Y38 Club Fair

Bern tries to attend about club can't at Hogwarts Courtyard he see some interesting club that he wants to join but first, he wants to ask them what the purpose of their club.

Bern try to get a conversation one by one to the representative of their club and they have one question for all of them

What are the purpose and benefits if I join your organization?

@Nell Wright

Bern wait for their response and when he catches their answer he joins immediately.
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Kiara nodded "Like.. I should make bigger poster or I should tell everyone? Bracelets? Anything specific to promote?" she had many ideas how to promote club, but before doing that she decided to re-ask to except all possible wrong ways. Emily surely had way more expierence with all this.

@Emily Underwood
Cyzarine looked to the new girl who came up to her and smiled easily at them, "Yeah, just go ahead," Cyzarine told the girl with a wide smile. She handed the other girl a form so that she took could put her name to it.
@Skylar Anderson
The club fair was out in the courtyard again, and Tyler had made sure to be there early to set up before Sydney could. She had next year to run the club however she wanted, but not this year yet. He had set up the table with photos from past duels, as well as the champion badges they gave out. He was still frustrated he'd somehow lost to Blake last year, and was determined to reclaim his title before graduating. After setting up, Tyler waited for people to approach to sign up. Though he supposed he was waiting for his co leader as well.
Dmitri looked around the club fair, everything looked very interesting to him, and it was becoming slightly overwhelming. It seemed most booths were busy, bustling with students and he didn’t want to bother them when they were busy. He continued to look around when something caught his eye. He walked towards the accio booth, and picked up one of the yearbooks. Photographs. He had so many at home, all neatly displayed in photo albums but none of them he had taken. The photos he’d taken were all in his journals, or in boxes hidden under his bed. He looked up from the yearbook. “Umm. Hello, uh. This club doesn’t have any spots open.. right?” Or at least that’s what Dmitri heard from overhearing other students, but he couldn’t be too sure.”

@Ajaccio Skey
Mirim dragged around Aerin around the club fair. She couldn’t believe that Aerin hadn’t joined any club last year. Why get rid of the opportunity to have fun? She continued to look around and walked around with Aerin beside her. “Ok, how about.. the Hogwarts Monthly? Wait no, I’d have to write. That’s like extra homework.” She said to her sister as they walked past the booth. They continued to wander around until a booth caught her eye. Her pace grew as she approached the stand.“Hi. Do you do cool magic stuff here?” She asked loudly, grinning and leaning forwards in excitement, her hands on the table.

@Tyler Lee @Aerin Park
Aerin followed Mirim around, her left hand on Mirim’s arm and her right on her cane. She wasn’t really too eager about joining any clubs. Joining a club would just mean more work for her, and she was extremely shocked to even hear Mirim suggesting the school newspaper. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in any clubs, she didn’t even bother going to the club fair last year, so she didn’t know much about the clubs either. With her lack of information and lack of motivation she decided to just, not join any.

She struggled to follow Mrim’s pace towards one of the booths, she didn’t even know which one they had approached but she hoped it it wasn’t too dumb of a club. “We have clubs that do cool magic stuff?” She said outloud, not really asking anyone. Aerin had thought they only had boring clubs, with.. boring stuff?

@Tyler Lee
Noel was excited to see which students wanted to join the brotherhood. They already had an large group of boys, but perhaps some first years would want to be part of the amazing brotherhood as well. He made his way to the Great Hall and was wondering if Simon was already there. He than spotted Simon and smiled as he arrived. He and the boy were chosen both and Noel was eager to get to know him better since he hadn't spoken that much with him. '' Hey Partner.'' He than said with an smile. And went standing next to him to wait for the people. He liked socializing so was ready for it. But didn't spotted people yet so figured speaking to Simon could not hurt. '' Did we got anything? It looks great. Happy with being named by Abian?'' He than asked him to make conversation.
@Simon Thorne
((I think you were looking for individual answers from each club leader? If I understood your post wrong please let me know :) ))

