Y30 Club Fair

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
Setting up the club tables were easy for Professor Kalif Styx. He mentally took note of each one, and made sure that he did not forget one. He marked them off as soon as the final table was set. Good, they were all set and ready. He gave out the appropriate notices for the club leaders to be here at a certain time, before the others would come. At least ten minutes early. He knew that one would not be recruiting and that was the yearbook. Kalif sighed, before he walked off to the side, and leaned against the wall to observe and make sure no one got in trouble. Everyone who wanted to be involved would want to get their hands on a club, so it was only a matter of time. He did hope that there would be a dueling tournament this year, so that he could at least watch. Kalif did not care in participating in anything. With what he was going through, who could blame him. At least this was done, and the clubs could get started in their recruiting.
Bee had to step up her game as president as the SDA and prove that she was given her titles for a reason. With her less than stellar OWLs and a shiny prefect badge on her chest, she had to prove that she could juggle it all, especially if she wanted to be a leader in the future. This was why she made sure to show up early for the Club Fair to set up her station and make sure it attracted people to join the team for the dueling tournament in the future. She took a leaf from other clubs and had a board propped open on her table with a list of age-appropriate defensive spells according to year and animations of the spells as a demonstration. Bee stood beside her table and waited for the fair to start so she could start promoting.
Last time Geo had attended the Club Fair, she'd managed to get more than a little annoyed by the fact she was rejected entry into the Brotherhood, despite thinking it would be a better choice of club for her than Heta Omega. This year however, the Hufflepuff's spirits were heighted once again, and she entered the hall in search of joining a new club that would be better suited to her needs. Almost immediately, she spotted the leader of the SDA, and she approached her with a smile. Although she'd joined the club the year previously, she hadn't properly been introduced to the student who ran the tournaments. "Hi. Are you going to be running the duelling touraments this year?" Geo's voice was unusually excited. She loved practising the spells they were taught, and practical skills would always win for her over anything theoretical.
The club fair brought a lot of joy to Zoe Katsaros, seeing a lot of people going to join for clubs. Accio!, on the other hand, was not accepting new members right now. After Hamish left, and Wilfred, another Hufflepuff, was recruited at the beginning of the year by herself spotting his talents. For now, Zoe picked up her camera, and made her way through the Great Hall. She was not the best photographer as much as she was directing and leading, but she would be happy to give her team some help if it required. Zoe smiled a little bit as she aimed her camera and started to take pictures, avoiding Professor Styx though, since she was sure if she took a picture of him, the camera would burst into flames.
Eleanor was more than ready for another Club Fair. The girl had prepared everything in advance and came to the Great Hall early with a large cardboard box full of everything she needed. She wanted to try her best to recruit as many first years as she could and hoped that whoever decided to join would stay. After all, she felt as if she had been doing a pretty good job as the Queen of Flowers and was excited to expand her club before she graduated in the next couple of years. The Hufflepuff placed down the cardboard box on one of the tables already set up and began putting everything where it needed to go. She put up bunting behind her with 'WILD PATCH CLUB' written in big letters of different colours, sprinkled in plenty of glitter. She hoped the rainbow would emphasise the pride events they had during the year whilst also providing a sign that would stand out amongst the others. She also had pamphlets sitting next to her for anyone to take and her usual basket of flower crowns sat on the table too. One of the flower crowns sat on her head as she sprinkled flower petals all over the table and sat down and waited for people to turn up. She hoped existing members would turn up too. After all, she enjoyed the help she received from them and would need lots of it if she intended to recruit a lot of people this year.
Mazikeen wanted to take part in everything! There was just nothing that she didn't want to do. The young gryffindor was therefore very excited when she was walking to the great hall and noticed the club fair happening in the entrance hall. The girl bounded over happily and immediately heard the words, wild patch club, that peaked her interest and so she walked over, noting the pride event and knew immediately that she had to sign up! The girl had been adopted by two women, and she knew how important it was to provide some solidarity. Maze didn't really know what she was yet, but she wanted to be a part of any club that allowed itself to be anything, "I'd love to join!" she told the girl who was at the table, "Please!" the girl added excitedly, suddenly noting the flower crown and hoping to get one of those too.
Bee had only been set up for a few minutes before someone had approached her table and the Gryffindor grinned. She recognized the girl because of her hair and replied, "Hi, cool hair by the way," and then nodded enthusiastically when she asked if she was going to be running a dueling tournament this year. "Yes we are!" she said clapping her hands excitedly. She wasn't sure if she was able to compete anymore as president, which she sincerely hoped wasn't the case because she very much enjoyed winning all her previous years. "I'm Bee," she introduced herself to the pink haired girl, "what's your name?" She was mostly curious to see what year the girl was in to see how much damage the girl could potentially cause her opponents, but figured formalities first were proper.
