Open Y33 Club Fair

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (55)
A rare sunny day in August felt like something that should be made the most of, and Kahurangi was pleased that the pleasant weather had coincided with the day of the club fair, allowing them to set up outside. She had arranged tables all around the courtyard, with plenty of space for club leaders to spread their things out, and do what they could to attract new members. Kahurangi had never had much interest in clubs herself as a student, but looking back, she always wished she had joined one or two. Especially now, seeing the fun students had doing club activities first hand, it was clear how enriching and rewarding the experience could be. Kahurangi had put the word out to club leaders to arrive early and set up their tables, and as she watched them trickle in she greeted each person with a smile, standing by in case any of the leaders needed any help. With the tables arranged and the event ready to go, Kahurangi hoped in excitement that today's fair would be just as successful as those in previous years.
October's seventh year continued to be full of surprises. While a younger October had strove to be head girl, she had no longer expected the badge at all by the time it arrived. And October didn't think many people in Heta Omega had even known who she was. Had Amber asked Evelyn to name her as successor? That was the only thing October could think of, as she didn't think she had ever had a single conversation with the club's glamourous former leader. Whatever had happened, October was in charge of Heta Omega now, and as such, she had to make some decisions about how the club should be run.

She had elected to go less ostentatious than Evelyn when it came to setting up their booth at the fair, opting to lay out a simple tray of cupcakes, and a few handmade cards that read 'Welcome to Heta Omega!' in her neat, swirling handwriting, the password to enter their clubroom concealed on the inside for new members to discover upon opening it. She arranged everything neatly on the table and stepped back to inspect her handiwork once she was done, satisfied that new members of the club would have plenty to make them excited to join. She held her sign up sheet firmly in her hands, trying not to be nervous as she waited for her fellow students to arrive at the fair.
Kauri had been nervous about the club fair last year, but this year held no such concerns. As much as he didn't relish the task, Kauri had grown accustomed to working with Tristan, and the demands of running the club itself had fitted neatly into his schedule. Kauri couldn't wait for this year's events, and was excited to meet the new boys who would be joining them in those events. He made his way to the courtyard nice and early, smiling his fellow club leaders as they all set up.

Kauri had kept his booth simple, figuring the setup he had last year had worked out nicely. A bowl of lollies for anyone to grab, and a big sign that read 'JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAGIC!' and they were ready to go. Kauri held his signup sheet in his hand as he waited for the new students to arrive, eager to see who their new brothers for the year were going to be.
Vader was very nervous, this was after all the first event he was a part of as leader of Accio, the first event where him being the leader mattered. The gryffindor knew that compared with the other clubs he had a much trickier job of trying to get members, the people who joined his little club had to be willing to work hard, had to have an interest in the yearbook, photography or design. Something which made them interested and good for the yearbook. He didn’t think that they necessarily needed to be a part of the club fair, but since Vader had wanted to bring on a few new people he had thought it best to go. He had set up his little stall, a few copies of the two yearbooks he’d been a part of in the place of pride with a sign up form between them. The rest in various piles next to him. He’d made cup cakes by hand, putting little icing cameras on top, but they hadn’t turned out quite like Vader had wanted and he wasn’t sure that even he would dare eat them. But in saying that Vader had been quite nervous about this and hadn’t eaten much that morning before it and unsurprisingly had tossed and turned nervously all night about it. He put his camera on the table and started looking at the other stalls nervously, before in other years he'd just taken the pictures of the event, this year he might be in them. He had everything the other stalls had really, since he'd seen them in his pictures of prior events like this. Some examples of what the yearbook did, some treats to entice and a huge banner with the club name on it. The teen just shifted from foot to foot nervously as he waited for people to start appearing in the hall. Vader just needed this to go well.
