The garden continues to grow!

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

As HNZ continues to develop and grow, we know that you expect the site staff to keep up, and we do too. For that reason, we are always on the lookout for members who have shown a dedication and willingness to help the site grow and respect for the site's rules and members. We always mention that there is no magic number of global moderators for the site, and though we usually promote just one person at a time, this time around we've decided to promote two people! :o

Today, we would like to announce and welcome the newest global moderators to the site:  Lovi and Maia! :party: :party:

Lovi has been a member of the site for a little over five years. An active role player - she has characters that fit many of the different groups on the site- and even more active participant in community activities, we're looking forward to seeing how Lovi continues to grow as she becomes a global moderator. :)

Over the course of her 6 1/2 years on the site, Maia has shown great dedication to the site. She started our current spam with a title that's one of my favorites ^_^ , and more recently offered a suggestion for HNZ reunions that was well received. :) We know she'll be a valuable member to the team.

With their friendly natures and willingness to help whenever asked, we know that Lovi and Maia will adjust to being global moderators in no time. Both of these ladies have shown themselves to be incredibly positive members on the site, and I know they'll be assets to the site staff. Please join me in welcoming them both! ^_^


On behalf of the site staff
Yay :lovi: and :maia: !
Welcome to the team! ^_^
(And thanks to HelenaZF for continuing to make emoticons for us! :wub: )
Congralutions guys :woot:
Congrats! :party: this is very exciting :D
Congrats to you both!
Congratulations both of you! :)
Congrats Lovi and Maia! :D Was super weird to see Rama's name in a different colour but it's also super exciting!
Yay awesome! Have fun girls! :wub:
Congratulations Maia and Lovi! :hug:
Congrats to you two ;)
Omg, congrats!
Woah congrats guys!!! This is so exciting! :hug: :party: xD

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If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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