Ainsley hadn't attended the club fair since second year, when she had signed up for the Wild Patch, but she was no longer quite as shy and uncertain around her peers as she had been back then. Mum had sent her back to school with a couple of baskets of fruit from the garden to hand out to her friends, but after giving a few things to Amber, November, and Flavio, Ainsley decided the rest would be better served as a demonstration of what you could learn to cultivate as a member of the club. Relieved to see Eleanor already here and set up, Ainsley approached the Wild Patch table with a couple of full baskets, giving the Queen of Flowers a friendly smile. "Hi... Do you want some help with the stand? My mum and I grew these at home, I thought we could hand them out to people who want to join the club." She said a little nervously. "It could inspire them to think of yummy things they could grow in the gardens."
Another year, another club fair for Lennon to promote the school newspaper at. For as long as Lennon had been at Hogwarts he had always been on the paper's staff and now as Editor it was his duty to keep the paper going. Each year he'd seen the size of the staff increase and he hoped it would continue to grow as long as he recruited properly. Each person on his staff were great writers and eager to help improve the paper in some way, so he hoped some new recruits would have the same mentality and get along with the older members as well. His time as the editor was coming to an end soon so he wanted to focus on the future of the paper, which included new members.

Lennon set up shop at one of the vacant tables set up for the clubs and hoped he wasn't parked beside the Brotherhood table as that one tended to yell a lot as a means of recruitment and he hoped it wouldn't turn any potential members of his away. But he didn't want to worry about that yet, instead he just wanted to focus on setting up his station with old issues of the paper and clippings they could browse through. He hung up a sign that read "HOGWARTS MONTHLY" above his table and prepared a sign up sheet on the table for new members if they were interested. Afterwards the Ravenclaw sat back and waited for people to approach and hoped some of his current staff members would show up as they had last year.
James always enjoyed the club fair because it gave him a chance to get out and speak to potential new recruits and help the brotherhood grow. He made his way into the hall and began to set up the table with banners, photos of club activities and a signup sheet. "BROTHERHOOD!" James yelled as had become his customary recruiting technique. "JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD!" James continued as he paced in front of the table. He knew his style wasn't for everyone but over the years it had been effective for him and had drawn in the type of people he wanted to fill the brotherhood with, he relied on his other members to bring in others who might be a little intimidated by him yelling in the hall.
Geo was delighted when she heard that the tournaments would be running this year, and even though she spent most of her free time reading her Charms book, she knew it was going to come in handy if she could participate in this event. "Oh, thank you" Geo took the compliment, not wanting to make a deal of how she was able to have it so bright and vibrant while at school. Most people knew about her abilities at this point, and even though some didn't agree with the way she represented herself, she wasn't going to compromise being herself while she could in a safe environment. Geo wanted to know more about this student, after all she didn't know too many in her own year that seemed to have the same level of enthusiasm for such a topic, although maybe she would meet more at the competitions. "I'm Geo. I'm in Hufflepuff" She clarified, offering out her hand. Normally she would have hugged the girl, but she was doing her best to make a conscious effort to not scare any new friends away with overly friendly introductions. She hadn't seen Bee around the common room, but there was never a bad time to meet new faces. "How long has the club been running?" She asked out of curiosity, trying to ignore James shouting from the other side of the hall. She wasn't going to bother trying to join the Brotherhood this year. They'd rejected her once and while she disagreed with their methods she had a much more interesting club to talk about now.
A lot of thought had gone into this and still, Asaiah wasn't really sure if he should be doing this or not. He had written lots over the summer holidays, and had enjoyed it, as it had been a good way to distract himself from his thoughts when Marisol was unable to divert his attention, so thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to join the Hogwarts Monthly so that he could keep this method of distraction up. He walked towards the table the other sixth year was sitting at and smiled weakly at the guy. Asaiah doubted if Lennon would even accept him for the newspaper after what he and his friends had done to his sister but he figured that he could always try. ''Yo, dude,'' he said, looking down at the older issues of the newspaper.