Norton was so happy to have been named as the king of flowers, the boy had always admired the work that the wild patch did and he was very very pleased that he was suddenly able to be a part of the time which helped organise. Norton hadn’t thought he was really cut out for leadership positions but it appeared that he was at least cut out for this. Norton put on a flower crown and brought in the last few items that he needed for this event. He had a few bits and pieces and brought them into the great hall excitedly. The boy put down the flower crowns and the various bunches of roses from the last rose giving. Though perhaps Wild patch was a pretty all encompassing club he knew that keep the grass roots of it, in the form of flowers was vitally important. The hufflepuff prefect got a few things laid out, some fun pictures of the events they’d had last year, from the planting stuff to pride. He made sure that there were as many pictures of just their fun area than of the events. He glanced around and waved excitedly towards Kauri whom he spotted over at the brotherhood stall. He was absolutely ready to just get started impressing and inviting new members to the wild patch.
Despite his blunder during the last Duelling Tournament, Alistair had been named the Student Defense Association's newest leader. It was both parts reassuring and terrifying, but the decision did help to bolster his confidence. Though he no longer held the title of champion of his year for his second year in a row, he was presumably considered a skilled enough combatant to be able to lead others in learning how to duel and defend themselves, so that was nice. If you wanted to get technical, he'd really been the one to defeat himself during his final duel, rather than being defeated by the Benivieni girl, so he liked to think he was yet to actually lose to anyone else. It didn't really hold up as a proper excuse if anyone was willing to listen, but it was what he liked to tell himself, and that was good enough for him.

Alistair's stall had taken some time to put together, and honestly, he'd needed help to actually figure out what he was doing when it came to setting one up. Banners with a graphic of two wands clashing in front of a shield were draped down either side of his booth, and moving photographs depicting students duelling each other in tournaments from prior years were plastered across the front. He had, naturally, chosen quite a few of himself during his winning streak, conveniently omitting his last failure, while the rest showed some of the more exciting and flashy duels. All of the colourful pops and bangs from the spell-flinging in the photographs would hopefully be enough to draw the eye and bring some interest to his booth, without the need of candies or freebies to entice newcomers. Until now, he hadn't even thought of offering any kind of incentive, but with any luck it wouldn't be necessary given what his club offered its members.

Unfurling his sign, a simple "Learn how to defend yourself today! Join the SDA!" in bold lettering with a small cartoon beneath, Alistair stepped back and examined it. The little animated drawing showed a troll-faced bully hexing a wimpier looking student, though the animation soon ended with the latter finally casting a shield charm and deflecting the hex back onto their bully. It got the message across, he thought. Clasping his hands together, Alistair twiddled his thumbs restlessly, waiting for someone, anyone, to step on over and sign their name down.
Minnie headed into the courtyard bright and early, she needed to be signing up for the right clubs for herself. She already knew where she wanted to be. She knew that there were a number of places, a brotherhood and sisterhood, a gardening group, a self defence group that she couldn’t join yet and two more formal clubs that she was less interest in at this point. Minnie wanted to join the sisterhood first, it was important, her parents had pressed to her that she join clubs that would help her network. There were fewer clubs and things to do in school, so she had to be sure that all of the things she joined that her time was maximised. She spotted the head girl, who stood at the heta omega stall and walked over to her, ”I’m very keen to join the sisterhood, Heta Omega, please,” she wanted to be forceful and clear of what she wanted, but made sure to add the please since getting things was nothing without being at least a little polite to everyone but specifically too, to the person who ran it.
Aonghas had only really been apart of the wild patch club in the year before, that had been fine, since he’d been coming to terms with hogwarts and everything that that meant, but now that he was telling himself he needed to get way more stuck in, it seemed only right to also engage with other clubs that the wild patch. He didn’t need to do much for the clubs, but Aonghas was keen to get involved. He knew at the end of the year there would hopefully be another duelling tournament and he’d be able to do that. Aonghas knew he didn’t know a particularly wide array of spells to help him but he’d still take part in it. However, to begin he was determined to join the brotherhood. That was a club where he wouldn’t have to do much and would be a part of something. It would be a good enough to help him be more involved and excited. The boy headed into the courtyard and spotted who he needed to immediately. The hufflepuff walked over to the right stall, ”Hi, ah’d really like tae sign up fae this brotherhood thingy,” the boy said with a warm smile.