When another young boy approached her table, Nell greeted him with a friendly smile. "The Hogwarts Monthly is the school newspaper." She explained, showing him one of last year's issues. "Every semester we work together to write articles about life at Hogwarts, and publish them for everyone to enjoy." She explained, pausing for the boy to ask questions if he had any.
@Bern Malakas
The club fair was always a nuisance, loud and crowded, but Sydney wouldn't begrudge the other students the chance to actually get involved with things that weren't their narrow and limited classwork. She nodded to Nell as she passed over to the SDA table, unsurprised Tyler had already set up. "Oh good, I was hoping you'd beat me. It is your last year and all, wouldn't want you to miss out," she said smugly to Tyler, sitting down next to him and crossing her arms. A pair of girls approached the table asking about cool magic stuff, but Sydney figured Tyler could handle these two for now. @Tyler Lee
OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Sydney or Tyler Lee if you're interested in joining the SDA!
Ajaccio looked up at the boy and gave a little shake of his head. "Not really, it's difficult, we have to have a really strict policy for the work to get done, so we don't have that many open slots and we tend to go for students who are older," he said. He gave him a little smile, "if we have stuff open up I'll let you know," Ajax said with a little smile.
@Dmitri Pieterse
Branson was a boy on a mission, he was in two clubs and that was more than enough, but he knew he wanted to joina third. He hadn't joined the SDA the year before even though he could've he had wanted to focus on the monthly. But he thought the SDA would be very very cool. Duelling seemed like it could be a lot of fun. He approached the SDA table and gave a somewhat nervous smile to the people at it. "Hi I'm looking to sign up," he said, ready to sign his name and be able to then move on.
@Tyler Lee
Lumio walked into the great hall, he had heard that the arts club was now officially a club and he wanted to join, officially. He walked into the great hall and spotted the leader, a girl he was sure was called Emily. "Hey," he could spot that her banner had the arts club on it and he spoke in a warm tone as he approached. "I wanted to officially sign up for the club," he said with a smile. He wasn't sure he had to, but it was still good, he wasn't wasting time here.
@Emily Underwood
Eugene had been part of clubs at his last school, they were a good way for him to waste time before being able to go home for the day, especially when his cousin was working late, but he didn't know what to expect from this place. He immediately spotted a few places of interest, the brotherhood seemed cool, the arts club probably had access to that room a lot so they would be worth while. Wild patch seemed interesting but he wasn't so sure about it, and he had to admit the yearbook looked cool too. He decided he would start with the brotherhood, so he walked over to the older boys at it. "Kia Ora boys, can I sign up?" he asked the pair standing at it.
@Noel Waldgrave @Simon Thorne
René wasn't sure what to expect out of the sort of clubs they would have at a magic school, so it was almost disappointing to find that they were fairly normal sounding. The Defense thing sounded a bit too intense for René, and Sully had talked up and down about being made the Social Chair of the Brotherhood of Magic, though René still wasn't clear on what exactly that meant. He did see Eugene already at the table for the Brotherhood though, relieved that he'd have someone he knew in the club besides his brother. "Hey, yeah, I wanna sign up too," he said, stepping up next to Eugene with a sheepish smile. @Noel Waldgrave @Simon Thorne @Eugene Nestor
Emily hadn’t expected that she now had to do a lot more for her club. The most difficult thing was finding a replacement for her. She would graduate this year and she did not want her efforts to die in vain. Not wanting to think about that she listened to Kiara. ‘’Yeah, you can help making a bigger poster’’ Emily smiled she had some material behind her stall anyway. ‘’Thanks for the offer’’ Emily said and waited for more students to find her. Then she spotted a familiar face, someone who she had seen at the other events she had held. ‘’Sure, I already put you on the list since you attended previous event, but nice to show your support’’ Emily said to the curly haired boy. ‘’Take a colour changing pencil and sign your name on the sheet’’ She had brought enough of the pencils and her mom had enchanted them so they should last a while. ‘’Keep the pencil and explore its possibilities’’ Emily said with a grin.

@Lumio Skey @Kiara Wood
Kiara happily nodded and went to the poster. "Not a big deal! This club must become more popular and I thought that I could help you with that." other clubs had way more people than Arts Club. Emily had a lot of work to do alone and Kia had a lot of ideas, and this time she wanted to use them for something bigger so she just quietly made her way to the paper and started to realise her ideas on the paper.

@Emily Underwood
Charlie had greatly debated this. He wasn't sure he wanted to join any clubs. But the more involved he was at school, the faster time would go by, and if he was lucky he would make his dad proud of him. He swallowed nervously, straightening his hair and striding in. It was slow work, but eventually he made it over to the one club he thought he might be any good at. He swallowed nervously and stood to the side, waiting to catch @Nell Wright's attention.
Casper had decided over breakfast that morning that he was done trying to please his parents. They had already kicked him out. Momentarily unafraid of the consequences, he walked out to the Club Fair, head held high. He walked over to @Emily Underwood. "Hi, can I join the club again please?" He asked softly.
Nell smiled when she saw another boy approaching her table. "Hi, would you like to hear more about the Monthly too?" She asked kindly.
@Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie swallowed nervously and stepped up again. "I'd like to join, too, please. I'm a writer- er, I mean, I try to, my dad is a journalist and I write in my journal a lot and I know its different, I mean, heh," Charlie let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry," he apologized sheepishly, his ears burning. @Nell Wright
Nell gave the boy a reassuring smile, handing him a sign up sheet. "Just sign your name here!"
@Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie relaxed a bit, smiling shyly and scribbling his name down on the piece of paper. "Thanks. Um, I missed your name. I'm Charlie." He introduced himself, offering out his hand.

@Nell Wright
Charlie smiled, shaking the boy's hand, surprised that a child would be so formal. "I'm Nell, I'll see you at our first meeting!" She said cheerfully.
@Charlie Helkovaara
Simon breathed a sigh of relief when Noel showed up. “Hello.” he said to the other Co-President and gave him a curious look when he called him partner. He guessed it was true enough. “Thanks, and no. No one’s signed up yet.” he said, making an effort to look welcoming and approachable as he looked around the hall. Simon and looked over their table yet again, unable to stop fidgeting even after Noel asked him a question. “I’m looking forward to running the club this year.” he said and smiled at the other boy, avoiding said question and not answering it directly. Happy wasn't really the right word but he didn't want to get into it now of all places,

Thankfully students began to approach the table. “Sure thing! Just sign your names right there.” Simon said energetically and handed the clip board to the boys. “Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to take some sweets if you'd like." he added as he waited for them to finish writing their names.

@Noel Waldgrave @Rene Tofilau @Eugene Nestor

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