Jordan didn't know what sort of clubs there might be at Hogwarts but her curiosity had gotten the best of her. Maybe, just maybe, there would be a theatre and acting group because she had loved it so much before but she didn't want to be disappointed by what was an option and what wasn't so the girl walked around. She heard a boy shouting and she rolled her eyes before she continued on to see one for the Wild Patch club. She didn't want to approach seeing as there were a few older kids there but this seemed the only way she could do just that and so summoning all her courage the girl walked over there and waited for the older girls to stop talking amongst themselves before she even thought about saying anything. She didn't want to interrupt but she was curious.
Bee was happy to shake the girl's hand and nodded as she introduced herself as a Hufflepuff. She had figured the girl wasn't a Gryffindor because she didn't recognize her around the common room, something she felt was important to do as a prefect. Bee hummed in thought as she tried answer the younger girl's question. "Honestly I'm not sure," she said truthfully with a shrug of her shoulders, thinking that perhaps she should look up the archives in the library to see when the club began. "But it's been around as long as I started at Hogwarts six years ago," she added, hoping that answer would suffice a little better. "During duels students are only allowed to compete against those in the same grade level, for fairness' sake, but if you want we can practice dueling together so I can give you some tips," Bee offered brightly. She wanted to encourage members to practice with others outside of their range because realistically the chances of dueling someone with the exact same knowledge or skill set wasn't always likely.
Derek hadn't been sure what clubs he wanted to join, he wanted to join a sports club, but aside from quidditch apparently there weren't any. He wondered around the room until he heard a voice call out about something called a brotherhood. That sounded fun. It sounded traditional, he walked over to the far older boy who was shouting about it. "Hey, I'm Derek, you're the brotherhood if I heard correctly?" the boy said confidently knowing that was what this boy was advertising, "I would be interested in signing up?" he then added making sure that the older boy knew he was interested in joining and not just asking for clarification about what this club was.
Lennon hadn't been at the fair long and he was already hating every second of it, with the Brotherhood yelling across the hall as usual right beside him by one of the most obnoxious Quidditch players of all. He wondered briefly why he had never joined the Brotherhood, but figured if it attracted people like James Cade then it wasn't something he was interested in. To make matters worse, he saw Asaiah heading his direction and Lennon hoped he was wrong about that, but sure enough the Slytherin stopped at his table. The Ravenclaw boy remembered everything he and his friends had done to his twin sister so he didn't feel bad when he ignored the boy's greeting. Instead Lennon said, "The Brotherhood table is that way," and nodded to the table beside him, waiting for Asaiah to leave.
Evelyn was a part of two clubs. Heta Omega and the Hogwarts Monthly. And how better way of supporting the clubs were as to help. Though the blonde did more with the Hogwarts Monthly for a fact. She had been part of the club now for a few years and she loved writing for it. The fashion stuff and top ten's she sometimes did seemed like lots of fun. The blonde walked into the hall with a smile on her face and looked for Lennon to see if he needed help with something. If he would not she could help Heta Omega for sure. Evelyn loved meeting new people and she was curious at first years. She had supported Athena to become a member of Heta Omega too and she would do the same for Emilia. When the blonde arrived at the Hogwarts Monthly she saw Lennon talking to someone. Evelyn didn't spoke to Lennon that much, but he was really famous with being a hater of quidditch. Evelyn didn't really care, she had lots of friend that played, but everyone could have their opinion.'' Hi Lennon! Do you need some help here? I'm really good at getting people to our table.'' the blonde said with a big smile, confident as she always was.
His head dropped at Lennon's words and sighed deeply, knowing that the boy still hadn't forgiven him for what had happened to his sister when the three friends had broken into the Ravenclaw common room. ''Great,'' he muttered, putting the issue he was reading down on the table again. He should have known that the other boy wouldn't want to talk to him but had hoped that he would have been able to put that to the side. Asaiah looked up at the Ravenclaw and said, ''I'm here for the newspaper, please don't make this difficult for either of us.''
Being Vice President of the brotherhood was still not something Matthew was used to, so it wasn't until the last moment that he remembered he should be at the club fair to help James. It wasn't hard to find their table, as James shouted very loudly. "James, you're supposed to get new kids to join, not scare them off." He said as a way of greeting. He smiled at the boy, hoping he wouldn't take it too seriously. Soon a young boy approached, and Matthew gave him a smile. First years were so small, it was really alarming. "Hello Derek, you're at the right address! Here you go." He handed the boy a sign up sheet. "Are you enjoying your time at Hogwarts so far?"