Padme had been a part of a lot of clubs in her last school, but this place appeared to have a few less things for her to join. At least she knew that from the stories that Vader told, though Vader hadn’t really been involved in that many clubs over primary school. The hufflepuff headed into the courtyard and looked around the area, she spotted her brother at the yearbook stall. She had thought about seeing if she could join that, but the hufflepuff hadn’t been too interested in it, not interested enough that she’d actually join instead Padme just waved at her brother and gave him a little smile. She on the other hand had decided that she wanted to be a part of the wild patch, it had taken her eye when she’d been looking about, and other than maybe the heta omega, there were no other clubs that she was that desperate to join. The headed over to the wild patch club and nodded, ”I’d like to join please,” the hufflepuff said, looking to where she could sign up. She’d always liked the outdoors and that was a good place to start.
Rose had been delighted and honored to be asked to be the Queen of Flowers after Ainsley, and was happy to work together with Norton on the club. It felt closely related to another activity she had organized, which was the delivery of roses last year. She loved the wild patch club, and was feeling more and more confident about her abilities to lead. Especially with someone else by her side, someone who she felt like she could count on. Rose made her way over to the table Norton was standing at and moved to his side with a grin. "Hi!" She said, glancing over at Kauri's stall and giving him a quick wave before focusing her attention on the Hufflepuff. "Wow, you did so much!" Rose had brought a few plants to decorate the table with, and placed them down between the flower crowns. It looked a bit crowded, but also pretty nice she thought. She looked up when a young girl approached, giving her a bright smile. "Hello! You're welcome to join, here." She said, handing the girl a small form she could sign her name on. "What makes you want to join our club?" She asked her.
Sophie no longer had Noemie to rely on, but felt like she was capable of running the club by herself now. Hogwarts Monthly was a club she loved and was happy to be a part of. Working for the school paper had really awakened something in her. Sophie now knew she wanted to be a journalist, and knew the school paper was one of the best ways to prepare for that. Last year she had felt more uncertain about it, but now she had published two issues of the paper, which had both been well-received. She had taken care in setting up the table, trying to make it look nice. There were old issues of the paper, as well as some photos and a few general decorations. She had put up a small sign too 'writers needed!' it read. She remembered feeling like maybe the club didn't really want her the first time she signed up, but with a few people graduating, the club was in dire need of more people to write for it. She hoped a few younger students would come, or even older students who hadn't dared to sign up earlier. She stood behind her table, a stack of sign-up sheets in front of her. She hoped her newfound confidence in her position would make it more easy for people to approach her. Sophie loved the paper, and she was really looking forward to this next year.
Tristan remembered how disappointed he had been last year, when he hadn't been named as president for the Brotherhood. But that disappointment was nothing in comparison to this year's, as he was still upset he hadn't been named head boy. Tristan had lost a lot of enthusiasm for basically everything he had once enjoyed about school. He liked being part of the brotherhood and being part of its leadership, but he had largely been hoping to use it as a stepping stone to success. Now that he hadn't accomplished that, he wasn't sure what the point of it all was. He silently made his way over to Kauri, who was as annoyingly chipper as ever. "Need anything?" He asked him without much enthusiasm, barely looking at the younger boy. A young boy walked up to join the club, and Tristan sighed. "Nevermind. You deal with him." He muttered, recognizing him as Rory's younger brother.
