underneath the table. He kept putting his hand on his knee to get it to stop but it would never stop for long. He applauded politely for the people, but his mind was elsewhere. He had the journal and was planning on taking it with him, if only to Professor Corrins off his case. The food suddenly appeared and somewhat startled Leo but he just began grabbing food for his plate.
Aurora was happy, she had done better in her classes than the year before and this was something to celebrate. She was looking forward to the break, to being able to spend tiume at home and see her mum. With the rest of her family at school with her, she didn't often get homesick but did miss her mum a lot. She had lots planned to do, including doing a little pre-reading, maybe going to Uncle Ty's house and spending some time with him and Fi, the little girl was probably able to start playing now and she wanted to play with her. Fiona was so cute. Aurora was sitting next to Rosie and could spot that her sister wasn't as happy, and after all the top points had been awarded out and the food appeared she leaned over and spoke quite. "What's wrong with you?" she asked. she had noted that Rosie had been a bit off for a few weeks but she'd just figured it was because of exams, they were over so it couldn't be that.
Seamus wasn't particularly looking forward to going home. It was more boring there than it was at school. he needed something to do during the break that wasn't sitting about and next to Hamish. Bieng about Hamish was probably the only good thing, but he needed more to do. The slytherin applauded for the house and the students, knowing that would never be him, he passed his classes and that was all he should ever need to do. The slytherin was glad the food then appeared. He didn't mind these feasts but he did tend to be happier when they were over and he didn't really have to think too much about it. Maybe he could think about getting a job, there was his uncle with the hog's head...maybe he could convince him to give him some work. He'd make time for Bella too. But he did need more to do.
Rosie was pleased the semester was ending, she had enjoyed the year, it was always good fun, there was always something to do at Hogwarts. Sure she was probably supposed to be doing her homework or revising. But the end of the semester and year being her, she couldn't help but think about Xinyi and the fact that he would be taking a year away from this place. It was just going to be...different without him. She glanced at her head of house as the woman led the celebrations. Rosie applauded for people but she was a little less enthusiatic about it. She wasn't too surprised by the question from Aurora. "I'll tell you later," she didn't want to say it with so many other people around them.
Emmanuel liked to think his first year had Hogwarts had been an absolute success, he had achieved plenty, and started his own history club. He had made friends and felt confident in his ability to achieve highly in his exams. he was determined upon seeing the points that his house had achieved this year to put far more effort into his class and try to contribute more. But it wouldn't be at the expense of his History work and having fun. He knew from his parents last letter that they would be going back to Nigeria to his grandparents and they would be spending time with them. he was very excited for it. He hadn't seen his cousins in a while and though they weren't as close as they could be, he did always have fun with them. Emmanuel applauded for slytherin, they were clearly a very good house and then for all the top points. He glanced at the food as it appeared and then began filling his plate. He liked the food here, but he was admittedly looking forward to some meals from his mum and his grandmother.
Pearl wasn't sure what she'd been expecting from Hogwarts but it hadn't been that bad. People were fun to mess with, but she had grown a little bored towards the end. Perhaps a whole year was too long or just a semester. She wondered if she could get permission to spend time outside the school, not just for a weekend but for like a whole couple of weeks. Surely her dad would be able to swing that. Pearl didn't really applaud for the house or the people who'd won, feeling no deep desire to. And just was glad when the food appeared and she was able to just pull it towards her and start eating.
Finally, the school year had come to an end and, for a change, Flynn was actually looking forward to the break. Now he could apparate and could legally use magic outside of school. That would certainly make the break a little more bearable. But he did have to remind himself that next year he would have NEWTs to be worrying about, but he really didn't want to be thinking about that so shoved the thought from his head. Instead, he just listened to the end-of-year announcements, yawning as Slytherin was announced the champions. Not really like he cared about stuff like that. Finally, after all the boring stuff the food did arrive and Flynn wasted no time in grabbing a couple of bits for himself. It wasn't really like he was that hungry.
Eoin was once again quite thankful that it was the end of the year. Now he could go home for a couple of months and just forget about magic completely. Maybe he could actually convince his parents that now he had done his OWLs he didn't need to come back to school anymore. That he might actually have a normal education and not have to worry about carrying a wand around. He doubted it, but he could still ask. It was no surprise that Ravenclaw hadn't won the house cup, only offering a few small claps as it turned out Slytherin had won. House cup and Quidditch cup once again. Sitting quietly until the Gryffindor Head of House sat down again, Eoin wasted no time in standing once everyone started tucking in. He never hung around for these sorts of feasts, shoving his hands into his pockets as he wandered from the hall and headed back to the common room. He still had some packing to do, after all.

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