Izzy loved the club fair because it gave her a chance to recruit new members. As it was her last year at the school she wanted to make the best impression and maybe there were more girls who wanted to join Heta Omega. She refrained from rolling her eyes at James, who was yelling and therefore probably scaring off other, much younger students. The Ravenclaw prefect cleared her throat. "If you're a girl and want to be part of an awesome club with amazingly friendly people, and have fun, join the sisterhood!" Izzy wasn't sure if that was the best she could do, but she tried. "Come join Heta Omega! Feminism rules!" she added those last two words purposefully searching for anyone passing by who might be interested.
Jacob entered the area where the club fair was being held and smiled. He wanted to join them all! But, it was the yelling that drew him first, and with a smile he made his way to the Brotherhood table. “Hi James!” Jacob waved, remembering the older guy’s name from when they’d been escorted to Gryffindor that first night and from when he’d dated Lyra. She didn’t always have such nice things to say about him, but Jacob didn’t care about any of that. “I wanna join the Brotherhood too” he added enthusiastically, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. Next, he’d be heading over to the Wild Patch Club. The flag on the table was a familiar and comforting sight, and he was beginning to wonder if his mom had been right about things going ok for him at the school. Besides, it sounded like the kind of club where you could get messy, and Jacob was all about playing outside. He saw that another guy that wasn’t James was already helping someone so he tried to listen to make sure he didn’t miss any instructions. It was hard though because his gaze kept wandering everywhere.
It didn't take long before a new face had approached Eleanor's stand, and the Queen of Flowers smiled widely at her excitement. "Yes, of course you can join!" Ellie exclaimed, reaching over for the sign-up sheet that sat on the table. "Just write your name down here. Would you like a flower crown?" The Hufflepuff gestured over to the basket of them sitting beside her, eager for the girl to take it and wear it. As Eleanor saw Ainsley nearing, she beamed. It was always nice to have existing members help her and she was thankful for her appearance. "Yes, that's an amazing idea! Thanks." Eleanor told her, glad that Ainsley had come up with something new and exciting for the newcomers. Eleanor was just about to grab one of the fruits before she noticed a small girl standing quietly beside the stand. "Hello! Did you want to join?" she asked, hoping that was why the girl was there.
It seemed that Hogwarts always had something new to offer and Gwen was very much thankful for that. When she heard that there was going to be a club fair on, the girl was eager to see what sort of clubs they had. Mother Mia told Gwen all about the different clubs she had at Hogwarts Scotland, but as Gwen entered the Entrance Hall, she thought Hogwarts New Zealand had so much more. Many different stands had surrounded the hall and she observed each and every one of them. There was a Wild Patch Club which Gwen gathered supported gay rights, but it seemed much too hipster for the Gryffindor, despite the fact Gwen was all about celebrating the rights of others. There was also a brotherhood and a sisterhood and Gwen wrinkled her nose at that, not sure why they were separate. She wandered over there and stood between the two stands. "Hey, why are you trying to separate the boys and the girls!?" she said loudly. "Don't you think we're separated enough? What's wrong with having a club that involves everyone?" Gwen folded her arms across her chest, hoping they had a good explanation for this.
Lilyanna never really liked attending public events and Hogwarts really seemed to have quite a lot of them. When the Slytherin heard that there was a club fair however she thought it was her duty to go as she was a part of the Hogwarts Monthly. She knew her sister would be there too and that comforted her slightly as she made her way to the Entrance Hall, hoping there wasn't too many people there. As she walked inside she quickly cupped her ears, distressed at the sound coming from the brotherhood stand. She didn't understand why they had to scream so loudly. And better yet, they were situated right next to the Hogwarts Monthly stand where Lilyanna was headed. She began to make her way over there however, her hands still cupped around her ears and tentatively kept her eyes on them as she did so. She didn't want them to make any sudden moves. "HELLO LENNON." she yelled as she approached him, her voice one of the loudest in the room now. "HOw IS thE STAND GOING?" Lilyanna did not think she was overreacting and hoped Lennon would be able to hear what she was saying.
Athena didn't know her reasons for not joining a club sooner, maybe last year there was a lot to get used to, but this year she as even more prepared and she wanted to be known around the school. It was for this reason that when she heard about the club fair she had decided to go see what there was for her to participate in. She could guess her parents would be proud of her for getting more involved, especially her dad. She entered the Great Hall just in time to hear a first year (Athena assumed she was a first year though she could be entirely mistaken) loudly exclaim why boys and girls were separated, two different clubs. The second year wanted to avoid getting sucked in such conversation so instead she approached another student, who was advertising something called the Wild Patch Club. Athena smiled at the older girl. "Hi. I'd love to join the club. Where do I sign up?"

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