Cyzarine was a girl with a plan, she had decided what she wanted to do and how she was going to achieve it. The gryffindor had held off on joining the monthly last year, out of some near worried feeling that she’d turn up and they’d say no because she was too young, but she was a whole year older and a whole year wiser. The girl was absolutely ready to smash it out of the park and join the team. Cyzarine had a bright smile on her face as she walked into the club fair, she glanced around at the different clubs that she could join or well some of the options of clubs. She was already a part of the heta omega and she thought that she might join the SDA or maybe just see how she felt at the end of the year with two clubs then maybe she might join. Cyzarine was a fan of not overloading herself in school. The gryffindor spotted the monthly stall immediately and walked over to it. She had brought with her a few examples of her own writing in case they needed to see some evidence that she was capable of writing, but she sort of hoped that she’d be able to give it to them and then after the girl would read them and get back to her. ”Hello! I’d really like to join the monthly!” her tone was light and cheerful and she was definitely keen and eager. ”I have some examples of my work if you want to see it,”
Mordred was not very interested in school clubs, but he really needed to make more friends at the school. Mordred was a kind enough person, so he did not really understand why he only had a couple of close friends. The room was full of people, which made him nervous. However, he spotted Aonghas over by a table. Of course, Mordred quickly walked over to his friend and patted him on the back. "Do you have room for me too?" he asked the people at the table. However, one of them seemed to be less than pleased to be here, which Mordred thought was bad for tabling.
Daintree had joined lots of clubs in his primary school, it was an easy place for him to have joined things, if people tried to say no, he’d just remind him about the fact his family had money and that tended to work. The slytherin wasn’t sure how things like that worked in this place and certainly it seemed other than quidditch there was nothing else for him to join sports wise which in Dain’s mind was a huge disappointment. A massive, crushing disappointment, since he loved his sports a lot. He looked around the club fair, wondered around a few times, the self defence club seemed like fun but he wasn’t allowed to join in his first year, that was definitely disappointing, eventually he just reached the brotherhood club and since there wasn’t really anything else that took his fancy, he decided it would be as good a club as any for him to sign up to. He couldn’t be entirely without. He stood next to a slightly older boy as the older boy said that he’d like to sign up, in an accent that Dain certainly was not particularly familiar with and second boy he was sure he'd seen around his dorm, ”Yeah, I’d like to sign up too,” even if one of the leaders of this club wasn’t seemingly keen.
Now that Elliot felt like he had his bearings at school, the club fair didn't feel nearly as overwhelming as it did last year. It helped that he had a better grasp over which clubs did what, and he already knew what he wanted to sign up for when he entered the hall.
Heading over the Wild Patch booth, he recognized one of the girls tending the booth, "Hey, you gave me that hat last year," he said, smiling at Rose. He stepped back a little, realizing he'd interrupted Rose and another Hufflepuff he figured might be one of the new first years. He ducked head apologetically at the pair, "Sorry, I'd like to join too, if that's alright?"
Padme smiled as she was handed a form by someone else, she took the pen and began writing down her name as the older girl asked her why she was joining. Padme didn’t really know, it just seemed like fun. She liked gardening too, and the way that her brother had talked about it had made her feel like it would be a good thing for her to join. Padme finished writing her name and then handed the form back to the girl. Padme was glad that at that moment a boy walked over and started speaking to the older girl, so Padme was able to make her quick escape, ”it’s okay, I was finished. Thank you,” the girl spoke softly. She gave the people who were the leaders of the club a small smile and then walked away. She spotted the heta omega club, and she thought joining that might be quite good for her, but the girl didn’t want to join too much too early.
Jasper was at the club fair on a mission. He was going to sign up for the dueling club, or whatever it was called. Now that he was a second year, he finally could! He had watched the dueling tournament last year and had really enjoyed it, and he was already dreaming of his own victories. He headed over to the table with a grin, looking up at the older Slytherin manning it. "I want to sign up." He said, looking at the cartoon for a moment before looking back at the boy. "Do we get to practice fighting?" He added, wondering what the club did exactly.
Sully had been excited to hear about the club fair, eager to join the crowd in the entrance hall and see what kind of clubs magic kids could get into. It was a bit disappointing to see there weren't any real sports or game clubs like there he knew his older sister's school had, but Sully was pleased to spot Daintree over near a booth with a banner reading "Brotherhood of Magic". Now if any club sounded cool and exciting to join, something with a name like that was definitely it.
Trotting over to Daintree, Sully greeted him cheerily, glad to see him again since sorting, "Daintree, hey! How's it going, man, you looking to join up too?" Sully peered at the booth, trying to get a feel for what the whole thing was anyway. "What is it though?" He was still probably going to join if Daintree was, unless it was super boring.
Noël heard of this club fair and he was keen to walk around and see which clubs would be something for him. He was sure he would find one that matched him. He heard of a duelling club which seemed fun and a brotherhood. He was wondering if you could be a member of more clubs. So when he walked over to a table where only boys were he smiled. He figured it would be good to join just one club right now. Dueling seemed fun and he could really feel like a knight there he figured, but on the other side he didn't want to hurt innocent people. He wanted to see a duel for himself first if he would sign up for anything yet. So when a boy was finished he figured it was his time to talk.
'' Hi there. I want to sign up for the brotherhood. Seems fun.'' He than said to a older boy. There were two boys and they were so many more taller than he was, and he was tall for his age already. One of the boys he remembered as one of their prefects. And he was so kind enough to give them a tour.
Leda hadn't really paid a huge amount of attention to the club's on offer. She'd played a part for a few years in the SDA club, last year setting fire to her best friend accidentally in purpose, but it was still just for fun. This year though, the prefect though she had a better idea of what she enjoyed doing, and what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, and so had decided to make her way up to the Great Hall to check out what was on offer.

There were so many people in there that she nearly turned and walked away there and then, but knowing that she was going to need her work to stand for itself, she walked forward and into the room. Eventually she came across what she was looking for. "Do you still have room here?" Leda asked an older girl that she felt she recognised but she wasn't really sure why. "For another writer. My work is amazing." She promoted. She'd been working hard on her writing, hoping to get a place at Hogwarts Monthly this year. She'd even managed to have a few practise interviews before the semester had fully started. She wasn't the only person asking and the Slytherin hoped she wasn't too late.
Tyler knew he wanted to sign up for SDA, as he knew it was both a useful and fun club to be a part of. Tyler wished Hogwarts had more sport clubs, and this was as close as it got. He liked competition, and looked forward to participating in the tournament now that he could. He was a bit annoyed to see Jasper at the table, and stepped up besides him. "I want to sign up as well." He said, barely giving his roommate as much as a glance. He and Blake had discussed which groups they were going to join, and he knew Blake would be signing up for this too. Either of them beating Jasper would be a lot of fun.
Samantha decided to walk around the courtyard and looked at any clubs that would interest her. She noticed a table with a small sign that said "writers needed!" she walked up closer to find old articles Hogwarts Monthly. Now, this interested Samantha because she loved to write and getting up to date with recent news. This could be an opportunity. "Is there any room left? I would like to sign up" She asked the girl.
Aisa walked out into the courtyard with a bit of apprehension. It was busy here, and she hoped she could quickly find what she was looking for. Abian had given her a quick rundown of the clubs available, and while the lack of anything musical was annoying, Aisa knew which club she wanted to join. Once she spotted the boy behind the table, she knew he had to be Abian's friend. He was by far the youngest club leader here. Aisa walked over to his table, and stopped in front of it. "Can I sign up?" She asked. "Or is there an application process?"
Sydney was finding the whole club fair pretty obnoxious, but she supposed you couldn't expect something with the word "fair" in the title to not be a joke. She wedged her way past some students, scoffing audible at the cutesy Heta Omega spread as she shouldered her way through. She wouldn't be caught dead in a club like that, what was even the point.
She finally reached the only club booth she'd deemed worthwhile, stopping in front of the school paper. "You guys write things, right. Then I'm in." she said, matter-of-factly. If the school paper was the only way for her to get her frankly amazing writing talents out there, then so be it.

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